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    Various Types of Organization

    University: Regent College London

    • Unit No: 1
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 14 / Words 3564
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code:
    • Downloads: 979


    Business runs in society. These are various components which affect business environment. It is essential to work as per business components, so there will positive results. There are various factors which has to be considered by the manager before framing policies, this helps to know what can be done through which positive outcome can be gained. It is not essential that every factor is in control of mangers, so policies of business must be flexible, this helps to mould accordingly (Cascio, 2018). There is requirement of proper analysis of external market, so association can alter their strategies through which positive results can be generated. In this report there is discussion about three association, those are private i.e. Waitrose, Public i.e. BBC, voluntary i.e. British Heart Foundation. In this report there is discussion about various types of organization, its size and scope, relationship between various departments, positive and negative impact of macro business environment, Strength and weakness of external factors.

    TASK 1

    P1 Different types and purpose of organisation

    In society there are various types of organisation. There is difference in their purpose, goals, objective, working style, etc. This means it is important to analyse type of association and then use factors which are affecting it. Mainly there are three types of organisations. They are discussed as under-


    these are the organisations which have set up with minimum 5 people. They have different plans which has to be achieved with join efforts of workers and management. These associations are effective for increasing good image in market. There are possibilities that due to use of policies which are competent to market, then this helps to make upliftment of people residing in society. There is huge competition in organisations of private sector. They have knowledge about use of policies which are competent to market and this is efficient for making good profits. Waitrose is the example of private sector organisation (Deasy and et. al, 2016).

    Purpose of private sector organisation are a under-

    • To earn profits.
    • To improve living of standards.
    • To raise economy of country.

    Types of private sector organisations are-

    Proprietor- In this type of business there is involvement of single person. He is the owner as well a servant of business. There is unlimited liability and sometime there is shortage of funds.

    Partnership- In partnership there are two or people working to attain same goals. In this type of business there is partnership deed which talks about sharing ratios, profit margins, etc. partners also have limited liability.

    Limited company- This is the company in which liability of members are unlimited and there is difference between members and company (Eling and Schaper, 2017). In this category there are two companies- limited by shares and limited by guarantee.


    In such types of organisations there is involvement of government with the share of 50%. This helps to work for serving society rather than earning profits. Electricity department, water department, etc. are part of public sector organisations. There is no competitors in market of such organisations. BBC is example of public sector organisation.

    Purpose of public organisation

    • To provide basic facilities to society.
    • The works to perform activities through which standards can be arised.

    Types of public organisations

    Central government- This is the highest level of government which works at national level. This is the highest authority which control effective for running social affairs.

    State government- This government is link between central and local government. When some issues are not solved by local government then it forward to state government. While they can not provide satisfactory answer then this forward to central government.

    Local government- This is the government which works at district level (Goleman, 2017). They solve problems which are raised in society. They have least powers as compared to other government.


    There are any issues which arise in society, these organisations works to improve activities for making changes in roles and responsibilities of society. There are some people with work for social cause. This helps to know what can be done through which changes are accepted. British Heart Foundation is example of voluntary association.

    P2 Size and scope of several organisations

    As there is difference in goals and objectives of association, so there is difference in size and scope of actions. There is discussion about size and scope of various types of organisations-


    Size- Waitrose is one of the biggest super market chain. This company was founded in 1904 by Wallace Waite. Its parent organisation is John Lewis Partnership. It has head quarter in UK. There are all over 352 locations in various parts of UK (Hillary, 2017).

    Scope- Waitrose deals in food sector. They have line services for food segment, grocery store. From 2011 they serve wines, spirits of Queen Elizabeth II.

    Business objectives- Their objective is to work as per requirement of society and this is effective for making changes in product which are significant to association. They want to serve customer with trendy products.

    Vision- Vision is spread happiness so customer have trust and loyalty in brand.

    Mission- They works for satisfaction of employee also. This helps to provide growth of company.

    Stake holder- Waitrose is big private company. There are numerous stakeholders which works for improving condition of company. This helps to raise funds and has positive impact on sales of company.


    Size- This company works under public limited association. This association was set up in 1922. BBC deals in providing television services.

    Scope- This association works in more than 440m homes, 3m hotels, 165 ships, 30 commercial sites and other various international business level.

    Business objectives- Their objective is to work which provides amazing services to society.

    Vision- Their vision is to enrich people with services which are competent to information. They want to deliberate growth and success of people (Kew and Stredwick, 2017).

    Mission- There is use of some policies which are effective for approaching changes in roles and responsibilities to remove poverty. They want to do small things which provide more happiness and satisfaction to customers.

    Stake holder- As BBC is a public limited company, so there is equal role of government to deliver appropriate information.


