Persuasive Techniques: Mastering the Art of Influencing

Persuasive Techniques: Mastering the Art of Influencing

Persuasive Techniques
18 Apr 2023 2651 24 minutes

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Persuasive writing is a very important tool for a writer. A piece of literature or a document is said to be persuasive if it can influence the readers or convince them to react to the desired call to action. In simple words, any piece of writing that can compel the reader to think about something is known as persuasive. It is used in many different fields of life such as Op-ed, advertisements, campaigns, speeches, etc. For academic writers. argumentative essays and persuasive essays are the best examples of persuasive writing. But do you know how use persuasive techniques? Let’s face the fact that not everyone is equipped with the skills that it requires to influence people with words and it becomes even difficult when you have to do the same in your writing. If you know how to write convincing content there is nothing more that you could ask for in today’s world and if you lack the quality then don’t worry as in this blog you are going to find out everything about persuasive writing techniques that you could require to master the art of influencing masses with your writing. Excited? Well, let’s get started then. 

What are the Benefits of Being Persuasive?

It is a known fact that for everything that you want to achieve in this world, you need the ability to convince people. Using persuasive language techniques can help you in every walk of life be it your professional life or personal life. Having the ability to convince people is a blessing and it will always remain the same as no power is bigger than the power of influencing. Some of the most common benefits that a person can have by being persuasive are -

  1. You Can Use it to influence People
  2. You Can Put Forward your Point More Vividly
  3. You can Convey Important messages more Efficiently
  4. You will never have to work on someone else’s term ever
  5. You can develop great leadership skills as being able to pursue people into following orders is one of the key responsibilities of being a leader is all that is required

These are just 5 of the many benefits of using persuasive techniques. Influencing someone’s way of thinking with the help of words and expressions is not a virtue acquired by many and if you are one of those who want to get a hold of persuasive writing then this blog is just for you. Keep reading as this blog will help you in developing persuasive writing. 

Elements of Persuasive Writing 

Just like any other writing, persuasive writing techniques are also made up of different elements. These elements are the basis of converting a simple sentence or writing into a persuasive one. Let’s take a look at a persuasive techniques list one by one and analyze how their usage can help you achieve the final aim.

  • Adjectives - These are the words that help in describing any particular thing or a scenario. It is an important element in persuasive writing as to help your reader understand the situation completely, you need to describe it properly. These words help the reader to realize the criticality of any situation or the quality of anything.  
  • Alliterations - Alliterations are words that begin with the same alphabet. This might seem a little bizarre but writing alliterations in important parts of your text attracts your reader and leaves an impact on them. It is like a song or poetry whose rhythm sticks in your mind once you have heard or read it. It helps you to leave an impression on your reader. 
  • Appeals - These are formal sentences and words that are used by the author to touch the emotional points of the reader as well as calling them out to help or contribute to a particular cause. This is used while writing for a particular event that has occurred. This is one of the most commonly used element in persuasive writing techniques.

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  • Anecdotes - Anecdotes are the small instances from the past that can help you in supporting your argument at the hour. Using some old stories or incidents that occurred on the same storyline that you are writing about can help you as well as your reader with insights into the subject which makes your document more and more convincing as experience is always preferred over hypothesis. Novel writers and stand up comedians often use this persuasive writing technique to make their work believable. 
  • Cliches - Using the words and sentences that have been used multiple times helps your reader to understand your point quickly as they are already familiar with them. Although it is said that using cliches might reduce the quality of your content, it is a part of persuasion as you can not influence a person who has no connection to your writing whatsoever. To help a reader feel at home, cliches are the best things that you can introduce in your writing. For example - All is well that ends well.
  • Emotive Words -The sole aim of using these words is to make your reader feel connected to your writing. For any sort of persuasion, you need to capture the attention of your reader and that can only happen if you can involve them in your content both mentally and emotionally. These words are the basic need of any persuasive language technique to be effective. Using words such as cruel, agonizing, rudely to describe a situation of distress helps your reader to connect with it and understand what the writer is actually feeling. 
  • Evidence - if you can provide a shred of supporting evidence for everything that you write, there is nothing that can stop you from capturing the attention of your readers. Providing proofs and facts always helps you to make your writing more and more convincing as the reader has no second reason to dispute you. Also, pieces of evidence help the reader to understand the truth behind your writing which in turn is the only requirement ever to make someone believe in your words. 
  • Exaggeration - though it is said that a reader likes to read stuff that is crisp and on point, exaggerating the key outcomes of a particular situation develops a sense of possibilities in your reader that helps you in achieving your motive of pursuing your reader. Exaggerating a point opens up a field of discussion about which your reader is unknown and you are the guide so whatever you say will be the first impression of your reader. Persuasive techniques open up new possibilities in writing.
  • Inclusive language - Using words such as “We”, “Us”, “Our” provides your reader with the comfort of inclusion. This means that referring to any situation and including your reader in it helps you to create a gripping narrative for the reader. It is also seen that using inclusive language also helps your reader in relating to your content as well as gives them a feeling of collective and connection with you and this is always a plus for you as to when the reader feels connected you can easily manipulate them and influence them.
  • Metaphors - using some relatively common words to explain a particular situation is termed as using metaphors. For instance, using some words that can be used to talk about something completely different. The biggest example of this is the use of turtle and rabbit. The old nursery short story serves as the most commonly used metaphor to depict slow and fast. Using metaphors is a commonly used technique but as a writer, you must be careful about what you feel.
  • Puns - puns are basically simple jokes that intent to make the situation a bit lighter. Usually, it is a wordplay technique that leaves the readers with a smile on their faces. It means to exploit multiple meanings of any word, term, or sentence. People use it all the time in their marketing strategies as they are catchy, entertaining, and solve the purpose of conveying a message. For instance, if you are going to have a taco with your friends and they want to talk about something, “let’s taco about it” is the perfect pun to speak at this time. 
  • Logic - Talking logically is a skill that not everyone possesses. If you are writing something, be it academic or non-academic, an essay or a poem make sure that you have some logic behind it as this makes your writing easier to digest. You just can’t put absurd things in your writing as it drives the engagement of your reader.
  • Sarcasm - A little bit of sarcasm has no harm. Sarcasm is the technique to say something in a mocking tone that a persona needs to understand and take it as mocking and not the literal meaning of the words written. It is a risky thing to attempt as speaking sarcastically conveys the tone but writing can sometimes be misunderstood by the reader. 
  • Tone - The tone of the content plays a really important role in the overall impact of the content. Your writing must depict the tone in which it was intended as it can ruin the entire flow if you have used words that do not support your tone which in turn ruins your chances of pursuing your reader.
  • Rhetorical Questions - these are the questions that you don’t require an answer for. Asking questions that are rhetorical in nature after explaining a point helps you to establish that whatever point that you were trying to make is understood by the reader or not. 

