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    Understanding Conferences and Events of Dream Sales Machine

    Brief :

    Case Scenario:

     After, HNCD programme, an individual get a  job in an organisation you like, and retain  in and develop a career.

    This may be Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd, another Conference and Events business, choose any organisation of your own choice.

    The business requires  various skills in Events Management. You are asked to perform certain activities in same area.

    Activity 1 – Reporting 

    In  event sector, you have to make a report and following information must be cover:

    1.  Summary of event sector

        Identify different categories and dimensions of Events,  use  specific example)

    2. Current position  of Events Sector

    Explain some characteristics  and current trends that influence the Events Sector?(use specific example).

    How Events Sector is developing? How innovation helps to adapt Events?

    Activity2 – Outline  the Management Skills required to work in the Events Industry

    1. The extent of Management Roles in the Events Industry

    Explain some of the different roles within the Events Industry? (Give examples.)

    What are the current job opportunities in Events?

    2. The  Management Skills required to meet Stakeholder Needs

    Describe   management skills and personal abilities essential to someone who wants to succeed in the Events Industry?

    How does effective management skills helps management to make it a best event? (Specific example)

    Explain  stakeholders in an event? Identify the  management skills needed to fulfill the need and expectation of different stakeholders? 

    Activity 3 – Planning  to set up Event Room

    You are required to present some practical capabilities in the area of Event room set-   up.

    • Layout a planning document in which as a minimum you;-
    • Design a layout foran event to appropriately set up an event room in a way that
    • Meet thespecific requirements of a client brief; a
    • Explain the additional services that are available in an Event environment, why it isimportant to meet specific client 

    Activity 4 – Event Safety and security

    Frame  a planned document by: ;-

    Explaining the security and safety measures for an Event and how you would provide a secure and safe culture with specific example. Develop this plan to cover; Distinction between security and safety provision at different specific events. Elaborate your answer with specific example.

    Suggest related  provisions of security and safety in terms of cost and benefits for business and staff.

    Learning Outcomes




    LO1. Explain  varieties  of events in the event sector

    D1.  Evaluate  the growth and development of the event sector with the help of examples.

    P1. Mention different areas of events by using specific examples and difference.

    P2. By using  specific examples, explain different categories  and  trends  in event sector.

    M1. Analyse current transformation in event sector  to become more innovative using relevant examples from varieties of events.

    LO2.  Consider event room set ups and conference to define professional standards requirement.

    D2. Make choices for the design and layout  for a event set up to meet essential requirement.

    P3. Design layout to  conduct  appropriate event set up and conferences  to meet the expectation of clients.

    P4. identify  the important  services available in a conference or event to add value  in a clients needs.

    M2.Examine the quality of design to meet clients expectation.

    LO3. Explain management skills needed to work in event sector and influence the stakeholders.

    D3. Analyse the management skills and make recommendation to satisfy the need of stakeholder in event sector.

    P5. Identify the different roles to create job opportunity in this sector.

    P6. Explain the required skills to work smoothly in event sector to satisfy client's expectation. .

    M3. Evaluate  the impact of management skill to attain growth  in event sector.

    LO4. Explain the appropriate measures that are important  to create safe environment for staff, guests and client.

    D4.  Make Recommendation  for safety and security provision in relation to cost and benefit to business , staff and guests.

    P7. Explain appropriate  measures to provide a safe environment for event staff, guests with specific examples.

    M4. Differentiate  the security and safety related provision in event  sector.  

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