How to Keep Monday Blues at Bay?

How to Keep Monday Blues at Bay?

Monday blues
26 May 2017 5984 4 minutes

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This one word has the ability to make us cry. Does the week start fill you with oodles of sadness, dread and low-spirit? Don’t you think if Monday had a face, you would punch it hard? Well, we understand the level of frustration that Monday morning leaves us with, but there are some sure-shot ways that can be followed to snap out of this super lousy feeling.

Owing to the reason that it isn’t easy to cope with the Monday blues, we have come up with this post comprising of a few magical tips that will surely prove to be useful to you. Read through the blog attentively!

Get enough sleep on weekends

Everyone waits desperately for weekends to do the pending household chores, meet close friends or extended family, and make time for creative hobbies and passion. But it’s equally important to relax a tad so that you can recharge your energy and spirit to be energetic on Monday. Most of us feel groggy at work after weekends as we often forget to take proper rest to recover from our exasperated body and mind. Learn to strike a healthy balance between socialising and relaxing as your sleep schedule will determine how refreshed you feel the next morning.

Start your day on a positive note

If you don’t want to sit at your workplace on Monday with a drab face, then make sure you start your day by reading something positive. It could be anything, an inspiring quote or a motivational short story that can keep you going for the entire day. Many of us begin our day with the morning newspaper, if you too have a habit of doing this then try to escape bad news as it might leave you depressed all day.

Don’t forget to don your favourite formal attire

It might sound silly to you at first, but after trying this hack for yourself, you will know how useful it is to combat the vagaries of mood. Wearing a dress that fits and suits you the best can instantly uplift your mood when you’re feeling low. Therefore, ransack your wardrobe for that one attire in which you look great. It will eventually make you feel confident and happy from inside.

Talk about your well spent weekend with colleagues

It’s important to talk about good times with your friends and colleagues as it goes without saying that ‘Happiness when shared, is doubled.’ Take out at least 10 minutes to share stories about weekends and do some fun before starting the work.

Get some work done in advance for Monday

To survive Monday or keep yourself from getting trapped in too much stress, it’s better to plan for it beforehand. Do some extra work on Friday so that you don’t get anxious to complete the tasks on Monday morning.

We hope that the above-stated tips will help you feel not-so-bad at workplace after the happy weekends!

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