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    Unit 3 Meeting the Needs of Service Users Level 4 Regent College


    The people involved in social and health care education and practice; care planning has an impact on most of their lives. Professional standards determine and outline the expectations which are placed on them. The knowledge and skills framework (KSF) for health and The National occupational standards for social work are the main approaches to care and health. There is reference to capability in order to organise and plan care such as the KSF means that individual should be able to perform various activities at different levels as described below -

    • Level 1 – Undertaking of care activities for meeting individual's well-being needs and health.
    • Level 2 – Undertaking care activities for meeting well-being needs and health of individuals with a greater degree of dependency.
    • Level 3 – Evaluate, plan and deliver care in order to meet well-being and needs of people.
    • Level 4 – Evaluate, deliver and plan care to meet complex social and health care needs of people.

    In the present report will include development of a care plan by identifying needs of an individual with regards to the case given. An effective framework or approach will be applied in order to develop the care plan. Furthermore, elements that the care plan will consist of will be described along with their relation with relevant theories of care and care planning(Kemp and, 2016).

    A. Development Of Care Planing Framework

    After going through the case of Niamh, it is important to identify and understand other information that will be required to help her towards their recovery. This includes layout and structure of the care plan which is determined as below. In order to explore the basic care plan, it is important to ask certain essential questions to Niamh which are as follows -

    1. How do we know that we clearly identified and addressed all the needs of Niamh?
    2. Who else may be show involvement in Niamh's care?
    3. With whom should the care plan be discussed?
    4. How it can be identified that the care plan has been effective?

    In order to develop care planning skills, the questions above led an awareness that more findings will be required(Millado and, 2017). This is the area where specific theory or practice may help in identifying evidence based information. In order to develop a care plan for Niamh, Holistic approach to personalised care planning can be used. There are four elements or parts of holistic approach which are described as below:

    1. Psychological – Sensory information, behaviour and mood, emotions, thoughts, language and memory.
    2. Spiritual – Moral development, values and individual beliefs
    3. Biological – Nutrition and fluid intake, rest exercises and various systems of the body such as hormonal, skin, breathing, nervous, etc(Imran and, 2016).
    4. Social – Relationship with friends and family, occupation, culture, education, lifestyle, etc.

    According to the case given these above mentioned elements can be illustrated as -

    Psychological – Niamh's Behaviour had become chaotic she had attempted suicide. She also had serious depression.

    Spiritual – Niamh was not in touch with her parents and she was emotionally attached with both men and women.

    Biological – Nimah was harming herself and also abusing alcohol

    Social -She was not so much social with her family members but was emotionally attached to both men and women. She also got mentally and physically harassed by them.


    The Holistic approach of care planning is most suitable for Niamh as she had gone through all the phases covered in this particular approach or framework. She needs care with regards to all areas such as Physiological, Biological, Spiritual and Social. She needs to develop all the elements in order to get out of the mental illness and gain a good health and well-being.

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    B. Components of Care Plan

    An effective care plan give a direction on the kind or type of care an individual, family or community will require. The major focus of a care plan is to alleviate evident based, holistic and standardized care. A basic care plan includes four activities or elements as describ

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