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Human resource are considered as the main resource of an organisation who give support in running business appropriately. Therefore, it is a major duty of management to concern on every factor that impact on their performance. They should analyse in what manner, excellent service of employees can be gained for achievement of aims and objectives. It includes motivational technique which helps in encouraging employees to give their best for business success and growth. It give advantage to organisations in getting high retention of employees by providing job satisfaction in them. In terms of ethical culture, this college concern on providing education to all learners regardless of their upbringing and background.
LSST â London School of Science and Technology is one of the highest privately managed education provider of UK. It specialises in Business, Computing and Management Courses which are offered to both national and international students as per their academic skills. Â This college is founded by Mr Syed Zaidi in 2003 with main vision i.e. to support local communities as well as encourage social cohesion. By contribution of this successful entrepreneur, LSST gain advantage to become one of the leading institutions.
Motivation refers to crucial factor for good performance and therefore, it is taken as the important concept of present study. It reveals causes under LSST College due to which, this institute has faced high labour turnover. Along with this, present research identifies factors which hindrances performance of employees, increase difference between individuals and more. In order to gain job commitment of staff members, management of this college has adopted various motivational techniques. Therefore, effectiveness of outcomes of such techniques are measured as per performance of workers after motivation. Furthermore, some relevant solutions are given by which authorities of college can motivate employees and gain their retention for longer profitability.
In order to address issues of present research and attains aims or objectives, investigators of LSST College has used both primary and secondary resources. Under primary research, questionnaire has formulated to take feedback and opinion of potential users for data analysis. While literature review has conducted by using secondary research techniques. In this method, opinion of experts are explored by reading journals and books which are available on internet applications.
The main structure of present research
Literature review refers to study to the study of one topic in which thoughts, views and ideas of different of authors are considered. In this information is collected from secondary sources in order to collect authentic and valuable data according to point of view of different author. It basically clears concept over same topic as individual is placing its efforts in understanding same topic from others point of view. It also shows that two different people have different perception and thinking pattern on similar topic or case. As a result, it open up understanding level and thinking capability of viewer in order to enhance their knowledge over same topic.
According to the point of view of..., it has been analysed that motivation is considered as basic requirements of every sector no matter they belongs to which sector, In relation to education sector, it is essential for the management team to motivate its employees that is faculty members to deliver knowledge to the college and school students in order to make their future bright. It has been observed that LSST Private College is owning huge workforce including faculty members. Therefore, it is important for the management team and top authority to adopt different ways and strategies to motivate its employees. This also helps in encouraging teachers to perform their job responsibility more effectively as earlier.
As per evaluation main requirement of motivation in LSST college felt by working staff of this academic institutions as this college is giving learning opportunity to national as well as international employees. This involvement of different culture creates problems for employees as they are not able to handle students from different culture. This  further results in decline of faculty performance. It also  develops need of motivation for faculty member of this colleges. Along with this, it can be said motivation also helps in increasing employees commitment towards their work responsibility. It has been evaluated that after motivating employees or faculty members this college can improve working practices and deliver best class educational services to students.
In order to motivate faculty members, management team of college can adopt different motivational theories whose main aim is to encourage employees for improving their performance and deliver best educational knowledge to students. It can be said that usage of these motivational theories will be helpful for LSST Private college in order to fulfil basic requirement of motivation. As a result, adoption of these theories will be beneficial for improving working capability of faculty members
vision i.e. to support local communities as well as encourage social cohesion.
As per the thoughts of â¦...., it has been evaluated that there are numerous of motivational theories which helps business organisation to improve working capability to employees. This also helps in achieving their predetermined goals and objectives in order to enhance their profitability as well. According to the deep study of author, it has been realised that management team of LSST Private College can adopt financial incentives for motivating its existing workforce. It can be said that monetary satisfaction is the only one which motivates employees for long duration of time as they could fulfil their basic requirements with the help of  financial incentives.
Apart from this, management team can also  use Maslow's Hierarchy of needs as a motivational theory for its employees. This motivational theory will be beneficial for this college as it helps in satisfying employees needs according to stages of hierarchy. According to this theory needs of employees are structured from lower to higher. The theory also says if one need of employee is satisfied once then the same individual can not be satisfied with the same thing. They requires some additional to get motivated further.
 As per evaluation, it has been analysed that after adopting these two techniques that is financial incentives and Maslow's motivational theory, Faculty members or employee of LSST Private college will now work effectively as they are now motivated and wants to gain more monetary benefits for satisfying their personal needs and wants.
Our intention is to help numerous students worldwide through effective and accurate work.
Along with this, faculty members are now more focused towards their work as they feel that management team are monitoring their performance so its better for them to place more efforts. Employees also feels  boosted and energetic as they are getting something back for their hard work. These returns can be in any form that is promotion, rewards, recognition, additional benefits, more opportunities and many other things which convinces them to achieve to more effectively. As a result, they work more  harder as compared to their earlier performance. This motivation not improves their performance but it also enhances their decision making capabilities.
