Operation management is a discipline that evaluate and enhances the design, production, and management of products and services. While writing an assignment on operation management, you will be tested upon the knowledge of its modern concepts and models. In most scenarios, professors may ask students to write an assignment on the application of the SCOR models. Sometimes, they also ask scholars to implement this model in their assignment writing.
But, due to the lack of knowledge about the subject, most of them fail to implement it in their assignment writing and further seek operations management assignment help. To help these students in the best possible way, our experts have explained - how to implement the SCOR model in operations management assignment to score A+ grades.
So, are you ready to explore it...
Get! Set! Go!
Every assignment starts with a planning process. So, start to plan your assignment using the techniques of the SCOR model. The experts of Global Assignment Help Australia suggest to plan operation management assignment in the following manner:
The next step is to start researching for writing a perfect assignment. So, for this you can go through the following points:
Books - Top 3 books
I. Operations Management by William J.Stevenson
II. Operations Strategy by Nigel Slack
III. Introduction to Materials Management by J.R. Tony Arnold
Blogs - Top 3 blogs
I. The Operations Room by Faculty at Kellogg School of Management
II. Jay and Barry’s OM Blog by Barry Render and Jay Heizer
III. Michel Baudin’s Blog by Michel Baudin, the Takt Times Group
Journals - Top 3 journals
I. Journal of operation management
II. Manufacturing and service operation management
III. Production and operation management
You may also like : 6 Tips on How to Write Operation Management Assignment
After conducting in-depth research on the topic of operation management, now its time to start writing. To write a perfect assignment, our experts have discussed some tips. They are:
I. General orientation
II. Outlining of issues
III. The thesis of the main idea
Try to structure paragraphs like this:
I. Topic sentence to open a paragraph
II. Supporting sentence to support the points with the help of references
III. Conclusive sentence to close the paragraph by linking back to the main idea
Once you are done with the writing part, now it’s time to submit your assignment. But, before submitting keep the following expert’s tips in mind:
Tips to Keep in Mind:
To ensure that your assignment doesn't face any disapproval from your professor. Our management assignment writing experts have suggested some aspects that should be avoided in order to deliver a top-notch assignment.
This is just a brief overview of how you can score A+ using the SCOR model in your your operation management assignment. It contains other details as well. If you want to know more about it or want help with do my assignment, then you can seek operations management assignment help from our experts.
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