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    Management Style And Leadership Characteristics In Thomas Cook

    University: ICON College of Technology and Management

    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 12 / Words 2996
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code:
    • Downloads: 810


    The developing manager resolution is the procedure of crafting enhancement of the operation and roles of the company to accomplish personal and professional goals. This procedure includes leadership style, training and development of workers, socio-culture growth that have effects impact on attention, behavioural as well as atmosphere ability(Hunt, and Weintraub, 2016). This study is based on Thomas Cook. It is a British global travel organization. The company has various top destinations involving Spain, Turkey as well as Greece. This assignment will compare different management styles and leadership characteristics of senior managers. It will explain the communication process, organizational culture and process of changes. Furthermore, the report will evaluate the management skills and performance formed by the tutor. It will analyse strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as set and priorities objectives to potential. It will lead and motivate the team to achieve goals, justify and make recommendations for improvement of managerial decisions. It will explain managerial and personal skills support career development and product development plan.

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    TASK 1

    Compare various management styles

    Manger has many responsibilities such as managing employees, improving culture and environment of organization. In order to that, a manager of travel and tourism business has also many duties such as giving effective product and services to travellers. Thomas Cook is the largest British travel and tour in the UK. Manager of company adopt many styles like autocratic, democratic, laisseez-faire etc. Another travel and tourism company that is TUI. It is also the leading brand of tour organization(Oplatka, 2016)Manager is company is adopting many style for giving the best travel products and services to customers.

    Thomas Cook

    It is the leading travel brand in travel and tourism industry in the UK that serving full high quality services and products to customers. Role of manager is essential to keep impressiveness in design as well as growth of facilities. Top management of organization is utilizing active management style for running and keeping operations and involving workers. By utilizing this style, company is managing workers and gathering feedback for future enhancement and planning of activities to meet benchmarking values for single person.


    It is also leading brand of travel and tourism sector in the UK. Company provides the full of services to consumers. Top manager of TUI follow consultative management style that refers to manager is estimating activities and offering training and motivation to workers. The administration is gathering data and views of workers and creating plan for designing and serving the facilities(Akrofi, 2016). This assists company to grow two mode communication and hierarchical structure of assigning duties to managers as well as workers by assessing abilities and capacities.

    Leadership characteristics of senior manager

    The leader of Thomas Cook adopts different leadership style for leading staff and giving the best services to customers. Such as autocratic and participative leadership style follows by leaders of company. Autocratic leadership style refers to that taking decisions and getting all inputs from team members. These leaders are taking suggestion from their subordinates. Autocratic leader preserves all power, authority, control and reserves correct to make all decisions. With the help of it, leaders are controlling to their staff members and changing atmospheres of the workplace(Dicke and, 2015).

    Sometime, leader of Thomas Cook follows participative style for leading the staff members in the workplace. This type of leadership refers to involving of various participants that includes powerful elements of motivation to individual. This style includes Maslow motivation theory adopts by leaders in the workplace. Leaders are focused on basic or deficiency, wants and development motivation. They plays role in completing task and assists to workers for easily accepting changes. All types of leadership aids in improving work culture and atmosphere and easily completing projects.

    Therefore, leader of Thomas Cook make sure that follow appropriate style of leadership for changes in the environment of workplace. This helps in improving performance and behaviour of employees in the organization. All types of leadership styles are helping in growth and development in the company in travel and tourism industry. Communication process

    Communication is very important in every organization for interacting from different customers. In order to that, it is extremely essential in travel and tourism businesses, because of there are many tourists are coming in different cities and nations(Divleli and Ergun, 2015). It is basic procedure of communication for exchanging information and interacting between staff in the workplace. The process of interaction that are involved email, meeting, etc, Manager of Thomas Cook adopts procedure of communication for sharing ideas and thoughts for giving the best customer services.

    Email: It is the most utilize method for communication and serving data to workers at various level of company. Management of Thomas Cook is utilizing process for exchanging the understanding and plans to workers. It is upward communication procedure that is having positive effect on this concept of travel and tourism companies(Hunt and Weintraub, 2016). With the help of this process administration is providing detail data to particular workers or all staff for development and arranging the resources and transactions in relation to culture and object of Thomas Cook that helps in achieving the growth and success of business.

