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    Unit 20-Employee Relations

    University: Regent college

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 23 / Words 5640
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 106

    The employees refer to the organization's efforts to develop and maintain a positive relationship with employees (Aguenza et  al., 2018). With the assistance of positive and constructive employees’ relations, organizations hope to keep the employees loyal and more engaged in the work. Basically, the human resources department manages the employee’s relations effort to increase productivity for the betterment of the organisation. The present report is based upon Tesco, which is a groceries and general merchandise retailer, and the headquarter is located in Hertfordshire, England. This is the third largest retailer by gross revenue.

    Along with this, they have operations in seven countries, and they are the market share of Ireland, Hungary, and Thailand. Further, this report covers different aspects of the value and importance of employees, as this will aid the firm in making healthy relations with the customers. This is essential for the organisation to follow all the employment laws to provide equal opportunities for the employees. It is also important to analyse the positive and negative impact of the relation in a detailed manner.

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    P1: Importance and value of employee relations in context with an organisation with examples.

    Employee relations is the part of an organisation that generally develops and creates positive relationships with its group and team members as well. In order to maintain positive relationships with employees, always influence the firm in a proper way, along with helping them to achieve their targeted goals peacefully. With the help of employee relations, organizations can have hope to keep employees more engaged and loyal in their entire work. Therefore, it is necessary for firms to have effective employees by whom they can achieve and attain their goals within a certain period of time. In context with Tesco, as it is one of the British multinational groceries and general merchandise retailers, which is also known as the third largest retailer across the globe. After a few years, this firm has been diversified into various sectors like electronics, clothing, books, software, petrol, and so on. Therefore, it is the only one who sells their products at a low price through having so many social services along with financial services. In order to maintain this productivity at Marketplace, they are needed to have so many employees, by which they can make their organization better. There are different types of employee relations by which they can achieve their target in an effective manner; those are going to be discussed below:

    Beginning of employment: It generally comes under the three types of steps like recruitment, induction, and probation discussed below:

    Recruitment: It is the process of short-listing, attracting, and selecting suitable candidates for jobs within the organisation. It is also known as the which process individual mainly involved towards unpaid roles. In this HR manager of TESCO, they have few public sector agencies of employment by which they can give job opportunities to people who are interested in jobs.

    Probation: It refers to the criminal law, which is a period of supervision across an offender, ordered through the court by serving time. It is mainly followed by TESCO in order to give helpful ways to employees in an effective manner.  

    Induction: It is the process of programmes which is mainly used within so many firms and businesses in order to welcome of new employees and prepare them for new job role in TESCO.

    During employment: There are so many techniques which are followed by TESCO, mentioned below

    Appraisal: It refers to the act of measuring value and nature of firm or something else. With the help of this, TESCO is able to give appraisal as per its employee’s performance at workplace. 

    Discrimination: Within the social behaviour of humans, this term is always treated and considered as a distinction towards class, groups, and categories as well. In relation to TESCO, there are different types of categories of people, but they generally treated each and every employee in an equal way.

    Training: It refers to the teaching and developing themselves and others about any skills, knowledge, or fitness as well. Herein, the respective organisation is able to provide training sessions to its employees so that they can easily understand what they can do and what they will do.

    Ending employment: It is the most important tool to know about the ending process of employment based on TESCO, discussed below:

    Termination: It refers to the employee’s departure from the job and the end of an employee's employment with the employer. It could be voluntary and may be an employee's part. In Tesco, it can be evaluated by the manager of an organisation.

    Redundancy: It refers to the information that is used by firms in order to communicate with employees so that they can express their feelings, emotions, and concepts related to any project or topic.

    Fair or unfair dismissal: Unfair dismissal develops when the employer does not have any kind of valid aspect. Whereas, fair when the employer terminates employment in order to grab future opportunities within the respective organisation. 

    Within the respective organization, HR departments always focus on their employees and make unique efforts by which employees are able to give their best performance and make unique relations with employers. Whereas, an employee relations manager is responsible for acting as an intermediary and liaison between managers and employees in order to develop different types of policies by which they can resolve various issues in the workplace. Therefore, employee relations and engagement are more beneficial for firms to achieve particular goals and objectives. Along with any type of business and firm, it is generally required to have the best group of people as workers or employees to run their business smoothly and make them able to face any competition at the workplace. There are different types of marketing players who work as valuable employees within Tesco. Those are going to be discussed below:

    Managers: These are always considered as a crucial aspect of business who play a significant role in the organisation. In relation to Tesco, managers can also be known as employees, as they work hard and guide or lead their overall team members in order to gain positive outcomes within a short period of time. Along with that, they are able to face any kind of difficulties during work and encourage employees every time towards attaining several goals and objectives. 

