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    Feminist Critiques in International Relations

    University: N/A

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 6 / Words 1510
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: N/A
    • Downloads: 88

    Feminism is termed as an ideology which aims to attain economic, social, political and personal equality in terms of gender. The respective term “Feminism” is determined to be the most influential term in international politics too. Apart from this, International relation is an academic discipline which focuses on interaction of people within international politics, including both states and non-states, like United Nation, International Monetary funds, World Bank, as well as Amnesty international. This essay is based on topic “Feminist Critiques in International relation.” it will discuss this topic in proper manner by covering its each and every aspects in effective manner.If you're looking to craft an essay on similar complex topics, our expert essay help service can guide you toward academic excellence.

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    The Intersection of Feminism and International Relations: Addressing Gender Inequality on a Global Scale

    Feminism is termed an ideology that aims to attain economic, social, political, and personal equality in terms of gender (Zalewski and Parpart, 2019). Feminism simply believes that women within society are not getting equivalent educational and professional opportunities like men, as they are treated unfairly within the society. The respective term “Feminism” is determined to be the most influential term in international politics too. International relations is mainly termed as the initiative taken by the company to develop their relationship with the other countries so that they can easily execute their business activities on a global scale with each others support. This corporation among the nations also contributes in resolving international issues such as terrorism, environmental problems, etc. Along with this, it can be further said that international relations also holds strong command over the range of nation-oriented things like international laws, politics, governance, politics, diplomacy, security, economics, etc. Feminism critiques is termed as an essential force within the relation discipline. From the last two decades, it has been determined that gender inequality is seen as the most highlighted topic within politics (Tickner, 2019). Here, it has been seen that numerous of movement associated to women and equality for them have been initiated with the main motive of proving that society is valuing them and also providing equivalent opportunity which will contribute in their success. While relating the term feminism with International relations, it has been seen that politics has been taking range of initiatives to serve society equally. The political parties also ensures that all individual who are working with them are treated equally so that they can easily serve their proportion of contribution in corporation among the society. Ira also follows the belief of gender blindness as its core discipline, that states that none of the member or individuals would be discriminated in terms of their historical or biological differences. In order to prove this, international politics have fairly provided opportunities to all women belonging to this stream. Regular-based initiatives taken for improvising growing influence of feminism as well as women-centric approaches have shown that IR has mainly focused on providing equivalent opportunity to all women so that they can grow equally like men and contribute to the development of society (Ross, 2019). Apart from this, it has also been seen how effectively International Relation emphasizes war topics but at the same time the equivalent priority is provided to the issues which are mainly associated with girls and women. This simply means that IR is taking its own proportion of initiative to serve the society in best manner so that issues across the globe can be resolved.

    International relations is an academic discipline that focuses on the interaction of people within international politics, including both states and non-states, like the United Nations, International Monetary Funds, the World Bank, as well as Amnesty International. In addition to this, international relation also include study of several things like foreign policy, international conflicts, negotiation, war, international trade and development, etc.. It has been established that there is absence of women in international relations, and they are not involved in decision-making process of global politics (Baylis, 2020).

    According to the view point of Sarah Smith (2018), it has been identified that feminist theory has challenged feminists in their overall absence from traditional international relations theory as well as practices. absence of women is visible within decision-making as well as in the assumption that daily lives of women will not be important to international relations. Apart from this, contribution of feminist in international relation will be easy to understand by deconstructing gender. This simply means that it is important to understand role of feminine gender, which help in deciding what men and women can do within global politics as well as what will be counted as crucial in building international relations (Gardiner et. al., 2019). This overall assumptions helps in shaping up the procedure of global politics but it will also impact the lives of women's and men's alike. Furthermore. Traditional international relation were gender neutral, which means IR and gender are two separate area which don't have impact on each other. In relation to this, traditional theory related to feminist reflects that international relation is gender blind and this have no idea about that how gender will impact in IR.

    It is important to make women visible within political decisions as well as institutional structures, which will only be possible when the absence of feminists is highlighted from these two activities. For instance, in 2015, it was estimated by World Bank that their were only 22.9% of women of national parliament (Introducing Feminism in International relations theory, 2018). This is very low percent and it will only improve when absence of feminist is highlighted within these areas. Thus, in simple words, it can be said that it is important to give equal opportunities to women's as well and involve them in decision-making or a structuring process. Because they are also part of society, and their contribution will play important role in effective decision-making at global political level (Kinsella and Shepherd, 2019). This issue of women's invisibility only resolve by making them visible. This early contribution of feminist theory is that women were habitually exposed to gendered violence.  Making violence against visibility of women's in relation to this international system, which tacitly accepted huge violence in relation of women as their normal state of affairs, was also exposed.

    In international relation, relationship within gender and feminism are important. When it comes to gender, first individual think about the ways within that gender is classified, which is masculinity and femininity. Moreover, aim of feminism is to recognise fundamental alteration within gender through transferring present power relation in favour of women's.  In simple terms, it can be said that it is related to realising gender concepts, which is important to understand because people mistake women's rights as human rights (Harman, 2019). But both of these concepts are different from each other because human rights includes civil, social and human rights. On the other hand, women's rights are those which have to be provided to every particular person, irrespective of gender. In addition to this, human rights are more centric in relation to particulars, whereas the rights of women turned around the aspects in which women take in their feminine rights. In simple terms, it can be said that feminism is not simply a word which creates awareness within women's but is the term which most importantly reflects within men's. It is major issue in relation tothe fact that men of society have to be aware about that because humans run this, which is not based on single gender. Thus, it is essential to have presence of women in international relation as well as in decision-making.

    The feminist approach in terms of international relations had introduced gender as an important tool for understanding interaction within states in an international framework (Gentry, 2019). For developing effective international relation theory, feminist analysis had impact at very small level on international politics because decision-as well as policymakers looked confident in dismissing ideas related to feminist.

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    After going through the entire discussion, it has been summarised that women's are not visible within international relations in the decision-making process or any structuring. Thus, there are several major steps which people are taking to make women visible within international relation. One of the major step is to show their invisibility, which help in overcoming these issues in effective manner. In simple terms, it can be said that it is essential to make feminism visible at international level within global politics.

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