Best Things You Can Do Before the New Year and After Christmas

Best Things You Can Do Before the New Year and After Christmas

to-do activities
30 Dec 2017 5456 6 minutes

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At present, you all are on the verge of entering a new year and the countdown has just begun. Some of you might be very excited to welcome it with your open arms whereas many will take it as another day of life. Many of you might have planned your new year with your friends while others would be getting cozy with their blankets to sleep till getting tired of it. During Christmas break, you might have taken a lot of pain in the spine while decorating your house or in shopping but what about the upcoming six days after December 25? Since the festive season is gone and your life has come back on the rails, that lead nowhere. As your colleges or schools are closed and you might be looking for some exciting ways to get over your boredom. So, read this blog that contains a list of some of the best things that you can do after Christmas and before the New Year.

1.) Analyze your victories and failures

Your life might have gone through some ups and downs and witnessed some victories and failures this year. So, this is the right time for you to analyze how you earned good things in life and why you failed in achieving something. This would help you to develop and plan strategies for your future goals. Some of you may find it a boring task, but you should remember that if you want to achieve success, you have to visit your failures first.

2.) Write a gratitude note

More than 360 days of the year 2017 has passed, and you have met infinite people in the due course. Some of them were so good-hearted and helpful while others may not the same. But, you have to keep up the good work and write a ‘thank you’ note to everyone especially to those who were rude to you. Serve them with your best warm feelings and kind words. Probably, that will help you in building a long-lasting relationship with them.

3.) Clean your room

Just think what efforts it takes to climb Mount Everest, and the task of cleaning your grungy room especially when most of you are students requires the same effort. You always procrastinate this challenge of arranging your room to another day. But, since you have no chores to do in these summer vacations, you can clean up your room, arrange your books, and wardrobe. You can also see some best room arrangements available on the internet. Also, before the New year, many of you can paint your room walls in order to give it a new look.

4.) Learn a new dance form

This New Year presents a wonderful and positive opportunity for a ‘New You.’ Just live some moments on the dance floor and stop thinking ‘should you’ or ‘shouldn’t you.’ If your friends have planned a party on New Year night, then you still have time to learn a new dance style for the party and fascinate everyone present there.

5.) Tear off your resolution list

Have you ever wondered who was the person who first made the New Year’s resolutions? Was he able to achieve anything from that list? Well, it’s quite trending nowadays to decide a to-do tasks for an upcoming year, but most of you fail in completing it and then feel bad about it. Nobody follows through with New Year's resolutions because they're usually about doing stuff that you don't like doing. So, this year make a resolution list and either tear it off or set it on fire and feel happy about it.

6.) Learn a new recipe

Well, this is something for the foodie person or the one who loves cooking for their loving family. You probably didn’t get much time to bake or cook because you were so busy with your workload and assignments. But, these six days after Christmas are giving you ample time to learn new and mouth-watering dishes for your lovely family members and plan a family dinner on New Year’s eve.
This list might help you in making the most of your New Year. Don’t sit idle and plan something worth remembering before the last day of 2017 ends. Hope you enjoyed reading this blog.

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