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    Business recruitment and selection process


    Business Administration is the procedure which covers all the aspect related to management of an enterprise. It undertakes management of each resource required by the company to run its operations smoothly (Baum and Kabst, 2014). The following report is based on administration of recruitment and selection process in Morrisons, which is one of the largest supermarket chains in the United Kingdom. It covers procedures related to recruitment and selection required by the company to hire skilled talent.

    TASK 1

    1.1. Different administrative requirements of internal and external recruitment

    Internal Recruitment refers to the process of filling up job vacancies from within organisation's existing workforce. On the other hand, external recruitment refers to the process of filling up vacancies through a suitable individual outside the organisation. There are various requirements for each of these processes in Morrisons which are mentioned below:

    • Internal Recruitment:  of application packs via e-mail or post, record keeping of responses from various potential employees. Internal recruitment also requires the company to provide effective support to various potential candidates by collation of their applications and giving them effective and timely feedback.
    • External Recruitment:More or less the requirements for these recruitments are the same. However, it requires advertisement through other forms of media to reach wider audience such as social media portals and newspapers. It also needs the company to effectively form a liaison with other parties and recruitment agencies in relation to the job vacancies. This recruitment also needs effective record keeping of candidates, collation of their applications and providing them timely and effective feedback (Bell, Bryman and Harley, 2018).

    1.2. Uses of a job description and a person specification

    A Job Description is a document which effectively and accurately describes the tasks, other duties and responsibilities and other requirements of a job position. Person Specification, on the other hand, refers to the document which effectively provide skills and competencies required by the job candidates to appropriately and systematically accomplish activities of the position offered by the company. Various uses of both of these documents are mentioned below:

    Job Description:

    • It offers effective detail to the candidates in relation with what is required of them which gives them a clear idea of whether they could be potential candidate or not(Brewster and Hegewisch,  2017). On the other hand, it also provides them inside as to if the job role is appropriate as per their desires.
    • It could allow Morrisons to set standardized and effective compensation programs with consideration to maximums and minimums for each position.

    Person Specification:

    • It allows companies as well as the individuals to make the interview process more streamlined and refined as the interviewers could gain an effective insight on the job candidate's personality and experience.
    • Person Specifications would allow the customers to effectively assess themselves before setting out to apply for their desired job roles. Such analysis would allow them to gather requirements fulfilled by them as per the role.

    1.3. Administrative requirements of different methods of selection

    Selection is the process of choosing the most appropriate individual out of all the recruited candidates. It is the most important procedure followed by a firm to ensure hiring the most appropriate and competent individuals for the specific job roles. In Morrisons, there are various administrative requirements of different methods of selection which are mentioned below:

    • Interviews:It requires differentiating clients based on their suitability, preparation and drafting of interview questions, setting up interview timings with the candidates and providing them suitable information via E-mails and phone calls for the same.
    • Aptitude Tests:These tests are based on judging applicants on the basis of their aptitude and attitude. It would require Morrisons to structure and revise questions on the basis of which would set effective standard to judge the competence of applicants effectively. Also it would require providing feedbacks to the applicants who fail to create an impression on the firm (Burton, 2015).

    1.4. Requirements of different pre-employment checks to be carried out

    Pre-employment checks are an integral aspect of the recruiting and selection process which enables the firm to mitigate the risk of hiring an individual who might impose several business difficulties. There are various requirements for pre-employment checks to be effectively  carried out in Morrisons (RIGHT TO WORK IN THE UK, 2019). These requirements as per Morrisons policies are mentioned below:

    • The company's pre-employment checks require references from past employments and character references.
    • The firm considers applicants from all over the world. However, it requires applicants to produce right to work in the UK which requires certain official documents such as Passports, Biometric Immigration Documents, certificate of registration, etc.

