How to Write an Impactful Climate Change Essay? Key Aspects!

Need help with writing climate change essay? Discover the reasons, effects, prevention, example, and topics of it. So, read this and submit your paper on time.

Guide to Climate Change Essay
19 Oct 2024 36 15 minutes

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Climate change is the major issue that everyone is facing. Moreover, this have endless consequences that can be harmful for us. So, to highlight this issues, it is best to write a climate change essay. This will make you aware the facts and figures about it. Also, with this, you can learn about a lot of new terms.

In this blog, we have discussed the reasons, effects, how to prevent, examples, and topics of it. If you read this properly, you can easily draft the best write-up. But if you still face any issues, you can reach out to us and can get best assistance for climate change research. For now let's have a look at the causes of it.

Reasons for Climate Change

Scientists have many theories about why our climate is changing. One reason is the greenhouse effect, a process where certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere trap heat, gradually increasing the Earth's temperature. It is a critical issue that needs quick alert. If you want to know more about it, you must continue reading about it. So, let's have a look at it now.

Generating Power

Deforestation, clearing forests, is another significant contributor to climate change. Trees play a vital part in soaking carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Therefore, the more trees we lose, the more carbon dioxide remains in the air, exacerbating the greenhouse effect. Thus, you can discuss this while writing your essay.

Manufacturing Goods

While essential for producing goods, the manufacturing industry is also the most significant benefactor to conservatory gas emissions. These emissions, often from burning fossil fuels, are a byproduct of making everyday items like iron, steel, cement, plastics, clothes, and electronics. This underscores the need for sustainable production methods.

Cutting Down Forests

The scale of the problem is immense. Cutting down forests to create buildings or monuments is a significant contributor to climate change. When trees are cut down, they release the carbon they have been storing, adding to the already significant levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Shockingly, around 12 million hectares of forest are destroyed each year, further exacerbating the problem and impacting nature's ability to keep emissions out of the atmosphere.

Carbon Footprints

Carbon footprints, or the total amount of greenhouse gases generated by human

activities, are primarily driven by energy production. It is particularly pronounced in Australia, with energy production being the most significant contributor to the country's carbon emissions. To put it into perspective, around 4.5 % of global fossil carbon dioxide emissions are produced, and a staggering 80% of these come from fossil fuel exports. 

So, these are the few causes of climate change. Moreover, because of this, the environment is getting too polluted, and it is mainly caused by carbon dioxide. But do you know the effect behind it? Well, go further to the next section and read about it.

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Effects of Climate Change

Climate change has many effects, as this is the major problem we as a society are facing. As you have read about the reasons behind it, now is the perfect time to check out the effects of them. Have a look ahead and get the best learning from the experts of Global Assignment Help Australia!

Hotter Temperature

As the attention of conservatory gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, increases in the Earth's atmosphere, they trap more heat. This leads to a direct impact on the global surface temperature. In 2023, this resulted in a record-breaking heatwave and floods. The average temperature from May to October was higher than usual, all due to the greenhouse effect.

Severe Storms

Severe storms, a devastating consequence of climate change, have been striking with increasing frequency in many regions, including hard-hit Australia. The rising temperature is causing excessive moisture to evaporate, leading to extreme rainfall and flooding. Last year, a severe marine heatwave further damaged coral reefs and coastal ecosystems, underscoring the urgent need for global action.

Increasing Drought

Climate change is altering water availability, leading to a worrying scarcity in many regions. Excessive global warming is causing a severe water shortage, increasing the risk of agricultural droughts that directly impact crops. The plight of those suffering from chronic water issues is a clear call to action, urging us to address this crisis immediately.

Poverty and Displacement

The relentless march of climate change is pushing more people into poverty. Floods and storms are ravaging urban slums, and the relentless heat is making outdoor work increasingly unbearable. Shockingly, from 2010 to 2019, an estimated 23.1 million people were affected by weather-related disasters each year, plunging them into the depths of poverty.

Loss of Species

Climate change is casting a dark shadow over the survival of species on land and in oceans. The relentless march of global warming has added Australia to the growing list of regions where species are under threat. The dangers are manifold, from forest fires to extreme weather, from pests to diseases, all fueled by climate change.

You know what is crucial for you to add to your essay through the above effects. Apart from this, you also made it clear how dangerous our environment is. So, do you want to know how to prevent climate change? Read it in the next section.

