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    Advertisement and Promotion in Business

    Introduction to Advertisement and Promotion

    Advertisement is a part of promotion which most of the business organizations uses for the purpose of publicizing products and services at market place. The present research report has been made with an attempt to analyze communication process in advertisement industry and how it manages flow of information in different sectors. Other than this, the study has also evaluated the ways through which promotion can be regulated along with the current trends that are included in advertisement and promotion industry (Leslie, 2005).

    Furthermore the research has discussed branding and its role which basically underpins business practices while promoting and advertising business products and services. Researcher has explained primary techniques of below the line promotion and its way of integration with promotional strategies of firm. Marketing campaigns and its effectiveness in product promotion has been stated in the study which is further assisting in promoting calling card in UK.

    1.1 Explain the communication process that applies to advertising and promotion

    Communication is considered as the most essential process which is included in all sorts of work processes and it is also a major facet of marketing and in the present case, it is integrated directly with advertising and promotion. The process of communication in subsequent industry is mentioned as under:

    • In order to promote international calling card, it is crucial for the advertising industry to facilitate planning about each and every facet so that uncertainties can be managed properly. While planning, it is crucial to include budgetary and other aspects so as to manage business processes in prominent manner (Lubetkin, 2000).
    • Afterwards planning, it is also required for the industry to determine the ways through which the use and facets of international calling cards will be promoted. Here the advertising industry to develop message in terms of promotional ways as this ensures optimum sales of calling cards in UK.
    • The international calling card company of UK is also required to get authority from the advertisement and promotion industry and they need to get requisite consideration while selecting promotional tool (Rossiter, 1987).
    • The message then needs to be promoted among the market so that customers can know about the availability of such cards. Proper way of promotion is requisite to be promoted.

    1.2 Explain the organization of the advertising and promotions industry

    There are several categories which are divided into advertisement and promotion industry and they also manage their work processes in similar manner. Here is the list of all those organizations is stated as under:

    Generalized advertising organizations: These organizations are useful at the time of organizing generalized advertisements and the organization usually considers developing logo and brands for specific products and services.

    Specialized advertising organizations: These organizations are designed to greater types of organizations and these are also used for the purpose of specifying adequate business products. Such type of entity is also useful in promoting business aims and objectives (Hanafizadeh and Payam, 2012).

    In-house advertisement organizations: This is useful for when individual tasks are interrelated and it involves each and every person while promoting business calling cards.

    Interactive advertisement organizations: This is basically useful for internet and television specific advertisements. In the contemporary world, such types of organizations are highly useful and this also gives value to the organizations. Such types of organizations include creative aspects which persuades customers on higher extent. This can also be used in present case (Shah, 2009)
    Hence from the discussion, it is clear that the interrelated advertisements organizations work in proper manner for enhancing promotional aspects of international calling cards.

    1.3 Assess how promotion is regulated

    Promotion is regulated in adequate and that needs to entirely concerned with regulatory frameworks and this further also manages legal requirements of advertisement and promotion industry (Scheinbaum, 2014).

    Pre development stage: This is the stage where international calling card is required to be promoted in prominent manner and here the company is required to facilitate every aspect so that product can be launched at market place. Here reviews can be ascertained for promotion of international calling cards.

    Product starting: In order to promote international calling cards, it is useful for the company to start every phase with planning and distribution and here the accurate use of product should be promoted (Faber and, 2005) Here promotion is regulated with legal rules so that customers can be persuaded appropriately. Here advertisement needs to be very much lucrative for developing international calling cards.

    Offers oriented promotions: These are useful for carrying certain types of promotion and the main purpose of such thing is to increase the ratio of sales and revenue by publicizing products and services. Here certain offers are required to give to end users so that they can also retain with the company.

    1.4 Examine current trends in advertising and promotion

    The major trends in advertising and promotion industry are directly related to internet and media sources. In contemporary market place, all the organizations are using indifferent sources for managing product success and here international calling cards can also be promoted for the same aspect. The majority of advertisement organizations are basically categorized into two general accomplishments; however the main aim is to persuade clients towards products and services. Promotions through online is becoming more common as all types of customers can be segmented towards innovative products and services (Hackley, 2014) Despite this, one of the major aspects is that with the help of numerous sources of internet, innovative and creative aspects can be included while advertising international calling cards. There are so many cases in which business uses numerous promotional techniques for developing the brand image of the company and products as well. In many cases, it is being revealed that today the main source of advertisement and promotion both is to entice customers’ today international calling cards and this is also suitable in terms of managing enhancing sales of the company. ICT has impacted these organizations in many ways as they help the company to facilitate new ways of managing product promotion at market place.

    2.1 Explain the role of advertising in an integrated promotional strategy

    Advertisement is basically another technique of promotional strategy and this aims to encourage selling of products and services to different customer segments. Here in the present case, international calling cards can be promoted with the help of internet marketing as today all the organizations have been promoting their products and services directly from online sources. All the segments of customers are available at one place so this also aids in avoiding extra operational costs. Promotional messages always integrated with all elements of a product; hence here promotional strategy, price and place mix can also be included (Rossiter, 1987) Advertisement plays major role in integrated promotional strategy as this helps business to comprehend the actual need of specified promotional tool. This boosts the creditability of promotional aspects and it also makes sure that customers are getting right kind of message from the promotional message. It plays prominent role in advertisement industry since that entices customers towards the use of international calling cards. Hence from the discussion, it is clear that advertisement strength the promotional messages and it also ensures proper acquiring market share. Therefore it involves several sorts of tools and techniques for managing business promotion in external market place (Lesl

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