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Technology is a application of specific scientific knowledge for practical function thus develop new innovative product and services thus help to full fill clients needs and wants in an effective manner. Through this, firm are able to achieve goals and objectives in appropriate ways in limited period of time. Management develop strategies to implementing or promoting innovative ideas at work place thus improve productivity and performance of employees which enhance clients satisfaction. In this report SAP organisation are select to know impact of latest technology on quality of goods and overall company performance. It is a German based international firm which are produce high quality software to manage whole business activities in a appropriate. They are run their enterprises around 180 countries with almost 335,000 clients (Ahmed Dine Rabeh, Jimenez-Jimenez and Martínez-Costa, 2013). In this assignment covers project plan that include risk, cost, communication, scope, quality, resources and time. It also covers research aim and objectives with recommendation as well as carry out small scale research in order to know impact of CRM system.
Customer relationship management system help to an organisation to manage their all contact detail of their clients which reduce are effort of employees as well as increase productivity and accuracy. Management of an organisation used this technology to improve their relationship with life time value. CRM define as â Collection and analysis information related to buyers and manage or organise all data in system manner in order to support sales and marketing activitiesâ. So that, this software help staff members to know what customers think about their product and services and who to prepare sales pitch. Latest technology help to enhance skills of staff members that activity to increase organisation performance and productivity in limited period of time (Chesbrough, 2010). Through CRM system company change their way of working and rise profitability. Small size company used this techniques in order to gain competitive advantage as compare to their competitors at market place. They used computers, websites, servers, digital product to deal with firm cost. In current business environment world of advanced technology industry become more dynamic in nature.
In small firm CRM system may improve their production or communication by using several application like texting, website, email, digitalisation all information and many more. All function of organisation has used technology but management of this work in very important in order to achieve targets in specific period of time. Thus improve their market position as well as brand value in potential buyer's mind in long period of time. All department like operations, finance, marketing, sales, human resources and production are implementing several type of application in order to manage their work effectively. But out of all these, operations is a most important function of firm are technology has create largest impact on this work. So that, administration of the company has develop strategies and plan in order to manage all CRM software with in work place in given time frame (Crane and Matten, 2016). Whether enterprises are small or large in nature, practical application may important for all for achieve competitive advantage as compare to others in same industry. SAP is one of the largest organisation which run their business activities around 180 nations. In this report analysis benefits of CRM system for organisation which aid several decision related to work effectively.
Aim: â How the CRM system has transformed activity on the company B2Bâ. A case study of SAP software firm.
Objectives: The main objectives of this research are discus below:
Research questions:
Project management plan is an effective an formulate a document which used by company to control as well as implement the whole research project in effective manner which may leads in attaining positive outcomes in appropriate time frame. Basically this plan show an adequate way for managing as well as monitoring all the aspects in order to attain positive outcomes. Along with this, this type of document also aid in analysing workers performance towards the project and its activities. In this context, management of the company make as well as prepare an effective project plan. Along with this, company also use various effective tools and tactics for attaining appropriate outcomes in appropriate period of time. Furthermore, it is complicated as well as complex project which execute by the workers (Den Hertog, Van der Aa and De Jong, 2010). It includes various components which help in implementing an effective project plan which directly aid in attaining favourable results. All these can be understood by following points:
All these are more effective which contribute in making an successful project management plan which may leads in attaining positive results. With the help of this, company enhance their overall performance level at market place.
Management of an organisation has developed strategies to run whole business activities in appropriate ways. CRM software help company to manage all relevant information related to consumers and analysis their needs and wants effectively, accordingly produce goods which are able to full fill demand in appropriate ways. In order to conduct research, investigators wants to investigating all activities which are competing during research and in end achieve objectives. In this they are explain as well as arrange entire task with time limit in a systematic manner. For this they have used two method Gantt chart and work break down structure. Both method are help to carry out whole research in right ways in specific period of time (Incelli, 2013). A work break down structures shows all task in an systematic and arrange manner, it includes or divide entire work into manageable sub activities and investigators are follow this report while preparing pre methodologies work.
