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    ASS072-1 Introduction to Health and Social Care

    Brief :

    Learning Outcomes:

    • Analyse the following knowledge and understanding of explanations for the distribution of health and differential access to health care in the UK and account for the health and care outcomes of differing social groups.
    • Determine the following skills and abilities: One-to-one working skills required to work with individual clients within a role play scenario and reflect on and assess your role play performance and one-to-one working skills, identifying ways to improve future practice.


    You are required to take part in a role-play scenario in order to understand your one-to-one working skills, for assessment two. Write a reflective essay on the skills required when working one-to-one within the human services. The role-play exercise will cover the practice of one-to-one working with a client requiring health or social care services. You will also not be able to select what clients/service users you come into contact within your future work. You must select a role activity for the given work. It must be a simple example of an issue that a service user might come to talk to a practitioner about. Avoid more complex role play scenarios e.g. those related to some form of abuse.

    Your role-play will take a maximum of 8 to 10 minutes in reality.  You have to complete 2 mini role-plays where in one, you will play the role of the professional/practitioner/service provider and your partner the role of the patient/client/service user and in second, you will play the role of the patient/client/service user and your partner will play the role of the professional/practitioner/service provider. It will help both of you to gain experience of being a service provider but also experience what it is like to be a service user. You have to audio record your role play and submit this as evidence. It is an individual activity, therefore both of you should write your reflections on your own through reflective essay. Your written reflection must consist of:

    • An introduction - Write about the role you played and scenario where you were the professional.
    • A very brief explanation of the scenario with definition of the nature and responsibilities of your professional role.
    • An evaluation of and reflection on the one-to-one working skills that took place in your role-play. You have to focus on both role players as it will be an interplay of how practitioner and client engaged and responded to each other. You need to focus on academic sources/references linking skills to theory (particularly to reflective cycles of learning, such as Gibbs’ or Kolb’s).
    • Information and evaluation of what the ethics and values were that came into play in your scenario. State the difference between personal values and professional ethics and how you, the professional worker, dealt with this. You should also support your discussion here with academic sources/references.
    • Mention the strengths and the weaknesses of the interplay/meeting/interview. Say what did not go well and what would you do differently if you did it again.
    • Conclusion – It should be a summary where you are able to meet the aims and objectives in your introduction.
    • References –  list of sources you cited in the text

    You will be expected to draw on parts of at least six sources, only one can be an Internet source and the remaining five should be academic/peer-reviewed sources (that is academic books or academic journals).

    You must use the Harvard referencing system to identify the source of all the information used in your .

    What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

    You will need to answer the following in order to pass Assessment 2:

    • Discuss the one-to-one working skills of effective communication (active listening, feedback and empathy, good techniques of questioning, etc.) required to work with individual clients within a role play scenario.
    • Analyse and assess your role play performance and one-to-one working skills and identify ways to improve future practice.
    • Determine the values, skills and ethics underpinning work with vulnerable groups and the importance of boundaries within practice and conflict that can arise between personal values and professional ethics.

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