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    Business systems analytics College Level 5


    Business analysis is all about assessment of company in order to identify various necessary information or data which may affects the success of an enterprise. Basically, number of medium sized organization are emerging at marketplace whose main objective is to serve consumers with qualitative services. Just eat is food restaurant which engaged in offering best possible items to their consumers with the use of advanced technology (Fan, Lau and Zhao, 2015). Thus, assignment is going to highlight various steps of acquiring information and process of holding relevant information at data warehouse.


    1. Methods for retrieve disparate sources of information

    Data warehouse is also known as a enterprise data warehouse where relevant information are stored for future in order to make necessary decisions such as; making budget, planning process, strategy designs, policies implementation and so on. In fact, an appropriate steps is taken while acquiring information from various sources like; magazines, newspapers etc. Along with this advanced technologies is used for storing accurate information in suitable manner for protecting it from fraudulent activities. Basically, proper step is followed for storing the data through online transaction process is described as follows:-

    • Need to determine main objectives of an organization such as; understanding the need of consumers.
    • Accumulate and assess the relevant information by comparing it with real facts in order to identify best ones.
    • Identify core business procedures.
    • Need to design an effective or conceptual data model (Shmueli and et. al., 2017).
    • Locate information sources and make strategy for information transformation.
    • Set tracking time frame.
    • Implement the plan

    2. Schema, dimension and measure use for holding information together in data warehouse

    Data warehouses plays a very eminent role in preventing data by taking various useful measures and steps that is discussed below:-

    • Need to set privacy lock for preventing it from damages.
    • Prefer visual appeal for maintaining the speed.
    • Check the quality of data before finalizing it.
    • Quality management.

     All the above steps are used for preventing information from damages and frauds. Therefore, proper procedure is used for holding data at warehouses.

    3. Example for operations

    Drill- down:- Its about removing information from one place to another with the use of suitable methods and proper procedures. For example; table is showing that customer wants to changes their quality of demand from 1kg to 5 kg which resulted in changes in information that is stored in a data warehouse (Hofmann and Klinkenberg, 2013).

    Pivot – it is used for processing mixed workload in database. It helps in running quarries of dynamic data& that gets refreshed after a certain time. It is used to extract data in its pure form by eliminating duplication and transformation

    Slice – it is an analytical operation that helps users to analyse multidimensional data that is fetched from different source. This further helps in providing qualities to external users.


    From the above report it has been concluded that storing of information is very much essential for organization development because it aids in protecting confidential data from exploitative activities. Therefore, data warehouse is used by an organization for maintaining the data from exploitative activities


    • Fan, S., Lau, R. Y. and Zhao, J. L., 2015. Demystifying big data analytics for business intelligence through the lens of marketing mix. Big Data Research. 2(1). pp.28-32.
    • Shmueli, G. and et. al., 2017. Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in R. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Hofmann, M. and Klinkenberg, R. eds., 2013. RapidMiner: Data mining use cases and business analytics applications. CRC Press

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