    Organizations: Firms always have responsibilities to select the best candidate as an employee within the workplace to make their company productive and effective in front of others. Herein, Tesco is able to hire knowledgeable and skilled employees for whom they conduct training and develop such kinds of programs to increase their capability towards work. Therefore, it helps employees to make good relations with their manager and team members in a positive way.

    Therefore, each and every business needs employees that are able to fulfil their job responsibilities through considering all those factors by which they can give new and better shape to their firms. So that business leaders are able to understand key benefits of employees so that they can easily formulate so many methods in order to overcome organisational gaps within business (Al Mehrzi and et al., 2016). So that employees are able to develop a positive working environment within firms in which several people are doing their job effectively within Tesco and increase the firm's profit. Therefore, employees are always motivated by great work and good relations with their senior authorities. If employees are giving their performance at a high level, then the manager of this firm is needed to provide incentives and such, which will make employees more energetic and workable towards achieving common goals. So that it can be said that employee relations always create a positive environment within a firm. Along with it, also evaluate the overall performance and method of employees to achieve targeted goals in a perfect way.

    For example, if employees are giving their best performance and are able to build strong relations with their subordinates, then the manager of the firm is needed to give more facilities to their employees so that they can easily achieve desired goals and objectives.

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    P2 Fundamentals of employment law that is applicable to organizations.

    Employment laws can be applied to different types of organisational factors, whether in the relationships between employees and employers as well. There are different types of laws and legislation that are followed by Tesco in order to increase employee performance and working capability in better mode. Some of the acts are given below:

    Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

    This act was given by the parliament of the United Kingdom and describes the overall fundamental structure and authority to encourage, enforce, and regulate workplaces in relation to welfare, safety, or health within the UK. In reference with Tesco, this act is followed by their manager in order to give better environment to their employees so that they can achieve their desired goals at marketplace. Along with this act, employees always feel good and are able to manage and maintain each and every issue of the firm and achieve better outcomes within a competitive scenario. Therefore, employees do not need to take any kind of risk as the company is providing them with a health and safety act.

    Employment Tribunals Act 1996

    This act is related to labour law in the UK and allows the Secretary to make several provisions for employment tribunals. Herein, Tesco applies this act within the workplace for their employees, by which they get so many training and development programs and are able to get effective pay from the firm. 

    Trade union and labour relations (Consolidation) Act 1992

    It is an act of the UK that is applicable to England and Wales, along with Scotland and so on. It is mainly based on legal rights and duties in which Tesco is able to apply this act to the workers for protecting them and offer a particular framework through this act for employees by which they can make an effective union and be able to maintain their overall working standard in an appropriate manner.

    Employment Rights Act 1996

    This act was passed by the Conservative government to amend existing law on people's rights within the UK. With the help of this act, Tesco is able to give written statements of particular to employees. On the basis of this, employees can have their own rights by which they can claim the company if something is not according to them.

    Data Protection Act 1998

    In context with Tesco, this is a very helpful act for them, which helps to keep data safe and protected from another system. Along with this, the Data Act has few principles that ensure information is protected legally.

    Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998

    According to this act, Tesco organizations give better treatment to their employers and employees as well. Along with there are so many financial services or scandals that will be kept safe through this act. Along with this, this act also helps firms collect funds from the financial schemes that are developed by them. By which they can give a better salary to the employees and be able to make them happy. 

    Human Rights Act 1998

    Main aim of this act was into UK law that European Convention on Human rights. Within Tesco, this act prepares a remedy for breach of a convention right, which is mainly available within UK courts. It helps them to give employees rights in a proper way. This is an essential act for those employees who are working in several organisations. With the help of this act, they can achieve their goals and be able to work freely. It could increase a firm's value and encourage them to reach high goals. 

    National Minimum Wage Act 1998

    It develops the Minimum Wages Act across the UK. The main reason it is followed by Tesco is because it is based on workers or employees performance so that they can pay accordingly. Wages always depend upon the firm as well as the working performance of employees, like how they are performing in the firm. As it is based on working performance, the company is needed to measure the overall working quality of their employees and give them a better salary, which maximizes their confidence towards work. 

    Employment Relations Act 1999

    It develops effective amendments within UK labour law, which is generally developed for implementation on various changes through the following new structure to recognise collective trade unions. In reference to Tesco, this act helps them to make good relations with their overall employees by following the trade union and labour relations act to make new structures and procedures of the firm to achieve targeted goals and objectives in a perfect way.

