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    Impact of ideologies in World Politics


    According to Bull (2012), world politics is totally governed by the established ideologies of its leaders and their mannerisms of taking their leadership forward. It can sometimes be a successful risk in politics or sometimes can result in massive failure in undertaking actions. The study is determined to highlight the similarities in ideologies between Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan to understand their vision of the role of national power in the world of politics. The importance of having ideologies in a political background along with the explanation of the impact that similar ideologies can bring to world politics is assessed.

    Impact of ideologies on world politics

    As per Lipschutz (2013), ideologies are basically a system of belief that is used by individuals to govern their overall actions. The ideologies provide leaders with the capability to challenge or justify contradictions in a system that already exists. Leaders vary in their approaches and thought processes and it reflects on their action and decision making ability as well. Ricento (2015) argued that mostly the ideologies of leaders are devoted to action-oriented activities.

    Sometimes, these ideologies provide the impetus to derive strategic guidance that can help them to chart a course of action that can be used in the current political system. Having a dynamic ideology creates a proactive leader that is capable of strict and fruitful decision-making capabilities. Ideologies are viewpoints that and perspectives that help in suggesting a course of action for attaining the desired outcome. Wapshott (2015) opined that in the case of world politics, it can be stated that leading a whole nation is one of the biggest tasks that can have very serious consequences if not done correctly. Ideologies can suggest the role of national power of a country in the overall world politics scenario. The major function of having a strict ideology is the fact that it allows national leaders to lead their nations to new directions and they can govern the way the country runs through strategic ideas and idea implementation.

    The study clarifies about the strategic partnership and alliance between Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan and how their similarities in vision allowed a better partnership even though they were drastically different as leaders in the matter of style of leadership. Ideologies provide a specific identity to the nation and the leader is responsible for supporting this identity and taking the nation forward. The entire structure of the policies and governing procedures lies on the specific ideologies of leaders.
    Similarities in ideologies of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan

    Little (2014) opined that the motives of nations and the steps taken to achieve those motives must be based on ideologies as it gives citizens a framework about social, cultural, economic and political implications. Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan were two dynamic leaders of the era that had separate leadership styles but had the common vision of the impact that power can have on shaping the world. It is roughly considered that their partnership was among the sturdiest transatlantic alliances that happened after the Second World War. The character traits of both leaders suggested a willingness to take the country forward in the best possible manner.

    Margret Thatcher could be termed as one of the feistiest Prime Ministers of Great Britain and it was her sheer-will power and contradictory nature that made her good at what she did. On the other hand Ronald Reagan was another clear minded and strong-willed person that looked forward to shape world politics through his emotive-driven and strong political ideologies. Having different ways of leadership did not move away from the fact that the strategic alliance between the two was focused on reshaping world politics from the core. Even though their ways of leading differed, the ideologies remained the same. They worked together and rooted for various political factors that had huge implications of world politics. Their championing for having lesser government entitlements, lower regulations in the market and a free market economy with robust activities suggests the similarity in thought processes. These factors not only pointed towards the use of power to change dynamics in wold politics, it also was aimed to better nation growth in the political scenario.

    Another major issue where both the leaders had a single viewpoint was the use of power to develop strict foreign policies and make UK and USA achieve exceptionalism. This strategic partnership was helpful in a way because it allowed them to reinforce their decision making process and strive towards a better political scenario for both nations. They did opt for channelling power towards making the country better. The major milestone in their strategic alliance was during the rise of Soviet Union under Mikhail Gorbachev. The willingness of Margaret Thatcher to make business deals with the Soviet Union provided the necessary boost to Reagan for initiating business deals with Moscow, for which USA had been suspicious for most of the time. It gave the green flag to host any business dealings without any suspicion or dilemma.

    The true nature of the strategic alliance between Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan was evident when Reagan left office and was preceded by George HW Bush. It did not bear the same kind of relationship as Regan, it was mostly cordial since the ideologies of Bush were totally different to that of Thatcher. She found no support from George Bush when her ideologies about re-unification of Germany came into perspective. Her views and the new president’s views differed drastically. It was her agenda against re-unification that made her on the wrong side of history due to lack of ideological support from George Bush.

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    Relevance of the similarities of ideologies

    According to George (2013), the importance of similar ideologies lie in the fact that it creates a scenario where a combined thought process can lead to better decision making facilities. Ideologies act as a binding force that is capable of holding and strengthening the structure of the country and its policies. It is clearly understood that every individual has their own distinct concepts and rules through which they make decision making features. It is these ideologies that help a country evolve in the social and political context across the world.

    Coming to the relevance of having similarities of ideology, it is clear that working as a strategic alliance brings a balance of power and the position of the country in the world scenario can be influenced massively. The context of Thatcher and Reagan suggested the development of national strength between UK and USA in making major political decisions with the support of each other. The fact that during their alliance, major decision making processes were done smoothly due to willingness and support of each other’s ideologies made them work successfully as a team. Handling of critical issues and decision making can be done with ease and it is evident from the way they both handled the Soviet Union’s rise under Mikhail Gorbachev. The need to work together can have its benefits as it is evident when USA was sceptical about doing business with the Soviet Union, but the trust shown by Thatcher helped in easing tensions.

    Scammell (2016) opined that supporting major decision making processes is only possible between two nations when there is a direct connection and similarity in ideologies and long-term objectives. The gaining of mutual trust allows nations to solve issues together and make use of the power to reshape the political scenario. The ideologies that Thatcher and Reagan Shared pointed out to one fact using accumulated power can help the nations to strike a balance around the globe in the hopes to push forward for developing better relations.

    A match of ideologies warrants specific objective attainment easily and no conflict of interests arrives. This issue can be identified when Reagan left office. As discussed above, the mismatch of ideologies hampered the decision-making process for both Thatcher and the current president George Bush. The issues about the reunification of Germany presented opposing opinions from both Thatcher and Bush. The non-support from Bush made Thatcher alone in that decision-making process and found herself to be interpreted as against world unification. If Reagan would still be the president, the difference in the decision would have been much more prominent. Hoover, K.R., (2015) suggested that using the collective power of both nations, a strategic option could be sorted out. Having two powerful personalities in the world of politics did have major implications in reshaping the global scenario, however, it does require similar sensibilities in order to be successful in implementing policies.

    It can be assumed that there is a direct resemblance between the values and ideologies and their translation into leadership abilities. A strategic alliance with similar goals can help nations build a long-term and better future for the world of politics. 

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    The importance of a business alliance is known by the fact that a balance of power requires a clear understanding between individuals and a similar decision-making process. The study helped in showing how leaders of two superpower nations collaborated and made vital political decisions that had an impact on world politics.


    • Bull, H., (2012). The anarchical society: a study of order in world politics. Palgrave Macmillan.
    • Ricento, T., (2015). Ideology, politics and language policies: Focus on English (Vol. 6). John Benjamins Publishing.
    • Lipschutz, R.D., (2013). Reconstructing world politics: the emergence of global civil society. Millennium
    • Wapshott, N., (2015). Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher: a political marriage. Penguin.
    • Little, G., (2014). Strong leadership: Thatcher, Reagan and an eminent people. Oxford University Press, USA

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