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    Unit 14: Working with and Leading People LSST


    Every company needs skilled, hard working and qualified employees as well as manager in their organization in order to achieve success in the market and earn profit. Working efficiently in the organization than others need kin focus and concentration. Further, working with leaders help employee to achieve target and goals of organization easily. It creates positive work environment and contribute to the success of the organization.  This report comprises study of American based company Avon (Alter, 2013). The firm is based on selling women's cosmetics. Their selection criteria and recruitment process selects the members who can be effective and productive of the organization.  Moreover, other criteria and factors should also be included such as legal and ethical terms to get better work environment. Also at certain situation they should be able to  make decision and adopt leadership qualities.

    Task 1

    In 1886, Avon was established by David McConnell. It's the most finest and productive  company in producing and serving cosmetic products like perfume, creams etc. For effective  working of the organization, company is planning to recruit a Area manager whose post is vacant at working area. For the selection criteria, Human Resource Department needs to identify the effective and productive candidate for the company through their assessment process. At Avon, HRM have mentioned some selection criteria which are needed to be fulfilled by candidate in order to get placed.

     Details about Job offered

    Firm name

    Avon Company


    Area Manager



    Reports to


    Roles and responsibilities

    · Candidate should be able to set sales volume for certain time period.

    · Potential to take important decision to increasing the revenue and profit in the organization

    · Creating an effective workplace for other staff members and inspire them to be more productive (Bell and Blanchflower, 2011).

    · Motivating then to work effectively and in team work to promote bond and strength between staff member.

    · For further improvement of employees, organise regular training and development session.

    Eligibility Criteria For Selection


    Post graduation in MBA from recognized college with 75% in HR department.


    No defined boundaries.


    Age limit  should be 25 to 45 years.

    Skills and abilities

    · Interpersonal and communication skills should be fluent and efficacious.

    · Self motivated and positive in every situation.

    · Leadership qualities are highly recommended.

    Work Experiences

    Minimum 4 years experience in HR department.

    For Avon to get successful and developed in market, the recruitment and development process should have procedure which follows the legal terms and conditions of organization. This is required to reduce the risk factor.  The organization should ensure and consider all possible regulatory and legal aspects into consideration during the selection process of  candidate. For effective work environment in company, qualities like ethical factors should be considered in recruitment process. All the decision for selection criteria are made by the HR manager so the mentioned should follow all the legal aspects. Consideration for the final selection shouldn't be based on the discrimination factor regarding sex, race and religion. assignment online Decision making should be fair in all aspects (Cameron and Green, 2015). Furthermore, the regulations such as racial relation act, employment quality regulation, gender discrimination etc. need to be practised at the workplace so that no one is exploited in any means. These regulation are necessary and  required to be practised in the organization. Additional it adds the trust and confidence in the candidate which will result in more applicant applying for the post.

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    Decision making  should be efficient in recruitment process, this duties should be performed by the HR manager in the efficacious  manner. HR manager  at Avon are following certain steps for the selection criteria for Area manager which are mentioned below:

    • Beginning for the selection process will be based on the job description and specification to be distributed according to preplanned structure. Through this step the needs and requirement required by the candidate can be assess for the selection procedure.
    • Second steps is to advertise and promote through media and other form is  done. This will lead to attract more candidate from different places to apply for the post  of Area manager.
    • Next step is about choosing the right candidate from the bulk through the resume analysis. This step is done to confirm that they qualify the prescribed specification as mentioned in the  criteria.
    • In the forth step, candidates are evaluated by certain test like aptitude,  physical and physiological tests in order to evaluate the knowledge, skills and behaviour  of candidate.
    • At last, interviewing is  done. It may include technical and non-technical questions. Also it determines the communication, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills which post requires. Finally selected candidate is given post and asked to join the organization (Cummings and Worley, 2014).

    Stepwise procedure for selection process is a great responsibility for HR. Sometimes biased decision making can be there. Sometimes relatives or family member are working in the same organization, so some priority is given to those candidates. At times decision are made against the acts of discrimination. Here caste, creed, gender, race and religion are considered.  Many times decision are made on the experience basis which neglects the more talent and qualified person for the post. This are all false belief that they can have better assistance in achieving and acquiring the goals. All this spoils the image of organization and create negative image.      

