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    Unit 3 HRM Assignment Level 5


    Human resource management is basic term which describes about the system which is prevail in organisation about the effective management of employees. There are many functions are performed by HR manager in organisation which generally categorize into three categories such as staffing, employee compensation and benefits and designing of works. The main of HR department within the organisation is to coordinate the different functions which are performed by the employees of various department to accomplish their common objectives. There are many approaches are adopt by HR manager for maximisation of productivity of employees. ALDI is internal organisation which operates their business activities through supermarket chains which is having more than 10000 stores in 20 countries (Arrowsmith and Parker, 2013). The products in which such organisation deal includes food, beverage, sanitary articles and household goods etc.

    In the present report explain about functions and purpose of HRM activities, various recruitment and selection approach along with their advantages and disadvantages and benefits attained by the employee and employer through HRM practices. Also, benefits which are attained by organisation through good employee relation along with its impact of HRM decision-making and Key elements of employment legislation and its impact on HRM.

    P1 Purpose and functions of HRM

    Purpose of human resource management

    Human research management refers to the coordination among people to achieve business objectives through satisfying employees and staff needs. HR manager accomplishes the business requirement through staffing people and they are used to meet the organizational goals, its HR responsibility to process the work in a systematic manner so that the people can be use their efficiency for firms benefits (Baluch, Salge and Piening, 2013). The human resource manager looked after to its employees regarding give them solutions of issues, compensation, benefits, and make them happy through motivating them. Along with these there are some purposes that are described below-

    Creating a positive environment – Creating a positive environment is the core responsibility of HR manager so that the employees can work with an optimistic mood. If they worked with positivity then they would be able to produce higher outputs. If the HR manager of ALDI is not able to manage the environment among the people then employees would not be able to give their high performance. The human resource manager needs to put effort in making a healthy environment inside a company that increases the enthusiasm of the staff.

    Provide job satisfaction to the staff – When the employees are working good and then they wanted to get some kind of reward or some appreciation so that they can stay for a long time. The employees needs some motivation to be part of the organization for a long time otherwise they can switch the firm at any time (Caligiuri, 2014). Of course, ALDI employees are working for earning money but they also wanted to get some sort of cantonment that makes them glad. Their hard work should get recognization and it is completely HR responsibility to appreciate them in terms of bonus or reward for their hard work because this will boost up their energy to work.

    Functions of the HRM

    There are some specific functions of HRM that are associated with human resource department, that are given below-

    Recruitment and selections – Recruitment and selections are the two major functions of human resource management department. Recruitment is fascinating process to hire the new employees and that goes through various stages like screening the potential qualified candidates which should satisfies the criteria for the particular designation. In ALDI human resource manager recruits workforce to by advertisements, interview and then a applying the selection criteria process for the most suitable candidates (Functions of HRM. 2017).

    Managing employee relations – If a companies leaders are the foundation of that company then it would not wrong to say that employees are the pillars of that firm. It is the crucial functions of human resource management and it aid to foster good relationship with the employee. The HR manager should organize the some kind of activities which can help to the employees to know each other at personal and professional level. The management should promote a healthy and balanced relationships between the employees and the employer (Collins, Zhu and Warner, 2012).

    Training and development – After selecting an appropriate candidate the HR organises the training and development program that increases the skills and knowledge of the new people in the company and this training also make them more efficiency. For an instance, if ALDI hire a new finance manager then for a some time the HR department would organize a training that will them more efficient.

    P2 Strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.

    There are two approaches of recruitment and selections such as internal recruitment and external recruitment and they has strengths and weaknesses according to their functionality (Conesa-Zamora and et. al., 2011).

    Internal recruitment – Internal recruitment refers to filling the position from the internal staff that means employment opportunities are first offered to the in house resources before considering external market. Internal organization can offers the chance to change their rank for this ALDI would first inform their staff for the current vacant positions through newsletter or other media. If their permanent, or short – term employees are interested then they can go the management and face the direct interview process. There are some strength and weaknesses of to promote internal staff, that are numbered below-



    · ALDI is able to make quick decisions as they already know about the appearing candidate's efficiencies.

    · The firm would get morale support of their old employees.

    · The internal recruitment would leave the current positions empty.

    · It will also encourage the unemployment opportunities for the external employee market.

    After looking towards the internal resources if human resource management is not satisfied then they will move towards the external recruitment. The first step would be taken by the HR is to give advertisements in local magazines, newspapers, websites like social media and professional, and it also includes some consultancy websites, etc. After publishing a job requirement the willing candidate approach the ALDI and then they will call with resumes for the interviews (Guest, Paauwe and Wright, 2012). The interview also contains several phases according to the designation such as if it for a Assistant Manger then they there will be a written exam which includes the aptitude test, decision making techniques, etc. Those who qualified they will be call for next round and that can be a direct interview in which the HR will put many questions regarding the applicant's qualification and then whoever candidate satisfies the human resource manager's criteria would get a selection according to the desired form of attributes. The strengths and weaknesses of ALDI as follows -




    · ALDI would get a new and innovative talent from the outside the world that can give a wide benefits to the organization.

