How to Get Better at Maths: Your Guide For Excellence

In this blog, you are going to learn the significance of maths and ways to get better in it.

How to Get Better at Maths: Your Guide For Excellence| Global Assignment Help Australia
03 Jan 2025 403 14 minutes

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MATHEMATICS, when you hear the name of this subject, what comes into your mind? Is it the trigonometry formula coming at you with a sword to kill you? Or the algebraic equations aiming to shoot you? We can understand your situation, maths is a subject that is the biggest nightmare for any student who finds it challenging. However, there can be many reasons behind it. Maybe you missed some classes which led to vagueness in your basics or the teacher's explanation could not make space in your brain. Or maybe, you were more focused on making the Picasso-like art in the back of your notebook.

Remember, this battle with math is not going to last forever. However, we understand it is a challenging subject and requires you to be clear with concepts to score top grades. But it can be learned by having the right mindset and a few strategies. Thus, in this blog, we are going to discuss how to get better at maths with proven strategies by our top math experts. So, let's start this journey of transforming you into a math wizard by the end of this blog.

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Why Is Mathematics Important?

Imagine a world without math, does it seem beautiful to you? However, the reality is that math is everywhere in this world. It is used for knowing the distance, time, measurements, and more. So, the ground reality is that we cannot survive without maths. Therefore, does not matter if we like it or not but we have to understand it is crucial, so let us know what are the reason behind its significance in this section.

Good For Your Brain:

A study conducted by Stanford University states that students who are good at maths have better focus span strong decision-making, and great cognitive skills. It means improving your math can assist you in better decision-making. 

Math in Daily Life:

After college or at some point in your life you will have to use math in daily life. For instance, manage your expenses, create budgets, tell time, and more. These tasks discussed above are necessary and are used in daily life. Thus, knowing maths can ease those processes.

Enhances Problem Solving:

While solving maths problems, we have to face and solve complex problems that require reasoning skills and critical thinking. The approach used to solve a math problem applies to solving daily life problems.

Math is Useful in Every Field:

Math is used in every field, it does not matter if you are a mathematician, but every profession requires math. These arithmetic skills are used in factories, accounting, construction, and more.

Why Do students fear math?

The fear of math is common among most students because of the formulas and equations you study. For most of them, it is a big nightmare. According to a survey, nearly 50 per cent of students have math anxiety, which is obvious because it is considered a villain of academics. So, we will discuss the potential reason behind your math phobia.

Focus Issues

Math is a subject that has long problem solutions, and every step during the solution requires 100 per cent attention. Thus, when complex math problems are solved in class, they often lose focus or get distracted. Therefore, this leads to unclear concepts and later struggle when they try to do it on their own.

Vagueness in Previous Concepts

Math is a subject that is learned step by step. Thus, if you miss any previous concept that is connected to the new idea being taught in class, they cannot understand anything. Moreover, some of them are too shy to ask doubt or lack of help around them. Understand, math is like constructing a building, each block is crucial for learning it.

Lack of Clarity

In maths every step has a reason behind it, often students only learn to attempt a question but never try to understand the reason behind it. For instance, a scholar may know 4x4, but do they know why 4x4 is 16? This is why understanding is more crucial than learning new concepts.

Less Practice

Understand, to get better at maths, practice is the secret potion to make you a wizard in this subject. Moreover, even if they try to practice they give up easily. Remember, knowing a concept and understanding are two very distinct things.

Pro tip: After your class, always try to perform the problems that they solved in class, it will help you know if you know the concept or understood it. Plus, be patient and do not give up while practicing.

How to Improve Math Skills? 10 Tips

So far, we have covered the reasons behind why math is significant for everyone. Moreover, we have discussed the potential reasons why students are afraid of maths. However, this is not a lifetime punishment, you can get better at maths by seek online assignment help or these easy tips mentioned below in this section.

