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Research Proposal is a concise document that focuses on specific research title and according to that the entire research work can be done. The present study has been made on analysing the ways through which customer satisfaction ratio of Easyjet can be enhanced. Thus, in this respect secondary sources have been utilized which is also useful in showcasing the efficacy of research work (Steven, Dong and Dresner, 2012). Furthermore, primary sources are also utilised in the research work wherein data has been collected from the employees of Easyjet regarding ways for maximizing the ratio of customer satisfaction. Information about several factors are also mentioned in the study that will assist the researcher to select the particular project. Further, while analysing the research findings, Qualitative method has been selected. At the same time, various methods have been utilized for the purpose of reaching towards the research aim and objectives.
âThe main aim of the present research study is to analyze the ways through which customer satisfaction aspects could be enhanced: A case study on Easyjetâ. In the present case Easyjet has been selected because the entity is experiencing various issues related to customer management.
Research questions
In order to complete the section of literature review, several secondary sources have been utilized and words of author and scholars have been used subsequently. Further relevant and appropriate tools will be used to enhance the feasibility aspects of the research work. This is enables to make proper evaluation of data this is collected by the researcher. Further, it is useful for the researcher to make arrangement of diverse resources so that the entire research work can be completed effectively (.Baker, 2013). Thus, along with financial resources, researcher will have requirement of physical resources as well. There are different set of activities that to be developed and for each one it is important to plan for finance so that they will be able to complete the activities effectively and efficiently.
Suggested:Â Research project on literature View
At the time of selecting the research topic, researcher has gone through with several topics; hence after analysing the feasibility of the topic, this particular topic has been selected. Due to huge availability of data, researcher emphasized on this subject matter and alongside, researcher also focused on bringing more success to the research work (Shanka, 2012). However, researcher had availability of other topics as well; but this one has been selected due to availability of relevant and authentic data. There are different type of research that has been done by different authors and they all are helpful to conduct the research and to get relevant information and data. Area of interest was another important factor that drove researcher to select the topic. There are various factors due to which customers satisfaction level gets affected. This area of study is very interest as it involves understand them and make use of different strategies so that level of satisfaction can be raised.
Several secondary studies have been utilized in the present research work which helped in completing this section. Books, journals and articles have been reviewed for the purpose of formulating the section of literature review. This can be determined as part that enables to provide adequate information about the research topic. There are many researches which are conducted by different researchers who have helpful make others understand the customer satisfaction.
According to Archana and Subha, (2012) ultimate aim of any organization is gain maximum profit. This is only possible when companies understand needs and requirement of customers. There are different set of organizations which deliver their service users with similar products and services. With raise in competition, it affects the growth and profitability. As per Hussain, Al Nasser and Hussain, (2015) there are certain factors that are considered by consumers and when these are satisfied, then they get satisfied. In this context, it includes factors like price, quality, motivation, quantity, etc. Among all these buying behaviour of customers gets affected with the services that are delivered by the firm. When services are not delivered by the organization, then they do not get to achieve their desired goals and objectives. However, price can be determined as one of the main factors that affects the level of customers satisfied.
Ahmad, Wasay and Jhandir, (2012) stated that workers are the face of organization. They are the one who present the services to customers. When they are not able to present the services, then they will not be able to provide satisfy their customers. Unskilled words, affect negatively towards the satisfaction level and growth of the organization.
According to Chow, (2014) customer satisfaction is important because it provides the business entities with a metric through which they can manage and improve their existing business activities. It is also considered as a leading indicator that helps the consumer to repurchase the products on repeat basis. However, on the other hand, it can be said that quality plays crucial role in managing customer satisfaction. Customers always tend to use quality products and services and that drives them to enhance the frequency of purchase. Customer satisfaction is important for the business entity because that develops the competency along with greater market share (de Oña and de Oña, 2014). Customer satisfaction is essential for the business entity as that enhances the scope of success and greater profitability.
will be carrying out the activities accordingly. All the stages will be properly monitored so that the areas of modifications can be identified. The entire proposal is expected to be finished within the period of 10 weeks which will also assist the investigator to consider each and every aspect of the subject matter in detail manner. The entire plan will be continuously monitored by the investigator so that further changes could be made accordingly.
Our intention is to help numerous students worldwide through effective and accurate work.
In order to conduct the research in an effective manner, there are two different type of sources that will be used. So as to carry out the research, there are two type of resources that are used. These are primary and secondary source which are helpful enough to carry out the research. Among these primary sources is collected with the help of questionnaire, interview, etc. (Baumann, Elliott and Burton, 2012). Among these different tools, questionnaire will be selected to gather adequate information about the research. More specifically, 20 UKCBC students are selected for collecting information. Further, there will be both open ended and closed questions that will be included in the questionnaire. On the other hand, secondary source is something which collected with the help of articles, online websites, journals, etc. Both primary and secondary sources are considered to be research sources and research questions are the answerable inquiry into specific issue. Apart from all these, it is important that the researcher have financial support so that they will be able to conduct the research in effective manner.
