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    Importance Of Employee Relations In Alibaba Group

    University: Regent College

    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 19 / Words 4708
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code:
    • Downloads: 1191


    Human resource management includes planning personal needs, recruiting right people for the job orientation and training and many other practices related to personnel. HRM is the term used to describe formal systems devised for the management of people in the organization. Alibaba Group is a Chinese multinational specializing e-commerce company founded on 4 April 1999 by Jack Ma and Peng Lei. Its services include business to consumers, consumers to consumers, and business to business sales services of cloud computing, electronic payment services and shopping search engines around the world. The assignment is about the human resource management. Present assignment will cover the purpose and function of the human resource management applicable to the workforce planning and resourcing to the organization along with the strengths and weaknesses to the various approaches of recruitment and selection. The study will provide a deeper insight into the effectiveness of various HRM practices in enhancing the profit for the organization. Later, the report will cover the importance of employee relations and elements of employment legislation along with their impact on decision-making and HRM practices in work-related practices.

    TASK 1

    P1 Purpose and the functions of HRM, applicable to workforce planning and resourcing an organization

    HRM is the most essential process or functional area which helps employees in a better manner. Workforce planning is the tight relationship between HRM and finance organisation and is related to the systematic identification and analysis (Albrecht and et. al., 2015). It the systematic process of aligning the HR needs to ensure that Alibaba Group hired right people, with right skills to execute efficiently. Therefore, human resource management in an organisation manages the manpower supply. It focuses on the recruitment and selection of the management and also provide the guideline to the manpower of the Alibaba Group. The important function of the human resource management which deals with the concern related to the staff, wellness benefits motivation and training.

    Purpose of HRM: Purpose and function of the HRM applicable to workforce planning and resourcing are mentioned under-

    Functions of Human Resource Management: The function of human resource management is basically categorized in three categories i.e. operative function, managerial function and advisory function.

    Operative function

    Recruitment: To recruit people is one of the important function which the human resource manager plays. Recruiting people requires lots of knowledge, skills, experience and understanding by HR in Alibaba Group (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Developing job description, publishing job posting, making job offer etc. are some function of the recruitment.

    Training and Development: Training and development is another important function which human resource manager of Alibaba Group has to perform. Providing training by conducting training and development program to the people who are employed in Alibaba Group is the chief function performed by the human resource manager of Alibaba Group.

    Compensation and Benefit:The human resource manager of Alibaba Group gives various compensation and benefits to the employees working in the organization. The compensation and benefit includes working hour flexibility, extended vacation, different allowance etc.

    Managerial function: Workforce planning in the organization requires work to be done systematically. In order to do successful workforce planning, there are some managerial function which is to be perform by HR manager of the Alibaba Group. Following functions are listed under -

    Planning: The very important function which HR managers perform designs. Provision is first and foremost important function. In designing the HR manager of Alibaba Group set the policies and procedures to accomplish the objectives and goals. When the preparation comes HR manager of Alibaba Group must foresee the vacancies to be filled in and set the Jon requirement.

    Organizing: The second essential function is organizing. This function involves the grouping of employees according to the activities they are going to performed. It involves the delegation of authority in task.

    Directing: In this function, HR manager of Alibi Group directs the employees to achieve the goals as per the planning.

    Controlling: This is concerned with the apprehension of activities as per plans which were formulated on the basis of goals of the company (Armstrong, Landers and Collmus, 2016).

    Advisory functions: Advisory role performed by the human resource manager is advice to the top management which includes that the HR manager can advise the top management of Alibaba Group regarding the policies and procedure.

    Purpose of human resource management

    • Encouraging workforce resources and occupational goals.
    • Re-engineering administration processes.
    • Perceiving and answering to employees to keep advanced job-satisfaction levels.
    • Tackling modification and change.
    • Staffing (i.e. hiring and firing) and training.
    • Understanding and integration of labor laws and ethics.

    P2 Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.