    1.5. Explain what information needs to be communicated to successful and unsuccessful applicants at each stage of the recruitment and selection process

    At various stages of recruitment and selection process, it is required for the firm to effectively communicate each applicant whether unsuccessful or not (Caplow, 2017). However, the information which is communicated to each type of applicant differs as per the process. These information are mentioned below:

    • Successful Applicants:The content which is communicated to these personnels consists of information regarding interview timings, the decisions took by interview panel and its feedback. Another sort of information which would be communicated to these applicants would be their potential start dates, information regarding their salaries and various pension agreements and their contract as well as letter of employment.
    • Unsuccessful Applicants:Information communicated to these employees would be feedback from the company as to why these employees were not shortlisted for selection and certain information about what did the applicant deliver and what was expected of them.

    1.6. Requirements of confidentiality, data protection and system security

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    To enhance the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection procedure, it is imperative that companies appropriately sort out and store applicant information in a confidential, protected and secure manner. Information companies have on each employee is quite important and mus be protected under any circumstance to ensure the effectiveness of applicant information. There are various requirements of confidentiality, data protection and system security within Morrisons which are discussed below:

    • Applicant information must be stored securely in the host computers which are password protected.
    • Effective security systems are also required to be installed which would ensure the protection of applicant information(Kavanagh and Johnson, 2017).
    • Sharing of information about applicants must be internally. If external sharing is quite necessary, the contents must be shared after prior consideration with the applicant themselves and as per proper authorisation.
    • Information must also be protected physically. It is also required by the firm to keep hard copies of each applicant's information in a confidential and secure space while employing effective physical techniques like lockers, security cameras, alarm systems, etc.

    TASK 2

    2.1. Check that the job or role details are correct and are in accordance with the brief

    For an organisation which is planning to recruit various potential individuals for their company, it is imperative that a detailed analysis be performed on the job and role details before communicating it to the people. The reason for such analysis and checking is that the role details must align with the job vacancy to effectively enhance the way responses are gathered by these applicants. Without proper checking would induce confusion, ambiguity and ineffectiveness on the company's part which would limit the chances of the firm getting competent respondents. For instance, if the firm plans to advertise the job role of Marketing Manager, the job title, as well as the roles and responsibilities must be effectively aligned and in accordance with the brief to cater positive and effective responses (Klingner and et. al., 2015).

    2.2. Place job advertisements in the agreed media in accordance with the timescales

    Any organisation, to gather maximum number of potential applicants, is required to prepare and communicate the vacancy and providing required information through job advertisement. It is imperative that effective media be used to provide this information. For Morrisons, the most appropriate type of media would be newspapers and below is the sample job advertisement by the firm.


     ABOUT US:

    Wm Morrisons Supermarkets PLC is a United Kingdom company operating retail super stores within the country. It's a prestigious organisation which is currently looking for a Marketing Manager who would market the operations and offerings of the company to the people of the UK.




    · Conduct thorough market analysis and determine the factors and control the production likewise.

    · Product planning, Price fixations and Sales forecasting.

    · Ensure the effectiveness of Marketing team and lead them to success.

    · Provision of after sales services to customers.


    · Must have a masters degree in MBA (Marketing and Finance).

    · Must have at least 5 years of experience working under a marketing manager.

    · Must have strong communication skills.

    · Must have knowledge about current market trends and various multimedia platforms.

     Potential candidates can apply via E-mail at aa@xyz.com or could call at +44-1234-5678-99 for further recruitment processes till 9th February, 2019.

    2.3 .Record applicant responses within the timescale

    After companies provide job advertisements with help of the most suitable type of media, it requires to record the responses they receive along with the timescale (Marsden, 2017). It is an effective practice which enables company to keep a record of the individuals along with the information provided by them. In addition, within the given time frame, effective record-keeping would allow the firm to provide any sort of requested information in relation with the company. This would facilitate a series of conversation before actual recruitment processes actually commence. In addition, record-keeping would effectively assist the firm in separating valuable information about the applicants which would allow firms like Morrisons to develop strategies as per the information received. Timescale associated with the responses would enable company to segregate the applicants in a chronological order (McGregor, 2018).

    2.4. Provide requested information to applicants in accordance with organisational policies and procedures

    Communication is an essential aspect of recruitment and selection process. It is essential that information must be provided to the applicants as per the set organisational policies and procedures. According to policies and procedures at Morrisons, any person who requires information regarding the company must be given authentic and reliable information (Perry and Christensen, 2015).