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How to Prevent Climate Change?

Do you know what is the best way to prevent climate change? Well to learn about it is the most crucial thing, as this can help you to save the environment. Moreover, you can also discuss about it in your essay. Read ahead!

Save Energy at Home

Most electricity and heat are powered by oil, gas, and coal. Thus, if you want to reduce your use of electricity, you should start saving it from your home. You also need to make less use of heating and cooling and should switch to LED light bulbs and electric appliances. Other examples are washing the laundry with cold water or drying clothes rather than using a dryer.

Eat More Vegetables

By eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds and reducing your consumption of meat and dairy, you can make a substantial distinction to the environment. Plant-based meals naturally deliver fewer greenhouse gas emissions and need less energy, land, and water. This simple change in your diet can have a powerful impact on climate change.

Throw Away Less Food

Every time you throw food away, you're not just discarding food but also wasting the resources and energy used to grow, produce, package, and transport it. Rotting food in landfills also contributes to the production of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. You can take a crucial step towards a more sustainable future by cutting your food waste.

Plant Native Species

If you have a garden or even plants outside your home, inspect for native species. Use a plant label app to assist. Then, think about replacing non-natives, especially those that are considered intrusive. Plants, animals and insects depend on each other. Most insects will not eat non-native manufacturers, which means birds and other species lose a nutrition source.

Clean Up Your Environment

Contaminated land and water harm not only humans but also animals and plants. We all must take responsibility for our waste. Use only what you need, and do it properly when you have to dispose of something. Every year, individuals throw out 2 billion tons of garbage, and about a third of it causes environmental harm, from choking water supplies to poisoning soil.

So, these are the measures that you can apply to prevent climate change. But now you must be wondering what is the way to write an essay? So, in the next section, you will read about it.

Example for Climate Change Essay

Check out the below climate change essay example. By this, you will get a perfect way to write your paper to impress your professor. Have a look.

Climate change caused by environmental degradation has affected nations worldwide, including Australia. Australia has seen a 0.8ºC increase in temperature during the last century, with minimum temperatures rising more quickly than maximums. However, there is less rainfall in the western regions. Rising sea surface temperatures have been linked to increased coral mortality and bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef.

The Snowy Mountains have seen a decrease in snow cover, despite Australia's sea level rise having varied by location and staying below the global average. According to CSIRO, the average annual temperature may increase by 0.4°C to 2.0°C by 2030 and by 1.0°C to 6.0°C by 2070 when compared to 1990 estimates (CSIRO, 2001). Future climate change levels are still up for debate and uncertainty. Rainfall variations, tropical cyclones, El Nino Southern Oscillation occurrences, and a reduction in snow cover and duration are all unavoidable.

So, these is an example of climate change essay. Thus, you can check the way it is written to enhance your knowledge. Also, if you want help with best titles, you can simply use our essay typer tool. Now move ahead and learn about it in next section.

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10+ Topics for Climate Change Essay Topics

Are you tired of searching for your paper's best climate change essay topics? Worry not! Check out the list of best ideas for your document.

  1. Describe the greenhouse effect and its potential harm to the environment.
  2. Talk about some of the leading causes of climate change
  3. Is it possible to eliminate carbon dioxide from the air?
  4. What distinguishes climate change from global warming?
  5. Describe the various strategies for halting climate change
  6. Explain how data on global temperatures is gathered and analysed
  7. Examine how the sun and global warming are related.
  8. List the essential greenhouse gases and their functions.
  9. Talk about how life on Earth and the greenhouse effect are related.
  10. What are the primary causes of the world's warming?
  11. Does the changing climate have an impact on animals? Describe how

So, these are the few list of topics that you can choose for your paper. Thus, if you still think that your query is not solved, you can get the best help from our experts. Know the procedure about it in the ahead part.

Get the Best Climate Change Essay from Us!

You might have understood how to write a fantastic climate change essay. Moreover, if you want to make your paper impressive, you can consider choosing a fantastic title. But is that enough? Well, the answer is no! After this, you need to begin with the writing part, where you might face any issues. But now the good thing is that, you can think of seeking our Science assignment help to solve all your queries.

In addition, we have experts who know how to deal with the problems of students so that they can score good grades. Moreover, not only with essay but you can also reach out to them for research papers, assignments, coursework, and many more.

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