How to Write in Cursive: Steps, Benefits, and Tips

Everyone should know how to write in cursive. It gives a touch of elegance to your hand-written work. So, if you want to learn to write in cursive, this blog is for you!

A Quick Guide on How to Write in Cursive
10 Jul 2024 407 14 minutes

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Do you know when cursive writing was first used? It was Timothy Matlack and Abraham Lincoln first made their document in cursive around 18-19th century. Since then, it has come into use and has become a timeless element in the English language for grace and beauty. Moreover, in modern times, it is becoming more important as in the digital age, students are required to draft their essays. However, the issue many students face is they do not know how to write in cursive. It demotivates them, which makes them search for expert aid. But do not worry, as this blog deals with the steps to learn cursive handwriting with examples and tips. Moreover, the benefits of learning them will enhance your understanding. But first, let us discuss its meaning.

What Is Cursive Writing?

Cursive writing is also known as joined writing, a style of penmanship in which you have to write by joining the letters in a flowing manner. You learn it to make you do your work faster than block letters and make your content look elegant. It has many use cases in modern times, like for writing religious scriptures, official documents or personal use. It is being utilised everywhere. Further, it has many types, which are looped, italic, or connected. So, this is the brief about cursive writing. Now, let’s read about its benefits to develop your understanding. 

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Benefits of Writing in Cursive

The skill of writing in cursive has its importance as it makes one’s text look more elegant. Also, it appreciates the history for its contribution. Moreover, in modern times, it holds more importance for young students, as it develops neural connections and improves memory and cognitive abilities. Moreover, when you learn how to write in cursive, making loops and curves results in a mental exercise for the brain. 

Increase Writing and Speed Quality

Once the young children learn to do print handwriting, writing cursive letters becomes a walk in the park. Thus, they learn to write it quickly. Moreover, it helps them to articulate their thoughts better in the paper. Their choice of words and sentence structure enhances, making their writing easy to understand. But if you do not have enough time to master the skill or lack interest in learning it for your college work. You can always search for assignment help to get expert aid.

Amplified Creative Writing

Doing Cursive writing activates the logical and creative side of the brain. When you do it, you have to think about how to make a certain loop or curve and why, and this makes the left brain work. When you do cursive writing freely, you activate your right brain (creative side). So, cursive handwriting is an overall exercise for the mind, which results in creative ideas.

Enhanced Cognitive Abilities

Cognition is the ability of your brain to perform functions like memory, problem-solving, and understanding. Learning different cursive writing styles builds memory patterns in your brain, and when you use the letter at requirement, it develops your recall power. Moreover, if you know how to write in cursive, your reading comprehension will be enhanced. As it fosters a deeper connection with the written text.

So, these are some benefits to develop your understanding of the topic and know why it is important to learn it. Now, let us learn how to write cursive.

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How to Write in Cursive? 8 Steps

So, here are the eight steps to make you write you learn cursive writing. Knowing them will aid you in developing the skill easily, which will help you to make your content look more professional and elegant. Moreover, they take you from a beginner to a good level in cursive writing for your work.

How to Write in Cursive 8 Steps

Start with Alphabets

To learn how to write in cursive, begin with the alphabet, it is the first step of the whole process. Before the advent of the internet, it was being taught in schools. But now in modern times, it is being taught less, as typing is used more. Moreover, if you give it enough time to learn and be patient, you will learn the skill of cursive handwriting quickly.

Write in Lowercase

To learn how to write in cursive, start specifically with the lowercase alphabets, as they are easier to do than uppercase. So begin your journey by writing ‘u’ and ‘o’ as they are the easiest letters to practice because they contain only one stroke. Then go to b, f, and k, as they also contain one stroke, but are more complex in their shapes. Lastly, practice a, g, o, c, d, e, and then the rest lowercase letters.