    Meetings: Manger of Thomas Cook follows another method of communication for growing and keeping contact with workers in the workplace. It is formal procedure of interaction that is impressive in relation to get real time reaction of workers for specific task and administration practices. With the help of it, they are exchanging information between staff members in the workplace.

    Therefore, manager of Thomas Cook make sure that adopting appropriate communication process for interacting with workers and customers in the workplace.

    Organizational culture and process of changes

    Organizational culture is referred as primary values, assumptions as well as principles and mode of communicating that share to the societal and psychological atmosphere of a company. It involves beliefs, experiences and ethics that guide behaviour of staff. It is articulated in members self representation, communicate with outside organization as well as upcoming potentials. The changes in culture of company are very problematic situation that is faced by leaders and managers of Thomas Cook. It is necessary to changes in policies and processes and culture for providing customers services in the world wide. By taking proper decisions and making appropriate policies, manager is changing culture of organization.

    They are involving staff members and sharing information for modifying traditions of Thomas Cook for increasing number of customers(Oplatka, 2016). Company has created friendly and supportive culture at different level of division that assisting them to grow sustain from workers and scent project professional manner. Changes in culture are helping for building relationship among staff members of organization. They are taking risk and making decisions for alternating traditions of Thomas Cook. It is helped in improving image in travel and tourism sector. With the help of it, increasing self image, reputation of Thomas Cook in hospitality industry. There are some economic activities that are involving planning operational transactions also significant effect on culture actions. There are many types of organizational culture such as task, person, people and role. Through it, manager is creating and improving work culture and developing relations with staff members in the Thomas Cook.


    Management skills and performance formed by tutor

    As manager of Thomas Cook, it is important that have management skill and performance formed by tutors in the workplace. There are many administration abilities such as motivation, decisions making skill, communication skill etc.

    Communication skill: It is necessary to interact and communicate with employees as well as other people in daily life and workplace(Akrofi, 2016). For being as manager of Travel Company, it is very important to interact with different types of tourists both local and international across world. Through it, I am building up relationship with team members as well as other people.

    Decision making skill: As manager of Thomas Cook, it is essential to solve problems of employees as well as customers. With the help of it, I am resolving difficult and giving ideas to my team members for explaining their problems in the workplace. Through it, I am easily and quick making decisions in the organization.

    Motivation skill: I am also improving and developing motivation skills for giving motivation to employees in the Thomas Cook. So that, staff member are working impressively in team and involving in different activities in the workplace.

    Strength, weakness, opportunities and theatres

    SWOT analysis is the stage in developing skill development plan for an employee. This study for me as management trainee of Thomas Cook is as follows:


    Good motivation skill.

    Great team work ability.

    Good problem solving skill.


    Poor communication skill.

    Lack of decision making ability.

    Lack of leadership skills.


    Facing challenges in workplace.

    Working new work culture.

    Huge possibilities of learning many skills in the workplace.


    High competition from other manager of travel companies.

    Facing different elements such as growth and development of organization.

    Set and prioritise objectives

    With the help of SWOT analysis, I will identify my all weaknesses that impact on career in future. So that, I will improve all my failings for achieving future goals and objectives. With the help of my strengths, I will create potential possibilities and deal with threats. I on order to that, I will also trying to learning team effort and team structuring skills.

    I will improve my communication skill for interacting with staff members, top management and customers of organization. I will recover my decision making skill for implementing policies and procedure, strategies for employee motivation and impressive working in the Thomas Cook(Akrofi, 2016).

    I will improve leadership skills to lead and motivate to my staff members and effective working as well as building relationship with them. So that, they will assists in achieving goals of company. Therefore, I will develop my all skills and abilities for set and priorities objectives and achieving my targets in the life as well as company. with the help of it, I will improve culture and performance of Thomas Cook in travel sector as well as hospitality industry.


    Lead and motivate the team to accomplish goals

    Leaders of Thomas Cook lead and motivate to their team members for achieving goals and objectives in the workplace. Effective team work helps in managing and improving operational activities and solving problems in the organization. This also assists in customer satisfaction and achieving goals of company. Leaders are following different techniques for leading and motivating team to accomplish goals. Such as:

    Team Building: It is very important for effective team work in the organization. With the help of team building, solving easily difficulties and improving values of employees in Thomas Cook. For building team, leaders are measured skills and abilities of single to assign essential responsibility for facilities growth and service(Divleli and Ergun, 2015). .

