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SWOT analysis is a structural planning method used to evaluate an organisation's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is the essential tool used to understand or make decisions in all sorts of situations in an organisation.

Students have a lot of academic writing to do during their studies. They must learn various techniques and models to analyse businesses and their prospects. Professors constantly want to evaluate their grasp on the subject by providing them with various writing tasks. One of the most critical tasks is to conduct a SWOT analysis on a given topic. The task can be challenging when they have to manage time for it with other activities. This makes them seek professional SWOT analysis assignment help from us to achieve good grades.

If you find yourself in this situation, rest assured that the experts at Assignment Desk are here to guide you. Our professionals are adept at utilising analysis in SWOT Analysis assignment writing service and a wide range of subjects, even those seemingly unrelated to business studies. This method, renowned for its comprehensive approach, can provide you with a deeper understanding of the topic at hand.

What Is SWOT Analysis? Answered By Australia’s Native Writers! 

SWOT analysis, also known as the SWOT matrix, is a business analysis tool used in the early stages of the decision-making process. This strategic planning technique is crucial for the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization. Knowing these factors, in return, helps in project planning and beating the market competition. According to the SWOT analysis assignment writers, the methodology reviews the internal and external factors which will prove favorable or unfavorable in achieving the company’s vision & objectives.

After knowing what SWOT analysis is, the time has arrived to dig deeper into the four parameters. Keep scrolling to know more!

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As the name suggests, strengths refer to the special attribute that makes a company stand out from the competitors. Okay, let us understand it this way- suppose a company wishes to launch a new product. In this case, the firm will be required to answer questions like- Why would customers love their product? What marketing strategy do they possess which their competitors do not? How is their product better than its competitors? Thus, it is essential to evaluate the strong points. As per the SWOT analysis class assignment writers, some examples of strengths are:

  • Brand Value
  • Available Resources
  • Manpower
  • Customer Base
  • Strong Balance Sheet


The negative characteristics of a company that restricts its progress are termed as weaknesses. It is equally important to evaluate the negative points as negligence of these features may result in losing the race with the competitors. For knowing the weaknesses, queries like how your competitor is better than you in the market, why are their products loved by the customers, where is your company lacking behind should be asked. Reviewing the FREE SWOT analysis samples available on the website will make you understand that some examples of weaknesses are:

  • High Level of Debts
  • Inadequate Supply Chain
  • Lack of Capital Investment
  • Unskilled Employees
  • Negative Publicity 


Opportunities are part and parcel of the market, but it takes an eagle's eye to spot them. However, this is made easy via a SWOT analysis. The opportunities are some components in the external environment that can prove beneficial for a firm. An organization should continuously spot the opportunities arising in the business world and use it for its own benefit. The professionals providing personal SWOT analysis assignment to the students reveal some aspects that need to be addressed. They are- what are the latest market trends, what is the current advancement in technology, what is the newly launched government policy, etc. Here are a few examples of opportunities: 

  • Lifestyle Changes
  • Change in Social Patterns
  • Demographic Changes
  • Change in Custom Behavior 


Any element in the business environment, which can prove dangerous to the growth of a company is termed as threats. In order to analyze the threats, a firm needs to analyze the obstacles, which can be further known by identifying the status and growth report of the competitor, by checking whether the company is facing cash flow problems or not, by evaluating if the changing technology is hampering the business growth of the company or not. Some common threats that need to be considered while crafting an assignment about SWOT analysis are: 

  • Increasing Market Competition
  • High Market Cost
  • Tight Labor Supply
  • Price Fluctuation

Reading so far, you have gained adequate knowledge about the concept. Now, let us highlight the two types of factors involved in SWOT analysis, along with emphasizing on the usage of this business analytical tool. 

What Are Internal & External Factors? SWOT Analysis Assignment Helpers Answer the Question! 