Write in Uppercase

Only when you have given your hours to practising lowercase letters and feel confident writing them move to uppercase alphabets. Start by practising C, G, L and O, as they are easier than other letters on the list. Once, you master them, move to R, one of the hardest. Lastly, start writing B, D, J, P, T and then other letters. Going with the above flow will aid you in increasing your level and gradually learning how to write cursive.

  • Observe the below examples of letters tolearn cursive writing.

list of cursive letters

Combine Letters

Now that you have a grip on lowercase and uppercase letters, it is time to join them to make pairs and words. You must ensure a smooth transition among all letters, as the beauty of cursive handwriting depends on the seamless connection between them. So, start practising joining letters and avoid lifting your pen too frequently to connect them easily. Lastly, have a consistent slang (letters angle) of all letters to make them look more aesthetic.

Focus on Spacing

Now that you are good with words in cursive writing, ensure consistent space between them. Moreover, if you give proper space, your writing becomes easier to read. But what do most students go wrong with when they start learning cursive handwriting? They overcrowd words and place them very closely, which makes the writing unclear to read and less beautiful. So, practice from the start to have a finger gap between each word.

Explore Writing Styles

Learn cursive writing by practising the same writing style and slang (angle of letters). But after some time, you should explore different styles to enhance your skills. Moreover, the more variety you practice, the faster you figure out the one you like the most. Then, you can write your every work in that style for personal expression. Furthermore, if any formal document requires a specific style, you can write that because you have the skill.

  • Explore the below style to find your favourite one:



Lavender Script

Citadel Script



Ritts Cursive


Buffet Script

Build Writing Speed

Your main focus should be being correct with one and then many styles to learn cursive writing. But as soon as you get comfortable with them, you can easily write them without any difficulty and focus on your speed. Start developing it by putting a time limit, you have to write 100 words in the next 2 minutes. Ensure to meet the deadline, but do not leave the quality to get efficiency. Balance your writing speed and elegance.

Practice Regularly

No skill you can learn from scratch without giving it proper time and effort, the same way when you learn how to write in cursive. In the starting, it will be difficult, you will not be able to write the words correctly in proper slang and spacing. But if you follow the above steps in the same order as they are and practice regularly for one hour each day, you will become master of it. Start by making one stroke, one letter, one word, and then one paragraph.

So, these are the eight steps to make you learn how to write cursive. Now, let us move to the tips to help you further learn this skill.

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Tips to Improve Cursive Handwriting

Now, let us discuss some tips to enhance your skills of how to write in cursive. These are some important pointers you must remember while practicing this skill to get more help. But if they sound difficult or you want someone to write your work, you can get our essay writing services to get your content in cursive. Now, let us start with the first one.

  1. Download sheets of different cursive writing styles and try to replicate them systematically.
  2. Start with lowercase alphabets and then move to uppercase letters.
  3. Ensure you maintain neatness while connecting letters.
  4. Pick one style at the start to practice to learn how to write in cursive.
  5. Begin with making the easy letters with simple curves, then move to the complex.
  6. Avoid rushing and focus on writing beautifully to master the skill.
  7. Dedicate 20 minutes to one hour daily to learn cursive handwriting.
  8. Use gentle pressure, as beginners exert excessive force on the paper.
  9. Ensure you add a personal touch to your writing. Do not just copy and paste.
  10. Use lined papers for better structure when you learn cursive writing.

So, these are cursive writing tips to enhance your skills. But even after reading them, you find it difficult to grasp or do not have enough time to learn how to write in cursive. You can get the help of our experts, and the next section deals with that.

Get Help in Cursive Writing from Us

So, this is the blog on how to write in cursive, which covers its meaning, benefits, steps, and tips to master this skill. Reading the definition and importance will aid you in building a base for cursive. Moreover, the steps are covered to give you a road map to learn cursive writing. Furthermore, the last section contains tips to give you insights that will further help you in your learning process. But still, if you are not able to learn it, you can easily contact our experts by searching for Global Assignment Help Australia. They will aid you in writing cursive for your homework and documents.

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