Feasibility and contingency: Feasibility analysis of this research aim is very important to know whether this research provide any valid outcome or not. It shows or test viability of idea and goal to emphasis issues which are occur in future that create problem for completing research. Accordingly to report of research, current business environment support technology as well as new application to reduce effort of human being and gain accuracy in work. CRM system has help organisation to run business and build strong relationship with their customers effectively. So that aim of this assignment â How the CRM system has transformed activity on the company B2Bâ is feasibility in nature. So that, researcher prepare work break down structure according to all activities and sub activities feasibility (Jones and Lubinski. 2012). For contingency, during research project various kind of issue and problem are rise which effect work, so that, investigators are analysing all these factors to prepare work break down structure as well as Gantt char in order to carry out entire task in an effective ways.
A work-break down structure: It is a one of the important project deliverables that are organising whole research work into manageable task. It also explain as deliverables emplacement hierarchical divided all work that are executing by project team members. It is a one of the important function of planning into several task in order to accompanying responsibility of each one employees with in project. It provide all relevant mode which are find out crucial action and sub action to accomplish whole project in specific period of time. Work break down structure help to analysis overall cost of the program so that work are completing accordingly to given budgets (Kankaanranta and Planken, 2010). By using level of operations, SAP has provide quality of product to their buyers in order to achieve higher profits. It represent all list of task which are covers during research project. This structure is create dynamic culture with in team members which are explain bellow:
A Gantt chart: It is provide information related to time, which task want how much time to completion. So that researcher is carry out program in an effective manner. Management of an organisation used Gantt chart in order to control manufacturing action effectively. It provide graphical representation of several activities, so that investigator as well as administration both are track specific part of work of project whether it is completing on time or not. CRM system are used by organisation and its impact effect their performance positivity. So that, when investigator prepare Gantt chart they are gather all relevant information to completing whole project on given time frame. In this, listed all sub function on vertical and its associated time on horizontal axis that are explain time intervals between activities (Lai and Ong, 2010). Management of an organisation used this method in order to manage or arrange action with time scale and each one of task shows in shaded proportion of wind up phase. Gantt chart oh this given chart are explain as follows:
Work activities:
Research on CRM system has beneficial of organisation to run whole business in an effective ways. Through this, they are able to achieve aim in limited period of time. In order to know impact of customers relationship management software on firm performance. For this conducting research and gather relevant information and data on given report topic. There are two method of arranging information secondary and primary (Lin and Chen, 2012). Investigator selecting best appropriate sources according to their needs and objectives in order to draw valid result effectively.
Primary sources: In this sources of method, researcher are collecting data from first hand sources. Form this, they are used different kind of method like observation, case study, survey, questionnaire,focus group, experimentation and many more. It is a qualitative as well as quantitative in nature. Two types of data collection method are discus below:
Q1). What is you gender? · Male · Female Q2). What is you annual wage? · 25K Euros · 25-40k Euros · 40k Euros Above Q3) Dose digitalisation create impact on profitability of an organisation? · Yes · No Q4) How well the CRM implementation will assist organisation to consider their clients? · Extremely · Very well · Moderate · Not well Q5) What types of benefits SAP is availed by the execution of consumer relationship management within their organisation? · Better customers relationship · Improve ability of cross sell · Greater clients satisfaction · Cost saving Q6). In which form, CRM affect in sales enhancement and profitability of the company? · Increase sales · Reduce work load · Manage clients relationship Q7). Is organisation resolving clients issues through the assistance of CRM software? · Yes · No Q8). In the term of item value, is association assist in undertaking the rival benefit at competitive marketplace? · Yes · No Q9) According to your views, which technique is most efficient to manage suitable consumer and organisation relationship for maximum period of time? · Advertisement · Social Sites · Television Q10). As per your perception, is CRM practices satisfying their clients in SAP leading to development and success at the marketplace? · Yes · No Q11) What sort of technologies are opting through organisation to achieve the consumer and potential buyer's attention in regard of services and products? · Vouchers · Discounts Q10) Suggest or recommend any practices which company desire to achieve their upcoming objectives? |
Secondary sources: In secondary method of sources of information. It is a external resources of data that are gather by company in order to draw a valid conclusion. Some important sources of collecting content are newspapers, books, journals, internet, social media site etc. It save time and found resources of enterprises. But it can not provide accurate and reliable data as compare to primary method.
