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    M/508/9862 - Analyse The Current Operations Of Amazon

    University: Icon College of Management and Technology

    • Unit No: 8
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 13 / Words 3167
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: M/508/9862
    • Downloads: 1328
    Question :

    The purpose of this report is to evaluate the role and responsibility of manager and leader in an organisation and determine information related to management practices. Main objective of this is to evaluate the influence business operational practices over business decision making.

    • Evaluate the concept of leadership and management within Amazon as well as determine relevant theories of leadership.
    • Analyse the current operations of Amazon as well as different activities that help in achieving business objectives.
    Answer :


    A manager is an individual who performs following task such as organising, controlling, staffing and most importantly planning of the employees and keep them according to their role whereas the leader is someone who influences the decision making power of every worker by influencing and motivating them to a particular direction in the accomplishment of the vision. In this report the differences between them are been discussed along with their roles and functions for the company. There are certain theories and models of the leadership which has also been described along with their key concepts on which it is base. The role of operation management has been discussed which has an importance in the firm. Also the decision of manager and leader has some impact on the department of operations and production of a company which has been depicted in the report (Asam and,2015). This decision also helps the company from the changes that occur in the business environment.

    TASK 1

    P1. Different roles and characteristics of a leader and a manager

    There is a lot of differences in the thinking procedure and the approach of manager and a leader which are discussed below:

    A Leader always consider a bigger picture concept , he thinks about the future and makes efforts to complete the work in the direction of vision whereas manager is a detailed oriented person has he plans all the activities related to the information which is provided to him. He focuses on the smaller scope just to complete the given task.

    Leader makes various strategies to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organisation whereas manager has a tactical approach where he plans several tactics to complete the strategies for the successful implementation of it.

    A leader has three concept which are having focus on vision, strategy and execution which involves a procedure of setting up a vision followed by the formation of strategies in the direction of achievement and executes them efficiently. A manager has the three concepts which is he focuses in the goal and the information which is given for the project then followed by performing task for the completion of it in the given time limit.

    Leader focuses on the progress of the organisation which includes all the aspects and departments whereas a manger focuses on the standard of the processes to provide the quality output.

    For leaders their followers are the reason for the success of any achievement where as for a manager the subordinates the means for whom he can be able to make the task completed.

    Leader is a caring individual who thinks that his people are the more important aspects than a particular task or work where as for the manager task is much more important than the employees, for him the work should not be compromised with any thing.

    A leader is a visionary , dreamer and care taker whereas the manager is level head, practical and realistic.

    A leader is a goose for the company as he increases the capacity for the production whereas the manager is considered as the golden egg which means he is responsible for increasing the productivity and production.

    A leader is responsible for increasing the effectiveness of an organisation whereas manager is responsible for increasing the efficiency of the company.

    A leader is a intuitive person which means he requires a guidance from the internal people whereas the manager has a quality of sensing which means that he seeks for the data from the external means (Bolman and Deal, 2017).

    A leader forms the pattern of a lateral thinking whereas the manager follows the approach of linear thinking which means he works simultaneously along with making plans for the completion of the task.

    P2. the role of a leader and the function of a manager is applied in different situations within the organisation

    The role of a leader and the functions of the manager varies and has certain impacts on the organisation. Both of have their roles which are required at different phases which are described as below:

    While the managers plans a structure for every activities and provides authorities and responsibilities accordingly to the employees after that the leader provides the direction through the development of the company’s vision which is required to be followed by those workers and this happens successfully through communicating with them so that he can connect with them time to time.

    A management of the organisations performs the following task which are recruiting , organising, staffing , providing directions and controlling these workers which are required for the completion of certain goals whereas a the role of a leader comes into existences in which he mainly focuses on the part such as listening these employees, building a good relationship with them which facilitates the team work coordination and also by inspiring , motivating and influencing them to push themselves from the limit for the accomplishment of the vision (Yang, 2016).

    The authority of a leadership is provided by the subordinates by selecting an individual as their leader whereas the manager is recruited by the firm according to his qualification and skills which are required for managing these workers for providing a quality service and production.

    While the manager works under the regulation of various policies and procedures which are made the organisation whereas the there is no boundation for the leader to control his leadership.

    The functions of a manager is totally on the science facts which requires certain standards , measures and logical reasons whereas for the leaders there is no theory required their role is much more like an art which has the ability to convinced people and influence them for achieving that standards (Chevalier and et. al.,2015).

