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    SBLC4004 Overview of Low Socioeconomic Conditions

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 17 / Words 4271
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: SBLC4004
    • Downloads: 999
    Question :

    This assessment will cover the following questions:

    • Write an essay on effect of Low socioeconomic condition on GCSE result explaining it within last few years and linking it with social political inequality.
    • How Low socioeconomic condition impacts on  social political inequality.
    Answer :


    The Essay is based on the low socioeconomic conditions that directly related to lower education achievement, poor health which affects on the society. It is one of great justices for secondary certificate education system that pupils from low socioeconomic background, which are likely to make good progress at secondary level education. The purpose of this study is to look at effects of socio-economic condition on student academic achievement as measured by GCSE result or outcome. The socioeconomic condition is interrelated to the low-income pupils outperform advantaged peer at secondary schools. They also often to easily overtaken from next phase of education.  The assignment will describe about inequality of health distribution, quality of life, education and resources distribution that are increasing the global world. The documentation will highlight the barriers in progression and determine that how it will face low income socioeconomic condition at GCSE results. It brings finding from the essay to explore the wide range of different factors that always contribute in progress gap.


    Overview of socioeconomic condition

    Socioeconomic status or condition encompasses that just not come from education attainment for securing their financial status but it also used for maintain social status. It is mainly depending on the quality of life, opportunities and privilege affordable for people within society. especially, it is considered for increasing level of poverty and type of single factors. Socioeconomic status affects overall human functionality so that it can be decreased the GCSE result or outcome. In context of education, children from low socioeconomic status and communities that develop academic skill slower than children from higher groups (Hadden and Easterbrook, 2019). For instances, Low-socioeconomic status children is related to the poor language, memory, emotional processing and cognitive development. The different type of school system in low-socioeconomic status communities are often underresourced which is negatively affecting on the student progress and GCSE result. In most of cases, inadequate education increased the dropout rate which directly affect on the children’s achievement. As per situation, it will require for improving the school system that may help for reducing different risk factors. It also increased the research on relation between socioeconomic status and GCSE (General certificate secondary education).  There is disagreement over the better way to identify socio-economic status and found that children from low socio-economic background where they do not performance well in secondary education however, it also comparison pupils from different socio-economic background to reach the actual conclusion. Another way to consider the dimension factors that may influence the educational result or outcome within socioeconomic brands. One of most issue among different educational professional that always build correlation between socio-economic status of pupils and academic achievement (Hutchings and Francis, 2018). As move towards prevalent argument on socioeconomic condition that has a major impact GCSE outcome. It also creates the negative effects on overall functionality of human for mentally or physically so that they are not able to perform in secondary education. The lack of confidence level on student may have affected in their education result. Low socio-economic condition with coupled with the high rate of maternal as well as paternal difference of children’s academic needs. It has thrown many rural dwellers into generate untold financial issues and problems such as lack of money, high poverty rate and resources for children. This type of situation has promoted the young school pupils. Hence, most of pupils have taken admission for school as a secondary education. As a result, for generating poor academic GCSE result or outcome (Krapohl and Plomin, 2016)

    Problem faced by families and their children’s

    The trend is posing huge problem for parents, stakeholders and government in context of education. Economic and social components are performed significant role in socio-economic condition because it may influence on the General certificate secondary education (GCSE) outcomes. While both are necessary for understanding overall situation and condition of inequality. In this way, it can be argued that families where they are advantages in educationally and higher the level of achievement in students (Vitello and Crawford, 2018). It may need to support for children in terms of psychological by creating healthy environment that encourage their own skill and capability. It continues to asserts that educational level and income of parents which are directly interconnected with each other.

    Currently, it is increasing children’s risk for developing health problem in order to give the better understanding and also concerned about the low socioeconomic condition. This type of problem is considered main cause that directly affects on the GCSE results. Socioeconomic is a type of concept that summaries an individual’s position in society and community (Russell, Ford and Russell, 2015). Thus, it become easier to demonstrate the economic position in context of education aspects. SES indicator provide the brief idea where how it easily influences the strong children’s mental situation and their well-being. Furthermore, socioeconomic condition is highly interacting with different factors which always influence towards children’s development (de Moira, Meadows and Baird, 2019). For Example- The lower socioeconomic condition can adversely influence the child development in context of cognitive domains and behavioral perspectives. Therefore, it may include the social support, parental functioning, mental health condition and parental resources.