As said already, SWOT analysis revolves around considering the external and internal factors. Here comes a major question that troubles even the brightest brains, viz., what are external and internal factors in SWOT analysis? Well, here is your answer: 

Internal Factors: These are the factors associated with the internal environment of the business. In simpler terms, the internal policies of an organization impact such factors largely. Moreover, the strengths and weaknesses of a firm are considered internal factors. Students struggling to identify them look for SWOT analysis examples. Also, some other factors are listed below: 

  • 4 P’s
  • Finance
  • Staff
  • Finance Capability
  • Manufacturing Capabilities 

External Factors: The components available in the external environment, which changes the business dynamics, are termed as external factors. Threats and opportunities fall under this category. The experts who write SWOT analysis assignment for students carefully overview the external factors to present a well-researched academic paper in no time. Here are some other factors which they consider: 

  • Technological Advancements
  • Macroeconomics Changes
  • Legislation Reforms
  • Sociocultural Shift 

After knowing about the internal and external factors, comes the time to know the usage of SWOT analysis in business management, project management, and marketing management. 

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What Is the Use of SWOT Analysis? Here’s the Answer! 

SWOT analysis finds great importance in the decision-making process when the objective or the desired end-state is defined. Well, the technique is not just confined to business but can also prove beneficial for non-profit organizations, individuals, and government units. Also, the experts who perform SWOT analysis in the assignment explain that the technique can also be used in crisis management and pre-crisis planning.

Furthermore, below are the genres in which SWOT analysis finds its importance. 

Strategy Building: An organizational or personal strategy can be best implemented by using SWOT analysis. Performing a strategy-oriented analysis requires the following steps:

  • Identifying the internal & external factors
  • Selection & evaluation of factors
  • Developing a relationship between external & internal features

For instance, generating a good condition between opportunities & strengths can assist in implementing an aggressive strategy. And, the relationship between threats and weaknesses can be used for implementing a defensive strategy.

Are you wondering- who can do a SWOT analysis in a strategic management assignment? If the answer is ‘Yes,’ then contact us! 

Match & Converting: Matching refers to finding out a competitive advantage. Here, the strengths are matched to the opportunities. Moreover, conversion refers to converting the weaknesses and threats into opportunities or strengths. Also, if a company fails to convert threats and weaknesses, then it should either try to avoid or minimize them. 

Corporate Planning: Usage of SWOT analysis, along with the PEST/PESTLE analysis, can help an organization in achieving objectives. Following are the applications of SWOT analysis in corporate planning:

  • Setting objectives
  • Environmental scanning
  • Analysis of the existing strategies
  • Defining strategic issues
  • Development of new/revised strategies
  • Establishment of critical success factors
  • Monitoring of results 

So, these were some of the usages of SWOT analysis. A quick overview of the applications will surely help you to write a superior-quality SWOT analysis marketing assignment.

You are now well-equipped with all the vital information related to SWOT analysis. For a better understanding, let us take an example of the Samsung SWOT analysis assignment.

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SWOT Analysis of Samsung: 


  • A vast range of products
  • Powerful manufacturing & marketing efficiency
  • Impressive design &innovative technology
  • Loyal customers 


  • Unavailability of OS of its own
  • No exclusive product
  • Depends highly on the American market
  • No significant presence in the PC market
  • Previously damaged brand image 


  • Wearable technology
  • Growth of the e-commerce market
  • Business expansion in other countries
  • Use of Artificial Intelligence(AI)
  • Improving Supply Chain Management 


  • Tough competition from Apple, OnePlus
  • Negative controversies
  • Imitation in the Chinese market
  • Intense price competition
  • The increased cost of raw materials 

This was the SWOT analysis of Samsung. The entire concept of SWOT analysis must be clear to you now. Also, the above-mentioned information, when used in your Samsung SWOT analysis assignment, will help you earn good grades.

Now, let us highlight the procedure followed by the Australian writers while writing your academic paper. 

How to Start SWOT Analysis Assignment? Here’s the Answer! 

Beginning an assignment on SWOT analysis is a half-battle won. However, starting an academic paper isn't as easy as it looks. But you need not worry! The SWOT analysis assignment writing helpers of Global Assignment Help Australia have discovered a step-by-step process, which will help you in the long run.