As given by â¦..,  it has been evaluated that an employees can not reduce its working capability with the single factor but  it is directly affected with numerous of factors. In relation to LSST Private College, it has been evaluated that employees or faculty member of this company is generally facing numerous of issues which are directly impacting negatively on working capabilities of employees at work place. As per evaluation it has been identified that main factor which hinders employees performance is job security. This factor can be seen in two ways that is  if employees is getting job security then they will not work effectively as they believes that whether they work properly or not they are getting their salary as they are permanent in college. This reduces their working capability at workplace. On the other hand, if employees are hired at contractual based then it creates in security among employees because if any other employee work more effectively and there are possible chances they will be terminated. This thinking process creates insecurity among working staff of LSST Private College and becomes negative factors which reduces employees capability at workplace.
In addition to this, relationship with peers is the another factor that can be seen as hindrance in employees capabilities at workplace. As per evaluation, it has been observed that employees also feels demotivated because of their colleagues which directly impacts negatively over their performance. It has been analysed that there are faculty of LSST Private college are not feeling comfortable with their  peers. This may be because of different culture, language, attitude etc. of employees. As a result, it reduces working capabilities of employees as they are not feeling comfortable with workforce. It also creates chances of discrimination among workers as they gives more preference to their same culture employees. This partiality also becomes reason for reducing working capability of employees at workplace.
Apart from this, last but not the list hindrance factor which is impacting performance of employees includes relationship with learners. These learners can be seen as the hindrance factor  for employees which affects their working capabilities. Along with this, it has been analysed that there are numerous of issues which impacts negatively over the performance of  working staff. These problems basically arises having negative relationship with learners. It can be said that faculty members are the one who spends much time with learners, these learner may belongs to domestic or  international geographic area. This creates problem regarding culture, languages, behaviour adapting capability etc. As a result, it affects negatively over the performance of employees.
 Research design is an systematic arrangement of various conditions which is required to make collection and proper analysis of data within which research is conducted. Whereas, on the other hand design methodology is a development of system for any unique situation. There are mainly two types of research designs that includes, descriptive and experimental research. This method ensure choosing effective strategy from various different components. Research mainly focus on end products whereas methodology focus on tools and procedures that are going to require in research process.
This section of research involves nature, characteristics and improvement of knowledge. It can also be termed as a method in which a information can be determined, gathered and implemented. To have a research philosophy the basic step is to gather information from primary data and secondary data to give answers to the questions asked in research philosophy. For addressing this philosophy requires to have knowledge and implement assumptions and faith. It is used by authors to indicate necessary assumptions and these assumptions are used by them to treat as a base for research methodology. Research philosophies have mainly four main branches which are Pragmatism, Positivism, Realism and Interpretivism (Interprevist). Choice of the best research philosophy to be implemented depends upon practical implications of that philosophy and choice is done between positivist and interpretivist philosophies or quantitative and qualitative methods of research. But recently developments have lead to increased in popularity of realism and pragmatism both.
It is an procedure which mainly consists of steps of assumptions  and  methods of various data collection and their interpretations. There are two types of research approach that are deductive research approach and inductive research approach. In Inductive research approach  researchers only collect those data which are relevant for their topic. In this researcher only evaluate pattern in data and work towards developing a theory that can explain those patterns. In this collected data is mainly use to evaluate phenomenon and develop a conceptual framework. Whereas, in deductive approach collected data generally use to explore propositions this research revolves around theory generation and building.