    Size- This the largest heat charitable trust. This association was founded in 1961 in London. British Heart Foundation gets highest and to perform business operations.

    Scope- They perform, research so people can live with living people with carrying heart which is significant for life of person (Kolk, 2016).

    Business objectives- Objective of British Heart Foundation is to create environment within society which improves perpetuity of life of people.

    Vision- Their vision is to save people from pre mature death.

    Mission- Mission of the British Heart Foundation is to provide car and treatment, so people can live long life.

    Stakeholder- There are many people who are working in this direction such as staff members, supporters and stakeholders.

    TASK 2

    P3 Linkage between functions and objectives of organisation

    Waitrose is the association that works to make changes in business operations as there is a change in the business environment, so manger has to accept alterations and this helps to compete with external factors. There are various departments in Waitrose, which work in teams so activities are effectively performed. Manger has to work as per market and there must be use of approaches through which changes are efficient. Departments of Waitrose are discussed as under-

    Human Resource- Human resource department works for the upliftment of workers working in association. There are possibilities that due to use of techniques which are appropriate in performing business operations. There are possibilities that workers are not ready to work under changed environment, so this helps to achieve targets on time. Waitrose operates in various parts of country, so there is need of workers, it is essential to know qualities which are required and hence this helps to make alterations in selection and recruitment techniques. HR manager must select best candidate from crowd so there is no cost and time wastage (Prajogo, 2016).

    Research and Development- Research and development department works for making changes in product of Waitrose. This department helps to increase sales of association. They find options where modifications are possible. There is use of factors which shows a positive impact on operations. This department helps to know about reviews and feedback about product and this helps to make modifications in the product.

    Marketing- Marketing means to provide knowledge about product and services to customers. There are various tools which helps in promotion of product such as advertisement, hoardings, etc. While selecting options, manager of Waitrose has to analyse cost of marketing and that technique must effective for targeted customer. There is use of policies as per competitor's so customer does not get attracted towards competitor's. In retail sector competition is increasing, so it is essential to work as per change in marketing department (Smith, 2017).

    Finance- Finance department is essential department which works to collect information related to funds, etc. it is effective for analysing market and then take actions which are competent to current market. Finance manager helps to know about techniques which are effective for developing business. Finance department helps to make appropriate profits and measures are taken to reduce cost of production, transportation, etc.

    Sales- When some new product is launched in market, then it is essential to work according to us of techniques which are effective in approaching challenges. Sometimes there is use of tools which are effective and efficient in analysing market. Activities which are performed must be according to market and hence there will increment in sales. While approaching customer, there must be use of good marketing tools, though which targets can be accomplished effectively.

    Production- There are various services produced. These must be produced with using appropriate techniques which are competent to company. There must be use of policies which is effective for satisfying demand of customer. Production must be done as per demand f customers, so production manager must keep contact with sales, marketing, research and development department (Sodeyfi, 2016).

    TASK 3

    P4 PESTLE to determine positive and negative impact of macro environment

    PESTLE is the technique through which external forces of company can be judged. There is use of policies which are required to be maintained by manager so business operations can be performed effectively. It is essential to alter business plans which shows negative impact on business operations. This is effective for make changes in role and responsibilities of worker. Manager has to deliver knowledge and select technique which is best for approaching changes. Through PESTLE analysis there is positive as well as negative impact, so it is essential to analyse them and this helps to get positive result on profits (Wack, 2017). Negative and positive impact of PESTLE for Waitrose is discussed as under-


    Positive impact

    Negative impact


    Political means government related rules and norms. There is use of various strategies which are effective for making changes in roles and responsibilities, so this is effective for making changes in business plans and policies.

    Sometimes due to change in government parties, this affects business roles and responsibilities which is effective for making changes in business activities. This affects routine business operations so there is hurdle in working.


    Waitrose deals in retail sector, there is requirement of funds which are effective for performing business operations. Funds can be raised from external source when Waitrose has good image in market, so manager emphasis on working significantly and there is improvement in product and services.

    Economic factor affects business very adversely. Due to shortage of funds business operations can not be performed effective, then this is effective for making changes.


    Business works for making good image in market, there is use of approaches through which people can contribute to change in business activities to get positive results and enhance image.

    While altering product and services as per need of consumer, this make frequent changes in business operations which continuity of perform activities.


    Technology has positive impact as it helps to perform business operations in less time and cost. There is no waiting time for consumer.

    Due to frequent change in competitor's technology, this shows that manger of Waitrose also have to work according to need of use of techniques which might does not affect business roles and responsibilities of workers, so they are not ready to accept changes frequently.