    There are various information which is required by the applicants which are mentioned below:

    • Current progress of the organisation.
    • Employee reviews about the company.
    • Further insight on the expectations of the firm regarding the vacant job role.
    • The date and procedure for selection.

    It is crucial for a firm to communicate the applicants regarding their requested information to enhance company's familiarity with the applicants. It would be fruitful as well as quite effective in company's context as it would increase the confidence of applicants so that they could perform more effectively during selection process.

    2.5. Adhere to organisational policies and procedures, legal and ethical requirements

    It is essential for an organisation to adhere to various policies, procedures and legal requirements to conduct ethical recruitment and selection procedure. In addition to this, complying with these requirements effectively would help the firm in carrying effective procedure as per the pre-set standards of the company (Sanghi,  2016).

    The policies and procedures of Morrisons regarding the same consists that the processes for recruitment and selection must be fair and complete in all aspects which allow effective and unbiased judgements of applicants. In addition, effective record-keeping of the applicants regarding the same must be thorough to provide them effective feedbacks in future  (Setälä, 2014).

    The various ethical and requirements of the company regarding recruitment and selection processes are as follows:

    • Anti-Discrimination Act:This act governs the right of individuals which protects them from any sort of discrimination. This requires Morrisons to consider each applicant regardless their race, sex, religion, beliefs, etc. In addition to this, it governs the right of applicants to be judged fairly on the basis of their performance.
    • Data Protection Act:This act ensures the confidentiality and protection of information of applicants from any sort of misuse. This act requires the firm to protect applicant data in the best manner possible and utilise it as per the consent and awareness of applicant. Thus, it is crucial that the company considers this requirement and comply with the legal standards of recruitment and selection process.

    TASK 3

    3.1 Invite shortlisted applicants to participate in selection process

    It is needful to render the invitation to shortlisted applicants for proceed selection process. The applicants are selected and are being called for further selection rounds. On the basis of presented advertisement regarding the jobs for the position of sales manager, a Human resource manager calls several candidates for participating in procedure of selection. Informal and formal ways basically adapted by HR of the organisation like Morrison for inviting potential candidates. Some of ways are described underneath:

    • Sending messages:In some situation,  when the applicants are unable to give replies to emails, Then HR manager of the organisation like Morrisons, use to send text messages to selected applicants. With this message the HR inform the selected candidates for further interview rounds and about venue and timings (Smith, 2015).
    • Phone calls: It is also manner used by the HR to inform the selected applicants regarding further rounds of selection process. With the help of this, HR manager directly talks with candidates and inform them about details and venue of interview.
    • Emails- Alljob applicants offer letters via email are acceptable. The HR manager of the organisation like Morrisons, can inform to the applicants regarding their interviews results with the help of E-mail. They can mention date, time and venue in e-mail.

    3.2 Coordinate selection arrangements

    The coordination selection arrangements must be in  perfect form, the organisation like Morrisons must call all selected candidates and execute their interviews in a formal  manner and must inform them outcome after each round. In association with the vacant position of sales manager, several process may be executed that comprises with the executing face to face interviews. This would be beneficiary for each and every organization for selecting a right person for right job at right time. Organizations may also recruit applicants for short term era of time for the purpose of evaluating them, as for identifying that either they are capable of meeting requirements of any specific organization or not, after evaluating they can give confirmation letter to appropriate candidates and bring innovative in the organisation (Taylor, Doherty and McGraw, 2015).

    3.3 Carry out agreed pre-employment checks within agreed timescales

    There are various types of steps included in selection process in addition to this, there are some pre employment checks that is essential to carry before the process of selection of candidates at every company. Some of these checks are briefly evaluated below:

    Personalities Tests

    Medical Tests

    Police Tests

    In a position of sales manager candidates who are having charming personalities can attract consumers in effective way, especially in this position employees who are attractive and good looking in addition to this if they are having proper ascent and remarkable communication skills are having high chances of being selected.

