6 Things Your Professor Always Look for in Assignments

Important Things That Your Professor Check in Your Assignment

Global Assignmnent Help Australia
16 Jul 2019 3109 6 minutes

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Have you ever submitted a flawless assignment and did not get desired grades?

Yes! It might be flawless according to you but, not up to your professor’s expectation...


It’s a bitter truth that most of the times we think that things are going perfect, but in reality, they are not. Similarly, if we talk about the assignments, then sometimes we make some minor mistakes that we don’t realize and at last, face the consequences.

So, have you ever wondered what your professor actually wants in your assignment?

Well, most of you would say no, because you never tried to know that...

In order to get familiar with the truth, here are 6 important things that every student must know before starting to write an assignment.

Important Things That Your Professor Check in Your Assignment:

Proper Guidelines

The university guidelines are the foremost thing that every professor check as you submit your assignment to them. Following the guidelines properly simply indicates that you are very dedicated towards your work and hence, marks a positive impression on your professor. So, if you really wish to fetch top-notch grades in your assignment, then it is mandatory to follow the guidelines properly while writing.

Well-Structured Document

Structuring an assignment is equally important as writing it. This is the second most important thing that helps you impress your professor. For that, you have to prepare an assignment before writing it. In addition, create an outline of your assignment so that you will stay organized while writing. The format should be perfect and must be according to the academic writing style. For example:

  • Font -Times New Roman  
  • Font Size - 12pt
  • Margins - 2.5 cm (all four margins)
  • Line Spacing - 1.5
  • Headings - Must be in Bold
  • Insert page numbers

The information is of no use if you do not know how to present it in a proper structure. So, both the information and the way to present it are important for preparing an excellent assignment. If you do not have enough time to prepare your assignment properly, then you can buy assignment services fro our experts.

No Mistakes in Document

Apart from checking the guidelines and format, the professor also checks if there are mistakes or not. Most of the students have this misconception that professors do not take mistakes seriously and do not realize the consequences. If you too have this misconception, then wake up right now and get this thing in your mind that mistakes matter a lot. You can’t even imagine even a minute mistake can cost you your marks. So, the best solution to this is, proofread the document twice so that no mistakes are left.

Proper Referencing

As taking the authentic information from the credible sources is important, similarly, properly referencing that source holds the same importance. So, while doing referencing whatever style you choose, reference your sources well. In case, you are using someone’s work or thought, make sure you interpret them clearly and mention the source. Proper referencing clearly indicates that you have not copied someone’s work in your writing and it marks a good impression on your professor. So, to make sure that you fetch top-notch grades, do proper referencing in your assignment.


Whenever it comes to writing an assignment at an academic level, authenticity matters a lot. According to the university guidelines, a plagiarized document is never accepted and is considered as a serious offense. To make sure that you deliver an authentic document, never copy the content from sources and in case, you are using someone’s work in your assignment, then acknowledge it. This is the most important thing that every professor look for in every assignment. So, to save your assignment from getting rejected, make sure the document is authentic.

Writing Style

The last and the most important thing to keep in mind is the formal writing style that you follow. Most of the students get confused while writing an assignment in a formal tone and therefore, seek assignment writing service. Not taking help from a professor or not consulting an expert is another reason why they get low grades in their assignment. Being the most important factor, the professor always checks whether the student has written an assignment in a formal style or not. So, make sure you do it properly.


A good assignment writing always starts with the basics first, so know the basics before you submit an assignment and fetch A+ grades.

With these tips, you will be able to master the art of assignment writing and impress your professor along the way...

So, do not miss the opportunity to mark an impression on your professor and stand out among your peers.

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