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    Project in the organisational


    This case is about an operational manger whose name was Sven Sorensen who was working in Dizplaze company. He was thinking about how to handle the decision to install a new jig to improve the alignment of the Mark Ten line of the display boxes made by his company. This was a very serious issue, as many passengers had complaint regarding metro system in Germany. They found some loose tools fitted at roof level inside the cars of their new fleet of trains. In this report, it is covered that how Sven will decide about the installation of the alignment jig. Apart from this it will demonstrate the advantages of allowing display team to make decision. Further, it will also cover conflicts that may arise, if he go ahead to install it without discussing it to the display team.


    What are the potential conflicts that might arise.

    Conflicts that may arise

    Conflicts that may arise if he goes ahead to make such changes without discussing with seniors are; Lars Anderssen his General manager may get angry on Sven as it was already discussed in a meeting about this. They discussed that whether this installation problem must be solve by senior management or it should be referred to the display assembly team in the factory. Therefore, his manager may terminate him for this action (Goetsch and Davis, 2014).

    Advantages of installing the alignment jig

    If Sven Sorensen go ahead and install the alignment jig without discussing it with the display team, then the advantages of doing so are that passengers will feel safe as many complaints were made by them regarding metro system in Germany. They displayed fitted at roof level in side the cars of their new fleet of trains were shaking & working loose from their roots. Apart from this, the company was then committed to replacing all defective display boxes, because it was investigated by the Dizplace R&D department had also identified the cause as poor machinery owing to the complex alignment of the display box components (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017).


    If Sven decides to allow the display assembly team to make the decision, what are the potential problems? What would be the advantage?

    Problems that may arise due to allowing the display assembly team to make changes can be; it will be slow & difficult task to make changes at Displaze with team. This is because, the teams set their own work schedules and manage the less discipline matters such as poor timekeeping, not maintaining a neat work space etc. Other than this, there can be conflict among members due to their different views and thoughts. Another problem is that whether their will be in favour of passengers or not (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017).

    Advantage of this will be, his manager will feel good that Sven took great decision to allow the display assembly team to make final decision regarding installation of a new jig to improve the alignment of the Mark Ten line of display boxes made by Dizplaze company. This is because, according to General manager, the factory team will take the best decision for company's reputation (Lock, 2016).


    If the display assembly team approves and implements the installation jig project, what form of project organisation would be most appropriate?

    If the display team agrees to implement the installation of jig project, then the form of project organisation that will be appropriate is project based organisational structure. Under this, the team management is separated from the parent organisation's other units. It has been determined that they have their own technical staff & management. Further, the advantages of this structure is that the project manager is solely responsible for the project and secondly the team members work with strong power, high connection, they share common goal and have clear responsibilities. This is considered most appropriate form of project organisation, as it involves a display assembly team in a factory, which is separated from Dizplaze company and its members will work effectively (BLACK, 2018).

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    From the overall report it has been concluded that, if Sven had taken decision of installing new jig own his own, then it would be a right decision if seen through the views of passengers but on the other hand it could be wrong as his General manager may get angry on him. Apart from this it concluded that, if display assembly team agrees to install new jig then the best suitable project organisation would be project based organisational structure.


    • Goetsch, D. L. and Davis, S. B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson.
    • Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Nicholas, J. M. and Steyn, H., 2017. Project management for engineering, business and technology. Routledge.
    • Lock, D., 2016. Introduction to Project Organisation Structures. In Gower Handbook of People in Project Management (pp. 135-144). Routledge.
    • BLACK, S. A., 2018. Conservation 6 Project Organisation. Species Conservation: Lessons from Islands, pp.154.

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