    Such procedure should not be attempted and necessary steps are too be taken to overcome such issues. Recruitment along with selection process should be effective and updated according to situation. HR should follow the legal  rules and regulation in order to take honest decision and work smoothly (DiPaola  and Tschannen-Moran, 2014). As a senior manager, all the decision taken by me will not unfair and discriminated.

    Also Read: Unit 3 - Business Essentials - Pearson BTEC Level 5

    Task 2

    Leadership quality are required too be effective concept for the organization. An efficient  leader will easily manage more group of people in proper way.  These are the important points that are required and considered for being effective leader:

    • Efficient communication skills- Leader must have good command over communication skills as they are the sources to bring the stakeholder to the organization .they also need to communicate with other higher authority members of the organization. Avon business completely depends on the selling the product so their communication skills need to be perfect.
    • Motivating the employees- Sometimes situation are there when employee needs motivation for completing the task and increase the productivity. Leaders needs to adopt related theories in order to inspire the employee to be more innovative (Ford, 2014).
    • Interpersonal skills-As leader need to manage the group of people to achieve the target and goals they should have effective interpersonal skills.

    There is little difference between the leadership role and management role.  Leadership  can be defined as the ability to lead the employee to perform the particular task. While  management refers to manage, organize and control the employee. Further there differences are   highlighted in the given table:



    Leadership is required to  lead the group of people and motivate them to achieve the objectives.

    Management role is to direct, manage and allocate the task to the employees with a purpose to  coordinate and  acquire the  goals

    They needed to make important decision of the organization

    Final decision are taken by the management

    They need to identify  different ideas and create new methods that can be helpful and productive to the organization

    They identify different strategies and follow the policy of the organization for better work place.

    The various styles under this are democratic, participative, consultative etc.

    In this the styles included are dictatorial, authoritative etc.

    Leadership qualities that Avon leader need to adopt should be based on the situation that company is facing. Through this style the employee can be motivated and inspire to be more productive and targeted towards the goals (Goetsch  and Davis,  2014). Below here are the qualities which are possessed by the leader at Avon. These are :

    • Democratic style- In the democratic style all the employee are free to take active participation in the decision making for the benefits  of the organization. This makes the employee to understand organization values and provides positive impact on the employee performance  
    • Transformational style-This is the new strategy adopted where employee can be suggest different ideas to the organization in order to improvise at certain sectors. This also provides motivation in order to perform more difficult tasks.

    In order to be more productive and improved performance there is need to adopt  motivation and inspiration theories in the organization. For this purpose, Avon adopted the theories of Maslow's which is to motivate the employees to be more productive at their work. This theory also includes dealing with the psychology of he employee which basically contain five needs of the employee.  Those factors which are needed for motivation  are mentioned below:


    Elements to fulfil the needs

    Physiological needs

    Basic salary, drinking water, rest

    Safety needs

    Job security, safe workplace

    Belongingness needs

    Encourage teamwork, Develop relationships between staff members

    Esteem needs

    Bonus, incentives, appraisals

    Self-actualisation needs

    Promotion, increment

    Fulfilling this demands Avon can ensure high productivity and performance level of employees.

    Task 3

    For being productive and completing the task at the required time Avon team approach is highly appreciated (Griffin, 2013). Whole team of Avon works hard to achieve the goals. For the instances following are the benefits which the organization gets from team work:

    • Builds trust- Group task can help you to gain trust on each others. It will also increase the performance level of the individual and promote the others to  work. It create the bond between the  employees and reduce s the conflict in the improve the work environments.  
    • Enhance work quality- Working in the group will reduce the individual effort and and will result in the higher performance level.

    For recruitment process, Avon determined the necessary documents which contains the required selection criteria. For the job Area manager in Avon, the minimum requirement is 4 years of experience and need to have the score 75% in MBA. This are the minimum qualification  of the company which are required for the post.