    Legal factors are important to make business run ethically. There is trust factor in mind of parties which are related to business. This helps managers to perform business activities significantly and as per norms.

    Due to legal factor there is need of changes which are significant for making changes in roles and responsibilities. In case of non accepting changes this affects performance of enterprise.


    Environment factors helps Waitrose to work according to need of customer, some there will positive impact on sale and profits.

    Due to change in environment there are possibilities of damage of product, this proves to be loss for Waitrose.

    TASK 4

    P5 Internal and external analysis to determine strengths and weaknesses

    There are some positive as well as negative aspects which makes changes in roles and responsibilities of workers (Zidar and et. al, 2016). Manager has to make changes in their actions through which positive points can be improved and negative can be effective for making changes in roles and responsibilities of workers. SWOT analysis is effective for knowing internal forces. This helps to know about growth prospects and competition in industry. SWOT analysis of Waitrose is discussed as under-


    • They have better medium to deliver goods. This is effective for creating good image in market.

    • They have my Waitrose acre which provides cost benefits to customer.

    • Wide range of worker.

    • Good image and loyalty factor which has positive imapct on sales.


    • While selling product there is less margin which is biggest weakness for Waitrose.

    • They have less promotional events as compared to competitors.


    • They can work in other fields.

    • They must focus on publicity through word to mouth as it is cheap and personal too.

    • They must open their outlet in various developing nations.


    • They are behind in competition at national as well as international platform.

    • Economic condition of Waitrose is weak.

    P6 Interrelation of strengths and weaknesses with external macro factors

    For analysing macro environment, PESTLE analysis is there. These points are related with strength and weakness of company (Cascio, 2018). There are possibilities that due to use of PESTLE manager may get diverted from their main targets and goals. Strength and weakness of PESTLE analysis is discussed as under-




    Political- In this factor there is governmental interference. This means there is governmental involvement which affect business operations.

    This is strength as this helps to make activities as per government norms. Waitrose pays tax on time and effective.

    Weakness is as this affects business operations adversely, because manager has to work according to government norms otherwise this affects image of Waitrose.

    Economical- In this there is involvement of financial related concept. This is effective for arranging funds for running business effective.

    There is positive impact on operations because there is proper budget for every activities. This is effective for analysing market and select best source for approaching them.

    When Waitrose adopt source from external parties confidentiality of ideas gets disrupted and hence there are possibilities of discussion of ideas. There is control of external parties too, in business operations.

    Social- In this factor people customer are involved. As per this factor, it is essential that company has to work according to demand of society.

    When Waitrose consider social factor, then they perform business operations as per trend of market. This s effective for growth of company and this helps to make good image among customers.

    While considering social factor, this is costly and this affects business of company. There is use of factors which are effective for analysing market and modifications s required in product. This affects quality of product and services.

    Technological- As there is need of various techniques such as punching system of workers, packaging, billing system, data entry, etc.

    Through technological updates there are various changes which are effective for making alterations in business opportunities. There is use of factors which are competent to current market.

    Sometimes workers are not ready to work under changed techniques as they think there is danger to their job or about results if they are not able to learn new techniques. Working under changed may has negative impact on quality of product and services.

    Legal- In legal factor, there is use of techniques which are ethical and as per legal norms. This is effective for making decision to run business as per rules and regulations.

    When Waitrose is working as per legal norms, then this is effective for growth of good will in market.

    There are changes in legal norms, so manager has to work accordingly. So there are possibilities of change in working style, this affects business goals and targets.

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    Above discussed fact helps to enhance knowledge about business and its surrounded environment. This is effective for getting knowledge about use of factors which are competent to market. PESTLE and SWOT analysis are techniques which ha re used by company to make policies through which changes can be implemented accordingly. There are many competitor's in retail sector, so manager has to select approaches through which they can perform activities effectively. There is positive as well as negative impact of techniques which are used by company. It is important to work according to customer demand, so there will improvement in the quality of products and services. There are many activities which are working to achieve targets, so from achieve discussion it is clear that there must be linkage between various departments. This helps to reduce time as well as creates a good environment in an enterprise. Weakness of association must be reduced with the help of tools which is significant for growth of the company.


    • Cascio, W., 2018. Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill Education.
    • Deasy, S. and et. Al, 2016. Controlling the use of a business environment on a mobile device. U.S. Patent 9,247,042.
    • Eling, M. and Schaper, P., 2017. Under pressure: how the business environment affects productivity and efficiency of European life insurance companies. European Journal of Operational Research. 258(3). pp.1082-1094.
    • Goleman, D., 2017. Leadership That Gets Results (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press.
    • Hillary, R. ed., 2017. Small and medium-sized enterprises and the environment: business imperatives. Routledge.

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