    Recruitment and selection

    It is the process of hiring employees who are potential or beneficial for the company. Moreover, it brings new channel of method and helps to make more strong team in better manner.

    Recruitment and selection in an organization plays a very important role. The approaches of recruitment and selection are of two types i.e. internal sources of recruitment selection and external sources of recruitment and selection.

    Internal sources of recruitment & selection

    Internal recruitment and selection is the method of recruitment helps to hire the best employees for the organisation. It also helps to define the best sources long term task. Internal method is the process in which HR hire employees within the company. Besides, external method of recruitment helps company to get employees from outside the company campus. Alibaba Group practices this approach in order to motivate and skilled employees of the organization to decrease the employee turnover and cost to receive the competitive advantage (Bratton and Gold, 2017). Various sources of recruitment and selection are listed below.


    In transfer, the employees of the organization are transferred to the similar job of different department. It does not includes the responsibility, salary and position of the job.


    It includes the vacancies in the organization that is filled by doing the promotion of skilled employees for the appropriate jobs (Cascio, 2015). Promotion in an organization motivates the employees by giving high positions, increments in salary, responsibilities, and status.


    In this, employees of the organization communicate and inform for the vacant position in the Alibaba Group to their friend.

    Strengths and Weaknesses of internal sources of recruitment


    • The employee loyalty increases towards the organization when the existing employees are granted to acquire the higher positions of the organization.
    • It helps in maximizing the job satisfaction and motivates the employees.
    • The organization culture is being well known by existing employees.
    • It helps in reducing the employee turnover.


    • The scope of finding skilled and more efficient people is being reduced by Internal sources of recruitment ans selection.
    • This approach do not support the introduction of skills and abilities within the organisation.
    • It becomes a competitive advantage to the competitors for losing more efficient persons from the external environment.


    External sources under which company recruit employees from outside the company from colleges, institution or from third party.

    There are various external sources of recruitment and selection's conducted in Alibaba Group such as media advertisements, recruitment agencies, casual callers, walk-ins employment exchange and so on. Some of them are discussed under.

    Different approaches





    • Speed of valid response from the dedicated staff.
    • Only pre-screened and pre- referenced candidates, therefore of a higher quality.
    • database of people who have expressed a desire to move, so able to react quickly
    • A single organization can mean only one database though agencies will also advertise your positions externally on your behalf.
    • Candidates may prefer to deal directly with the potential employer

    Search consultants

    They have the specialist knowledge of recruitment market.

    • Discretion
    • Search the people who can do the job
    • It is costly
    • It has a limited pool of candidates
    • In availability of shortlisted

    Press advertising

    • Positively communicates the recruitment messages and brand.
    • Sends a positive message about the company’s fortunes to the marketplace.
    • Trade publications target candidates with specific skills or experience (Collings Wood and Szamosi, 2018).
    • high upfront costs and no guarantee of success and return on investment
    • often a slow process, especially if using trade/specialist press.
    • Limited to those who read that particular newspaper or journal

    P3-Explain the benefits of different HRM practices within an organisation for both the employer and employee

    Basically, HRM practices not only benefit the worker but also facilitates numerous advantage to the employer of a company so as Alibaba Group. Following are the benefit of the different HR practices in Alibaba Group.

    Training and career development – Following are the benefits of the training and development to the employees and employers of Alibaba Group.

    Employer benefit

    Employee benefit

    • Human capital of organization is being increased by the Training and development.
    • The efficiency and profitability of the organization is being increases by the help of Training and development (Functions & Practices of Human Resource Management, 2014).
    • As employees gain knowledge and skills they became more accountable
    • The performances of the employee of Alibaba Group can be improved by training and development.
    • motivation and morale of the employee enhances by traning and development (Jackson, Schuler and Jiang, 2014).

    Employee engagements

    Following are the benefits of the employee managements to an employee or employer


    • The busy employee will stay with the administration.
    • With the trust and cooperation ,adversarial mentality can be replaced.
    • It fosters the creativity and innovation and the commitment to the employers.