    · The candidates should be more dynamic and they will work with more passion.

    · External recruitment is a long process and that' why it consumes a lot of energy and time.

    · Due to the advertisements and interview process external recruiting is more costly then internal recruitment.

    Task 2

    P3 Advantages of HRM practices for employee and employer

    There are practices which are adopt by the HR department of ALDI on regular basis for continuing organisational functions. The major approaches which are commonly adopt by the HR in organisation is defined below:

    Monitoring and appraisal of actual performance of employees: It is important aspect through which organisation achieve sustainability in their performance. Employees are asset of organisation and for their development need to provide guidance to them on regular basis. In this regard, duty of the HR manager of ALDI is to continuously monitor the activities of employees and provides direction whenever fell necessary (Gurkov, Zelenova and Saidov, 2012). Also, HR of organisation has the role of appraisal of actual performance through comparison with standards on periodic basis. It helps to determine the issues which are present in their performance and according to that design training programmes which contributes in improvement of their skills and knowledge.

    Training and development exercises: ALDI is multinational organisation which operates their business function in global economy. There are many changes are happen in trends and technologies on regular basis. It is important for the organisation is to implement then to attain sustainability in their business operations. After assessing the skills of employees, training programmes are developed through information is provided about using of such new technologies in effective and efficient manner. Such programmes also helps to bring changes in their behaviour and attitude of employee's as they always ready to take the responsibilities and challenges.

    Benefits to employee's

    • Development of personality and professional career: Effective training and development programmes helps the employees is to develop their skills and learn new aspects in different field also. This will provides the opportunity to them is to handle the large responsibilities in the organisation with ease. Employees with diversified skills has more chance to get promotion in organisation also have the opportunity to get higher payments through providing high result oriented facilities (Hauptmann and Steger, 2013).

    Benefits to employer

    • Timely accomplishment of objectives: It is observed that through appraisal and training of employees their performance in built more effective through which organisation is able to accomplish their predetermined targets.
    • Better decision-making: Development of the performance and timely accomplishment of objectives provide the time to top management of organisation is to deploy their functions on other important matters which improves their decision making through which they able earn large number of profits

    P4 Effectiveness of different HRM practices to raise organisational profit and productivity

    There are many HRM practices are adopted by HR manager in organisation in accomplishment of their objectives. The different kind of programmes which are initiated by HR includes training and development, performance appraisal, fulfilment of employment legislations etc. which has direct impact upon their profitability and productivity of organisation. For ex., training programmes helps in development of skills which improves task performing ability and fulfilment of employment legislation helps to grab the support of employees in their diversifies offering along with making of high brand image (Horwitz, 2011). So, the effectiveness of different HRM practices in respect of development of profit and productivity of organisation is understood from the points which are defined below:

    Less supervision: Application of different HRM practices helps to bring competency in different activities which are necessary to perform in organisation on regular basis otherwise it has negative impact upon their position's in market. Due to happening of all such functions with effectiveness provides the opportunity to top management of organisation is provide attention on other important matters related to expansion of business which contributes in development of their profits.

    Reduction in amount of errors: ALDI is working in retail industry where large number of changes are occur in technology and consumer behaviour which negatively effects the success of organisation. Application of HRM practices helps to build internal structure of organisation more strong through which provides flexibility to the organisation is to adopt changes effectively and reduce the amount of mistakes and errors to improve their productivity and profitability.

    High brand image: Fulfilment of Employment legislation provides the opportunity to improve their brand image in market as responsible global organisation. It enhance the brand image of organisation which helps in attraction of customers of rival also (Karmiloff-Smith and et. al., 2015).

    Task 3

    P5 Importance associated with employee relation and its impact of HRM decision-making

    Employee relation: It is important concept which refers as the good relation between the employee's and management of organisation. There is huge importance of this concept in organisation to carry on their activities with expertise to attain desired results. This will also includes the concept of building the relation between employees also through which positive environment is build in organisation.

    Importance of employee relation

    Decision-making: Good relation between the employees and management of LADI improves the decision making. There are many work related matter where need to gather the views of employees to take better decision through which desired results are attained.

    Remove conflicts: Better relation between the employees of organisation depicts that no conflicts are present in the organisation. So, it is understood from this that all the organisation activities are going in effective manner.

    Impact of employee relation of HRM decision-making

    • Effective relation with employees provides opportunity cater the different needs which are important for organisation success in market.
    • Good relation between employees means familiar behaviour is persist at workplace so, it helps to fulfil all health related legislations effectively (Kim and Bae, 2017).

