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    Reflection Essays: Presentation and Debate Samples

    University: Bucks new university

    • Unit No: N/A
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 11 / Words 2797
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: MG408
    • Downloads: 76

    E-portfolio is referred as digital portfolio and it is collection of electronic evidences assembled and managed by students. Such electronic evidences can be included as electronic files, images and blogs as well. E-portfolios are the demonstrations about abilities for expressing themselves in particular period. It is reflective essay which will be discussing presentation challenges, t-shirt challenge, debate challengesand hotel challenges. presentation challenge is discussing performance of Tesco in market. T-shirt's challenge is discussing logos and effective strategies used by students for making company successful. debate challenge will be discussing corporate social responsibility. Hotel challenge will be discussing hotel. All in one, it will provide knowledge regarding E portfolio and how it will be used by company in marketing. In these skills, the individual will also be examined and then action plan will be prepared. action plan is prepared for improving skills, which will help individual in further research (Liu and Sukavatee, 2019).If you're looking to craft an essay on similar complex topics, our expert essay help service can guide you toward academic excellence.

    Presentation challenge

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    The presentation challenge is focusing on the performance of Tesco in the market. According to the presentation, Tesco was founded in 1919 by Jack Cohen. company aims to improve customer loyalty, and it will help people develop positive shopping experiences for customers. Tesco has vision to focus on customers and employees of company. Performance of the organization is increasing, and the company is facing growth in the last three years. Swot analysis of company will state about strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. The weakness of the company is a decrease in operating profits, and the organization is failing in the US and Japan. Threats of Tesco is economic crises and competition in market.


    A company can improve performance in the market by way of overcoming challenges, like the organization will focus on branding and operations. company is dealing with problems like a decrease in operating profits. Tesco can overcome these challenge by eliminating the operating cost and increasing profits. organization is failing in Japan and the US because the company is not able to concentrate on branding of products. Marketing of any products is important because it will help company to work in effective way and survive in market. Strong competition in the market is affecting sales of the company, so the organization will improvise products to fight competition (Wade, 2016).


    From this presentation, I have learned about Tesco and how Tesco can overcome this weakness and threat. I have learned about business and what factors will affect business performance at large. Business are having impact because of internal factors and external factors. The economy of the country will also be having an impact on company performance and image. Through this presentation, I have developed my presentation and business skills. Presentation skills will include focus on audience needs, smiles, and eye contact with the audience. These all will have positive effect on my performance. I have learned about business skills like presentation skills and excel. These skills include basic knowledge regarding business and how business works. I need to develop my business skills, which will help me to look after the business, and I will have knowledge regarding how to manage business. Along with presentation skills, I have developed my communication skills as well. Communication is must for gathering any type of data. Communication can be done in verbal form or in written form.

    I have learned from these challenges that what are my weaknesses and strengths? I have learned about Tesco and performance of Tesco as well. It has increased my knowledge regarding business world, and I have gained knowledge about business environment and competitors of Tesco. It had stated to me about my weaknesses and what skills I had to improve. I had to develop my skills, which will increase my knowledge regarding business. I was not known about how to handle business and how I could measure the financial position of a company in the market. Through completing these challenges, I will develop my skills and learn more about business along with Tesco (Murphy, Curtis, and McCloughen, 2019).

    T-shirt challenge


    T-shirt's challenge will be concentrating on the T-shirt brand, which will have a positive impact on the brand image of the company. The challenge will be presenting an idea of the target market and how these T-shirt challenges will help the company increase sales. The challenge will tell us about that can-t-shirt challenge used by the company for marketing of products. In the T-shirt challenge, the company will keep the logo on the shirt, and then those shirts will be sold to customers for marketing of products.


    The company will be setting target markets for increasing sales, and the organization will increase sales by way of setting up trends. T-shirts are prepared as per the need of customers and on following trends which will be accepted by customers. Branding is done in such a way that the target market will know about the company. So company will place advertisements relating to T-shirt challenge on Facebook, Instagram and blogs. Social media is used by youngsters on large scale and these challenge will be accomplished by youngsters only. Teens are using social media and websites on a large scale, which will attract customers towards the company. Organizations have not to spend a large amount on the t-shirt challenge because the company will not incur costs on marketing on social media. company will only incur cost on preparing t-shirts with company logo.

    Through these t-shirt challenges, I have learned about creativity skills and teamwork skills. In these t-shirt challenges, I will say that t-shirt challenge will be completed by way of teamwork. Leaders are those who are managing teamwork and managing employees. So, team work will lead to improve in performance. For the shirt challenge, employees will need creativity skills as well (Ochoa et al., 2018).


    I will be learning through these challenges that I will need skills for working in teams and creativity skills. The logo of the t-shirt must be so impressive that it will set the positive image of the company in the market. Team work skills Will be developed by way of effective communication and conflict resolution. In team conflicts are rising because people who are working in teams are of diverse nature. Communication is must for effective team work because I have to communicate with team members to completing work on time. Decision-making skills will have an impact on the performance of the team.

    I will be developing my creativity skills because my creativity skills are not useful for the shirt challenge. These creativity skills can be developed by way of experimenting, exploring and questioning. Proper imagination of things will increase creativity among me and I will be able to create some innovative design which will be helpful in T-shirt challenge. I have developed my personal skills and from these challenge I have learned how small things can be used by company for marketing purpose. These will increase sales for the company and productivity as well. I will be learning new things, and I have developed personal skills and attributes as well (Maryani et al., 2018).

    Debate challenge


    Corporate social responsibility is a business model that will look after society and the environment. Corporate social responsibility will have an impact on the company, and the organization will build a positive image in the market. Nowadays, every company is fulfilling their duty towards society and contributing some profits for society.


