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    Personal Development as a Leader and Manager

    Introduction to Personal Development

    My organisation (security limited) provides safety and protection for reducing the crimes, vandalism, to help in decreasing theft in our community and our main stakeholders are construction companies, schools, sale business organisation, events and so on. Our main goal is to providing safety to our client’s property and to let them know that we will take care of security aspect so customers can concentrate on the business.

    My role is to monitor the security team, link the closed circuit (cctv) to a monitoring station internet protocol address (IP), I managed a project of installation of closed circuit (cctv) on construction site, events, schools, and I had to oversee the purchase and supply of the specified cctv materials. This is the area in which I am lacking and require assistance from the management.

    As a supervisor, my future plans and where I want to go with my career by the next three years is to establish my own security company. There are various types of areas which requires development for achieving career goals. which I hope to achieve in this course such as, how to recognise leadership skills at different level and management skills and how to apply leadership theories to various situations in organisation, to develop approached for the well-being of staff and self and also managing performances. The present report is based on identification of need and learning opportunities as a leader.

    Personal Mission Statement

    My main mission is to become an effective leader, decision making, to be able to understand the changing opportunities by keeping up to date, to be able to respond quickly to rapidly changing work conditions and also ability to change ideals into reality in my organisation.. The areas where I require improvements are leadership role, , managing performance and well-being which includes my personal stress management and my team members (Rothbart, 2007). In order to achieve my career objective, I have to bifurcate my short term and long term goals. It will allow me to design a plan for my personal and professional development.

    Diagnostics To Identify The Areas Of Improvement

    It is essential to use different diagnostics so as to identify the areas of improvement and to identify the leadership and management aspirations in effective manner. Management and leadership diagnostics can be done with the help of employees of Security Limited Company. It will allow me to assess skills gap in my personality. My manager has helped me in identifying skills. Some of the methods which were used in the process are as follows.

    360 degree feedback

    360 degree feedback can be used to analyse behaviour of a person. In this method, subordinates, line managers and colleagues are included (Corr and Cooper, 2016). They all contribute in the process and helped me in understanding the areas where I was lacking. It can be used to bring positive change in my personality. I am good in problem solving skills and handling different situations in the business still I have problem in expressing myself in front of others. (Giorgis and Glazer, 2013). But lack of communication skills has caused lot of problems in the organisation. My subordinates also want me to indulge in different activities of the

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