    Equality Act 2010

    The main purpose of this act is to update, consolidate, and supplement several prior acts along with regulations on the behalf of anti-discrimination law within Great Britain. Therefore, this act is the combination of several rules and legislation in order to protect employees from negative factors within the working environment. Therefore, Tesco always applies this act to their business place to make their each and every employee happy and protect them through the Sex Discrimination Act, the Race Relations Act, the Disability Discrimination Act, and so on. Therefore, all the above-specified acts are helpful for Tesco to build strong relationships with employees and make them inclined towards giving so many rights.

    Suggestions on how an organisation can improve and respond appropriately to employee relations

    In order to give suggestions to organizations, it can be said that they should apply more unique and fundamental aspect by which they can give more satisfaction to employees so that they can work accordingly (Bova et  al., 2015). On the side, critically, it has been evaluated that if firm is able to give several kind of performance appraisals as per their employees, they can increase their working capability and make the organization effective. Therefore, an organisation should adopt few changes through which they can make good relations with employees appropriately.

    P3: Explain different types of rights and duties as well as obligations of employees and employers in the workplace

    Employees and employers have several rights and duties as well as obligations in the workplace. The rights and laws protect the employees from potential harmful events, which include unsafe working conditions or discrimination. Working obligations hold employees accountable for the actions and ensure workers behave ethically and responsibly towards the operational activities done in the organisation. Here are some rights, duties, and obligations that are followed by the employees and employer in a detailed manner:

    Rights of employer

    Employees of Tesco must ensure about hiring the employees to manage the overall work of the organization so that there are different kinds of rules and regulations that should be followed for the betterment of the organisation. Another employer has the right to dismiss or fire the employees when they do not follow the rules and regulations given by Tesco.  Along with this, it is important to organize the training and development program that will help the individual improve their skills and performance.

    Duties of employer

    Employers have the responsibility to provide better equipment and also allow them to give all the facilities for growth and development. There must be no discrimination and bias in the organization, as this is the prime duty of the employer to create a healthy environment in the organisation. Further, there must be equal pay, as this helps in maintaining the balance within the workforce. 


    The employer has the responsibility to work for the employees on the basis of an employment contract. Hence, the manager of Tesco must ensure that the wages are paid on time. Apart from this, the employer should manage the health and safety measures so that they reduce the risk and uncertainty present in the market.

    Rights of employees

    There must be a culture that is free from harassment and discrimination and has the has the right to safe working conditions. There must be equal pay and right to act so that employees may not get biased from any kind of decision. Along with this, restaurant must give gratuity benefits, provident funds, and insurance. There must be effective services, which is essential for making effective decisions that can be beneficial for the employees.


    Employees of Tesco must ensure about the purpose that helps in improving the environment so that there can be effective decisions that will improve productivity in a detailed manner. This is also important from the employees’ side to keep the information of the organization confidential, as this will be a loss for the company. However, it is important to have them work hard and give their maximum output, as it will help in improving the relationship for the organisation.


    The employees must ensure about the activities that are essential for the individual to perform better. The employees must, on the basis of contract, also follow all the rules and instructions given by the employer. Further, the Tesco employees should make sure that all the resources are well maintained and allow them to avail services to the consumer in a detailed manner.

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    Make valid suggestions on how an organisation could improve and respond effectively to employee relations

    There must be open dialogue and clear communication, which is the key method to improve the employee’s relations. This also help in improving the environment as it leads towards expansion and growth. Good communication helps in avoiding the confusion and unnecessary stress present in the organisation. Along with this, it helps in improving the grievances so that effective outcomes can be developed. There must be a proper vision and mission statement, as this will help in improving organisation goals and objectives.

    P4 Advice related to rights, duties and obligations of employment relationship

    This is essential to building employee relations for expansion and growth in an effective manner. This is essential for the organisation to consider different aspect like social economic, and sustainability of the firm. It has impact on employees, and it can create questions related to job security within minds of workers, which will directly impact their performance. For an organisation like Tesco, it is important for the employer to create a healthy environment, which is essential for the development of the company. All the rules and regulations must be followed by the employer, which comes under the law of UK. And it is important to abide all the rules, as they provide certain laws that provide a sense of satisfaction among employees.

    In the context of Tesco, there must be prior information to employees before they are being terminated. This will provide employees with sufficient time to search for new job. As per Unfair Dismissal Act, employer cannot terminate contract of employment without prior notification to employees. There must be suggestions box and subordinates’ discussions should take place in the organisation because it help to identify as well as discuss their problems, grievances, and issues with the management. There must be different relationship in the organisation which lead towards success and growth. Beside this, there must be proper flow of communication, as this will help in improving in decision-making effectively (Chen, C., et. al., 2016).