    Further study on the low socioeconomic condition that have been common in different geographic regions such as European nations and America. It has been limited attempt to identify impact of different countries but it can be examined that low socioeconomic condition of families which affects on the children development at secondary education level (Pacheco-Colón, Ramirez and Gonzalez, 2019). Each and every country have different social culture background and also clarifying the relationship between low socioeconomic condition and psychopathology of children. On the other hand, it also well known about the secondary education children, they are growing in poor families emerging from schools with lower level of education attainment. Currently, the education qualification is the strong point for improving life income and create more opportunities in growth. There are different types of achievement gaps create and contribute towards the improve social mobility. Many political parties are being committed towards improvement of poor people life and their children’s. they also provide chance for completing their secondary education and create the opportunity for growing purpose. While gap between poor children and better off-background which are growing less quickly in secondary school while the gap between poor and rich is larger. As per analysis, it has found that 21 % families manage to gain better GCSE education (Gorman and, 2019). Every people have different attitude, decisions and investment behavior that has made earlier in young people. It also considered main driver of differences in terms of educational results at recent years. However, Teenagers behavior and attitude, those of many parents always contribute to attain gap in GCSE results (Hadden and, 2019). When after controlling the long run family background factor and find young people behavior towards the secondary education. It can be determined that young people will go on higher education and spending a lot of time for outing, family meals and devote resources for education purpose. It may include internet services, tuition classes and computer coaching. In this way, it has found that young children are likely to do good at GCSE if they are belief in the ability and capability.  Since, young children growing up in the poor families where they can do less well as compare to other growing families. In this way, it provides a brief idea about the educational attainment and overall factors that must be contributed under quarter of secondary education level. Indirectly the family back ground and school effects on the student achievement so that it needed to revisit the issue about importance of schools in promoting student good achievement and also analysed in proper manner. In this way, it easily estimated the infer strictly correlational and association among school characteristics as well as achievements (Mendolia, Paloyo and Walker, 2018). On the other hand, it also investigates the impact of financial incentive on students GCSE result that can be randomized in properly. Sometimes, it also determines the contribution for growing the academic achievement and find out the different incentives which increases the proportion of students.

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    The Socio-economic condition has been developed the relationship between performance of student GCSE result and their participation in admission test within schools (Shaw and, 2017). In this way, it can easily measure the socio-economic condition and their apparent validity for predicating GCSE result or outcome. Therefore, it become easier for reducing academic achievement gaps between richest and poorer students. A low socio-economic student with learning services are better on the academic success than other low socioeconomic status peers with no learning service. As indicated that socioeconomic status or condition can be assumed as fundamental cause of differential education. It also analysed for existence of changes in the inequality. As per survey, it has found that educational differential relatively low in US and also similar to England as well as Canada (Shaw and Allen, 2017). The low socioeconomic condition is mainly focused on the overall negative association in schools and teachers. It has been successfully building a strong relationship and perform different activities. The involvement of each student shows as reduce inequality to achieve the specific goals and objectives.


    There is some discussion about the low socioeconomic conditions, however, it can be identified the relationship between the socioeconomic background of student and their education achievements. It seems substantial and enduring. It directly associated with the difference in the performance of nations and their significant role towards economic status (Hadden and Easterbrook, 2019). The relationship strength varies from the strong to moderate across participating multiple nations. As per investigation, it has examined that Australia become highest socioeconomic background of students but it is rapidly changed. On the other hand, it also argued that relationship between socioeconomic background and other type of education achievement are moderate and quietly affects on the socioeconomic conditions.

    In context of socioeconomic condition, the education achievement gap between the richer and poorer. It shows the political social inequality that directly affect on the student CGSE results. As per analysis, it has found that there are 60% of their better off peers which mainly target for changing rules and regulations. In most of cases, regulations become directly affected on the overall success rate with 54% percentage of pupils achieving the governmental measurement of GCSE grades (Fuller, Powel land Fox, 2017). It has been increased the level of inequality in society that negatively affects on political participation. In societies, the level of cohesion is higher which supposed to increase individual willingness for participating in different political activities. Recently, the socioeconomic status indeed decreases the participation of individual in secondary level education. It has been analysed that impact of GCSE results of individual because of inequality on social political participation instead focused on the socioeconomic conditions. Surprisingly, economic and educational inequality work in opposite directions.

    The reducing inequality in education is becoming challenging task where children progress too slow. It is finding the education gap between the regions. As government has planned for making an effective strategy to knowledge about the issues and problem across nations. In addressing the problems, structured reform in concept of inequality that are limited and disputed (Taylor and, 2018). The state based funded schools would be likely to provoke different political parties for purpose of debate but they are trying to distract from useful solutions. The highly qualified teachers and families are mainly offering the practical solution to maintain disparities by helping other poor children. As found the disparities of family engagement, which is one of most challenging and sensitive issue in terms of education policy. Many people have been discussed about the role of parents in their children’s education (Spencer and Rush, 2017). In order to maintain the role and responsibility of schools for providing equal treatment of each children without doing any discrimination between them. The performance gap between poorest and richest has remained exits which persistently large between 1980 to 2000. There is no such significant improvement happen because this type of situation is developed at any point. The performance rate of GCSE reveals which marked as disparities between different regions, with over 65% of Pupil in London achieving the Good GCSE results (Gorman and, 2019). It also compared with other nations like east and west Midlands. As per analysis, it also comparing the performance of 11years old born in 200 with born in 1970 that reveals on basis of geographic area. In this way, children have become more powerful predicator those who has born in 2000 that compared to 1970 (Baird and, 2019). On the other hand, Asian students are generally born in 1970 that performed slowly and other Bangladeshi heritage children born in 2000. While the outer-performance of student have fallen and affect on the GCSE result or outcome.