These are important tools of writers as they enable them to talk to their readers through their words.

A little bit of everything mentioned above can help you in formulating a final piece of writing which is persuasive and influencing in nature. You need to have a great knowledge about some of them to master your craft. By reading about all of these elements, one thing that you might have cleared in your head is that connecting to the readers and involving them in your content is the thumb rule of persuasive writing techniques as no matter what you write if your reader is not understanding it and if nobody is interested in reading your work then there is no point of it. 

Now that you have familiarized yourself with the important elements of persuasive writing, it is now time to learn how you can apply persuasive techniques in your everyday writing to make it more effective. Keep reading as you will find all the necessary steps in the next section.

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How to Apply Persuasive Techniques? Step-By-Step Guide

There are a few persuasive writing techniques that you are going to have to implement in your writing process to make it more persuasive. If you have ever written a persuasive essay in your academics you might have the basic knowledge of what persuasion is why persuasive techniques are a game-changer for any writer. Well, all you have to do is make some changes in the way that you use to go about your writing and you might be able to achieve the best results.

Let’s jump right into the steps through which you will be able to make your writing more persuasive -

Step 1 - Set Your Target Audience

This is a crucial and one of the preliminary steps that you need to take care of. Before you start writing, you must familiarize yourself with who you are writing it for. You should know your audience who is going to interact with it. This helps in the understanding level of language that you are going to use, what will be the tone, and the most important of all is your audience apt for the cause that you are writing about.

Step 2 - Thorough Research 

Before you start writing and implement persuasive writing techniques in any sort of document, the first thing that you must do is learn about the subject of your topic in detail. Try to know all the possible factors that might come in handy for you by going through every possible source of research that you can find. If you want to convince someone or you want to influence someone into doing a thing or two, you are going to need all the information about your topic. Staying up-to-date about the subject of your writing is necessary as you are going to tell about it to others and you can never be factually wrong about it. Also, if you are favoring aside and want your readers to also favor it than you have to know about both the side so that you can prepare for contradicting any opposing arguments. 

Step 3 - Start With Crisp Information

Usually, writers try to start their content with an introduction that gradually leads to the important information. Where it seems to be a great way to engage your reader first and then start making your point, to make your writing persuasive you need to start with some important facts so that it introduces your topic and familiarizes your reader with the theme. You need to understand that informative writing refers to providing information and is slightly different from persuasive as in persuasive writing techniques you need to familiarize your reader with the topic and then try to bring out their opinion which requires them to know the important facts first. 

Step 4 - Use Elements of Persuasive Techniques

Once you start writing, you must know which techniques are going to help you out in making your document persuasive. For instance, using metaphors in straight forward explanations can ruin the flow of your content and make it less effective. Try to analyze the required elements that you are going to use and start implementing them. Keep in mind that unnecessary or overuse of these persuasive language techniques might damage your chances of pursuing so you have to be very specific about choosing the right words. Some of the ways to go about your writing process can include - 

  1. Being Empathetic
  2. Using Emotive Words
  3. Asking Rhetorical Questions
  4. Using Appropriate Adjectives
  5. Emphasizing Important Points

Step 5 - Read it Multiple Times

Try to read your writing multiple times. This will not only help you out in finding mistakes but will also allow you to understand the degree of persuasiveness that your content has achieved. Analyze it on your own whether you are satisfied with your writing or you think that you need to work on it. Accordingly, analyze and improve your content so that when you have finally published it or submitted it you are sure that you have done your best. This is also the step when you proofread your document so that there are no errors in your writing. Reading your document multiple times helps you enhance the overall quality and value of your content.

These are the steps that you can implement and make your writing more persuasive and effective. You can easily implement these steps of persuasive writing techniques as you might be already doing half of them, and if you are a beginner then you must start following them in rough drafts so that you can observe the results. The most important aspect of persuasive techniques is that you must be familiar with all the persuasive techniques as these are the key factors that can make you a master in the art of influencing others. So bookmark this blog right now so that you can refer to it in the future and get ready to become a pro!

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Can't Complete Your Persuasive Essay? Leave It To the Experts

By now you must have understood what is persuasive techniques and why it takes a lot of knowledge, research, and information to write a persuasive essay. It is safe to say that it requires immense efforts for a writer to make their writing influencing and honestly, not everyone has enough time to work on it. If you are a student who has to complete an assignment that requires persuasive writing or you are assigned with a persuasive essay to complete then don’t worry as Global Assignment Help Australia can help you in achieving this task by providing excellent persuasive essay help

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