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    Business and Markets - Different Skills for Business Professionals

    University: University of Hertfordshire

    • Unit No: 1
    • Level: Post Graduate/University
    • Pages: 4 / Words 903
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: 4BUS1153
    • Downloads: 879
    Question :

    Learning Outcomes (Knowledge and understanding examined in this project)

    • Examine the fundamental principles of management and the expectations of a professional manager
    • Analyse and understand a series of study strategies to aid their future studies
    • Produce self-evaluation skills by evaluating the strengths and weaknesses.

    Project Title: Reflective Learning Review and Personal Development Plan (PDP)

    Description of the project:

    Write a reflective essay and discuss your learning from this module and develop your study skills as a Business Professional.

    Also, use Kolb’s experiential learning cycle, your essay must include the following task:

    • An Overview of your experiences of learning during this module. You may want to think about:
      1. Which learning activities have you taken part in?
      2. How have you approached them?
      3. Which CASE workshops have you attended based on your plan in project 1?
    • Your views and ideas(reflections) about your experiences. You may want to think about:
      1. How did you feel about the different elements of the module? Which stand out the most and why?
      2. What have you learnt from them?
      3. In your involvement in them, what do you think went well and why? What could you have done differently and how? You should refer back to your GANTT chart and plan from Project 1 – did it go to plan?
    • Your evaluation and approach - You may want to think about:
      1. What new things have you learnt from your reflections
      2. What extra research have you done around these themes?
      3. Why are these important to your development as a Business Professional?
    • A detailed summary of new ideas and actions, based on your conclusions, to take forward into Semester B. You must cover the following question:
      1. What conclusions have you reached about your skills and how they have developed?
      2. What will you do differently?
      3. What new approaches will you try and why?

    Provide conclusions and action summary to produce a Personal Development Plan (PDP).

    Your PDP report must be in the form of a table and will include:

    1. A list of the unique skills covered in this module.
    2. An assessment of how well you have developed these skills.
    3. SMART objectives for improvement in those you need to develop further
    4. Actions and meeting deadlines of your SMART objectives I.e. how, by when and with what resources (this could include further use of CASE resources and workshops)
    Answer :


    Reflective writing is based on formal and informal summarisation on the respective literature using emotions, thoughts and memories. It is a mental process which uses thoughts and opinions so that learning experiences can be written down (Knaflic, 2015). In this report description of experiences will be included along with reflections and at last analysis will be done.

    PART 1


    There are different activities in which I taken part like seminars and conferences which helps me to adapt professional behaviour for future growth. This helps me to acquire basic knowledge about business professionals so that I can apply them at workplace. I was also involve in team related activities which helped me to build and maintain relationships and learnt about group dynamics. These activities helped me to enhance my communications skills and improve team leader skills. There were activities related to role playing also which helped me to diverse my skills for different job profiles and to learn about various duties and responsibilities. This also helped me to think out – of - box and logically so that I have different perspective about problems of organisation. All such activities will assist me in current and future job roles and ensure continuous improvements in overall performance.

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    I gained knowledge about different skills for business professionals so that I have complete skills to enhance my career. Communications skills are one of the basic skills that any business professional posses and need to improve on continuous basis due to diverse working culture (Cenere and et. al., 2015). Another skills that I learned with activity is analytical and logical thinking that will help me to solve complex issues in personal and professional growth. I also learned about team building and group dynamics while taking part and working with team. These activities helped me to gain skills and become productive so that I have continuous growth in job profiles and career.


    I have analyse that with the help of all these activities I am able to enhance my business professionals skills. These will helps me in my personal and professional growth for future job roles so that I also become productive for organisation. Such activities are essential for individual so that they get complete understanding about the job roles and working environment.

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    PART 2

    Personal Professional Plan

    Skill area to develop Objective (what will you aim to achieve and why?) Measured by (How will you know you have achieved it?) By when? (deadline or timescale) Actions (what steps will you take to achieve it?) Support and/or Challenges (what will help or hinder your success?)
    Communication skills I want to develop my written skills so that I will be effective in organisation to communicate with upper and middle level managers. When I will be able to efficiently make formal reports, notice and memos 3months I will join online course of advance communications skills to develop my ability. Time will be obstacle in process of learning.
    Problem-Solving Skills This skills helps business professional to analyse and solve complex challenges and lead to profitability (Müller and et. al., 2016). When I will be able to understand and identify solutions of issues that occur in business. 6 months Accepting challenges and working with upper management to solve issues will help me to enhance skills (Lohmann and Zur Muehlen, 2016). Team members will be support whenever I will not be able to analyse or identify solutions.
    Management Skills This is one of the basic skills that business professional posses so that they are effective in managing and controlling operations in business (Kar and Kar, 2017). Whenever I will be able to manage resources, budgets, time, etc. will become effective in skills. 2 months Need to acquire basic knowledge and advance skills so that I become effective that will be enhanced by experience. Continuous learning process will be support so that I become more professional and improve my management skills.


    From the above report it can be concluded that reflection is mental process by which individual with the help of emotions and thoughts remember about past experience. Personal development plan is written document which helps individual to identify activities and time to enhance particular skills.

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