VLSI Assignment Topic Guide: Use it to Get an A+

VLSI Assignment Topic Guide 2019: Use it to Get an A+

online VLSI Assignment Help
15 Jun 2023 2616 6 minutes

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We all love phones, fascinating lights, but these amazing things exist because of one crucial element, do you know what it is? Well, it is a circuit. Without the circuit, a chip, or in short VLSI, our favorite gadgets would not have existed. Now have you ever realized the importance of this subject and work? Well, we hope, yes. You are the future of this industry and will surely take it forward. But, before that, there is one hurdle you need to cross, i.e., completing the VLSI assignment. Now you must be wondering why are we referring to is as a hurdle, right? This is so because the students like you, struggle in choosing a topic for it. You know the professor is bored with those age-old mundane themes and he wants something new and impressive. And, the question before you is how to find such a theme. Well, we have the answer. Here is the guide you have been searching for, for so long. You can select any topic of your interest from this guide and get an A+ easily. Go through it with a focused and attentive mind.

Guide 2019: Latest and Impressive Topics for VLSI Assignment

Since your time is valuable, let’s not waste it and talk straight to the point. Here are the best topics for the VLSI assignment.

Topic # 1 Home automation systems

Who thought one day we will be able to switch off the air conditioner while partying at a club or it will automatically get switched off in cold weather conditions when we are peacefully sleeping? Well, all this is possible because of wireless and Bluetooth based home automation systems. This technology excites people, including the professors, and they want to know more about it. Therefore, you can expand your knowledge and make it a part of your VLSI assignment. In your document, answer a few questions, such as:

  • Why is this technology increasingly becoming popular?
  • How it can be perfectly designed?

Topic # 2 Robotic-arm controllers

The top industrialists do not want to hire people for moving objects from one place to another in the factory. Wondering, who does this task then? Well, robots do. It's so exciting, right? Well, not only you, but the professor also gets excited about the thought of it. Therefore, you can research this theme, make it your assignment's topic, and impress him by answering the following questions:\

  • How can the robotic arm controller’s problem of inverse kinematics be solved?
  • How to design a 5 bar linkage robot?

Topic # 3 The adiabatic technique

You may be knowing about various techniques of circuit design, but we are sure this technique is something new for you too. Well, along with you, the professor also wants to expand his know-how of it. Therefore, our online VLSI assignment help experts suggest that you should do a bit of research, find more information on it, and address the following queries through the assignment:

  • What are the benefits of using it?
  • Where does it stand in comparison to old techniques of designing a circuit?

Topic # 4 Behavioral analysis of the asynchronous circuits

You must be knowing what an asynchronous circuit is, right? Even if not, then also do not worry, we will give you a quick recap of it. The asynchronous circuits are self-timed or sequential circuits that are not governed by a global clock signal or clock circuit. In your assignment, you can easily do its behavioral analysis, and find the answer to the following questions:

  • How are the asynchronous and synchronous circuits different from each other?
  • What is a race in the asynchronous circuits?

Topic # 5 The carry tree adder

The carry tree or parallel prefix adders can be an interesting topic for the assignment since they are considered the best performers in the VLSI design. You can dig deeper and answer the following questions through the document:

  • How does this adder work?
  • What is meant carry save and ripple carry adder?

Topic # 6 Efficient systolic architecture

Do you know what an efficient systolic architecture is? Well, it is a concept for mapping high-end computations into hardware solutions. They can be a good and impressive theme for the assignment. Therefore, activate your inner researcher and find answers to the below-mentioned questions:

  • How can it be used to perform binary multiplication?
  • What are its characteristics?

Have you started researching the above-mentioned topics? We hope, yes. If not, then do it soon, otherwise, your classmates will get ahead of you, and win all the praise from the professor. In case you need more assistance or information about these themes, then feel free to contact us for the best online VLSI assignment help.


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