    • Employees will get the long term assurance for their services
    • The employer provides appraisal, rewards, perks and benefits.

    P4 Strengths and weaknesses of approaches of recruitment and selection

    Approaches to recruitment and selection can be said as process of filling up the vacant job positions by qualified candidate. This is done through recruitment and selection of people in organisation. Following are strengths and weaknesses of these approaches-


    Advancement of company- Through effective recruitment and selection process, Alibaba Group has an opportunity to bring new and fresh talents of employees in the firm which will further help in developing and advancing of the company. Internal recruitment will develop morale among the employees and existing people already know working of Alibaba Group, they will contribute more towards the company.

    Managerial Involvement- Recruitment and selection process will bring all the people of Alibaba Group together in order to develop proper guidelines which will help in selecting an appropriate candidate. Better job descriptions can be made by managers as they already know future needs of their own departments. This can further help in determining needs for educational qualifications of candidate for the required job positions of company.

    Qualified personnel- Recruitment and selection will help to attract more number of customers to apply for the job in Alibaba Group. This will give Alibaba Group many choices to select the most appropriate candidates for the job. Effective selection and recruitment process will help in selecting the best qualified personnel for the organisation(Furnham, 2017). Qualified personnel will help in increasing efficiency and productivity of the firm further generating more profits for Alibaba Group.

    Developing morale- Approaches to recruitment and selection will help in developing morale of employees. Internal recruitment will influence other people working in Alibaba Group to work more efficiently and productively so that next time they can get an opportunity for promotion or advancement. External recruitment will help in motivating employees of Alibaba Group to work more efficiently towards achievement of determined objectives by seeing the new selected candidate.


    Time consuming- Process of recruitment and selection can be said as more time consuming and expensive as managers of Alibaba Group gets many resumes and applications for job from unqualified persons. Making a choice out of these applications can take more time and became an expensive process. Also, conducting interviews and checking each resume thoroughly will consume more time and this will further hamper day to day activities of Alibaba Group.

    Lack of attracting more qualified personnel- Alibaba Group using social media and many social networking sites for attracting more number of candidates to apply for the job, will not help in bringing the best candidate in the organisation as not all people are using social media. This will create a barrier in selecting the best suitable candidates for vacant job positions of the company.

    Affect the working of company- Recruitment and selection process involves managers to concentrate more on conducting interviews and selecting of qualified personnel, leaving back their own activities to perform. Neglecting of their own activities will affect the day to day working of Alibaba Group creating a situation of decreased efficiency and productivity of the firm. Because of this, overall effectiveness of Alibaba Group is affected leading to a decrease in sales figure of the company.

    TASK 2

    P5 Importance of employee relations and its influence on HRM decision making

    Employee relation- Employee relation is the most essential part for the company to maintained the employee focus or employee productivity within the company.

    Developing and managing of relations between employee and employer is necessary for every organisation. Employee relations help in smooth working of an organisation and achievement of determined goals and objectives more effectively. Importance of employee relations can be described as follows-

    Work becomes easy - An employee working in Alibaba Group cannot perform all tasks and works of the company alone. Good relations with their colleagues can shift the work pressure and lower down the work load. Through this, doing work in Alibaba Group becomes an easy task for their workers. Easy doing of work will create less pressure on decision makers and more and better decisions can be framed.

    To develop friendly environment - Better relations of employees and employer will develop a feeling of satisfaction among employees working in Alibaba Group. This will help in further developing of friendly environment in the company (Swailes and Blackburn, 2016). Friendly environment will help in motivating the employees to work more effectively and efficiently towards the organisation.

    To reduce absenteeism of employees - Good employee relations will help in reducing absenteeism of employees from workplace. Employee relations will motivate the employees and develop a feeling of satisfaction among employees and this will influence them to come in Alibaba group. Dedicated employees will start enjoying their work and this will reduce their taking of frequent leaves from their work. Reduced absenteeism will involve more employees and better and beneficial decisions can be made for Alibaba Group.

