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    Information System for providing the information, digital products & knowledge

    University: University Of Sydney

    • Unit No: 4
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 15 / Words 3656
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: MGMT6013
    • Downloads: 986
    Question :

    This assessment will cover following questions:

    • Hilton Hotel is the luxury accommodation place in different countries. State steps of system development life cycle.
    • What is important in selecting a system in the Hilton Hotel justify your selection.
    • In the proposes system identify and evaluate the problems and opportunities that exists in the sponsor organisation and can relate to strategic directions in the organisation.


    Answer :


    Information system is basically the integrated series of constituents for collecting, storing as well as processing data and for providing the information, digital products as well as knowledge. Information system are primarily used for running the supply chains as well as electronic markets. The information system helps the organizations to manage their human resources, financial resources and the customers.

    Hilton hotel is predominately the full-service hotel as well as resort being established in 1919 by Conard Hilton and headquartered in Virginia, U.S. It currently operates in large number of countries and have its presence in wider markets. In terms of the revenue, this organization secures the second position.

    This report gives an overview of Customer Relationship Management System. Describing steps which are involved in system development life cycle. The report further carried forward with the addressing an identifiable problem or opportunity which exist in the sponsor organization and relating it with particular aspect of company's overall strategic direction. Report ends with the features of CRM as well as justification and recommendation.


    Overview of CRM System-

    Customer relationship management (CRM) is technology which is helpful for managing all company's relationship and interaction with consumer and potential customer. It has very simple goal : Improving business relationship. CRM system help company to stay connected with customer, improve profitability and streamline processes. It is the tool which help in contact management, productivity, sales management and more. CRM solution help company to focus on organization's relationship with individual peoples that include service, customer, user, supplier or colleagues across their life cycle with them, which also includes finding or searching new customer, rendering support, winning the business and other additional service among their relationship. The traditional purpose of this system is for tracking consumer information to help them in driving revenue (Orenga-Roglá and Chalmeta, 2016). Along with that modern purpose is also to reduce cost through aligning various department and streamlining process.

    Describing the step of Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)-

    System development life cycle is project management model which states various stages that are involved in bringing project from the inception to completion. It is used to give rigid framework and structure for defining steps and phase which are involved in development of system. SDLC is also an abbreviation of Synchronous Data Link Control and the software development life cycle. It is made up of the multiple step. Commonly there are seven steps which are involved in this life cycle. Systems development life cycle steps includes -


    It is the first step in system development process. It also identifies whether a company need or do not need new system for gaining business's strategic objective. It is preliminary plan for Hilton Group's business initiative for acquiring resource for building on infrastructure for modifying or improving services. Company is trying to exceed or meet expectation for their employee, stakeholder and consumer. The main purpose of this step is to find scope of problem and finding solution (Dinulescu, Visinescu and Prybutok, 2018). Time, cost, resource, benefit and other item would be considered at this stage by company.

    System Analysis and Requirement-

    It is the second phase of business in which working is to be done of sourcing of their problems or need for change. Possible solution are to be further submitted and then analysation is to be done for identifying appropriate fit for the goal and objective of that project. At this stage team consider functional requirement of project or its solution. It is also states that system analysis take place or need of final user for ensuring new system must be analyzed so that expectation can be meet. System analysis is very essential for determining what is the needs of Hilton Group's, and how it can be meet, and further who will be responsible for the project success and growth. Some instruments which a business can specifically use are-

    • Computer Aided System/ Software Engineering (CASE)
    • Requirement gathering
    • Structured analysis

    System Design-

    It is the third step which describes the essential specification, operation and feature which will satisfy functional requirement of proposed system which will take place. This step is for the end user to determine and discuss their particular information of Hilton Group's and its need for proposed system. Essential components are considered under this phase that are hardware or software, procedure & processing and structure that is network capability for system to accomplish its goal and objective (Bäckström and Larsson, 2018).


    It is the fourth step where definite work is to begin. Particularly, major work on project is to be done when network engineer, programmer and database developer arr brought. This particular work include use flow chart which ensures that process of system should be properly organized. Development phase mark end of initial section of procedure. It states the beginning of production. Development stage is also known by change and instillation. The Hilton Group's must focus on training during this stage so that they can gain huge benefit across this step.

    Integration and Testing-

    The fifth step include system integration and testing (of procedure and program) which is carried out by the Quality Assurance professional (QA) for determining if proposed design that meet initial set of goal and objective of business. Testing could be repeated, specially for checking errors, impenetrability and bugs. It would be performed till the final user find its acceptance. Another thing which is done under this step is validation and verification which is helpful for Hilton Group's to ensure successful completion of the business.


    It the sixth step in which majority of code for program is to be written. Along with that it involves actual installation of newly developed systems. These steps put project into the production by exporting data and component from old systems and putting them in new system with the help of direct cut-over. It could be complicated step, as cut-over happen when there is off-peak hour, so that risk can be minimized effectively (Doi and, 2018). Both end user and system analysts shall now see realization of project for Hilton Group's which has implemented change in it.

