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    Human Resource Management In Travelodge Hotel

    Task 1

    (Refer to PPT attached)

    Task 2

    3.1 Job description and person specifications

    Aims of recruitment

    The given scenario has been true in the case of the hotel industry in the UK for a long time. Especially in smaller hospitality and hotel businesses, the recruitment policies were more of ad-hoc nature rather than structured ones (Ewart-James and Wilkins, 2015). The waste of hiring a low performing employee with questionable attitudes leads to increased losses in the end. Travelodge hotels emphasise more on making valid long-term recruitments in order to minimise costs in an effective manner. The theories that are related to the successful recruitment of long-term efficient employees are the theories of performance and motivation (Chytiri et al. 2018). With the implementation of these theories in the HRM process, it is possible to modify employee performance to some extent. With the analysis of requirements in several posts in the Travelodge hotel the following report about the current needs of the company can be listed:


    Present sources



    Food and accommodation Managers




    Lobby managers












    Technological staff




    Table 1: Total employee requirement at present.

    Due to the application of computerisation in the management system of Travelodge, there has been an increased demand for technical staff in the headquarters for more effective management. The HRM has the task of filling these positions in the organisation effectively (Christy et al. 2017). The main aims of the recruitment process in Travelodge Hotels include:

    • Increasing profitability and quality of services at the same time.
    • Increasing interactions
    • Encouraging teamwork
    • Meeting the cleanliness and quality standards

    Maintaining all the recruitment criteria during a hire leads to successful employment by the HRM department in the company (Wikhamn, 2018). The selected candidates in the recruitment process are then subjected to mandatory training and induction procedures in order to build up the efficiency in the relevant fields of work.

    Techniques in recruitment process

    The techniques that are implemented by Travelodge industries in inviting for recruitment of personnel consist of the following options:

    • Invite through personal contact and evaluation
    • Classified Ads
    • Higher education institutions
    • Consulting agencies
    • Government subsidized employment programs

    The recruitment programs for the different posts tend to vary with the skills required for each. The aspects that usually relevant to the hotel business and are tested through the interviews are general intelligence, creativity, decision-making abilities, self-respect, degrees and confidence levels (Madan et al. 2016).

    Internal talent pooling for the employees and their recommendations also help in sustainable recruitment processes buy the Travelodge HRM. The candidates trained in management levels or hotel services are often hired directly from the educational institutions which are also a low-cost technique of recruiting new employees (Farrell, 2015). Since the Travelodge Hotels organisation is looking to cut costs in the recruitment and selection processes, the HRM does not include frequent partnerships with private consulting services for the purpose of recruitment. Online data banking system available from the internet has also turned out to be an effective low-cost means for attracting potential candidates.

    3.2 Comparison of the selection process in different services industry

    The service industry in the UK comprises of various sub-parts such as hotel, food and beverages, restaurant industry, tourism industry and transport industry. The recruitment process in the different services industry varies depending on the requirements in the jobs. The hotel and restaurant business is kind of similar except the fact that accommodation factors have to be included in the hotel industry as well (Galdon-Salvador et al. 2016). The standards of cleanliness and food quality are both to be considered in case of the hotel industry, whereas in the restaurant businesses the employers need to train the employees only about the service quality and food quality standards. The standards of the aptitude qualities and knowledge base skills are necessary for the top level positions in hotels. However, in other services industries such as while recruiting waiters in a restaurant, skills such as the presence of mind and leadership are considered foremost. On the other hand, in tourism industry communication and behavioural skills are evaluated and the recruitment is based on these qualities. Therefore, the evaluation during the recruitment process differs according to the work profiles in the services industry.

    Task 3

    Executive summary

    The following report emphasises on the challenges that are faced by the Travelodge Hotels HRM department while conducting recruitment processes for the organisation. It is quite challenging for Travelodge Hotels to stay profitable in the competitive market of Hotel businesses in the UK. The report also focuses on the problems in training and development programs for the employees and offers suggestions on how these issues can be resolved in future.


    The different departments in the Travelodge hotels include food and beverages department, housekeeping, food production, marketing, maintenance and finance department. The Human resources management department in the organisation needs to align every aspect in the business plans to the HRM policies in order to ensure the smooth flow of activities on a regular basis.

    4.1 Contribution of training and development

    Barriers and attitudes to training

    The most preliminary step in the process of effective human resources management is to identify the training needs among the employees and then evaluating the solutions for the needs (Rotimi et al. 2017). There are many barriers that are faced by the HRM department in launching and forming employee training programs in Travelodge hotels. Some of the challenges that the HRM department faces are:




    • Problems in scheduling the training programs due to long working hours of the employees
    • Planning training in the peak season for the hotels is impossible
    • Lack of financial resources for conducting training sessions (Williams and Owusu-Acheampong, 2016)
    • Effective selection of the training courses
    • Lack of personnel for Training of the trainers
    • Diversity among the trainee employees
    • Different training methods tend to work for different people
    • Keeping up the motivation among the employees during the training is also a significant issue.
    • The evaluation methods often do not identify the employee skills effectively.

    Table 2: Barriers to staff training in Travelodge Hotels

    Objectives of organisation

    The major objectives of Travelodge Hotels industries include:

    1. Cutting costs
    2. Maintaining service quality
    3. Earn more profits
    4. Forecasting employee requirements
    5. Make the HR management system adaptive to changes
    6. Effective use of available human resources within the company.
    7. Applying effective promotion structure to the employees.

    The Travelodge Hotels HRM manages to create a talent pool and cut costs for the recruitment process at the same time by using effective cost-free methods of attracting future candidates through internal recommendations (Ferris et al. 2018). Other innovative ideas recently included in HRM of Travelodge are the use of information technology to manage and handle data as well as provide training to the employees.


    Some recommendations based on the challenges faced by Travelodge Hotels in the recruitment process may be listed as follows:

    • Paying greater attention to the development of healthier employment relations can lead to the efficient functioning of the whole system
    • The top-level trainers must encourage and practice improved leadership and mentoring skills in order to lead all the available inferiors towards development.
    • The educational climate in the organisation including labour disputes, job dissatisfaction and communication issues are to be resolved immediately
    • Creating awareness for knowledge improvement is necessary for all levels.
    • Identification of skills necessary and aligning the recruitment and training processes accordingly is required for further improvements.

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    The recruitment HRM in the Travelodge Hotel is mainly concerned with developing suitable techniques for engaging more candidates in the services. The recruitment policy in the Travelodge hotel is related to the quantity and evaluation of qualification in the workforce. Economic and political factors in the country of UK influence the recruitment processes in hotels and hospitality sector. The HRM has to consider a range of barriers and improvement strategies before carrying out a recruitment process successfully. The interviewing, hiring, recruitment and training of the employees are all included in the function the HRM department.

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