    Social and Political impact on different class of citizens  

    In last past decades, social and economic resources have been increasing in different nations because there are developed unequal economic conditions which can adversely impact on the life of people in performance of secondary education. It must be addressed the unemployment, poverty, minimize health and social supports. As per opportunities for individual citizen to influence economic and social policy (Aune and, 2018). These are rarely option for people to participate on the multiple political system and affect on policy. Despite, it has gained so much political participation and tends to perform role in policies at consistently. In this way, it can easily examine the different psychological factor that are limited in political participation among different social class people. In particularly, it relates to the perception of social class that might be reduced participation of politics among lower class people (Harrowell and Emond, 2018).

    Sometimes, it affects on the personal control for both social as well as political institutions. As per participation of political that suggests those from relatively lower-class backgrounds in context of education as well as occupation status (Tumino and Taylor, 2015). In this way, it tends to less vote than other upper level people. They must provide benefits and advantages. Therefore, it can be determined that threat must exit in between people related the social political inequalities. Furthermore, Social scientists are always focused on the political inequalities that help for reducing political participation of lower-class people (McDool, 2017). It had driven due to ack of improper economic resources. The different resources involve money, time and skill that are necessary for different political activities. Generally, social class is mainly defined the level of social and economic resources. It helps for measured through indices of educational attainment. It can be represented the substance material for social class that reshape the life of individuals. Especially, an individual perceives their social class position in the small groups and society at large by compare their education level of others.

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    Although in 2001 No Child Left behind legislation again sparked to show interest in the achievement gap experience through low income student across nation. This type of legislation is simply latest version of efforts that mainly focused on the policy and public attention on the socioeconomic condition. In years, various nations are focused towards the issue of poverty through public opinion (Lupton and Thomson, 2015). In 20th century, it applied the predominant approach that help for protect the childhood poverty and other negative impacts. Just as exist the social inequality in countries. The best idea of traced the origin of GCSE (General certificate secondary education) by government and applied with schools and institution. It is useful for eliminating the education performance gap and remained unchanged. In this way, it is deeply examining the cause of academic performance gap and identify suitable solution. In 1900, many institutions began for preparing the different course which help for providing the better path and direction to achieve goals (Pensiero and Schoon, 2019). Although government also demanded that develop free and public education for both upper level and lower level social class peoples. Some students are educated at certain level of knowledge attainment while acquire other type of advance skills. Thus, it pushed to gain the post-secondary education qualification. In fact, achievement gap represented on the basis of socioeconomic condition. The upper class and lower-class families are frequently enrolled their children in the programs that offered different activities specifically preparing for future academic growth or success (Corder and, 2015). However, lower social class has a lack of financial instability to give the beginning for children. Many countries poorest children that has no experience in type of educational setting. The impact of socioeconomic condition on different school that are not disappear or fade once formal education starts. Afterwards, they must be enrolled but lower-class children suffered every year due to academic qualification. Even the progress of secondary education was made and another way to show disadvantage because of intellectual loss.


    As per analysis, it has summarized that socioeconomic condition impacts on different aspects of children life style. It continues existence where identify ability to develop the physical capacity to grow their own intellectual property. Even with collecting relevant information related the low socio-economic factors that effect on the society and find out the most vulnerable victims. The social political inequalities are influenced the education and related the disparities which derived from low income (Fryer and, 2017). It reflects on the combined effects of social transfers where they can also create difference in the various social commodities. Sometimes, it has to be linked with social political inequalities. It is an extreme level of political participation in social inequalities, which provide the better education services. As per analysis, it has revealed that increasing inequalities in different mode of political and directly impact on the secondary education attainment (Gladwell, Popli and Tsuchiya, 2015). During voting decision, it become difficult for citizen to make a right decision because they were not properly aware about the political participation. In this way, it affects on the citizen, who are belonged from lower social class. In past decade, The GCSE level has increased while decreasing the share of citizen with basic education. On the other hand, Average duration of schooling has increased from 7 to 12 years and median people much better educated nowadays (Bonell and, 2019). By implication, it is higher rate of social inequality and more non-participation by people with fewer other socio-economic material resources. As per identifying long term observation where it declines while increase social or political inequality. The development should provide the direction for increasing higher turnout rate and decline the democracies from about 80% in 2011. Most of families are reduced the complexity for making an important election decision (Bonell and, 2019). Moreover, voting system is considered the socially desirable concepts in families, each one has to be decided in their own political participation. In the whole process, Education qualification will help to improve capabilities and abilities of student in terms of decision making. It directly relates to the social position for acquiring the knowledge about the critical situation or condition. Many people with low level of education that are frequently in low social class citizens where it has a lack of capabilities to make response in properly towards electoral decision. They are mainly dependent on other people (Henderson and, 2016). Now move to other where it can be found that inequality of voting also measured by simply compare with citizen turnover those people have enough education level.