    Further, for the specified post two candidates Mr. A and Mr. B have applied for the post. Selection criteria can be based on different criteria along with various process which assess different qualities of the candidates. Lets assume Mr. A has been selected then, they must have qualified through the assessment process in terms of qualification, experience and characteristics. By checking that Mr. A has experience of 5 years and that too from reputed company will bes preferred more as he is more appropriate. Company approaches to the final candidate by analysing complete details about the candidate; Mr. A fulfil all those demands.

    Sometimes during the time of final decision making, due to same qualification there can be issue in selecting the accurate and correct member for the post. The reason can be same mentality and perspective. Such situation creates conflicts. As being the Senior sales officer and final decision are too be made by me,  some people made the contradictory statement that decision made by me is biased  towards a single person.  In order to resolve this issues we approached to the higher authority and than fair decision was made according to him (Lev, 2013). At last also, decision made by me was appreciated and they also supported it. Finally Mr. A was selected.

    Working in the firm like Avon feels greats and the work environment is also too favourable. Team work has contributed many times in the success  of the organization and growth in the market values with better outcomes and profit margin. Moreover the team work can be accessed through the enhanced in the sales and share  market values of the company. It can be easily observed that firm gets benefited financially and enjoys the benefits with the employees. Team work has made the management create better and effective work environment. This has created improvement in the performance level and time taken for completing the tasks. At Avon the bond between the employees and other members has created positive impact and has lead the company to achieve the success levels. The organisation is achieving great profit , market values and revenue which ensures the long term benefits of the company (Longoni, Golini and Cagliano, 2014).  It will also reduce the conflicts between the workers and can even provide different solutions to the problems that might generate. Due to team work at Avon worker are free to provide their suggestions and feedback to the company and other workers.

    Their is great need accessing of work performance of the workers working at the company. Various methods are adopted by the Avon in order to assess individual employee  skills, performance, weakness and also their requirements. Listed are the elements which are required for the planning and monstering of employee performance :

    • Feedback-Through this formal way the view point of the workers is collected in order to evaluate the demands and needs to improvise in them and increase the performance of the company.  
    • Learning styles-Organisation should able to make the employee understand about the work style and guide them in understanding their capability. So the manager role is to guide and ensure the needs and demands of the people and to suggest them new ways to understand the work environment (Mendenhall and Osland, 2012).

    An important aspect for the Avon is to evaluate the development needs and demands of the workers and employees in the organization. Thus given below are the stages which are required in the assessment needs of the area developmental demands of Area manager

    For assessing  the success of the organization as it plays the important in evaluating the efficiency of the organization. These are the methods  followed by the  Avon Company for the assessment of company's success rate (Neck and Manz , 2010).

    Benchmarking- In this the company determine the standards which need to be achieved by the staff members. Moreover the company employee needs to  perform the task in proper standards. At last the performance is evaluated through the previous  performance and variations in both is estimated. Where ever the performance is lacking worker needs to focus on those areas (Parris,  and Peachey,  2013).


    From the above mentioned report there is important role of leading people in the company like Avon for improving the efficiency of the employees in efficient manner. This is achieved in order to achieve the goals and targets of the company.  Further, for HR plays main role in the recruitment process and many strategies are adopted I order to get right candidates for the position. Also leadership role is recognized in the report which demonstrate the role of leader in the organization. Along with this them work must be appreciated and promoted in the company to create bond between the members of company.  More the performance and development level of one should be assess and guidance should be given to them to achieve more and perform in effective manner.


    • 4ter, S., 2013. Work system theory: overview of cow concepts, extensions, and challenges for the future. Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 72
    • Bell, D. N. and Blanchflower, D. G., 2011. Young people and the Great Recession. 04ford Review of Econonic Policy. 27(2). pp.241-267.
    • Cameron, E. and Green, M., 2015. Making sense of change managenrnt: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of onjanizationalchange Kogan Page Publishers. Cummings, T. and Worley, C., 2014. Organization development and change. Cengage learning.
    • DIPaola, M., and Tschannen-Moran, M., 2014. Organizational citizenship behavior in schools and its relationship to school climate. Jsl Vol 11-N5.11.424.
    • Ford, J. K., 2014. Improving training effectiveness in siork organizations, Psychology Press. Goetsch, D. L. and Davis, S. B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence, pearson.
    • Griffin, R., 2013. Fundamentals of management, Cengage Learning.

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