    Operation and Maintenance-

    It is the final and seventh step that involves maintenance and regularly necessary inundation. This step is when the end user could fine-tune the systems, if Hilton Group wish to boost up the performance, adding new capability or meeting additional user's requirement. This system will need maintenance. And it will also need changes and updates time to time so that it can be used specifically. Changes in system could be made due to some unexpected input value into system so that it can be further helpful for the growth and development of company. The software operations are affected by changes which are implemented in the system (Al-Arafati, Kadir and Al-Haderi, 2019).

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    Addressing an identifiable problem or opportunity which exist in the sponsor organization and relating it with particular aspect of company's overall strategic direction-

    There are various opportunity for the Hilton Group which can be created by company by implementing it into their business operation. So that they can build up various opportunities for them by building this CRM system in their business.

    • Making improvement to the bottom line- It is helpful for improvement from bottom to up line so that each and every business operation activity can be further implemented. This induces conversion in lead for company, sales could be raised up along with the Hilton Group's productivity. The consumer satisfaction can also be raised effectively and satisfy could retain with the company's product for long term. Decision making of the company's top management could also be enhanced so that they can implement better decision-making in their business operations (Terziev and Banabakova, 2017). At last company's revenue could be enhanced of CRM system will use by them for further business operations and activities.
    • Identify and categorize leads- CRM system is helpful for company to identify and adding new lead quickly and easily, further categorizing them appropriate and accurately. So that the Hilton Group can use this for gathering more consumer attention towards their product and services. The right lead can be focused by company, then further sales could be prioritized which will close deal. With the help of marketing they can identify the leads which need more prime and nurturing them for becoming the quality leads for the business so that they can get their business productivity by getting appropriate lead and categorizing them with various specification so that they can get high sales criteria with the quality leads.
    • Increasing referrals from existing customer- With the help of CRM system company can understand their consumer better so that they can render product which satisfy the needs and demands of their customers (Soltani and, 2018). The up-selling and cross-selling opportunities can also be generated by the Hilton Group which is helpful for company to raise their sales, revenue and productivity in their business with the existing customer base. Better visibility is helpful for company to satisfy their customer and making them happy with their quality product and services. The happy customer always become repeat customers, as if customer is happy and satisfy with the brand they will always rely on that particular brad and company for their further purchase. Thus, it reflects that huge consumer trust can also build on company.
    • Offer better customer support- Nowadays customer expect the fast, personalized support anytime that can be day or night. CRM system is helpful for Hilton Group to render their customer with high quality services which is needed by them. So that their consumer can be highly satisfied with their needs and demands. Agent of the company could easily see what product is ordered by customer and could easily further process that product to the customer. With this system the consumer interaction can be recorded by company so that they can easily and quickly responded to the consumer and thus customer queries could be sought out by them (Ruivo, Oliveira and Mestre, 2017). This indicated that company can easily get the full customer support and could render high quality services to their customers.
    • Improve product and services- Good CRM system is helpful for company to gather information from various sources all over their business and across it. By this company can get overall information about their consumer's insight that how their consumer feels and what they say about the Hilton Group. So further company can importer offers related to their product and services and render many newer offers to their consumers so that wide range of customer can be attracted towards company's product and services. The modification can be done by the company in their products and service so that their customer can be satisfied. The problems can also be firstly spotted that can be further improved by company so that quality product and services can be rendered to the customer by the company at minimum prices (Wynn and, 2016). Thus, the company can get attraction of customer to the good and services of the Hilton Group. Gap can be filled by company among the employers and customer with the help of implementation of CRM system. Gap could also be analyzed by company which can be filled up by the top management. Hence, the productivity and revenue of company can be enhanced if wide range of consumer can be attracted towards company's product and services.

    Features of system and justification-

    The key features of CRM system includes-

    • Contact management- The all latest information and knowledge about the consumer. It includes the overall detail that is from contact detail to the service conversation. The information is easily available for updating and accessing.
    • Lead management- This system enable user for tracking pipeline activity, targets and task, all the way from prospectus into the conversion (Nykamp, 2019). The Hilton Group could track their target and task that they are well performing or not.
    • Sale Forecasting- Forecasting report enables sale people for getting better visibility across their business activities, qualifying leads more accurately, and seeing that they are closely hitting the target or not. If not then further steps must be taken for hitting goal and objective. Sale manager could use report for motivating and managing their peoples.
    • Instant messaging among employees- Real-time functioning of instant messaging for making it easy for co-worker for asking and answering each others query, for getting support of live sale or service interaction. Manager could check in the on staff in field, and instant feedback could be asked by employees to them. The support could also be given by the manager to their employees (Erturk and He, 2018).
    • Email integration and tracking with Gmail and Outlook- Email syncing of clients instantly with CRM system which allow Hilton Group to get overall view of the consumer and lead without logging in and out of the various system. Contact and calendars can also be viewed among each and every device. The email could be managed and created from the single workflow.
    • File and content sharing- Team member could upload information to centrally stored locations, and sharing instantly and easily with their co-workers.
    • Dashboard-based analytic- Information is presented and aggregated in intuitive, It had meaningful dashboard display which can customized and based on every individual's priorities.
    • Marketing Automation- It is helpful for reducing repetitive task. With the help of Marketing Automation, potential consumer might get automated tweet or email after the request of information from Hilton Group's website (Navimipour and Soltani, 2016). If any one of the prospect express interest in new product lines, detail of prospectus interest could inform sales user for following with the phone call.
    • Mobile can be accessed when its offline- It allows user flexibility for utilizing CRM as regard if there is no internet connectivity in that particular area.
    • Field Service Automation- Field Service Automation is great feature of CRM system which allow mobile capability. The technician can be easily located in real time, next closest call can be located by user, response time has also been improved along with raising number of daily call which are serviced. Field user do not need to use paper work, this complexity has been reduced as result of the intelligent form, and along with that they have ability for getting consumer's signature on the mobile device which is very helpful for them to complete sale process (Phelps, 2019).