Sampling is a name given to an effective process which is used in statistical analysis and determination of already determined numerous observations that are taken into account from a huge or vast population. A sample is determined on basis of analysis or evaluation done while determining a sample. There are basically two types of sampling namely simple random sampling and profitability and non profitability sampling
It is a process of proper evaluation of data with the help of some analytical and logical reasoning. This method of research is use to break complex topic into various smaller parts in order to gain effective understating of it. It a evaluative measure of transforming and cleaning data to fulfil organisational goals. Data analysis plays an important role in order to make evaluative decisions and help business to achieve organisation objectives. Â In this data from different sources are gathered to conduct business data visualizations. This method will allow company to collect most of their data in single place and then make them to take right decisions. Â Â
Chapter 4: Findings, Evaluation and Critical Evaluation
                                                               QUESTIONNAIRE |
1.) Are you aware with the concept of motivation? |
Frequency |
· Yes |
35 |
· No |
15 |
2.) What are main causes behind labour turnover in LSST College? |
Frequency |
· Gender and Linguistic Gap |
18 |
· Cultural influence |
12 |
· Salary, Monetary Incentives and Compensation Packages |
20 |
3.) Which factor drives job satisfaction among staff members of LSST College? |
Frequency |
· Working Environment |
14 |
· Roles and Responsibilities |
11 |
· Promotion, Recognition and Appraisals for work done |
25 |
4.) What will be the major issues behind difference in performances of employees? Â |
Frequency |
· Job Security |
18 |
· Relationship with Peers |
12 |
· Relationship with learners |
20 |
5.) Which motivational techniques are best for encouraging employees to give their best performances in LSST College? |
Frequency |
· Financial Incentives |
12 |
· Motivational Theories |
18 |
· Reduce Gender and Linguistic Gap |
20 |
6.) What are the benefits of motivation for LSST College? |
Frequency |
· Increase productivity of employees |
12 |
· Develop job satisfaction under workers |
18 |
· Gain high retention of staff members for longer period |
20 |
7.) Do you think that motivational techniques help LSST College in get retention of staff members? |
Frequency |
· Yes |
35 |
· No |
15 |
8.) Provide recommendation to authorities of LSST College for getting high retention of staff members... |
Sample (1).doc
1.) Are you aware with the concept of motivation? |
Frequency |
· Yes |
35 |
· No |
15 |
2.) What are main causes behind labour turnover in LSST College? |
Frequency |
· Gender and Linguistic Gap |
18 |
· Cultural influence |
12 |
· Salary, Monetary Incentives and Compensation Packages |
20 |
3.) Which factor drives job satisfaction among staff members of LSST College? |
Frequency |
· Working Environment |
14 |
· Roles and Responsibilities |
11 |
· Promotion, Recognition and Appraisals for work done |
25 |
4.) What will be the major issues behind difference in performances of employees? |
Frequency |
· Job Security |
18 |
· Relationship with Peers |
12 |
· Relationship with learners |
20 |
5.) Which motivational techniques are best for encouraging employees to give their best performances in LSST College? |
Frequency |
· Financial Incentives |
12 |
· Motivational Theories |
18 |
· Reduce Gender and Linguistic Gap |
20 |
Interpretation: As per above mentioned graph, it has been analysed that motivational techniques are helpful for LSST College as it encourages employees to more effectively and give their best performance at workplace. It has been evaluated that mainly for this college there are three type of motivational techniques that are financial incentives, reduce gender and linguistic gap. Among 50 respondents 12 have stated that financial incentive is best motivational technique as employees can fulfil their own needs with monetary benefits. Whereas, 18 of them said motivational theories can be used as a motivational techniques. Remaining 20 people have said that reducing gender and linguistic gap is main techniques that contributes in improving performance of work as they feels comfortable in positive working environment without bias.
6.) What are the benefits of motivation for LSST College? |
Frequency |
· Increase productivity of employees |
18 |
· Develop job satisfaction under workers |
12 |
· Gain high retention of staff members for longer period |
20 |
According to the above stated graph, it has been observed that after adopting t
7.) Do you think that motivational techniques help LSST College in get retention of staff members? |
Frequency |
· Yes |
35 |
· No |
15 |
In order to gain retention of employees, administration and Human resource department of LSST use various techniques. It includes motivational theories, high appraisals, provide job securities, incentives and more. As per survey on 50 respondents, it has evaluated that 35 users among them have believed that such motivational techniques help in gaining high retention of employees. While other 15 suggest management of LSST College to adopt some more effective tools and techniques of motivation for getting retention of staff members.
Employee motivation plays an important role in any organisation in both theoretical and practical manner. It is evaluated that the main functions of HR managers in any firm is to gain high support and job commitment of workers within workplace. This thing can only be achieved by motivation that encourages employees to give their best for company's achievement. In  general agreement, it has seen that people can only feel motivated under below mentioned situations: When employee participate in decision-making activities; Receive recognition for their work; Communication is frequent and there should be opportunities for career and development growth. In context with LSST college, central concern of management is to identify and measure factors which are associated with differences in workers job performance on individual basis. This identification is considered as the main function of motivational factors. Another factor which reveals the requirement of motivation is cultural difference which arise due to give admission to domestic and global learners. Therefore, service providers of college have to deal with various linguistic and cultural issues. This would lead to increase labour turnover as well. Thus, authorities of LSST College has concerned all these factors while adopting motivational techniques.
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Global Assignment Help Australia ,(2025),https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/business-assignment-help/effects-of-motivation-on-staff-retention-within-lsst-private-college-setting
Global Assignment Help Australia (2025) [Online]. Retrieved from: https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/business-assignment-help/effects-of-motivation-on-staff-retention-within-lsst-private-college-setting
Global Assignment Help Australia. (Global Assignment Help Australia, 2025) https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/business-assignment-help/effects-of-motivation-on-staff-retention-within-lsst-private-college-setting
Global Assignment Help Australia. [Internet]. Global Assignment Help Australia.(2025), Retrieved from: https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/business-assignment-help/effects-of-motivation-on-staff-retention-within-lsst-private-college-setting
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