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    Transformational short story


    “To Kill The Mocking Bird” was written by Harper Lee and published in 1960. The novel is renowned for its warmth and humour, despite dealing with the serious issues of rape and racial inequality. In this context, the transformational short story will explore one of the major theme of the novel. The demonstration of understanding of the novel by transforming ideas from the novel to the short story will be presented in this assignment online.

    Theme : Coexistence of Good and Evil

    According to Harper Lee, it was the most important theme in the whole novel. It generalise the human nature and explore the behaviour of children on adults. It defines whether people are essentially good or essentially evil (Lee, 1990). Scout and Jem's who were the children of Atticus Finch (the protagonist of the novel) assumed that all people are good, as these children have never seen any evil (Jay, 2015). As Atticus finch was the lawyer who was dealing with the case of Tom Robinson, a black man who has been accused of raping a young white women (Dogra, 2016).

    In this short story, Alex Mason is the lawyer, Judy and John are his children and their friend is Bill. Three of the children visited court as their father has important case to deal with. He was defending an indigenous man named Scott. He was accused of raping a minor girl in the residential area. Albeit, majority of the community member was in support of Scott as they believed that the allegation is false. Thus, Alex was ready to defend Scott. Due to this decision, Judy and John was teased by other children in the society as “indi-lover”. Alex didn't want his children to attend the hearing at court regarding Scott trail. The prosecution embarked in court and children of Alex and their friend watched the whole case from coloured balcony. Alex elucidated that the accuser, Candace and her father Andrew Simon was lying and stated that it was Candace who made sexual advances towards Scott. Her father caught and beat her and due to threats of her father she  accused Scott in false raping charges. Despite of having robust evidence, strong points of Scott innocence, jury declared him guilty. The shock of false allegation and charge effects the psychology of Scott negatively and he tried to escaped from the court. Police shot him and Scott died on sport. After watching the whole scene, John faith in court and law got demolished he was badly shaken like his father. The father of Candace, Andrew was humiliated by the events of the trail especially when Alex alleged him to threaten her daughter. His last shred of creditability was destroyed in the court.

    Despite conviction of Scott, Andrew enunciated to Alex that he will going to take revenge on him.  In vengeance Andrew attacked his children Judy and John when they were returning home after Halloween pageant. John got badly injured and suffered broken leg. A mysterious man after hearing squealing of Judy came to rescue. He fought bravely with Andrew and eventually Andrew accidentally fell onto his own knife and died. When John came to his senses he realised that their savoir was none other than Robert Brody. Robert Brody also known as Robert 'Boo' Brody was neighbour of Mason family. He mostly remained in his house and rarely comes to the street. Due to his suspicious and frightening personality children called him Boo. Robert fought with Andrew in order to protect the children. During the fight, Andrew accidental fell onto his own knife and died. Sheriff Bond, arrived to the spot and identified that Andrew Simon died during the fight.

    The sheriff argued with Alex about the discretion and ethics of charging John (whom Alex believed to be responsible) or Boo. Ultimately, Alex accepts the explanation given by Bond that Andrew accidentally fell onto his own knife and died during the fight. Robert after the interrogation ask Judy to walk him home. After she said goodbye to him, Robert disappear again. From the whole scenario Judy got frightened and anxious and started imagining the scene again and again. Her father makes her calm before talking business to John. She said that human being judge people on the basis of their looks, class, race, culture, etc. and determined that he or she is either good or evil. From this incident she was able to identified that what one perceived to be good sometimes becomes evil and what one perceived as evil is actually good.  From the whole incident, the perception of Judy towards Robert Brody was changed and she eventually sees him as good human being.

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    The transformational story has been exemplified from “To Kill the Mocking Bird”. The novel was renowned for its humour and warmth but teach important lesson about moral education and identifying difference between good and evil. The novel was published in 1960 and become a huge success for Harper Lee (Lee, 1990). The transformational story which has been made out from the idea of novel aid in understanding the coexistence of good and evil. The characters name has been altered and some of the situations has been changed. The motive of the story is to explain the issue that has been discussed in the novel.

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    The above short story was a transformational version of one of the scenario of “To Kill the Mocking Bird.” In the story the characters name was altered and some of the situations has been transformed. The motive was to explain the issue proposed in the story in simple and comprehend able manner. In the above task, one of the most important them has been taken in order to create a transformational story. The purpose of the transformational story was to support the original intent of the novel. The story aim to defines whether people are essentially good or essentially evil.


    • Dogra, S., 2016. Ethics and Education in To Kill a Mockingbird: Rereading the Text Through the Prism of Slavoj Zizek's Postulations. IUP Journal of English Studies, 11(3), p.40.
    • Jay, G., 2015. Queer Children and Representative Men: Harper Lee, Racial Liberalism, and the Dilemma of To Kill a Mockingbird. American Literary History, 27(3), pp.487-522.
    • Lee, H., 1990. To kill a mockingbird. Litigation, pp.68-58.

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