    To improve performance- Good employee relations will help in motivating the employees to work more efficiently in the company. Better relations with employees will help in communicating better regarding their performance and necessary steps which are required for improving their performance can be made understandable to them. These necessary steps will improve their level of performance and HRM can take better and effective decisions for Alibaba Group.

    To improve communication- Communication is essential for smooth and fair working of an organisation. Without effective communication, no problems or issues of employees can be solved. Better communication will help in sharing of new ideas and suggestions for achievement of goals and objectives. Better communications will generate new ideas in decision-making process and best suitable decisions can be taken which are beneficial for Alibaba Group.

    To solve employees' problems - Better communication is developed through good employee relation which will further help in solving personal problems and issues of employees working in Alibaba Group. With the help of employee relations, workers find it easier to discuss about their problems with their seniors more openly. This will help in generating better solutions to their problems and giving them satisfaction. Satisfied employees will suggest more new and fresh ideas in decision-making process of Alibaba Group.

    To develop trust - Trust is important for creating better relations among employees and employers. To develop trust, it becomes important to develop a good employee relations in Alibaba Group. Problems and issues arising out at workplace can be shared and discuss more effectively by developing trust among each other working in Alibaba Group.

    P6 Key elements of employment legislation and its impact on HRM decision-making

    Employment legislation can be said as law which governs employment inside the workplace along with every employee working in the company. This have an effect on employees and employers directly. Key elements of employment legislation are as follows-

    Health and safety Act, 1974- This act describes the responsibility of employer regarding ensuring safety of their employees of Alibaba Group. This act describes certain duties and responsibilities of employers which is related to securing and protecting employees engaged in any kind of activities of Alibaba Group. The HR of Alibaba Group should provide and maintain healthy environment in which risks of health of workers are reduced. For this, HR of Alibaba Group should remove all the dangerous equipments and all injurious activities should be banned. This will ensure safety of employees and will generate a productive employee proving beneficial for the company.

    The Minimum Wages Act, 1948- According to this act, minimum wages should be paid to skilled as well as unskilled workers. This act also describe the number of working hours to be fixed which includes one or more than one breaks for the employees working in Alibaba group. The HR consultant of Alibaba should provide wages to their labours according to norms determined under this act. HR manger should also make decisions on the basis of this act and should also keep a record of employees' wages and their works. Decisions made on the basis of Minimum Wages Act is more beneficial for workers and employer's of Alibaba. This will also help in developing a feeling of satisfaction among employees.

    The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965- This act provides payment of bonus to employees depending on some establishments made by Alibaba group or depending on eligibility of an employee working in the organisation. HR manager of Alibaba group should measure performance level of employees and good work of an employee should be rewarded by bonus. According to this act, bonus to employees are given on basis of profits earned and establishments made by the company in which major contributions are made by labours and management of Alibaba Group. HR should provide fair and adequate amount of bonus which is helpful for fulfilling employees' basic needs and demands.

    Equality Act, 2010- According to this act, equal treatment should be given to every worker working in Alibaba Group regardless of gender, age, belief, race and religion. Every employee should be treated equally in terms of work and pay. The HR manager of institution should provide equal facilities and equal measures to every labour working in the company. Equal treatment given by HR will help in smooth working of firm and decisions should be made accordingly. This will motivate employees and improve the performance level of employees and generating more profits for organisation Equality Act will ensure equal pay to every employees and will increase performance level of employees of the organisation.

    Race Relations Act, 1976- This act was propounded to remove discriminations on the basis of race, nationality, colour and ethnic. Discriminations made on basis of race and colour will affect the overall productivity of employee working in company as this discrimination will develop a negative feeling for their seniors and the firm. This will further decrease their efficiency (Karpuz, Kim and Ozkan, 2017). HR manager of Alibaba Group should remove all those factors which are increasing discriminations among employees and should ensure equal and fair treatment to every employee of Alibaba Group.

