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    Demand and Supply Analysis for Tesco

    University: Bloomsbury institute london

    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 9 / Words 2160
    • Paper Type: Essay
    • Course Code: LSBM103
    • Downloads: 537
    Question :

    This assessment will cover following questions :

    • Evaluate the value chain model which is proposed by Porters.
    • Reflect the usefulness of the value chain model in the Tesco organisation.
    • Tesco is a retail supermarket based in UK. Analyse the micro and macro environmental impacts that affects the business organisation.
    • Reflect on the theory on how the forces in the macro environment shape business.
    Answer :


    A value chain is the set of activities which the firm operates in order to deliver products and services to the consumer (Barrett and et., al., 2019). This is essential for organization to create a value chain as it help in improving the efficiency as well as maintaining the demand and supply in the well define manner. The present report is based upon Tesco which deals in the retail sector and provide household service top the consumer. This was given by the porters which consist of primary activities which support the activities in the company. For using this system the main motive is to optimize the value chain to improve the quality of the product and services. This tool allow managers to identify the value to the business and its opportunities present in the market.

    Value Chain Model

    The value chain model was given by Michael porters in 1985 which is one of the most value concept in today market because it describe the value chain in the detail manner about its product and service which are related to the operational activities. This is made by the subsystem with each input as this help in transformation and process which involve money, labour, material and equipment. There are different activities which involves which are explained in detail manner.

    Inbound logistic: are involve relationship with the suppliers and include all the resources which are revived in the store. So in the context of Tesco the firm must make sure about the inventory as this will help to improve the efficiency of the organisation.

    Operations: These are the activities which require to transform inputs and outputs to provide sales and services to the end user. This is important for the organisation like Tesco to have effective operation as it result in maintaining the demand and supply present in t

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