Practise Mental Maths 

Practising mental maths can aid you in performing calculations without relying on a calculator. Thus, to improve your mental maths, here are a few points to consider:

  • Begin with mastering fundamental arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Identify number patterns and properties to calculate smoothly.
  • To ease the division process, learn the divisibility rules.

Using these points will help you in your day-to-day calculations.

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Improve Your Number Sense

Number sense means how comfortable you are with maths and numbers. Having a great number sense is a sign of being good at maths. However, even if you are not good with numbers, here are a few tips you can use to improve:

  • Familiarize Yourself with Numbers: Make guesses on anything that can be measured. For instance, guess the distance of your home from your university.
  • Understand Place Value:It means knowing the value of each digit in a number.
  • Learn Your Times Table:Knowing the times table can ease the process of calculation.

Applying these tips can help you improve your number sense.

Break Down Complex Problems

Breaking down complex problems into smaller chunks can be a game-changer to solving challenging math equations. Here is an example:

Suppose you have to find the volume of a complicated three-dimensional shape.

It might look very complex to tackle it.

What you can do is find the area of each face.

After finding the area, multiply those areas with each other.

So, using this approach, your process of solving math problems can help you.

Visualise Word Problems

Word problems are the combination of letters and numbers which can confuse any student. However, to approach a word problem, you can sketch the question. For instance, If Max has 4 bananas and 5 oranges, and then eats three of each, how many does he left?

Now draw it out and visualize yourself as Max, and you eat 3 of your 4 bananas and 5 oranges.

Using this approach you can solve each word problem easily.

Practice Makes Perfect

Understand, that math is a subject that can be polished only by practice. The more you practice, the more you become better. Moreover, you can use the Feynman technique to improve your understanding of the concepts. Math is just like a sport, you have to practice consistently to become better at maths.

Learn From Mistakes

Remember, you are not Srinivasa Ramanujan or Shakuntala Devi, and even these mathematicians became experts when they made mistakes. So, learning from mistakes is crucial to excelling in maths. Here are a few tips that you can use:

  • Have a learning mindset.
  • Learn fearlessly, and do not be afraid to make mistakes.
  • Seek out new challenges.

Applying those tips can help you get better at maths.

Establish A Routine

Students often suffer with doubts such as "how to create a study schedule? and how it can help?" Thus, Creating a fixed study schedule is vital because it can help you in revising the formulas and theorems regularly. You can also join a study group. Moreover, here is a 7 step periodic revision that works for most of the student:

  1. 1 day after learning the new information
  2. 3 days after the first review
  3. 7 days after the second review
  4. 21 days after the third review
  5. 30 days after the fourth review
  6. 45 days after the fifth review
  7. 60 days after the sixth review

Focus on Comprehension

Math is a subject that requires understanding and clarity in the concepts. So, focus more on comprehension of the concepts and try to understand the meaning behind what you are studying. It will help you memorize the formula or an idea more efficiently.  

Learn from Mistakes

Mistakes are the best teacher, making mistakes while solving a problem is normal. However, do not take something as a reason to be demotivated, every error will teach you and improve your problem-solving skills. Thus, never hesitate to make mistakes.

Construct a Mock Exam 

To excel in math, you need to solve practice problems. It will help you assess your understanding of complex concepts. In addition, try to solve questions from past papers, so you can have an idea of what kind of questions you will have to deal with in exams.

So, these are the few tips, you need to excel in mathematics. Understand, you do not have to be a math expert, you just need to comprehend it and pass your math exams. So, be patient and practice, you will surely get better. However, if you need, you can seek math assignment help, they have experts who can guide you with your maths paper.

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So, this was your guide on how to become better at maths. Applying the tips mentioned above and practice, you can improve in maths, it is not a very big deal. However, if you still have any doubts related to your maths paper, you can seek our guidance. We at Global Assignment Help Australia can help you with any academic task. Our team of professionals have experience of more than 5+ years and available for you 24/7. So, what are you waiting for?Contact us now!

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