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    Strategic Management Module


    Work based service is a facility which is provided by company at their own premises or workplace. In Health and Social Care sector, services can either be provided by healthcare professionals directly at patients' homes or at their own care homes or hospitals. Healthcare professionals are required to work with diligence and due care so as to treat the patients in a desirable manner. This assignment is based on “Care Home for Dementia” where there is a problem of understaffing and lack of permanent staff to handle patients with dementia and severe illness. This assignment is divided into two parts comprising of professional practice in Health and Social Care along with reflection on professional training. Also, change management models have been included to analyse the methods being utilised within healthcare sector to implement changes. Besides this, realistic goals and objectives are made to formulate change. In addition to this, critical reflection of professional practice is done to develop an understanding of working in Health and Social Care.

    S1. Part 1

    'Care Home for Dementia' is a healthcare home which provides 24*7 assistance to patients which have dementia and other illness. This organisation currently have 4 or 5 employees out of which a certain quantum is temporary while the number of residents (patients) on the floor are 35. This reflects that the care home has a shortage of staff which can serve the clients well. The temporary carers employed within this entity are hired from agency. As these are hired on contractual basis, they do not possess required skills for handling the patients and also have negligible knowledge about the work. The temporary employees have an irresponsible approach towards work due to lack of adequate information about operational and functional working of care home. Further, such carers have not been provided the access to systems though which they can put relevant and significant data about residents. This puts the burden of responsibilities upon the permanent staff which are less in number against the required quantum of 6 carers. The medical assistance and related work is too much when compared with the total number of carers available within Care Home for Dementia.

    There is an increasing need for this care home to bring changes such that the carers can take care of patients in an effective and efficient manner. This can be said on the basis of inefficiencies that are currently taking place within Care Home for Dementia. Given below are certain examples which will illustrate the need of bringing immediate changes within the Care Home for Dementia:-

    Example 1:

    Three months ago, it was noticed that there was a patient who had Frontotemporal dementia. This is a type of dementia that causes significant changes in behavioural characteristics and personality of an individual. Also, it leads to difficulties related to language. The patient was prescribed a dosage of one medicine per day. The temporary carer who was responsible for giving medicine to the patient got involved in some other work and forgot to give medicine to the resident on time. This had a severe impact upon the health of patient and it was observed that he witnesses severe drowsiness consequently. This reflects the need for making change within Care Home for Dementia.  

    Example 2:

    Dealing with behaviour of patients that have dementia day and night every single day is not at all easy due to the absurd behavioural characteristics that some patients might have. Six weeks ago, it was noted that one of the patients started behaving abruptly with one of the temporary carer. Now, due to the low level of knowledge and skills in such carers, it was observed that the carer behaved arrogantly and impatiently with the patient, worsening his situation even more.

    Example 3:

    It is essential that you seek support for yourself from an understanding family member, a friend, a professional or a support group such as Alzheimer’s Australia. Remember that you are not alone.
    The Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service (DBMAS) is a national telephone advisory service established to support carers and care workers of people with dementia, who experience dementia-related behaviours.

    The Independent Living Centre offers a number of services designed to promote safe living. Information is available on products to assist with personal hygiene, including hot water services and temperature regulators. Advice is also available on home modifications and home design.

    Also Read: Strategic Management to Analyze Essential Business Elements

    S1 Part 2.

    a) Change management plan

    Since I am working in Care Home for Dementia from last two years, in past few months I found that care home started going through a number of issues like only 4 or 5 staff members (including me) were available at a time when it was needed to have at least 6. It is being found that, 35 patients were specifically suffering from dementia, it was required for them to serve with the best at care home. But, the issues like less number of staff members than were required in the premises was not that much appropriate. Thus, I can say that it was pretty much required for Care Home for Dementia to make alterations as per the requirements. For the same, I have developed a change management plan considering Kolb's model which may aid me in pulling out right change at workplace and along with this it will also aid me in pulling out alternatives as well.

    Kolb's model:

    This model was introduced for the first time in marketplace was on 1984 by David Kolb, that basically shows a range of learning styles and rely upon cognitive processes.

    I have used this model to pull out the favourable results on the basis of experiences that I have experienced. This model rely upon a range of different issues and these are given below:  

    Concrete Experience –

    Based on what I analysed is that, all of the 35 patients were not getting good experience as they were not getting medicines right on time and this took place because, of less number of workers. This happened because of temporary workers.

    Reflective Observation of the New Experience –

    I assumed that, a little alterations at workplace would directly aid Care Home for Dementia to deliver right services to patients as per the requirements. On the other hand,

    Abstract Conceptualization -

    While working I analysed that, new modifications like developing a recruitment policy, include a range of strategies like collaborative working to improve client care. 

    Active Experimentation -

    (the learner applies their idea(s) to the world around them to see what happens).

    Change Management Plan

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