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    Menu Planning


    Menu planning refers to the process of deciding what a company offer in meal to their customers, it include main dishes, side dishes and desserts. It is essential for a food and beverage outlet to decide appropriate plan for meals and when they serve it (Bégin and,  2014). One of the important part of menu planning is to decide type of food according to situation or occasion and then schedule it according to a particular day. This report is based on Gianni's Italian Restaurant which is owned and operated since 1989 and they offer home-made authentic italian foods. They also offer facilities like gift certificates and customers can book their table online.  In repost representing the different stages and its justifications towards effective product menu planning and developing it in better ways.

    TASK A

    1.1 Principles and factors of recipe development

     The Gianni's Italian Restaurant is famous and provide various type of traditional italian dishes which is healthy and full of proteins. The respective restaurant do research and then make changes according to needs and demands of customers. Best and attractive part of this restaurant is that they offer appropriate quality of goods and services that is liked by their customers (Daoust, 2017). So they decide to launch new product menu which provide creative and traditional products to customers. The new concept or menu which is introduce by executive chef attract more customers but there are some positive and negative impacts of this that is mentioned below:-


    • Modification and addition of new products range attract more new and present customers in effective manner.
    • It come up with high competitive advancement to the respective company.


    • This will directly impact on the product cost or price.
    • The respective restaurant has to adopt new technique according to requirement and train employees or staff accordingly.

    Principles of recipe development:-

    Their are various principles of  the Gianni's Italian Restaurant which help them to service in the market, some major of them are mentioned below:-

    • They focus on customers satisfaction, so they make products accordingly and in effective manner.
    • They use product techniques which are latest and appropriate for the specific development of products.

    1.2 Factors that influence menu planning decisions

    Menu planning is an important part and task of a restaurant business and there are several  factors such as budget, demand, taste and many more which influence it, factors which the Gianni's Italian Restaurant consider while doing menu planning are describe below:-

    • Taste and preferences:The taste, food habit and preference of a customer influence menu planning of the Gianni's Italian Restaurant. Parameters which include in customers food habits and preferences are culture, religious views of customers, gender, customs, traditions.
    • Availability of food: The most and first important thing for respective restaurant is to ensure availability of food which required to make particular dish which customers are demanding (Davison, Lawson and Coatsworth, 2012). Such as there are some veggies and fruits which are available in particular seasons, so by considering this the management must design their menu and display in front of customers.
    • Preparation time: This is important factor which management must determine while doing menu planning because some dishes take more time in preparing. So management must make appropriate menu of dishes which take less time in preparation because waiting of order make customer frustrated easily.

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    1.3 Factors that influence services methods

    Services method is refers to the presentation in which a restaurant serve or showcase their offer foods so that customers get encourage and initiate to eat that dishes (Din, Zahari and Shariff, 2017). Their are several type of ways in which a restaurant may serve food, some of them which is selected by the Gianni's Italian Restaurant are mentioned below:-

    • Buffet services:In this respective restaurant arrange different food times on side of table and guests come along in line and serve themselves. When their plates get full they take it to dinning table to eat, in this the guest or customers put them self and according to their choice.


    It is very economic in price.

    Required less labour, space and tableware.


    More wastage in plate and in chaffing dishes.

    Not personalised services.

    • Silver Service: In this the respective restaurant provide facility of serving food at the table of guests and customers (Eldredge and,.  2016). This is done by waiters of restaurants by using serving forks and spoons from the left diner's.


    Customers has the great choice.

    Add level of entertainment.


    Required specialist equipments.

    Required skilled labour.

    • Cafeteria Services:In this the respective restaurants make food counter of inexpensive products and it is a permanent part of restaurant where snacks foods and light meals are being sold.


    Attract customer from display.


    Required cost of manufacture and maintenance.

    2.1 Stage of menu products development planning

    Menu planning development is refers to the process in which include designing of whole menu in effective and efficient manner by adding new features or products into it so that it attract  the customers in large numbers (Hernández-Ocaña and,. 2018). The  Gianni's Italian Restaurant create effective menu cardboard which provide appropriate information of products and services offered by them. There are various type of factors which affect menu and product designing which are mentioned below:-

    • Sales mix- For development of effective menu products, it is essential that respective restaurant select proper and effective idea in appropriate manner and correct manner. Through this they can select the one appropriate and suitable idea among vast numbers of various individuals ideas.
    • Competitors activity- Activity of competitors also affect the planning of development of menu products because respective restaurant has to compare and research competitors products and activities so that they design unique and attractive menu and products which attract more customers.
    • Feasibility studies- It is consider as a process in which the  Gianni's Italian Restaurant's management decide and provide attractive and creative name to specific food item so that it catch the customers eyes or attract customers.