    Motivation: With the help of team work, employees have motivated and improving performance in the workplace.This assists in achieving objectives and goals of individual as well as Thomas Cook. By utilizing different motivations theories, they are developed team work in organization. Through it, employees are improving performance and behaviour in the company. In order to, it supports to evolve competitive and healthy working atmosphere and easily making decision in the workplace. 

    Therefore, leaders are leading and motivating to all team members for achieving goals and objectives of Thomas Cook. This also assists in developing relationship between staff and team members in the workplace.

    Justify and make recommendations for improvement of managerial decisions

    Managers of Thomas Cook is leading and motivating to employees for taking advices and giving solution for problems in the workplace. They are following various techniques for making decisions in organization. Such as:

    Strategic planning: It is essential to grow and execute plan for functioning actions. With the help of strategic planning, manager should make appropriate decisions making in the organization. Through it, they should improve performance of workers and developing skills and knowledge in the workplace(Dicke and, 2015).

    Relationship building: Manager should making decisions and solving problem of team members for building relationship in the Thomas Cook. Therefore, they should make sure that proper utilizing techniques and methods for solving difficulties for effective team work. They should take advice and suggestion from top management of organization.


    • Manager should follow technique for making appropriate decisions and implementing strategies in the workplace.
    • They should focus on customer needs and serve training to worker effectively.
    • They should make sure that improve culture and environment of Thomas Cook.
    • Leader should performance of organization in the travel and tourism industry.
    • They should supervise wants and gather feedback from tourists and giving the best services to them.
    • Company should take suggestion for consumer and increase standards of goods and services.


    Managerial and personal skills support career development

    I am improving my managerial and personal skills that are supported in my growing career in travel and tourism organization such as Thomas Cook UK. Company is having various possibilities to grow higher position through sharing in the company culture following trends and procedure planned by administration(Dick, and, 2015).There are many skills that have and entails for management actions like:

    Time management skills: For working with Thomas Cook, I am developing time management skill. This skill helps me for solving issues as well as completing work on time and managing team member performance in the workplace. With the help of it, I am improving my personal and professional skill and development.

     Problem solving skills: It is important skill to develop personal and managerial development for working with Thomas Cook. With the help of it, I am solving all issues relating to conflicts, communication between workers etc.

    Communication Skills: It is important to effective communicate customer for working with travel and tourism companies such as Thomas Cook. Because of, there are many people that are coming from various countries. This skill helps in personal and managerial development(Dicke and, 2015). With the help of it, I am effective interacting with international tourists. I am improving verbal communication for effective working in the organization.

    Leadershipskills: It is also very important skill to develop personal and professional development as well as career growing in travel and tourism organizations. By developing this skill for leading employees and giving appropriate training to them. With the help of it, I am solving problems for completing task by team members.

    Produce development plan

    For focusing on objective, I have more centralized on developing my skills. So that I am effective performing in organization for higher position.


    Current proficiency

    Target proficiency

    Time frame

    Communication skill

    I am unable to effective communication with my team members and customers in Thomas Cook.

    With the help of, I will develop communication skills to employees as well as consumers.

    Within 1 week.

    Problem solving skills

    My skill is poor relating to leading and motivate to team members and solving their problems.

    By taking advice from my superior and following techniques for improving this skill for solving difficulties in teamwork.

    Within 2 weeks.

    Time management skill

    I am unable to manage my time to complete my task.

    With the help of continuous learning, I am improving my time management skills.

    Within 2 weeks.

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    This report has summarised that comparing between TUI and Thomas Cook management style that is active and consultative. It can be concluded that communication process that involves email, meeting etc. and process of changes organizational culture. It can be discussed that my management skill such as decision making, motivation, leadership ability as well as SWOT analysis of my skills for set and priorities and achieving targets to develop possibilities. Furthermore, the report has completed that leading and motivating team to accomplish goals and make recommendations for improvement. It can be assessed managerial and personal skills for supporting career development and set the agenda for the future. It can be discussed that personal development plan for improving current performance and future needs with career goals and objectives.

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