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    Environmental procedure

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 4 / Words 1071
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 109


    Environmental procedure is basically the various processes that are being followed by organizations for integrating sustainability as well as for working towards the environment. Sainsbury is the renowned supermarket and retail organization being established in 1869 by John James Sainsbury and headquartered in UK. The main aim of this report is to study the framework used by Sainsbury towards sustainability. Business Environment Assignment Help may offer insightful advice and useful insights to students who want to have a deeper understanding of these frameworks and their effects. This helps make difficult subjects more approachable.

    This report gives a brief about resources used in the workplace, ways for improving resource efficiency, and legislation used by organizations. 


    Part 1

    Resources used in workplace

    There are various physical resources that are being used by Sainsbury in their workplace for ensuring the smooth functioning of the organization.

    Physical resources

    Physical resources are the tangible assets that Sainsbury utilizes for providing value propositions to the customers. This mainly includes buildings, inventory, equipment, distribution networks, etc. These physical resources play a crucial role towards sustainability and hence help to protect the environment in some way or another. For example, Sainsbury uses equipment which is highly energy efficient and thus makes use of renewable sources in their plants, like LEDs that use less energy (Riley et al.,2018).

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    Machineries are basically the tangible assets that are used in organizations for converting raw material into finished goods and hence for producing products. These are highly essential in driving the business towards sustainability and play an important role in delivering the sustainable products to the customers (Eusebio, Capelli and Sironi, 2016). Sainsbury has well-defined machines which are highly sustainable and thus energy efficient. For example, these machines are basically fitted with cooling systems, which helps to reduce consumption of fuels.


    The building of Sainsbury is another physical resource that plays an essential role in sustainability, and thus its architecture is highly environmentally friendly. Most of the buildings of Sainsbury are located on outskirts of the country, due to which the gases and chemicals which are being produced during manufacturing do not harm human beings as well as animals. Besides this, the material which is being used in construction of buildings is such that it absorbs the harmful gases and each building have a special filter at top of the building which filters all harmful gases and then releases it into ecosystem.    


    Usage level






    Part 2

    Ways for improving resource efficiency

    Sainsbury is highly committed to reducing the harmful effects on the environment and improving resource efficiency. The entire team, in collaboration with top management as well as shareholders, has designed various strategies for improving the environment and for contributing towards resource efficiency. One of the most well-known strategy as well as initiative taken by Sainsbury is to reduce the use of plastics and drive the maximum energy for performing most of the functions. In this initiative, the company has committed to make use of the available natural resources and bring out a product which is biodegradable (Jones, Comfort and Hillier, 2016).

    The whole team at Sainsbury effectively complies with the organizational policy by maintaining thorough communication with different levels of hierarchy. Sainsbury have designed separate teams for their organizational policy of sustainability. These teams regularly interact with each other on various aspects of the policy and thus ensure that they are on the right track. For example, to reduce the use of plastics, the HR department interacts with production department on the raw material which will be required for producing paper packaging. They in turn communicate with finance department regarding the budget of producing the sustainable products (Baland, Bardhan and Bowles, 2018).

    Part 3

    Legislation used by organization

    Sainsbury is governed by a wide range of environmental protection laws, but the major legislation by which it is governed and has influenced their operations is the Control of Pollution Act. This is the main legislation which Sainsbury applies in its organization for ensuring safer environment and for welfare of entire society (Eusebio, Capelli and Sironi, 2016). All the organizational resources, ranging from human resources to physical resources, are highly engaged towards sustainability and hence comply to this legislation. One of the major organizational policy of Sainsbury towards environment is to reduce the use of plastic and ensure sustainable products for customers, which is widely applied in its operations where each and every resource of the organization, like employees, contributes on their part for successfully achieving it. This eventually helps the company to achieve their long-term goals, which is to become market leader by working towards the interest of environment. On the one hand, human resources present their innovative ideas and adhere to this regulation; on the other hand, the physical resources, like equipment, which are being used by the production department remain energy efficient and the production department ensures that the harmful contaminants released during production are minimized.


    It has been summarized that there are various resources which organizations use at their workplace for ensuring sustainability like human resources, physical resources, etc. The teams as well as management of the organizations interact on daily basis with each other in order to ensure that the organizational policy is being complied and adhered. Besides this, organizations follows various environmental legislation, which helps them govern their operations.

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