In this report, the company has conduct the entire research undertaking 100 responder under their sample size in regard of developing research through creating more factual data. Here are presented the data analysis part of report mentioned as below:
Theme 1: Both gender are presents equally
Q1). What is you gender? |
Frequency |
· Male |
50 |
· Female |
50 |
Interpretation: As per the views, it can be affirm that 50% female and 50% male respondents are taken for the CRM system study in the research report.
Theme 2: Most people are earning above 25000Euros
Q2). What is you annual wage? |
Frequency |
· 25K Euros |
65 |
· 25-40k Euros |
25 |
· 40k Euros Above |
10 |
Interpretation: This cab be mentioned that 65 respondents are earning more than 25000 Euros whereas 25 are in between 25-40k Eu ors. On the other hand, 10 are above 40k earner.
Theme 3: CRM create positive impact profitability
Q3). Dose CRM create impact on profitability of an organisation? |
Frequency |
· Yes |
75 |
· No |
25 |
Interpretation: Hence, the above illustrated graph presents consumer relationship management can enhance the productivity and profitability of working organisation whether it is large or small in effective way. 75 of responder have given their statement agreeing with the availed benefits from CRM whereas there were 25 respondents who were not agreed in the claimed report.
Theme 4: CRM assist organisation in achieving objectives on extreme level
Q4) How well the CRM implementation will assist organisation to consider their clients? |
Frequency |
· Extremely |
45 |
· Very well |
25 |
· Moderate |
16 |
· Not well |
14 |
Interpretation: The above presented chart affirms that consumer are assisted various technologies and practices that can aid in achieving their business objectives. There are more than 45 respondents who stated that they are extremely assisted by organisation. On the other side, 25 testee claimed that they are facilitated very well by the organisational activities. On the other hand, more than 16 claimed that they are assisted moderate practices in more significant manner. At last, there were more than 14 people who were not well assisted by CRM.
Theme 5: CRM benefit in satisfying consumer
Q5) What types of benefits SAP is availed by the execution of consumer relationship management within their organisation? |
Frequency |
· Better customers relationship |
35 |
· Improve ability of cross sell |
27 |
· Greater clients satisfaction |
23 |
· Cost saving |
15 |
Interpretation: This notion affirms that more than 35 responder are getting better consumer relationship through CRM practices. 27 testee stated that overall improved productivity has been availed through CRM. Whereas, 23 respondents has claimed that greater clients satisfaction is gained through the help of this and 15 proclaimed for cost reduction by the help of consumer relationship management.
Theme 6: CRM affect in sales
Q6). In which form, CRM affect in sales enhancement and profitability of the company? |
Frequency |
· Increase sales |
30 |
· Reduce work load |
20 |
· Manage clients relationship |
50 |
Interpretation: As per the stated graph, it can affirm that more than 30 responder believes that there are more sales of service by assistance of consumer relationship management where more than 50 has given their agreement in the relationship management of clients. On the other side, 20 of them stated that there are less work load by the help of CRM.
Theme 7: Organisation can resolve clients issues through CRM
Q7). Is organisation resolving clients issues through the assistance of CRM software? |
Frequency |
· Yes |
76 |
· No |
24 |
Interpretation: The illustrated data states that more than 76 of respondents are agreed with the statement that consumer relationship management helps in resolving the clients and consumer issues as well as disputes. Where 24 claimed their opinion against it.