    P7 Evaluation of employee relations and application of HRM practices that influence decision making

    Employee relations refers to efforts of a company in managing relationships of employees with their employer's. This relation should be good for smooth working of an organisation. Evaluation of employee relation are as follows-

    Positive aspects

    Less conflict- Good employee relations will involve working of all employees together and reducing conflicts among them. By making more efforts in developing good employee relations in Alibaba Group, conflicts can be solved more effectively and this will improve the overall working of Alibaba Group(Ibrahim and Al Falasi, 2014). Lesser conflicts among employees will simplify process of decision making in Alibaba Group and achieving of better results.

    Reduce turnover- As conflicts are reduced among employees of Alibaba Group, they are motivated to work more efficiently for the company. Reduced conflicts will help in developing a feeling of satisfaction among people and this will further help in reducing turnover of the firm. This will also help in retaining the top talent of employees and building up of stronger employee relations. Retaining of talents will help in making new and improved decisions which are beneficial in generating more profits for the firm.

    Negative aspects

    Demotivated employees- Lack of good employee relations will demotivate the employees and this will reduce the efficiency of workers of Alibaba Group. Ineffective employee relations will not be helpful in reducing the conflicts among employees and will not develop a feeling of satisfaction among them. Through these employees will be demotivated and their performance level will be decreased. Reduced level of performance will hamper the process of effective decision-making in Alibaba Group.

    Lack of achievement of goals- Negative employee relations will not motivate employees of Alibaba Group to work more efficiently for the organisation through which goals and objectives of company cannot be achieved effectively. Lack of achievement of goals will affect the process of decision making in a negative manner. Decisions for improvement of performance of employees cannot be framed more effectively.

    HRM practices can be said as policies and practices which are helpful in influencing attitudes, performance and behaviour of employees working in an organisation. Evaluation of these HRM practices can be done as-

    Positive aspects

    Conflict management- HRM practices involves managing and resolving conflicts, issues and problems which are arising out in Alibaba Group. HRM department by implementing many steps which are helpful in resolving these conflicts, manages conflicts in the organisation. Through better implementation of these HRM practices, many problems and issues can be solved and process of decision making can be simplified. Decisions which are helpful for Alibaba Group can be framed better.

    Improving performance level- HRM practices serves to be helping tool for improving performance level of employees working in Alibaba Group. HRM practices involves providing of training and development programmes to employees to improve their performance level. Improved level of performance will help in making of decisions for further improvisation of working of workers.

    Negative aspects

    Improper training and development- Lack of effective training and development programmes will hamper the performance level of employees of Alibaba group(Clair and Milliman, 2017). This will reduce productivity of firm and decrease in sales figure of company. Decrease in profits will hamper the decision making process and effective decisions beneficial for Alibaba group cannot be taken.

    Developing unhealthy atmosphere- Improper implementation of HRM practices will develop more confusion and conflicts in Alibaba group. This will create dissatisfaction among employees and because of which an unfriendly atmosphere develops in the organisation(Zibarras and Coan, 2015). This negative atmosphere will affect the working of decision making process of Alibaba group lowering their productivity and decrease in sales figures.

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    In the above report, the purpose and functions of HRM which are applicable to workforce planning and resourcing an organisation has been concluded along with strengths and weakness of different approaches to recruitment and selection of the company. Also, the benefits of different HRM practices within organisation for both employee and employer has been described. Further more, the above study has also concluded the importance of employee relations and its influence in HRM decision making. From the above study, key elements of employment legislation and their impacts on HRM decision making have been determined. Further more, the above report will also describe the application of HRM practices in a work related context.

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    • Albrecht, S.L., and et. al., 2015. Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. 2(1). pp.7-35.
    • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
    • Armstrong, M. B., Landers, R. N. and Collmus, A. B., 2016. Gamifying recruitment, selection, training, and performance management: Game-thinking in human resource management. In Emerging research and trends in gamification(pp. 140-165). IGI Global.
    • Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.
    • Cascio, W. F., 2015. Strategic HRM: Too important for an insular approach. Human Resource Management .54(3). pp.423-426.

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