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    Financial Performance in Hospitality


    Financial performance management can be defined as evaluation business outcomes on the basis the policies and plans are implemented to enhance profit as well as financial performance. It is very effective process in order to measure efficiency of business. This report presents information for executive board that evaluates validity of investor’s criticisms on Universal Hotel group (Akrani, 2011). In present time, hotel industry implements many change in process of working as well as business structure. In addition to this, every hotel organization makes efforts for development of new kinds of services and innovative process of handling consumer in order to get competitive edge over its competitors. The main aim this report is to determine the causes of criticism on different policies and procedures of the board. This report describes the information about the different issues faced by organization in financial performance.


    Revenue per Available Room (REVPAR): This concept measures average revenue generated by every room in particular hotel. In determination of this value, organization is not including various other elements in the form of food, beverages, revenue from retail store as conferencing (Financial Management Tools, 2014). This approach is very useful in order to compare income and financial returns on the basis of past performance. So, management can evaluate different kind of data in terms of time period, target consumers as well as pe

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