    In the debate challenge, two groups are involved, and some are in favor of the topic and some are not. The topic of debate was whether corporate social responsibility can be used as a marketing tool by companies. Corporate social responsibility can be used as a marketing tool by a company because the company will build a positive image in the market on the basis of the social work done by the company. For example, Starbucks is known for corporate social responsibility and for community welfare. Starbucks was hiring 10,000 refugees from 75 countries. The company is also taking effective measures for protecting the environment and engaging employees in protecting the environment. These all have created positive image of organization  in market and eventually profits of organization will go high as compared to previous years (Van Emden and Becker, 2016).


    From these challenges, I have learned that I need to develop some skills like communication skills and negotiation skills. In the debate, I have done research on corporate social responsibility and gathered data related to the topic I was fighting debate and supporting yes. For these, I have to communicate with many people and gather data as well. These data will be collected by way of communication skills, and by reviewing data on the topic, I was fighting a debate and was in favor of yes.

    Communication skills are developed by making communication a priority. Communication is done in two types, which are verbal and written. In verbal communication, I have gathered data by listening to them and by maintaining eye contact with individuals. In the process of communication, I have to develop my listening skills, and if I have not understood messages and I have any doubts, then I have to ask them about queries and questions that are raised in my mind.

    I need to develop my negotiating skills to use I was facing difficulty in negotiating skills in debate. I can develop negotiation skills by way of recognizing power of employee by way of preparation. Researcher are negotiating with other people and that is resulting in beneficial agreements which will have impact on completing task eventually. I have made mistakes while negotiating, and then I must be ready for analyzing mistakes and try not to make mistakes. In the process of negotiation, I will need time-to-time practice, which will improve my performance. In this whole process, I will need a coach who will improve my performance and develop my skills. This whole challenge I have identified my weakness, and I was taking effective measures for completing work on given time along with winning the debate challenge.

    Hotel challenge


    In these challenges, there are four types of hotels, which are site A, site B, site C, and site D. Site A hotel will be medium-sized and serve business people as well. In sites B and C, they are searching beach life and localities. There are usually resorts which will entertain customers. In site D, they are economy hotels, and they are usually located in tourist areas.


    The challenge will be discussing hotel, staff, service level, and advertising cost as well. Market research will include cost of hotels and room prices of hotels. In these there are four types of hotels that are available for auction, and I will buy hotels according to the profits that are generated by hotels. Hotels are spending certain amounts on advertising, which will increase their sales in the future. Advertising is done by way of television, the internet, and exhibitions. Target markets for hotels are tourists, holidaymakers, and business people. These customers can generally visit hotels, and the hotel is taking effective measures for attracting customers towards them. I have to enter the bid amount for entering auction and for buying the hotels (Vaughan and De Looze, 2018).


    From these challenges, I have developed my financial skills and hospitality skills as well. Hospitality skills will include team work, multitasking and industry awareness. These all will create a good and positive impact on customers, and customers are attracted towards the hotel. Thought these challenges, I have identified my hospitality skills, and I have also identified that I have teamwork skills. In teamwork, I need to manage employees, and I will be working with team members, and for that, I need to have teamwork kills. Teamwork skills will be improved by time management skills and communication skills. I have developed my communication skills, but I need to develop my time management skills, which will improve my performance.

    Financial skills will include knowledge regarding the financial market and profit and loss. In these challenges, I have to buy a hotel in an auction, and for that, I have to develop these skills. Accounting knowledge is a must for me because it will make me aware of the financial performance of the hotel. Financial reporting will be used by company for working in effective way. I have to learn how it sees and identifies the profits and losses in financial statements. Proper management of employees in hotel and after buying that hotel I need to handle and manage employees and working of hotel.

    Action plan          



    Time period

    Financial skills

    I have improved my financial skills and for that I will be making budget and checking balance sheet regularly. In these skills will be looking after investors and planning mission and vision. I can also improve skills by working together with my partner to fulfill the financial goals. Financial skill can be improved by saving money and trying to invest that saved money in the right schemes (Kurtz, Draper, and Silverman, 2017).

    10 days

    Business skills

    In these, I can go online and search for business-related ideas and go through those ideas. I can as combine blogs and books and collect more knowledge. I can also use social media as learning hub for increasing knowledge. In these business skills, I would have knowledge regarding the practical side of the business environment.

    Approximate 7 days

    Negotiation skills

    Negotiation skills can be improved by way of practice. I have to hire a good negation coach, which will help me to work in an effective way and complete the work in the given time. In negotiating skills, I will be making mistakes and working for improving negotiation skills by way of mistakes.

    8 days

    Creativity skills

    Creativity skills can be improved by way of inspirational rituals and by creating something innovative every day. It will develop creativity skills. I have selected ideas and recorded ideas and asked the right questions and queries at the right time, which will improve my knowledge regarding creativity. It will improve my  performance and I will be able to improve my performance and try to develop it more and in effective way.

    12 days

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    From the above study, it has been summarized that communication and teamwork skills played an important role for performing several activities and making an organization successful in different challenges. Teamwork allows people to share their views in order to make qualitative and effective products. For making effective growth, it is also important to think about unique products and attracting customers. For attracting customers and influencing them in order to make them aware of the benefits and effectiveness of products, other companies debate and negotiation skills also played a vital role. Further, this study has also discussed the importance of presentation and creativity skills, as they help an individual make attractive products in order to attract a wider range of customers. All skills played an important role as it helps an organization in expanding business and making a strong position in the market as well as taking competitive advantages. These all the skills will increase knowledge of an individual and improve their performance.

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