    P6 Key elements of employment legislation and its impact on HRM decision-making

    Employment is important concept where need to bring transparency by organisation to create the belief of candidate's in their recruitment and selection process. The government of UKK feel he importance about providing separate legislation related to employment. This brings an obligation upon all the organisation irrespective of their nature and size required to fulfil all the provisions of which are included under such legislation. There are many advantages are associated with legislations which are gathered by the organisation like high support of employees, reduction in staff turnover, higher involvement of employees etc. The different types of legislations which are provided in this regard includes Anti-discrimination Act, Diversity Act, Data protection Act, Equality Act and Health and safety Act. All the acts covers different perspectives of organisation through internal structure of organisation builds more profound. The HR manager of ALDI has the duty is to follow the all these legislations at workplace where employees perform their functions. Thy role of such different legislation is defined below:

    Anti-discrimination Act: This act is provided by the government for the purpose of removal of discrimination among the employees on the basis of their religion, cast, culture, sex, colour etc. It promotes the equality in organisation from the point of view of top management while distributing work and benefits among employees of organisation. If discrimination is present in organisation then this will results in conflicts which lowers down the overall performance and image of organisation in market (Park and et. al., 2014). Also, they have to bear large number of penalties which are imposed by the government because of failure of the conditions which are present in this given Act.

    Data protection Act: The main aim behind the providence of this Act is to protect the personal data of employees which is held by organisations. The regulations of this Act bring an obligation upon the management of ALDI is not use the personal information of their employees without their permission and also not disseminate to third person. So, they have the duty about keeping of their data in legal and ethical way. It also brings an obligation upon the employees that not disclose the important information of organisation to third person and keep it confidential after completion of their service with organisation.

    Equality Act: This Act provides that common policies are adopted by the organisation regarding remuneration and appraisal of the performance of organisation (Vo and Stanton, 2011). It restricts the top management of organisation that not adopting the bias behaviour while performing their functions and not provide favour to any employee over others. Also, development of the such values and norms where all employees are treat same irrespective of their religion, cast, country, gender etc.

    Health and safety Act: It is important Act which govern the activities related to the safety of employees at workplace (Pereira and Anderson, 2012). So, this will creates the responsibility of the management of ALDI is to adopt all sufficient measures which helps to provide optimum safety to the employees while performing their actions. This will includes about the providence of gloves, helmets and other necessary precautionary items to the employees who are working in hazardous situation. Through fulfilment of these conditions many advantages are gathered by organisation like large support of employees building of healthy and positive working environment etc.

    Task 4

    P7 Application of HRM practices in work-related context

    Job specification

    Job title

    Human Resource manager


    · Required graduation from UK University

    · MBA in HR from any UK University


    · Having the experience of working of 5 years at the post HR

    Area of expertise

    · Having expertise in effective management of regular functions

    · Proper information about compensation guidelines prevail in UK

    · Having knowledge of different training models

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    Job description

    Name of firm


    Job designation

    HR manager




    Top management

    Working hours

    10:00 a.m. To 6:00 p.m.

    Role and functions

    · Recruitment and selection of employees as per requirement

    · Determination of remuneration as per requirement

    · Development of training programmes for improvement of the skills of employees

    · Timely fulfilment of all employment related legislation



    Working facilities

    Spacious office is provided to employees


    Curriculum Vitae



    Contact no

    Career objective- Want to develop the career as HR manager to work in well renowned organisation


    · Graduation

    · MBA in HR from Well renowned industry

    · Having the diploma of working as HR through UK University

    Personal skills

    · Good communication skills

    · Effective leadership skills

    · Easily handle the stress situations through effective management


    It has been concluded from the above report that HR department is most important in organisation to perform daily functions of organisations without any hindrances. The main functions which are performed by HR manager of ALDI is related to recruitment and selection to fulfil workforce requirement, determination of remuneration for motivation, designing of training programmes for improvement of skills etc. The two approaches are used regarding recruiting new employees in organisation such as internal and external. The main advantage which gathered by the ALDI through use of internal method is save time and motivate existing employees. There are many legislations are provided by government related to employment required to adhere in true sense to prevent themselves from penalties.


    • Arrowsmith, J. and Parker, J., 2013. The meaning of ‘employee engagement’for the values and roles of the HRM function. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 24(14). pp. 2692-2712.
    • Baluch, A. M., Salge, T. O. and Piening, E. P., 2013. Untangling the relationship between HRM and hospital performance: The mediating role of attitudinal and behavioural HR outcomes. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 24(16). pp. 3038-3061.
    • Caligiuri, P., 2014. Many moving parts: Factors influencing the effectiveness of HRM practices designed to improve knowledge transfer within MNCs. Journal of International Business Studies. 45(1). pp. 63-72.
    • Collins, N., Zhu, Y. and Warner, M., 2012. HRM and Asian socialist economies in transition: China, Vietnam and North Korea (pp. 598-619). Edward Elgar Publishing.

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