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    Managing a Successful Business


    Digital technology is an advance form of technology which simplifies work procedures of employees and contributes in improving profitability of business organisation. Cloud technology is a part of technology, which creates virtual space for users in which can be used by them for  storing relevant information or data. This technology is beneficial for all level of organisation whether they belongs to large or small scale. This report is based on JS Supermarket, which is a small scale retail store based in London, United Kingdom. The store mainly offers products related to food and beverages to its customers. Present assignment provides brief discussion about research which have been conducted for chosen company in order to satisfy its aims and objective. The research will include different methodology by which required information can be collected in effective manner.

    TASK 1

    P1 Aims and objectives

    Cloud technology is the advance form of technology which helps organisation in storing its data for longer period of time. This technology develops additional space for its customers in the form of cloud where they can store important data. This research is going to be conducted for   JS Supermarket which is a small scale retail store. This supermarket was established in 2014 by Ramchandran Jalatheepan. It only offers food and beverage products to its customers. It can be said that adoption of Cloud technology will be beneficial JS Supermarket as this company can store essential information of its customers, employees, sales record, financial details in clouds with the help of internet. This will help in storing previously stated information of customers for longer period of time without thinking about occupancy of space. It will also contribute in enhance business growth of JS Supermarket.

    Background of research

     As per the present status of JS Supermarket, the company is growing faster as its sales is increasing. But, presently the company is using hardware systems in order to store all of its data. With the increasing sales, the company requires more space so that its employees can store essential properly for long period of time without missing even single information. In this regard,  top management team of JS Supermarket have planned to implement cloud technology at workplace so that each and every detail related to sales and business activities can be stored properly. It can be said that  after implementation of cloud technology in JS Supermarket, it will going to be easier for this company to store all its information. It will also simplify work of employees as this technology is very simple to use. As a result, employees can place these saved effort in some other core areas where they can put additional effort in achieving their targeted goals and objectives. This will directly enhance business growth of JS Supermarket.

    Research Aim

    “To determine the impact of cloud technology in improving business growth of an organisation” A case study on JS Supermarket.

    Research Objectives

    • To identify the concept of cloud technology
    • To evaluate different ways by which JS Supermarket can maximise its growth.
    • To identify importance of cloud technology in business growth of JS Supermarket.

    Research Questions

    • Explain the concept of cloud technology?
    • What are the different ways by which JS Supermarket can maximise its business growth?
    • What is the importance of cloud technology in business growth of JS Supermarket?

    P2 Project Management Plan

    It is a formal document that mainly includes project goals, scope and budget. Sum of all these define the manner in which project is required to be executed and controlled. It is essential for every business to make effective project plan to execute their activities more efficiently and achieve specific goals and objectives in best way. Mentioned below there is an there is detailed execution of project:.Here you can get best law assignment help.

    Cost: Cost is seen as the essential component which helps researcher in buying all  required equipments to complete research in effective manner. In order to implement Cloud technology in JS Supermarket, the company will require around 10K. Whereas, for this research, investigator will need approximately 5K to complete it in a effecti

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