    2.2 Influence of different factors on the development process

    Their are various factors or challenges which is face by a restaurant while developing the effective and appropriate process for firm. Some major of them which influence the Gianni's Italian Restaurant development process are describe below:-

    • Social-This factor includes things like taste, choice and preference of a customers towards a specific services or products (Hodges, 2017). To do analysing and evaluation the Gianni's Italian Restaurant require to offer similar type of products to their customers or audiences.
    • Economic-This showcase those factors which are related to the impact of goods and services of  the Gianni's Italian Restaurant on economic belief and values. These factors are connected to income and revenue of a customers for purchasing variety of products and services in appropriate manner.
    • Domestic-This procedure is based on the personal values of respective restaurant for their customers or buyers. To satisfy this the executive chief of  Gianni's Italian Restaurant required to offer appropriate products and services which cover their values and demand.

    Impact of media:-

    Such methods and techniques helps the Gianni's Italian Restaurant to assist in developing and launching effective products and services with help of social media in appropriate ways (Howell, 2013). It can also be used by respective restaurant for promotional activities to reach their target audience.

    Significant of employees skills and ability:- 

    For every organization it is important to managing and maintain employees skills and ability in effective ways so that they offer best quality services to their customers and satisfy their needs and demands.  

    TASK B

    3.1 Justify menu design to reflect the menu compilation and recipe development

    Gianni's Italian Restaurant is one of the famous and reputed restaurant of United Kingdom which offer freshest traditional italian dishes in pleasing and relaxed surroundings (Kinsella, Russett and Starr, 2012). The  menu design by respective is of four course meal which include breakfast with ten types of salads with coffee such as chopped italian salad, summer farro salad, garlicky caesar salad, fennel and red onion salad with parmesan, green bean and blood orange salad and so on. Then in lunch they offer  pasta carbonara, fresh veggies pizza and  variety of italian sandwich and soup. After that in dinner they serve different type of lasagna, sandwiches, focaccia bread and at last they serve  desserts like carnmeal-fig biscotti and almond panna cotta with blueberry sauce.

    The respective restaurant decide and use above mentioned menu because all dishes are full of protein and healthy in nature because it is made with fresh fruits and veggies and one can satisfy its hunger through respective menu. Recipe development of above menus of Gianni's Italian restaurant is they use fresh veggies and fruits, olive oil, healthy and fresh spices and they use traditional and bake method to cook the food so it is healthy in nature and full of proteins and also they use minimum amount of cheese in their dishes.

    3.2 Development of food services environment to support the menu, recipe and service style

    To catch attention or attract customers or guest it is responsibility of management to maintain good environment because in food and beverage industry it is very considerable factors. Food service environment is the physical presentation of product or dishes which attract a customers and it include all things or factors starting from  beginning of food making to the ending of delivering products to customers (Ottrey and Porter, 2016). The  Gianni's Italian Restaurant choose new location according to their new menu which support its presentation that attract customers, and also with  excellent design of interior and serving style.

    Addition of technology and outdoor updation support the menu, recipe and service quality. The respective restaurant design food menu which recipe include fresh veggies and fruits and it is cook in traditional manner which is healthy and full of proteins and also its taste is also good, to make food they use healthy and protein full oil and spices. The Gianni's Italian Restaurant create menu for whole day which include healthy four course meals which including breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts.

    4.1 Findings of research on customers requirements for new food concepts

    To develop a new product research play important role for a company because by it they can gather requires information and knowledge. The research of a company is based on the current product offer by a firm and future expectation of customers to them (Ottrey and Porter, 2016). The respective restaurant use primary method and secondary method for doing research and identifying the findings so that they can develop plans, concepts or strategies accordingly.  The Gianni's Italian Restaurant do research which help them in collecting information and knowledge for new menu and their customers gives positive and satisfied feedback in research for respective menu. The key findings and feedback of research are following:-

    • Satisfaction of customers on new menu.
    • Customers provide suggestions on some aspects.
    • Customers like new menu with new concept.

    Customers seem very satisfied and happy with new menu offer by respective restaurant and they also provide suggestions on the new menu and their future expectation such as customers demand for seasonal food with traditional recipes, full menu based on specific occasions, indian menus and many more. The Gianni's Italian Restaurant consider these findings  to develop new concepts like creating new products, menus and dishes according to customers demands and feedbacks.