    This all features of CRM system are helpful for the overall growth and development of Hilton Group. The features of CRM system are too much helpful and well popular customer management system that is helpful for all companies to enhance their consumer support across their business operation so that their sales and revenue could be enhanced. The customer needs and demand could be fulfilled by company effectively with the help of this system. It's all features are well justified and far better for company's overall success (Souri and, 2019). Company can maintain and manage lead for their customer effectively and appropriately so that they can get complete information of their customer's and could manage it's further for their growth factor and attract the customer's to their product and services.

    Recommendation or guidelines-

    It can be recommended that the CRM system is very helpful for company to maintain the immense relationship among the consumer. Company can satisfy their customer by rendering them quality services and products to them. Hilton Group can improve their product and services with the help of Customer Relationship Management System effectively. They made necessary changes in their product and services that is helpful for them to satisfy the needs and demands of consumer. Innovation and implementation of changes in company's product and services enhances their quality in both so that they can retain consumer for long term. Wesfarmers had introduced the new information system with the help of CRM system. The company was further maintaining old information system, so they won't be able to the complete and overall information about their consumers and then further with the help of CRM they can establish new information system and could get managed and appropriate lead and customer so that they can get with overall featured products and services as per the needs and demands of their customer's in market. Westpac could easily create and develop business opportunity for their business. Company can implement the several business operation with the help of CRM system so that they can enhance their business across the world. Business could gain huge competitive success by CRM system with appropriate and managed lead. The company could enhance their brand reputation among the marketplace. With the help of well-developed business operation company can gain huge profit margin and growth for them. Amcor can enhance their packaging quality with the help of CRM system. As they can get review of their consumers what they expect from the company and what the company is giving to them. Further they can implement changes their product packaging so that more and more consumer attraction could be gain toward the company. If company enhances their product packaging they can get growth and development and could gain he profits margin for company. Brambles Limited could improve their organizational productivity with the help of CRM system. With the help of this system they could enhance their services and could easily satisfy their consumer. The service quality of company are to be improved and enhanced which can be further helpful for company to achieve their goal and objectives (Lee and, 2017). The company can have growth and success if their services are improved and managed with the quality which can be fruitful for company. They can create a competitive advantage for them with their rivals among marketplace and could gain huge consumer's satisfaction by rendering best services to them at minimum price.

    Overall it can be recommended that CRM system helps company in any ways. It is very popular system program that can be used by any company for its growth and success. The company can have better organized, render continuity of the data and help the companies to maintain the customer relationship. The business without CRM system could be at risk zone for having good consumer base. They can opt huge consumer trust with the help of this system. The consumer can stay with company for long term with the help of CRM system. The company with help of this system could enhance their sales and productivity so that they can gain huge success in the marketplace. Competitive advantage for company can be gained by them with the help of CRM system. The better consumer relationship can be maintained by company for their further success. If company have consumer relationship with their customer's then they could gain huge loyalty base for their customer and thus consumer are attracted to get attached with company for long term. It is the powerful tool which must be used by all companies so that the gap between consumer and employer can be filled and thus further it can be fruitful for company to maintain better brand image among consumer and the competitive rivals. It also reduces costing for company and which can be further afforded by company and implement this into business for their growth and development.


    From the above study it has been concluded that Customer Relationship Management system is helpful for company to maintain the accurate and appropriate consumer data so that it can be further used by company for its growth and development. The high quality goods and services could be given by company to their customer so that they can gain loyal consumer base from their customer. The lead could be managed and generated with the help of CRM system which could be helpful for gaining consumer attraction towards company's product and services. Product and services of company could be improved which is helpful for company in raising their sales and gaining huge revenue with this. More and more attraction of customer towards company's product is helpful for them in raising their productivity and profit margins. The needs and demands of consumer can be optimized by top management and manager with the help of CRM system and it can be further fulfilled by the company by rendering products and service which satisfy needs and demands of the customer. Thus, consumer can retain with company for long term and could have better consumer loyalty base which is maintained by them. CRM system is very easy and quick to implement in business and it reduces cost in the company.


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