    There have been some issues that occur in the Tesco; here the employer plays an important role and encourages the employees to minimize the conflict as this organisation culture in an effective manner. It is also important to have empower the employees by providing proper training and development programmes because it will aid in improving efficiency so that work could be done efficiently.  Also, management should consider introducing TQM. This will provide worker with feeling of commitment towards system as well as job and will also increase satisfaction of employees. It is recommended that workers council get on more operational. Management will not have to deal with mass employees; they will only have to deal with representatives, and things will be sorted.

    This is useful for the company to have better services with the help of ethical rules and obligations. Employees of Tesco comes with different backgrounds and cultures; this provide competitive edge and also helps in satisfying the requirements of the customers with high efficiency. Hence, this helps in improving the disputes along with different kinds of cultural and language barrier. The psychological contract works on basis of perception, beliefs and informal obligations between the employer and employees. This is considered the dynamic step for the relationship, which defines the detail work  in a well-defined manner. For an organisation like Tesco, the management can use these kind of contract, as this helps in making effective decision for expansion and growth.

    P5 Analysis of stakeholders for Tesco in the detail manner

    Stakeholders are the individual persons or the organisation that have an interest in the organization, which affects the objectives and policies and the risk of action. Tesco is the private company that has the major stake in the company. The main objective of the company is to provide high-quality products and services that help improve the brand image in the minds of consumers. There are different kinds of products and services that help in improving the sales of the company. Ownership can be defined as the employees or the executive who have the responsibility for the business or the responsibility for making the effective decision in the market. The public sector and these employees are the essential elements that help in making effective decisions that help in improving demand as well as making effective decisions that are beneficial for the company. Here are some of the steps, which are explained briefly down below:

    Identify stakeholder (brainstorming): This is essential for the organisation to figure out the stakeholder, as this improves the image of the company.  For an organisation like Tesco, this is important for the firm to improve the financial status of the organisation. In the stakeholder, they are divided into smaller groups or small units, as this will help in identifying the major and subgroup and making the major investment in the projects and insolvent, as this will be overlooked by the organisation. This is essential for the organisation to make changes prior to the current involvement in the different activities in decision-making. Stakeholders power and interest help in ensuring to manage them properly. For example, if the project manager of the organisation signs off the authority on the deliverables and the management comes under the management quadrant, it does not need to manage the work closely. In this case, the manager can use the monitor quadrant to track the activities of stakeholders in a well-defined manner. 

    Prioritize your stakeholder: The next step is prioritising the stakeholder by assessing their level of influence and the level of interest. There are different kinds of interest grids. The leading tool is visually assigning the key stakeholder. For an organisation like Tesco, it is important for the employees to make sure that the prime importance must be given, as this may help in increasing the revenue and brand image. This is essential to engage these people and also improve the image for the betterment and also provide satisfactory services. If this loss becomes the responsibility to talk to them and ensure that there is no major issue and help to improve the alignment of the organisation.

    Understand the key holders: Now that the stakeholder has been identified and prioritized, you need to understand how they feel about the project, as this helps in improving the key functional areas, which are the emotional and financial interests of the work. This is essential for the organisation like Tesco to improve the quality, which will be helpful in making effective decisions in regards to stakeholders. This is important for the company to have better decisions, which help in improving the decision, which is essential for the company. In order to keep the stakeholders happy, organizations must ensure about all the legal activities and help in improving the range of stakeholders.

    Figure out the area of conflict: This is the step that plays an important role in measuring the interest, and all this is important for the organisation to make sure about all the decisions that help in improving the conflict, as this will help aiding the requirements of the firm. This is crucial for the company to make sure that there must be proper and ethical use that should be done, which helps in improving the sales and of the company. For an organisation like Tesco, this is important to identifying the area of conflict, as this will help in improving the performance and also improve the demand for the consumer.

    Stakeholder mapping: This is the process that helps in determining the major stakeholders that are related to the project. Hence this is the method that aids the firm in identifying the individual who has interest in the major outcomes. Stakeholders can be single or multiple individuals. Hence, it is important to have major dissatisfaction, as this helps in improving the demand and the performance of the organisation. There are some of the shareholders, which is essential for the firm to have least importance; they can be cleaning staff, as this helps in improvement of the company. There are also some employees who show consideration and are essential for the company to have effective decision for the company. In Tesco, the CEO is the major stakeholder of the organisation and takes all the decisions that are useful in improving the performance as well as helping in capturing the larger market share. Major stakeholders must be informed with respect to the project plan, as they must know in which project their money is invested. Key players must be informed. Apart from these suggestions, they must be taken from them so that if they need some changes, they can be applied effectively. While making new policies and rules, it will be important for the company to have effective decisions that help in improving the quality and quantity of the major stakeholder shares.