Theme 8: CRM provide more benefits and better efficiency
8). In the term of item value, is association assist in undertaking the rival benefit at competitive marketplace? |
Frequency |
· Yes |
72 |
· No |
28 |
Interpretation: CRM provide more benefits and competitive edge in the marketplace through the assistance of Consumer Relationship Management as per the analysis of 72 respondents. On the other side, 28 responders stated their statement in the contrast.
Theme 9: Social sites is more useful for maximum benefits through CRM
Q9) According to your views, which technique is most efficient to manage suitable consumer and organisation relationship for maximum period of time? |
Frequency |
· Advertisement |
26 |
· Social Sites |
45 |
· Television |
29 |
Interpretation: This can be claimed from the above mentioned part, it can be claimed that more than 45 responders stated that social sites are more interactive helping in the management of consumer relationship. On the other side, more than 25 testee stated their view in regard of advertisement and approximate 29 claimed their opinion in context of television.
Theme 10: CRM satiate consumer demand
Q10). As per your perception, is CRM practices satisfying their clients in SAP leading to development and success at the marketplace? |
Frequency |
· Yes |
75 |
· No |
25 |
Interpretation: 75 respondents claimed in the agreement that CRM satisfy consumer demands whereas 25 claimed that there is no role in between both.
Theme 11: Vouchers are more effective technique for CRM
Q11) What sort of technologies are opting through organisation to achieve the consumer and potential buyer's attention in regard of services and products? |
Frequency |
· Vouchers |
55 |
· Discounts |
45 |
Interpretation: This can affirm as per the responders that vouchers are more effective as 55 responder claimed in favour of this. Where 45 voted in favour of discount techniques which is effective as well for managing consumer relationship.
latest technology is very important for an organisation in order to achieve competitive advantage at market place. CRM system reduce employees efforts and save money in order to run business activities in an effective ways. By this, firms are capable to meet their goals and objectives in limited period of time. Management of an organisation develop strategies and plan to implementing CRM system at work place to build strong and positive relation with potential customers thus increase profitability in long period of time.
So that, all task are accomplished in appropriate ways in gain valid outcome. By making proper changes in existing product and services as well as upgrade techniques or tools to enhance operations work in order to achieve higher customer's satisfaction. SAP has produce latest technology software to attracting large clients toward offer to generate high profits and market position as compare to their competitors in same industry. Some important recommendation for SAP as well as for other organisation are explain as follows:
Through this research, I am able to understand several concept like project management, work break down structure system to divided task into manageable work, Gantt chart to make coordination between time and program activities, feasibility analysis of aim, how to prepare questionnaire and many more. These all things are enhance my knowledge and skills about project planning. In order to organising research project I have face many difficulties which increase my interpersonal capabilities as well as decision making abilities. So that I performance better then before in order to achieve my objectives in limited period of time.
Our intention is to help numerous students worldwide through effective and accurate work.
l performance my all responsibility and duties successful to completing program activities in appropriate ways. Technology has rapidly change, so that it is very important for management to implementing modification in work process in order to produce product which are in current trend. SAP are continuously improve their software quality as well as features in attracting large number of customer toward firm commodities that increase profits in long period of time. It help me to develop decision making abilities related to digital technology at work place. Certain issues that are faced by me in duration of research are explain as follow:
Therefore, it is very important for an organisation to analysis requirement of CRM system at their work place. They also find out various issue of executing this system which provide negative influence on implementation of research activities. One of the most important issue which are face by me during project is time and budget that are associated with all activities as well as sub - activities.
From the above report it is concluded that CRM system if very help full for organisation in order to achieve goals and objectives in given time frame. The main benefits of this software is reduce employees efforts, save time as well as resources, fund, accurate information and many more. Through this, firm are able to build strong as well as positive relationship between company and customers so that they receive higher profitability in long period of time.
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