    Manager deals with the dimensions of technicalities which are related to the content of jobs whereas the leader deals with the people , their role and the effects which can impact the organisation in many ways.

    Managers has the function of evaluating every employees with the basis of the information, past records in the log , his present performance level whereas leader observes the potential and calibre of the workers which has no standards for measurement and deals with the various future aspects.

    Functions of the managers are on the reactive basis whereas the role of the leaders are proactive completely. The role of leader comes first and then the managers manages everything.

    P3. Theories and models of leadership approach

    There are mainly three theories and models of leadership which are situational, contingency and system leadership which are follows:

    Situational Leadership Model

    This kind of leadership involves the changing of the various leadership according to the situations for the achievement of desired results these results must be obtain which is totally dependent on the present scenario. With this type of leadership trait it completely depends upon the leader to change his style with the need, not the subordinates which are following him. This leadership style may be seen as a continuous change because there are dynamic changes in the world which the leader has to face and cope up so that it may create a less impact on the employees. He have adjust his style so that he can maintain with the level of development of his followers which he is trying to influence. This leadership style model has certain aspects which are discussed as follows:

    Telling and Directing

    In this aspect the leader is responsible for taking important decisions and providing guidance to his followers for the achievement of the same (Situational Leadership.2018). This style may be regarded as he micro management where the leader is very much involved and supervises the employees very closely

    Participating and supporting

    In this type of style the leader allows his subordinates to be more responsible by providing them responsibilities for participating in the formation of various respective decisions of the company and provide suggestions for the same.

    Contingency Leadership Model

    This aspect of the theory depicts that the effectiveness in the leaderships comes from the adoption of various leader styles matching with the correct situation. This theory assumes that the styles of the leadership which includes various type of behaviour which cannot be influenced or modified by anyone. The leadership styles are rigid n nature which cannot be made flexible (Diels and Schindler, 2016). This model is completely contradictory to the situational leadership as the leader does not change his styles but the followers have to adjust with him. It is the combination of the three concepts which are relation of the leader and the member which states that there should be a bond of trust between the followers and the leader; other factor is the structure of the task where the clear picture of very activities should be given by a leader and the last one is the positional power where the measure of the power determines the level of influence

    System Leadership Model

    This leadership model totally focuses on the system first is very proactive and intuitive style of leadership. Where the leader analyses the strength and weakness of the organisation and its employees and keeping in mind the vision of the company he forms certain strategies which are totally in accordance to the need of the system so that it is friendly and easily adaptable by the followers (Rangarajan and, 2018).

    TASK 2

    P4. key approaches to operations management

    Operation management is defined as the process which involves utilising certain resources of the company in the manner which is very effective. The function includes focus on the maximisation of productivity with the optimum use of resources. It also involves certain activities concerning for the conversion of raw material into final goods and services.

    There are three approaches to Operation management which as Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, Just in Time inventory.

    Six Sigma

    Six Sigma is considered as the methodology which is used in the firm has the focus on the effort of team for the accomplishment of the work which results in the improvement of the performance. The manager has a important role in this aspect as he plans the strategy for the production of quality output. With the implication of Six Sigma one is able to eliminate the wastage of the inputs required.

    Total Quality management

    This concept involves the management of the quality in performing the task. This concept is to bring the efficiency in the production of a company (Ferguson and,2016). This approach finds the ways which can contributes towards the improvement of quality related to various products and services which are offered by company for the satisfaction of the needs of their customers.

    Just in Time Inventory

    This approach depicts the process of ordering the material through the supplier only at the time when there is requirement for the production. This concept makes sure that there is no wastage of time and the inputs required are available on time in the adequate manner. This concept makes sure that the quantity available is neither surplus nor shortage. This makes the system for production, efficient for the accomplishment for the objectives and goals set by the management for the particular project.

    P5. Role that leaders and managers play with regards to Amazon operations management

    The role of a manager and leader is very crucial in the operation Management of Amazon. They have very diverse role and facilitate the process of production and also retaining the quality with aspect to optimised usage of resources.