    Analyse how stakeholder engagement and contribution can support positive employment relationships within an organisation

    The stakeholder analysis helps in improving the quality to support the employment relations in an effective manner. Regardless of their actual quality of work, most employees feel proud of their discipline and results. For this reason, appreciation for a well-done job does more to motivate than critical appraisal. But it can be human nature to focus on the negative aspects of employee performance. There are different kinds method methods that help in improving the stakeholder share, which include benefits and profits. Hence this is essential for the organisation like Tesco, as this will help in improving production for the company as it will improve the organization's turnover.

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    P6 Impact of positive and negative employee relations on different stakeholders

    The employee’s relationship can be positive or negative, which may have a larger impact on the minds of consumers (Hanaysha, 2019). Positive and negative impacts may directly affect the relationship and also help in reducing the efficiency present in the market. So, in order to maintain the effective relationship in the organization, the employer must ensure about introducing the new policy, which will be helpful in making effective steps for expansion and growth. Here are some positive and negative impacts on the stakeholder, explained down below:

    Positive impact of employee relation

    This will help in improving the productivity of the organisation and also help in creating the major impact on the employees. Along with this, it also helps in developing better relationship in the minds of customers. This also help in minimizing the insecurities present in the workplace.

    With the help of employees relations, the loyalty towards company can be increased and they feel they are connected towards each other. Hence this will help in improving the brand image, which is effective for the organisation to make decisions that are beneficial for the company.

    This will help in making effective decisions, help in improving the performance, and also help in aiding the quality decision for Tesco. Along with this, it also helps in making improvements to work as a team because it helps in improving the working environment in the company.

    There must be effective communication skills, as this will help in improving the healthy relationship of making commitments towards the work.

    Impact of positive employee relations on stakeholders

    This helps in a positive impact on the stakeholder and helps in effecting the brand image of the company in the minds of consumers.  When effective relationships are built among employees, then this will lead to enhanced output. Customers will be satisfied with services offered by employees of Tesco, which must ensure to improve the quality of the product and services. Here are some of the factors that are explained down below briefly in a detailed manner.

    There are different kinds of conflict with the restaurant and will arise if the healthy employees’ relations can be maintained. Along with this, it also impacts the individual performance so that there can be more and more productivity.

    Employees and help in improving the demand and the conflict, which help the organisation to make more effective decisions as this will help in improving the quality of the firm. As this also supports the quality, which will help in improving the quality of offering products and services (Janssen, 2015). The positive impact of employee relations helps in resolving the complaints quickly. Managers should be attempting to anticipate their staff’s grievance by capturing the complaints or potential complaints so that they can do something about it before they become problems. The negative impact may create workplace conflict because the employees do not receive the same amount of motivation and encouragement.

    This also effects the stakeholder, such as financial impact; however, the financial interest of the stakeholder can be tempered in order to create a greater balance with social responsibilities.  Showing a financial return on investment from socially and environmentally accountable behaviours is ambitious. It costs money to manage waste and recycling programs that are good for the situation.

    There are different kinds of factors which effect the decision, as this helps in improving the environment and employees can improve the quality decision for the main purpose of motivating the employees to perform better.

    The Error rate will be enhanced, as will the employee’s productivity, as this will help to improve quality of the product and offer better service to the consumer. As this aid in improving the decision for the betterment of the company.

    Evaluate how positive and negative employee relationships can affect conflict avoidance and resolution

    There are positive and negative impacts of employee’s relationships because it helps in improving the main. There are different kinds of benefits for the betterment of the organization, as this helps in improving the quality of the product. The organisation is focusing on the brand image, as this helps in improving the quality as well as important elements that help in improving the quality of the services to the consumer in an effective manner.


    From the above analysis, it has been analysed that the employee’s relations help in growth and improve the productivity of the employees. This is crucial for the organisation to follow all the rules and regulations for smooth functioning. There are different right duties, rights, and obligations present that each employee and employer has to follow, as this improves the quality of providing services to the consumer. The stakeholders are the essential elements to the company, as there are important aspects that help in improving the image and working environment for the company. Global Assignment Help Australia provides specialized solutions to improve your knowledge and effectiveness in managing employee relations efficiently, along with professional advice and academic support.

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