    4.2 Justify choice of new food concept

    Justification is not the easy task for anyone according to it one has to consider various factors while doing justification of a particular things so that make appropriate plan and justification become more sensitive when it is done on food concepts. It is so because in this situation one need to include various things like customers preferences, taste, budgets and many more and if everything seems appropriate according to the concepts then executive of the Gianni's Italian Restaurant plan things for the development of products (Ozdemir and Caliskan, 2015).

    If certain things are not in favour of new food concept then respective company avoid or left respective food concept. Such as if budget plan of respective restaurant is not cost effective then they will not adopt it and make new budget because budget making is important concept of restaurant business. The Gianni's Italian Restaurant also consider factors which affects the menu planning such as customers taste, demand, requirements etc. while planning for a new food concept and they also consider location factors because it also affect the business of respective restaurant.   

    4.3 Recommendations on launch or implementation of new food concept

    For every business or company launching of a new product or product range is an important task because through it their products can be known by their target audience. Their are various factors which must be consider while launching the products in front of customers, those factors are time, purpose, place and so on.  The Gianni's Italian Restaurant must consider several other things before launching or implementing products in market or in front of customers, those point are mentioned below:-

    • The new concept must be launched with advertising over domestic newspaper and T.V or they can invite any celebrities in launching event so that they gather or attract local audience or crowd.
    • Buffet services:The respective restaurant can use open kitchen concept in which their chefs cook foods in front of audience or customers and customers can see that their foods are cook in effective manner and with appropriate material and they can also customize their order accordingly.
    • The new concept and menu must be healthy and full of proteins so that it attract more customers and also they enjoy and like taste of it.
    • The Gianni's Italian Restaurant can offer special gifts like lottery or special discount with new menu so that it encourage or initiate Buffet services:customers to try new products or menu.
    • As respective restaurant going to launch healthy food products menu they can do decorate their ambiance in respective style or related style which attract customers.

    4.4 Review Executive Chef performance in relation to developing and implementing new food concept

    Executive Chef is a person who also work outside the kitchen area, they develop new recipes, plan menus according to requirement, hire and train food presentation workers, take care  and maintain inventory of food supplies, follow food budget, do purchase orders, report to the head restaurateur, complete administrative work and son on. Role of executive chef in developing and implementing new food concept at the Gianni's Italian Restaurant are describe below:-

    • They train, develop and motivate its supervisor and other staff to execute and maintain new food concept on a appropriate basis.
    • Teach staff how to present dishes accordingly to make dish well define and attractive which help  respective restaurant to improve cuisine at a proper way.
    • The executive chef of respective restaurant provide all day to day operations directions in the kitchen.
    • Maintain positive environment at workplace by doing appropriate counselling of employees or staffs.
    • Improve services and quality by understanding and communicating to guests through identify needs, analysing feedback, trending demand and many more.
    • Actively involve in menu development and maintaining it and also update it in appropriate time and requirement.
    • Take care of preparation and presentation process process, that the prepare food must be healthy and tasty and through presentation it attract consumers.


    According to above mentioned point it can be conclude that menu planning is the effective part of developing and maintaining values of new products and services. For this restaurant use different principles and factors and there are some factors which influence menu planning decisions.

    The respective company make new menu which is healthy for customers and for it they decide recipes and services style which attract customers in effective and efficient manner. To attracting customers respective restaurant use various methods of launching new products so it can be reach by more customers.


    • Bégin, A., and,  2014. Accuracy of preoperative automatic measurement of the liver volume by CT-scan combined to a 3D virtual surgical planning software (3DVSP). Surgical endoscopy. 28(12).  pp.3408-3412.
    • Daoust, D., 2017. Language planning and language reform. The handbook of sociolinguistics, pp.436-452.
    • Davison, K.K., Lawson, H.A. and Coatsworth, J.D., 2012. The family-centered action model of intervention layout and implementation (FAMILI) the example of childhood obesity. Health promotion practice. 13(4).  pp.454-461.
    • Din, N., Zahari, M.S.M. and Shariff, S.M., 2017. Nutritional labelling in Malaysian full service restaurant menu. Journal of ASIAN Behavioural Studies. 2(2). pp.47-55.
    • Eldredge, L. K. B. And,.  2016. Planning health promotion programs: an intervention mapping approach. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Hernández-Ocaña, B., and,.  2018. Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm for Menu Planning.

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