    Manager creates the functional impact in developing the global strategy for the successful business of Amazon which includes many tactics such as how to bring the complete utilization of several resources in the most effective manner which is very important. Managers successfully implement the concept of Six Sigma which completely vanishes the wastage of the resources and the production becomes very effective (Goleman, 2017). The role of leader is somewhere related to make employees aware of this concept and to know the value of applying in the procedure for working which increases the quality of the efforts they will apply. This helps in the betterment of the company in the aspect of producing goods for end consumers.

    Both leaders and managers works on the implementation of the total quality management in the production and operations in which the manager maintains the total quality strategies in which the management concerns on the subjects such as continuous changes in the activities of production from brining the improvement whereas the leader continuously motivates all the workers to concentrate on the quality of their work to bring out an extra ordinary output which not only will benefit the organisation but them also.

    Also these individuals try to maintain the inventories in the adequate amount so that there is no late in the process of producing goods as it can create loss to the company. Manager provides direction to the department of production and operations for keeping the resources and inventory in proper control and improving the level of production on the regular basis (McGuckin and et. al., 2017). Leaders performs the evaluation of performance of every worker for the particular time intervals and also keep the related track of inventories so that the he can influence them to use and estimate the correct amount of resources which are required for the effective process of company .

    P6. The importance and value of operations management in achieving business objectives

    Operations Management has a very crucial role for facilitating in the process of achieving objectives of the business in an organisation by providing various strategies that can control all the operations involved in the firm to provide the product to the end user from procuring of inventories to the final transportation to the consumer. It deals with the various aspects such as designing, operating and improving the systems which helps to create and delivering the goods and services of a firm. It also provides ensure about sustaining the efficiency and effectiveness in the firm. Efficiency can be related to how the resources such as specialists and inputs are put together in use in a well manner irrespective of the given purpose for the reason they are recruited (Heizer, 2016). Company conducts various activities to make sure that the primary goals of making profits and maximisation of shareholders value should be realised. The effective management of all the operations helps to reduce the cost and time factors for producing the end products because it makes sure that there is no halts in the operations and tries to remove if any one of them occurs and also procuring adequate amount of inventories on correct time and creating less wastage of resources in the production which leads to saving of the inventories for the future production which provides benefit to the company in return. It also provides various standards to measure the factors such as productivity of labour, output , capacity and the utilisation of it in an effect in an efficacious manner. This leads to the quality product which provides complete satisfaction to the customers which in turn increases the base of buyers in them market and helps to sustain and produce large profits which in turn is a great benefit to both employees as well as the firm.

    P7. the factors within the business environment that impact upon operational management and decision-making by leaders and managers

    Nowadays fever firm focuses on the need for the maintenance of the ethics, values and the sustainability in the environment and also for improving the relation with their customers so that they can completely satisfy them by their products and services on the basic of standards which are ethically permitted by the various regulating bodies. Amazon completely operates in the business environment which numerous competitors and company regularly thinks about the factors which can be competitive advantages for them so that they can have the largest share of the market and a huge customer base. They also focuses in the adoption of business which is sustainable can help to maintain the superiority in the position among the rivals. For this management and leadership plays a major role. There are various decisions which are very crucial and taken by both for the accomplishment of the goals and objectives of the company. There is a strong relationship between the functions which are performed by the management and the leadership styles which can create influence on the corporate social responsibilities of the organisation (Jacobs, Chase and Lummus, 2014). Managers implements the adoption of policies and prepares strategies which can affects the responsibility of a firm socially for the society. These policies can be related to protection of environment , providing satisfaction to the consumers, providing the products of high quality which are also affordable at the same time. The manager conveys these policies of the company to the workers and influences them to work according to the strategies which he has decided for the fulfilments of the goals. Whereas on the other side leadership helps to maintain a sense of coordination among employees by motivating, influencing them in a particular way so that they can provide a full efficiency for the accomplishment of the goals. Leader helps to know the employees according to their potential and also providing them suggestion for the improvement. The leader is coshed by the employees as he is the most preferred person among the workers and thy respect the advices and suggestion along with the decisions which are taken by him for certain aspects (Lawrence and et. al.,2015). He also keeps the peaceful and harmonious environment in the company so that the operations and production does not get impacted in a negative manner.


    It has been concluded that leaders and managers plays an effective role in the company which means that they concentrate on the production and operation management of the firm. There is a lot of differences in the manager and the leader and also their approaches and thinking procedure but both have the same goals which is the fulfilment of the objectives of the company. Also various approaches of the operation management have been discussed such as total quality management, six sigma and the Just in time inventories.

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