  1. Analyze Professor’s Expectations: Your ultimate goal is to win the professor’s heart, right? Therefore, it is a good approach to analyze what he wishes to see-does he wants you to focus on the concepts of SWOT analysis or on the applications of the technique? The best way to determine the professor’s expectation is by reviewing the assignment question carefully.
  2. List Down the Specifications: It is always a good idea to design the academic paper corresponding to the university guidelines. For instance, if you are preparing an assignment on SWOT analysis of Walton, then review the university norms to know the formatting style, word count, and prescribed citation style, to name a few. By doing so, you will not face last-minute hassle while writing.
  3. Pick the Right Keywords: The internet contains an abundance of information, and thus, you will have a tough time finding relevant information. Hence, ensure that you pick appropriate keywords from the assignment question to move forward in the right direction. Furthermore, some of the sources you may refer to are- academic journals, renowned books, magazines, etc.
  4. Prepare an Outline: No war has been won without proper planning, and the same is the case with your academic battle. Thus, it is essential that you prepare a concrete plan and follow it. Implement time management strategies and assign different time slots for different work. Also, you will be glad to know that the writers who design assignment on SWOT analysis for students prepare a productive plan before beginning the writing task. 

This brings us to the conclusion that starting an assignment on SWOT analysis will be a piece of cake for you, provided you follow the above-mentioned tips. However, if you are still struggling to prepare your SWOT analysis class assignment, then the subsequent section contains a piece of good news for you.

Who Can Write My SWOT Analysis Assignment in Australia? Know-Here! 

Global Assignment Help Australia, the No.1 SWOT analysis assignment help website in Australia, is the first name which strikes student's mind struggling with academic papers. The credit for the popularity goes to the successful track record. If you go through the facts, you will realize that 98.77% of the students who took help with the personal SWOT analysis assignment help managed to score A+ grades. Over the passage of years, the experts have drafted 2500+ assignments and 1000+ SWOT analysis assignment PPT. Furthermore, the website believes in maintaining 100% transparency in its work, and therefore, we provide FREE samples to the students. Also, the list of guarantees which we offer to the students will again force you to request the writers, “Please, do my SWOT analysis assignment.”

100% Plagiarism-Free Assignment

Global Assignment Help Australia stands unique from the rest of the websites, and so is the document drafted by us. 'Originality' is one attribute that the writers strive to deliver. No matter what the topic of your assignment is and how complex it is, the experts will write it from scratch. To ensure a 100% plagiarism-free guarantee to the students, we provide FREE Plagiarism report also.

24*7 Customer Support

The SWOT analysis assignment helpservice comes with another striking feature, viz., round-the-clock assistance. Yes, you read that right! The team of hardworking and dedicated customer executives is available 24*7 to resolve your queries instantly. Every doubt concerned with the ordering process, writer’s qualification, and tracking procedure will be cleared by the experts.

Refund Policy

The SWOT analysis for assignmentperformed by the writers will be worth every penny spent by you. However, if you feel dissatisfied with the work, then you can request a complete refund. Surprised? Well, that’s what our refund policy says. According to it, we promise to return the complete amount if the assignment fails to stand to the student’s expectations. Reach us & avail money-back guarantee NOW!

Timely Delivery

Is the deadline fast approaching, and you are still wondering how to start the SWOT analysis assignment? If the answer is ‘YES,’ then Global Assignment Help Australia is the right destination for you. The business analyst-cum-writers know the importance of submitting the document prior to the deadline, and thus, they leave no stone unturned in winning the race against time. So, what are you waiting for? Order your SWOT analysis marketing plan assignment NOW!

Cheap SWOT Analysis Writing Help

The amount of pocket money received by the Australian students isn't enough to make both ends meet, and the situation worsens when the urgent need for seeking online assistance arrives. Hence, Global Assignment Help Australia has come up with budget-friendly prices. Moreover, the amazing offers and discounts again decrease the burden from the student's pocket. Are you looking for the cheapest SWOT analysis writing service in Australia? Well, you are surfing the right page!

A-Z Topics Covered 

Irrespective of how hard your SWOT analysis assignment topic is, you will never hear a ‘NO’ from the writers. The highly qualified are proficient in covering all topics. Some research ideas like Assignment on SWOT Analysis of Nokia & Samsung SWOT Analysis Assignment recently covered by them. Few more covered like:

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Global Assignment Help Australia aims to develop a long-lasting relationship with the students. The trust and faith showered by the students on us are reciprocated by giving amazing freebies. Some of them are:

  • FREE Title Page
  • FREE Unlimited Revisions
  • FREE Referencing
  • FREE Plagiarism Report 

By now, you must have known the answer to the question, “Which is the best website for seeking online SWOT analysis assignment help?” So, without much ado, take a step in the right direction and get ready to score A+. Hurry up! Global Assignment Help Australia is offering many ‘mouth-watering’ deals; grab them before they expire.

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