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    High Performance Culture in Whirlpool Company

    University: Regent College London

    • Unit No: Unit 35
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 13 / Words 3303
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code:
    • Downloads: 732


    Developing an individual can be referred to as improving one's knowledge and skills in order to perform effectively and individual skilled efforts of the individual lead to effective team performance that result in the attainment of organisational objectives. This can be achieved by empowering human resources so that efficient operations can be achieved. This study will mainly focus on spreading professionalism among the managers of Whirlpool company. The research will provide personal skills in order to identify the behaviour, knowledge and skills of professionals in an organisation. It will also build a strong understanding of continuous professional development (CPD) which contributes towards the High-performance work (HPW) of the employees in the Whirlpool industry. This research will also provide different approaches to performance management in order to influence the workforce of the company with a high-performance culture. It will also provide a professional development plan of the firm which aimed at achieving desired productivity.

    1. Professional knowledge, skills and knowledge required by HR professionals.

    HR professionals are the person who understands the weakest and strongest areas of the Whirlpool industry. They have to manage the efforts of the employees and available resources in order to achieve the effective business goals. Being HR consultant of Whirlpool company it was found that company was suffering from an company crises which was culminated in 20111. the survey measured the performance of its team so there was a major requirement of restructuring the company strategies. Roles and functions of HR professionals is to develop the effective teams which leads to the sustainability of the company (Bolden, 2016). These HR practices and functions impacts on the overall business. HR manager have to implement various things in order to promote professional environment in the company.

    Behaviour of HR professionals in whirlpool can be determined by various functions such as decisive thinker, Skilful influencer, Personally credible, courage to challenge. Such behaviour, skills and knowledge of HR manager which influence workforce in delivering the productive operations in the company. These are described below:

    • Courage to challenge: Being HR manager one need to have courageous heart to take risks and challenges for the successful development and growth of the business. HR professionals of the whirlpool take initiatives to try different ways which can be helpful in developing skills among employees which leads to the successful development of team and organisational objectives.
    • Mentoring and monitoring: HR manager need of the whirlpool is required to timely monitor the activities of subordinates. It helps the employees in improving the activities which enhances the individual performance which ultimately builds the effective team. Managers need to influence their subordinate which promotes professional behaviour in the business. Managers are also responsible for providing better working techniques help in sharing the skills and knowledge which ultimately motivates employees and resulted in Effective productivity.
    • Decision-making: Managers are mainly involved in decision-making which generally effects the overall objectives (Kislovand, 2014). So they need to possess high observing and analysing qualities which influence the professional behaviour. Decision making clearly defines the broad responsibility of the managers that require proper skills and knowledge. In order to apply technical skills and knowledge while taking decision helps in strong decision-making that will result in the growth and development of Whirlpool.
    • Commercial skills: Human resource professionals are usually engaged in decision planning and decision making of the company which can be achieved by the commercial sense among managers. So it is a very basic and major requirement of the Professional behaviour which helps in smooth functioning of the business activities.
    • Strategic understanding: strategies can also be achieved by influencing the best working culture and environment and that can only be possible if managers have complete understanding about the established procedure and policy. It influences professional behaviour at a work place and this complete knowledge of the strategies help in encouraging different ideas which leads to the attainment of business goals.
    • Establish relationship: managers are also referred as the coordinator who generally main objectives to subordinates. This behaviour of HR professionals is the main element which links the efforts of employees towards production of goods and services. Encouraging the healthy environment of the business builds strong inter personal relationship of employees with each other and this behaviour motivates the workforce which help in generating effective productivity (West And, 2014).

    2. Creation of Professional development plan and Personal skills Audit that helps in identifying the professional behaviour along with skills and knowledge


    ü I have Good communication skills that help me to influence thoughts of others.

    ü I poses Very well leadership quality that help in managing and controlling activities.

    ü My creative ideas derive me towards innovative production in the company.

    ü Better monitoring abilities help to lead the group.

    ü I also have wide knowledge in management and financial skills.


    û I feel nervous in addressing a large number of people together

    û lack of confidence

    û My conflict management capacity is very less.

    û Lack of decision-making confidence.

    û Personality and introvert qualities are my biggest weakness because I find difficult to easily adjust with others.

    û I have lack of Technical knowledge.


    ü Promotion in job will help me to take larger responsibilities.

    ü Career opportunities


    û Competitive industries have provided big threat.

    û Lack of knowledge about technology.

    û Use of new tools and technical equipments by the competitive firms which helps in efficient performance.

    û Increasing demand for effective innovative ideas.

    Weakness and threats


    Time frame

    Lack of confidence

    It can be improved by addressing large number of people and taking seminars which will help me in powerful interaction with people.

    1 month

    Technological knowledge

    This weakness will be overcome by improving the technology related concept which will help me in understanding functioning of advanced tools and techniques.

    2 to 3 months

    Conflict management

    This issue can be resolved by attending seminars and conferences regarding taking effective situational decisions. It will help me in retention of employees.

    2 weeks


    It can be creating by taking advice from the professional entrepreneurs which will help in producing innovative thoughts and ideas.

    5 to 6 weeks

    Introvert quality and shyness

    My communication capabilities help me to resolve such problems. This can be overcome by asking question to the people which will help me in starting the conversation with people.

    1 week

    3. Differences of organisational and individual learning

    Continued learning is the process of constant increase in the individual skills and knowledge in order to improve the performance (Payne and Calton, 2017). Training and development can be considered as the activity in which involves one's performance is evaluated and on the basis of their knowledge proper training need to be provided in order to acquire more knowledge which help in enhancing the overall performance.

    In an company crisis 2011, it was identified that North America Regional staff of whirlpool has to execute restructured planning. This restructured policy and strategic changes in the company were needed to sustain the economic growth and development of company. So in order to implement restructured policies, workforce of the Whirlpool need to aware about the cross functional collaboration of the team members which can only be achieved by the efficient and effective teams. So for this purpose, managers had planned innovative production techniques that were the major missing strategies in earlier Whirlpool plan. In order to increase the productivity and performance of the workforce, company had established training and learning programs. These programs helps in enhancing the performance of the existing employee which leads to maximised skills among workforce. Managers of Whirlpool mainly focused in promoting CPD that helped in encouraging professionalism in the internal environment of the business.

    Basis of difference in learning, training and development




    Individual learning mainly aimed at improving the skills and knowledge of the individual which overall improves the operational concepts of the employee.

    Collaboration of effective and skilled full labours basically strengthen the team performance and this result in maximised productivity of the business. It generally aimed at establishing the effective team that helps in achieving the common goal of Whirlpool (Liljenberg, 2015).


    It mainly focus towards the improvement of individual talent that maximises the knowledge of the employee regarding the concept and working procedure of the Whirlpool industry.

    Manager generally organises the training and development programs in order to improve one's knowledge which leads to high performance and resulted in effective team of the organisation which mainly focus towards delivering efficient and effective pro

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