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    R/508/0486 - Management Of Change In Situations Of Vodafone

    University: Regent College

    • Unit No: 8
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 5 / Words 1348
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: R/508/0486
    • Downloads: 783
    Question :

    The objective of this report is to analyze requirement of implementing changes in business practices that can assist in set new objective for future. On the basis of these practices firm can set new direction towards desires success.

    • Critically analyze the change and the management of change in situations of Vodafone.
    • Provide an application relevant to change theory by using techniques of inquiry for Vodafone.
    • Critically analyze aspects of change as well as leadership theory and practices under investigations.
    • Demonstrate appropriate solution to a particular change management and leadership case under investigation.
    Answer :


    Change management is necessary in order to make organisation adaptable with the dynamic changes that occurs due to various external and internal factors in environment As every company seeks for the accomplishment of providing effective quality work from their employees which are regarded to be provided various developing sessions that can lead to the progress in their overall development resulting in the effective coordination of the workers in several functional department of the firm. But the changes which are needed to be introduced cannot be easily implemented as the human nature is completely resistant to the adaptability to various changes which are beneficial to them in order to cope up with the dynamic surroundings. The following report discusses the importance of change management in the Vodafone organisation and what are the pros and cons associated with it (Bolden, 2016). The concept of change management is the process of introducing the changes in the obsolete working of the task in order to make in more effective and efficient and thus can be completed in  best possible way by the optimum utilisation of the resources.

    1. Key points and objectives

    Ian as the newly appointed CEO at the Vodafone organisation in Egypt saw some different scenario of the company. As due to the lack of experience in the different country it was hard to him to know the working culture of the firm where the employees were just job seekers and were not so enthusiastic in order to develop a motivating environment which might be the essential change.

    The managers were not at all interested in order to provide some kind of motivation to other employees so that they can get highly influenced to work beyond their possible limits and bring out some innovation in the obsolete working style. Therefore, this affects the performance level of company.

    The relationship between the individuals were needed to be improved among the management system, staff and the processes that lead to the slowing down of the growth aspect within the firm (Burke, 2017).

    There was a requirement for developing the corporate culture in the organisation which would lead to the arising of Vodafone's value which results in the generation of the common language and facilitate the two way communication of the employees.

    The change in the attitude and the behaviour of the Egyptian employees is essential must in order to provide growth in the organisation.

    Egypt is considered as the hierarchical business society as the CEO of the companies were the only individuals to take the important decisions regarding every aspects. Therefore, the powers were completely centralised (Schad and et. al., 2016).

    Now, there was a requirement for introduction of certain changes which are essential for company to adopt in order to achieve desired growth which was really required in the present scenario. The objectives of introducing change are discussed as below:

    • There was a requirement of an open, clear and honest communication followed by certain open door policy and related complaint policy.
    • There is a requirement of training sessions for the staff which are there in the Company’s corporate culture, communication and development of mutual respect through various kind of trainings related to relationship handling (Cameron and Green, 2015).
    • Understanding the importance of the value which is required to be shared across business which is globally expanded.
    • To learn a common language which leads to know about what does the particular thing matters to each other.

    According to the scenario, there was a need to implement these changes in order to create an environment where the individuals shall be highly motivated and influence the other colleagues equally with trying to influence others in order to maintain a positive working culture which is highly energetic where the employees take high interest in the acceptance of various challenges which are required to create a responsible worker in Vodafone (Drucker, 2017).

    2. Change management concept applicable to this context

    There are various change management concepts which can be applicable to company as there is a requirement for some changes that should be occur for the betterment. One has to perform certain analysis of the concept before implementing the same in Vodafone. Best  suitable concept can beLewin's change model which deeply focuses three factors which facilitate process of change (Kuipers and, 2014). These are and refreezing. It is the most approachable concept.

    The first step includes realisation fact that company needs change and therefore, it is necessary to unfreeze it. It include observation of working structure of the company by analysing every small factors such as aspects related to employee which includes how he works, what is his behaviour with others and so on (Hayes, 2018). It is essential to seek every process involved in daily schedule of work which leads to conclusion that what changes are required in order to make the working environment more effective. Ian noticed that there is a   requirement in the company especially relate to employees therefore he made several strategies that were required for the effective planning for introducing the change which can increase he growth of Vodafone company and also lead to the development of good relationship with individuals who works in the company that will lead to efficient flow of task resulting in accomplishment of objective. It also helps to deal with the resistances which will be created by the Egyptian employees for sure as they are not highly adaptable with the changes and prefer to work according to the obsolete way of performing task. One has to be provided the disadvantages of the old processes and benefits of the change which a company wants to introduce (Hornstein, 2015).

    The last step includes the refreezing of an organisation where the changes have been implied, measured and also tweaked according to the feedbacks which are provided to the management panel who are responsible for bringing out the change. Along with that, regular reviews are required which are necessary for checking the success of the whole plan in terms that whether it would help to achieve the desired results or not (K. Smith and, 2017).

     TASK 2

     2.1)Discus the background of the organisation under investigation and analyse the situation

    The background of the organisation Egyptian people develop  their medium size software, they do not have any proper knowledge how to develop this organisation, so this situation create some problem like they are not work properly this company, employees leave this company. So they people face many problems like low level of productivity and  they do not maintain their relationship with customer's. So is the big  issue . So this enterprise needs to  adopt  new  technology it is very help full to  providing the proper knowledge the places and work like  how much important organisation management changes.  The main aim of this company to achieve their target with effective e change in their man agent. They need to change in their infrastructure and clear their vision. Giving a effective training to their employees it also necessary, it help to improve their business efficiency. 

     2.2)Forces of internal and external that led Vodafone Egypt to implement change management

    There are two types of forces in Vodafone's Egypt to implement, they use five types of porters forces it is very useful for analysing  the actual performance of this comoany. It is also very help to identifying strength and weaknesses of this company. Nit also hel to developing business strategies it also determines the competitive intensity and attracting to their customer as well as market (Bolden,  2016). It included rivalry, it is the process of switching the cost for customer are very low level so company are easily attract their customer at very low price and giving a better services with low level product services.

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