    In most of cases, social class is related with the resources for measuring the individual class. It also predicts the psychological patterns that more consistently and strongly represent specific objective indicators. It also belief on the political which may include preferences of economic redistribution in context of GCSE result or outcome (Putwain, Gallard and Beaumont, 2019). As per discussion about the social class and specific participation of political, it is uniquely way to effect on the perceived social class. In additional, Self-conception is properly shaped by multiple social factors which mainly including background culture and personal goals of individuals. The high socio-economic status groups, which are usually fall into well-educated group and encourage the highly rated professions (Straub and, 2016). While attending the secondary school where student and high educational professional were established a good relationship between them. It provides the better facilities and treated equally to student. In this way, it directly positively impacts on the better GCSE outcomes. It automatically boosted the progress while change their behavior and attitude. The low socio-economic condition was not limited to one specific area of country related political inequality. When it can be targeted the upper and lower social class. Although it converts into major issue in different nations. Unfortunately, it also provided the least support and help to these children (Sammons, Toth and Sylva, 2015). As per survey, it also identified that low socio-economic encompassed to growth the rate of student population in different schools. It can analyze that there are 8,43,152 families with 1,422,873 children’s residing in the various states. 42% children live in low income as compare to different 39% national level of children living in upper social class. Several nations in the north eastern states are considered the poor condition because 20% population was lived in the poverty area (Fuller, Powel land Fox, 2017). Unfortunately, Poor children is likely to become poor and not fulfill their requirement in terms of education. It also recurring cycle which often that being with parent’s lack of education qualification. Thus, it directly influences towards the academic failure and poor GCSE outcomes.

    The academic progress of each student can be analysed by monitoring activities of prior education attainment at end of primary school. It is primary baseline that help for identifying effects of student, family background, influences of neighborhood. These are important criteria the useful for examine everything about student (Putwain, Gallard and Beaumont, 2019). It also useful for controlling disadvantage measurement during composition of secondary education. As expected, to predict the background and find out differences in children progress. In this way, it can easily identify the result or outcome of GCSE.


    As per discussion, the finding represented as part of investigation that must highlight affect on socioeconomic condition on GCSE result and overall performance of academic attainment (Belfield and, 2019). It has analysed about the status of children behavior, attitude and existence which are greatly affected by factors such as lack of financial instability and low education level. These are basically beyond the control of students. Currently, it also examined about the social upper- and lower-class people, how they faced the problem of political inequality. On the other hand, it also concluded that education is major concept in terms of improvement and development. That’s why, it considered in the above discussion for analyzing their specific role in different social and political issues (Putwain, Gallard and Beaumont, 2019). Nowadays, major problem arises due to lack of socioeconomic status that are automatically affects on the poor families and their children’s. The significance of Effect  low Socioeconomic Condition on GCSE result is to determine about the overall performance of children’s and participation of families in social and political economic. This will help for identifying the background of children’s which directly affects on the performance in GCSE results.


    Through finding, it has recommended to improve the economic condition and develop strategy plans for improve performance of student’s in context of academic attainment and achievement. It must ensure that all students are completed their secondary education that help for nations to improve economic stability. An effective strategy is helping to full the achievement gap among different social classes. In order to minimize the inequality otherwise it affects on the entire nation economic conditions. It will require for controlling level of inequalities between regions and nations. On the other hand, it has suggested to develop the policies which useful for reducing issues of low-socioeconomic because it has increased the level of social political inequalities. It might be attentions at the education level which promotes for other nation for developed the better policies and procedures to maintain economic condition in proper manner.


    In above discussion, it concluded that low socioeconomic condition is interrelated with the lower education achievement, poor health that affects on the society. The most common great justices for secondary certificate education system that pupils from low socioeconomic background, which are likely to make good progress at secondary level education. Furthermore, it has summarized about the social inequality of health distribution, quality of life and other type of resources distribution for increasing the global world. It also highlights the barriers to progress that might face low income socioeconomic condition at secondary level education. In this way, it has determined finding from discussion about the topic where how it can be explored the wide range of different factors and contribution of progress gap at GCSE results.

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