Research questions can be determined as a statement that is helpful to identify main course of study. To come up with an appropriate outcome for the research, it is essential to have suitable research question. This is helpful to achieve the aim and objectives of the research in an effective manner. Customers can be determined as the essential source that enable to organization to gain maximum profit. In this context, with the help of research questions, one is able to get come up with appropriate outcome the current research. With this respect, it can also be stated that there is a close relationship between performance of employees customer satisfaction (Raithel, Sarstedt and Schwaiger, 2012). Further, there is price as an essential factor because of which the buying behaviour of customers get affected. Below given are the research objectives for the current study:
To ascertain the importance of customer satisfaction
To analyse the ways to enhance customer satisfaction
To identify the impact of customer satisfaction on companyâs performance and productivity.
Below given are the research question for the same:
What is the importance of customer satisfaction ?
What are the ways to enhance customer satisfaction ?
What is the impact of customer satisfaction on companyâs performance and productivity ?
From the above given objectives, research will be able to identify the needs and requirement of customers in context getting satisfaction. With this respect, it is important the organization understand their areas in which they need to make improvement. This way they will be able to make sure that customer's satisfaction level is raised and this will also raise the profitability and sales.
In order to conduct the research in an effective. Investigator will make sue of both primary and secondary sources. This will help to know the information that is already collected by some other researchers and this is stated to be secondary sources. In this context, it includes articles, internet websites, journals, etc. (Raithel, Sarstedt and Schwaiger, 2012). On the other hand, to collect primary information, researcher will develop questionnaire and about 20 UKCBC students will be selected. With the help of questionnaire, investigator will be able to determined the factors because of which customers get satisfied or the other issues due to which they get dissatisfied. Questionnaire will include all the question with the help of which customers aim and objectives will be achieved. There are different set of factors due to which customers get dissatisfied or satisfied. With this respect, all the factors are listed out in the questionnaire. Moreover, with the help of questionnaire, researcher will be able to identify the main factor that affects the most for customers satisfaction. The questionnaire has both opened and closed ended question. Different people have diverse set of perception over the services that they get from different organization. The selected respondents will be help enough to know their perception of services that are delivered by Easyjet. There are different areas that customer consider as they are the one who make use of the services and they and they know better regarding the issues that are faced by them. Improvements can be make by organization as per the data that is collected from questionnaire that is filled up by 20 UKCBC students. There are different type of responses that will be given by thee students. However, to come up with appropriate outcome for the research objectives researcher will make use of thematics as it include graphs and statistic information through which information will be evaluated.
In accordance with the data collected, below given are the responses of 20 UKCBC students. This part of research will identify the reasons for the factors that affects the customer's satisfaction level.
Theme 1: The main purpose of taking flight
Theme 2: Affordable price of the air ticket
From the above, evaluated analysis, it can be stated that the main factor that is considered by customers towards airlines is high quality food services. Food products that are provided by the Easyjet is effective enough. Most of the customers expects to get high quality food products and the services provided by cited airlines is not effective enough. Further, there are other factors that shows that customers are not satisfied towards that areas as well. In this context, it includes areas like price, ineffective services and lack of proper information by employees are other set of factors due to which services users get dissatisfied.
There are different type of research evaluation techniques that can be used by the investigator. In this context, it includes formative and summative evaluation. Among these two, researcher will make use of formative evaluation, this is a type of method that enables to make development in order to make improvement. Further, it is also helpful enough to make improvement in the research topic that is being selected. It determines the strategies that can be used in order to complete the research in an effective manner.
Research methodology can be determined as an essential part in research. It includes different type of approaches and methods which are helpful enough to conduct the research in an systematic manner. With this respect, below given are the different areas that are covered in research methodology:
Research philosophy: It is a type of method that that enables to make the research presentable to viewers. In order words, this enable to carry out the research in a specific direction (Mackert, Champlin and Damásio, 2014). Whole investigation is conducted on the basis or subjective or objectives. The present research is about understanding the factors that affects the satisfaction level of customers. In this context, investigator has taken positivism research. This type of philosophy is applied by the researcher as it help to achieve the objectives of research. Various factors that affects customers satisfaction are identified and it will help the firm to make changes accordingly.
Research approach: There are two type of approaches that are used in it. They are deductive and inductive. In inductive the research will go from specific to general. On the other hand, in deductive, the research will go from general to specific. As per the research objectives, investigator will make use of deductive and it will help the viewers to understand about the concept and then they will make it specific. Researcher has identified different set of factors that can affect the satisfaction level of customers.
Research design: This can be determined as an effective method that enables to develop the whole research in an effective manner. In accordance with the research, investigator will make use of descriptive approach. This will help to identify the different factors with the help of which factors can be identified that raises customer satisfaction. In order words, it focuses on different set of case studies and survey methodology (Kitchin and Tate, 2013). In addition to this, it also enables to understand the concept of customer satisfaction and various ways through which firm will be able to raise their satisfaction level of customers.
Data collection: There are generally two different type of sources that can be implemented by researcher to collect data. In this context, it includes primary and secondary data. Primary data is collected from may strategies. It includes questionnaire, interview, observation, etc. On the other hand, secondary sources are information which is already collected by some other researcher. It includes collecting information from journals, websites, articles, etc. (Krithikadatta and Valarmathi, 2012). As per the current research, investigator will make use of both primary and secondary sources. To collected primary information, researcher will make use of questionnaire. Journals that are done by others will also be gathered.