     It is first and foremost responsibility of employer of any organisation to make sure that their candidates are free from all kind of transferable diseases. These kinds of checks will benefit companies to evaluate overall perspectives of health of their candidates in order to determine their job capabilities.

    It is very important for any organisation to conduct proper and systematic police verification. It is necessary for company to check back ground of their perspective candidates and examine their criminal records. It will benefit company to ensure that their candidates are not involved in any kind of criminal and illegal activities. By implementing this process in their selection process organisations can save their organisation for any kind of bad image in future.

    3.4 Inform applicants of outcome of their application

    After the interview selection procedure, HR manager recruits appropriate applicants as accordance with the job requirements. After recruiting individual applicants, the prior responsibility of HR manager is to communicate with candidates regarding their selection who have been selected. Such information may be communicated with the help of several modes like  phone calling, text messages or e-mails. Selected applicants are rendered the whole info regarding their designation and regarding their rights, responsibilities and duties. This procedure may be done with the help of delivering e-mails about their selections. such e-mails also pertain offer letter of each selected applicants along with the information associated with the salary and  workplace. Informational data regarding leave policies and other organisational policies and structures of reporting are also described in the offer letter. It renders information to the applicant regarding the organization and also regarding their workplace culture of the organisations like Morrisons. The applicants are needed to accept and punctually sign the offer letter only if they are interested and willing to work in that organisation and send a copy of it back to HR manager for relevant business concern.

    3.5 Keep selection records up to date

    Selection records pertain all informational data regarding the applicants from their date of joining. Although, such records are prepared in order to maintain systematic record of each and every employees in a right place. In some organisations like Morrisons, it is termed as the legal obligatory task of maintaining records of all employees and in case, if managers fails to maintain it, then they may be punished under new GDPR regulations. Furthermore, it would be helpful for employees in order to gain valuable opportunities as it mentions records right from training and development to judgement of employee. Without the systematic and accrual records it is very critical to manage and control the performances and productivities of employees and organisation as it is essential for making the employees performance appraisal. Although,  maintenance of such records on accrual basis properly would also beneficial in solving and  reducing performance influential conflicts or disputes between employer as well as employees (Wilton,  2016). It is also helpful in making increment in morale of employees and help in encouraging them to accomplish targets and objectives of organisation effectively and efficiently.


    Thus, it is concluded that it is crucial for a company to administer their recruitment and selection process effectively to hire applicants that are fit and appropriate as per the company standards. Job descriptions and person specifications are required to be effectively utilised and defined within a firm along with pre-employment checks and fulfilment of requirements of confidentiality. It is also required by companies to communicate with the applicants through effective job advertisements describing the roles and requirements for the same. In addition, it is also required for the firm to effectively adhere to ethical requirements of the procedure. Lastly, the selection procedure must be accomplished effectively and information must be provided to applicants regarding their outcomes.


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    • Brewster, C. and Hegewisch, A. eds., 2017. Policy and practice in European human resource management: The Price Waterhouse Cranfield survey. Taylor & Francis.
    • Burton, L.J., 2015. Underrepresentation of women in sport leadership: A review of research. Sport Management Review.18(2). pp.155-165.
    • Caplow, T., 2017. The academic marketplace. Routledge.
    • Kavanagh, M.J. and Johnson, R.D. Eds., 2017. Human resource information systems: Basics, applications, and future directions. Sage Publications.
    • Klingner and et. al., 2015. Public personnel management. Routledge.
    • Marsden, P.V., 2017. Interpersonal ties, social capital, and employer staffing practices. In Social capital (pp. 105-125). Routledge.
    • McGregor, E.B., 2018. Social equity and the public service. In Diversity And Affirmative Action In Public Service (pp. 23-37). Routledge.
    • Perry, J.L. and Christensen, R.K., 2015. Handbook of public administration. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Sanghi, S., 2016. The handbook of competency mapping: understanding, designing and implementing competency models in organizations. SAGE Publications India.
    • Setälä, M., 2014. Deliberative mini-publics: Involving citizens in the democratic process. ECPR Press.

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