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    L/508/9698 - Principles And Practices Related To Management Behavior In The PKF Hotelexperts

    University: UK College of Business and Computing

    • Unit No: 13
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 7 / Words 1667
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: L/508/9698
    • Downloads: 1181
    Question :

    The scenario of this report determines role of a manager in the context of given business scenario. Major focus of this report is to evaluate the own skills and practices for the determined role as manager.

    • Evaluate principles and practices related to management behavior in the PKF hotelexperts.
    • Discuss own potential in the context of manager in PKF Hotelexperts.
    • Determine requirement of managerial skill for PKF Hotelexperts.
    • Outline a career and future development plan in the context of given job role as manager.
    Answer :


    Nowadays, one of the most important and foremost tasks for every organisation is to keep their workers happy and pleased so that they can increase their productivity or effectiveness. Further, manager play an essential role in encouraging their workforces. It is identified as top most duty of the administrator to motivate entire employees so that they can render their best. Manager has different role in the enterprise such as provide training, motivate workers and so on which help therm to maximise profitability of company. In present assignment, given organisation is PKF hotelexperts, Clayton Crown Hotel and Frankie & Benny's restaurant. All these are the part of hospitality industry which provide effective services and products to the visitors (Abrahamsson and et. al., 2017). Main motive of these companies is to attract large number of the tourists towards travel and tourism services. This report is based on different tasks which cover practices and principles of management behaviours. Review own potentials as a prospective manager which is also determined in this project. Beside this, managerial skills within a services and business context is also shown in this projects. Career development plan for employment within a service and business is also determined in this study. Main objective of this report is to analysis main role of the manager in the company related with maximisation of productivity and profitability.

    TASK 1

    1.1 Compare different styles of management

    In order to control and manager employees, every managers use effective methods. Beside this, management style is one of the best and foremost tool for the administrator to handle workforce systematically. These type of styles mainly depend on the existing structure and culture of the organisation. It is beneficial for the hospitality industry to decrease employees turnover and maximise sales and profit (Ahmad, Ry Nielsen and Synnott, 2013). This tasks is based on two enterprise one is; PKF Hotelexperts, it is an internationally well-established market leader. Second is Hilton hotel, it is also taken into consideration. There are different management styles which are used by the bother firms are determined as below:

    Management style


    PKF Hotelexperts

    Hilton Hotel

    Authoritative management style

    Under this, leaders, superiors and managers have the main duty to take an effective decision without acknowledging suggestions and ideas of the subordinates (Allen and et. al., 2012).

    In this business, manager guide their employees and formulated an effective policies for their assistant in a steady manner. Thus, it create lack of motivation and confidence in the workforce.

    In Hilton hotel, all decision are take by the manager which can hinder on employees and its motivation level. It also impact on their innovative and creative plans that benefited to the enterprise. Thus, this styles become lethargic and monotonous.

    Participative management style

    Democratic ad participative style of working creates friendly environment for employees in the workplace. In this feedback and comments from the workers are one of the main component.

    PFA Hotelexperts is a multinational travel and tourism organisation which follows these type of style (Arends, 2014). There is a healthy and impressive connection between administration as open communication is held to evaluate new plans, ideas and innovations.

    Hilton Hotel is global brand of full services resorts. This business not follow such type of style because there is lack of communication among management team. So it is not helpful for them to accomplish long term objectives and targets.

    Affiliative management style

    It is also essential and foremost style because with the use of this manager easily guild their employees.

    This type of style is less apply by the PKF Hotelexperts because there entire decision are only take by managers.

    This style is a best example of the Hilton hotel because in the organisation, managers are not only better mentors but prompt listeners too. In this administrator interact with their assistance more frequently to analysis their concerns and suggestion.


    1.2 Leadership characteristic of two different organisation

    Manager and leader both are the important and essential part of the organisation, without these person business entity can not achieve long term goals ad objectives easily (Arnold and Boggs, 2015). For achievement of this, both organisation such as PKF Hotelexperts and Hilton Hotel required leadership characteristic (Characteristics of leadership, 2018). There are different leadership styles which are determined as below:

    Leadership Characteristic


    PKF Hotelexperts

    Hilton Hotel

    Communication skills

    It is depict as the foremost quality and skill which is needed by the leader with motive to reduce conflict among the employees.

    Leader of the PKF Hotelexperts also required such kind of skills. In this they have to render guidelines to their tour operators or customers via faxes, mails, and many other beneficial tools.

    Leader of the Hilton Hotel that deal in hospitality sector where they have to attract large number of tourist via face to face meeting.

    Team orientation

    It is another important characteristic which is needed by the all leader in order to work with a team (Aulton and Taylor, 2017). In this main aim of them is to accomplish long term objectives and goals of the company.

    Here in PFA Hotelexperts various managers work or perform under a leader who renders proper guidelines in creating and framing best services to the customers.

    Leader of these hotel is mainly emphasis on giving comfortable and luxuries stay to their tourists with a group of kitchen staff, hospitality and housekeeping staff members.

    Creativity and innovation

    Leaders is an individual who promote innovative plan and innovation even at the time period of emergencies (Babbie, 2013). This characteristic is also good for the organisation to maximise their turnover in limited time period.

    It is more important characteristic which is take by the leader of PKF Hotelexperts. With the help of this they innovate in their business operations and functions. It is beneficial for them to attract large number of the clients in easy manner.

    Hilton Hotel leader encourage the creativity and innovation at a slow destination as emphasising on functional aspects of the thought.

    Passion and Charisma

    Charisma and Passion both are play vital role in the leaders working styles. It is helpful for them to define their captivate and vision. Through this characteristic they are capable to encourage and inspire their employees or followers to accomplish the motive of enterprise.

    Leader of the PFA Hotelexperts also passionate to satisfies their customers by providing luxury and conferable services (Bianchi and et. al., 2011).

    Leaders of the Hilton Hotel are passionate towards there objectives and goals to fulfil basic needs and wants of the customers as well as satisfy them to meeting and visit.


    1.3 Communication process in selected organisation

    Communication is more important and essential part of the each and every organisation in order to provide necessary information to the customers through mail, faxes and other useful tools. So it is beneficial for the hospitality sector to increase their profitability and sales in limited time period. Communication process includes different aspects which is follow by both organisation such as Hilton Hotel and PFA Hotelexperts . These are determined as below:

    Informal and formal communication: This type of communication process is mainly based on the organisational structure (Boud, 2012). PFA Hotelexperts apply formal communication channel which is essential for them to communicate timely, accurate and smoothly with their clients or employees. On the other hand, informal communication channel also assist in clarifying or analysing what the assistance feel or think regarding the working culture or environment of the organisation. Though the opportunities of half-truth, misinterpretation and inaccurate communication too happen which is give disadvantage for firms.

    Horizontal, downward and upward communication: These type of communication creates the coordinating and clear process. In case of downward transmission where plans and objectives flows from the manager to the employees. In Upward channel, travelling grievances, suggestions and reports from the assistant to the foreman. Horizontal channel of communication also beneficial in exchanging experience and thoughts among the assistances of the similar post and level. These type of communication channel is beneficial for the both business to increase customer base in the organisation.

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