Sampling: In order to achieve the research aim and objective. Information will be collected from 20 UKCBC students. They have made use of the services which are provided by Easyjet. Sampling method is used in order to reduce the rate of errors. The perception of these people can be determined easily (Harper, 2012). The factors that has to be considered by management of cited firm will be evaluated and they just need to take appropriate steps with the help of which satisfaction level of customers can be raised.
Data analysis: So as to make the collected data evaluate, there are generally two type of methods that are applied. In this context, it includes methods like qualitative and quantitative. These are helpful to collect theoretical and numeric data. Both statistical and thematics is applied by the researcher (Rossi, Wright and Anderson, 2013). This is an effective method which help to make proper evaluation of the data which is collected from questionnaire. Evaluation is done for each of the responses towards they have given for the questions that are given on the questionnaire.
Below given are the evaluation done for each of the data which is gathered from the questionnaire developed:
Description: As per the analysis done, it can be stated that maximum of respondents use airlines to visit their family or relatives. Further, there are about 8 of the respondents who make use of services of airlines for vacations so that they will be able to visit new places. Further, there are 2 of the respondents who make visit for business trips. Lastly, there are 3 of customers who make sue of airlines for other type of reasons. In this context, it can be started that most of the customers use airline in order to enjoy their vacation so as to visit new or different places.
Description: There are different classes for which customer has to pay. In this context, there are about 12 of the customers who think that the price that is taken by Easyjet is affordable. On the other hand, there are 8 of customers who thing that the price is relatively high. Price can be determined as one of the major factor that affects consumers buying or purchasing behaviours. In addition to this, it also affected customer's satisfaction level. There are certain set of factors that are determined by service users. Among which price is also an essential factor that they consider. From the analysis, it can be stated that price of ticket is affordable.
Description: From the analysis done. It has been found that there are man y hidden charges that are found and that is later taken from consumers. As per the findings, it can be stated that accordingly to 13 of customers there are additional money acquired from them. In order words, proper information is not provided to customers related with the price that is take for their surveys. On the other hand, there are about 7 of customers who think that all type of information is provided to them regarding total cost that will be incurred.
Description: In accordance with the finding, it has been found that there are about 12 of the customers who think that helplines of Easyjet do not provide proper information. On the other hand, there are 8 of the customers who think that proper information is provided by helpline that is provided by cited firm. In other words, there people are not provided by adequate information by the helplines that are available to them. In this context, it becomes difficult for the customers to clarify all the doubts that they have over the services which are provided by cited firm.
Description: From the analysis done, it has been found that there are about 11 of the respondents who are not satisfied with the food related services which are provided to customers at flight. In this context, it includes the quality of services that they provide do not reach the satisfaction level. On the other hand, there are 6 of customers who are satisfied by the food that are provided to them at flight. With this respect, over all, it can be started that quality of services that are provided is not effective and firm needs to work over it so that they will be able to satisfy their customers.
Description: There are different reasons that are identified in which through the analysis it has been found that the quality of food is not proper because of which people get dissatisfied. More specifically, there are 8 of customers who think that food services are not effective. Further. There are 5 of customers who think that due to high price the satisfaction level is affected. Moreover, 3 of respondent think that due to unskilled workers they get dissatisfied.
As per the research conducted, there are different set of areas that has to be considered by cited firm so that they will be able to raise customers satisfaction level of customers. There are many organizations that provide their customers with similar products and services. However, the price and quality differs. In this context, cited firm should understand the strategies that are adopted by other companies and accordingly price should be set. One of the major area that Easyjet should consider is quality of food. It is important that firm make sure that the food products that is developed by the employees are of high quality. Workers should be trained so that they will be able to come up with suitable services. Moreover, it is also analysed that workers do not have proper information about the services that is provided by the organization. Through training all the doubts and confusion that workers have can be solved.
Employees are the face of organization as they are the one who present the products and services that are delivered by the organization. Firm should select employees who will be able to put on their full efforts with the help of which they understand their customers and provide them services accordingly.
Ahmad, M. B., Wasay, E. and Jhandir, S. U., 2012. Impact of employee motivation on customer satisfaction: study of airline industry in Pakistan. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business. 4(6). pp.531-539.
Archana, R. and Subha, M. V., 2012. A study on service quality and passenger satisfaction on Indian airlines. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. 2(2). pp.50-63.
Baker, D. M. A., 2013. Service quality and customer satisfaction in the airline industry: A comparison between legacy airlines and low-cost airlines. American Journal of Tourism Research. 2(1). pp.67-77.
Baumann, C., Elliott, G. and Burton, S., 2012. Modeling customer satisfaction and loyalty: survey data versus data mining. Journal of services marketing. 26(3). pp.148-157.
Chow, C. K. W., 2014. Customer satisfaction and service quality in the Chinese airline industry. Journal of Air Transport Management. 35. pp.102-107.
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