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    M/508/9862 - Evaluation Of Management Challenges In The Respect Of Construction Industry

    University: Icon College of Management and Technology

    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 8 / Words 2025
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: M/508/9862
    • Downloads: 1152
    Question :

    The scenario of this essay is based on evaluation of management challenges in the respect of construction industry that may create challenges in boosting confidence and understanding in future participation.

    • Analyse how construction industry is challenged by your selected management.
    • Evaluate complexities and links that associated with selected management challenges.
    • Provide appropriate examples that may represent how similar challenges have been overcome.
    • Discuss the skills and knowledge which are required in the practice of future profession.
    • Determine how different roles within construction industry can perceive success differently.
    • State relevant evidence to back up or contradict future position.
    Answer :


    Management refers to the systematic way of arranging all the activities and processes in a way that it can be able enough to achieve all the operations and processes in the most appropriate way. Management challenges can be considered as some factors that might act as a challenge or barrier at the time of implementing some operations or procedures. The essay is about discussing various challenging factors associated with the management and leadership in construction industry (Hughes, Champion and Murdoch, 2015). There are various factors that act quite challenging in this field and some well known examples of this can be considered as changes in scope, improper interactions, inadequate risk management etc. I think if these are not followed properly, these can actually throw a negative impact on the whole management of the processes of the construction. Therefore, according to me, focusing on a proper risk management, fewer interactions etc. are essential elements and are to be focused upon in order to maintain a balance between the functioning of different processes.

    Although there are various theories as well that can help in coping with the challenges in the construction industry such as human relations theory, theory x and theory Y, scientific management etc. I think out of all of them, scientific theory can be classified as the most efficient because it helps in making a better analysis of all the factors and the actual focus of using scientific theory is about making improvements in the overall efficiency of processes regarding the management and leadership in construction fields. Involving scientific theory in the management and leadership in the processes and operations of the construction industry, can actually help in analysing the factors where some factors can be improved. Making replacements and modifications there as soon as possible can be easily implemented with the scientific theory. This is the reason, why I think it can help in making an effective management in the management and leadership along with the various processes involved in the construction industry.


    I think there has been a variety of challenges faced by the construction industry but some very common examples include lesser interactions, lack of risk management etc. According to me, a pre risk management session can actually prove helpful because if construction is considered as the type of industry where there are the probability of various risks. So, if before only, an analysis will be made properly, the factors that can be termed risky or challenging can be considered so that proper measures for the same can be analysed. If all the risk factors can be analysed before only, proper preventive measures can be taken in order to control them. There can be various complexities that can arise with the same such as if the risks have not been analysed properly such as regarding electricity, lack of interaction etc., it can cause major complications. If in case there are naked wires supplying the electricity, then it can act as a major threat to the employees and staff members working in the specific site. It can prove very dangerous and also, can lead to major complications such as death as well. Therefore, this can be considered as very risky. Another challenging factor be termed as lack of technology adoption. Involvement of technology has proved to be advanced enough because it however helps in increasing the speed and rate of the processing of the operations and functions.

    Risk management is a very challenging task especially when involved with construction industry. There are certain incidents involved when risk management is not done properly. When there is unclear project objective it becomes a risk for the management and the labours. Poor estimation and scoping leads to incidents that happen and can be seen after the projects get completed. Proper budget planning is important in making the construction project successful. Poor budgeting can lead to higher loss and also due to poor budget low quality materials can be used by the contractors and that can lead to big damage or accident. If there is any problem in contract or insurance issue then also the project can be on a risk as it can be marked as legal or incomplete within certain time. The projects need to be completed in time given by project heads.

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    Otherwise, it can be a delay in payment for the contractors so proper amount of labour must be hired for reducing the risk of any incident regarding the project. Also, the quality of the materials used must be of good quality otherwise it can lead to some sort of accident that happens either during process of completion of project or after completion. Once the planning for work is done, the project needs to be tested first , if it qualifies the test then only it can be implemented for purpose. So testing should be done properly. If testing remains incomplete, there is big chance of any incident that happens after completion of project so the quality of material should be checked before using. It can risk anyone's life. There are many uncertainties in the construction project that needs to be identified.

    There is a huge requirement of some skills that can help in the future professionalism as well. I am focusing on some skills that acts essential enough in every single aspect, whether it is about the operations of the construction industry or about the other various aspects of the life. Although I am quite interactive but increasing the same could help me better because making well and efficient interactions with people can be termed as helpful enough because it helps in providing a sort of relief. When after work, it is obvious that some sort of exhaustion is being experienced by the person, so at that time, relaxing oneself using a variety of factors can prove much helpful. A very well known example of this can be considered as making interactions with the co workers (Cannon and Hillebrandt, 2016). Whether it is about the issues or the ideas, I think we can discuss it with the co workers because they can help us in providing better decisions. Therefore, I think interaction as one of the essential concepts that can prove beneficial enough. Also, along with this, focusing on sustainability is another essential factor to be adopted. It is because maintaining the sustainability is very important. I think trees are a very essential part of the world and so the same way, there are other resources as well that are equally important to maintain a happier and greener environment. So, maintaining sustainability is also one of the important aspects. It is considered as a term which means using and preserving the resources in a way so that the same can be used by the future generations as well. So, I think this is one of the essential concept that is to be involved in the construction industry.

    There are various people involved in the construction industry such as the site manager, engineers, employees of the office administration, staff etc. So, every single employee holds a different responsibility that also throws an influence on the overall processing of the operations. I think the role of the site manager is considered as very important because it involves monitoring of the operations that are going under them. It is obvious that there are various people involved in different operations, so a sort of monitoring on all the factors is important enough to ensure that all the processes are going in an appropriate manner. Also, I think this will prove helpful enough in analysing whether there are some factors that may act as a challenge or risk in the future. A pre analysis will help me in analysing all the risk and harmful factors, then on the basis of that, I can be able to ensure the risk factors, which will help me to evaluate them and analyse that how they can throw an impact on the other processes. By this way, it will help me to make a list of preventive measures so that I can be able enough to cope with the risks. There is a huge requirement of the basic skills for making the process much effective. I think that one of the well known examples of this can be classified as the communication skills. It means while involving in different processes of the construction industry, it is very important that the employees and the staff must have a good communication level (Walker, 2015). For that along with speaking, listening is equally important because no one wants to have a conversation with one that lacks in listening. When a person speaks about their thoughts, they must be capable enough to listen as well. It is because when a person speaks their own ideas and thoughts, it is obvious that they want to be listened as well. Any person who speaks their own ideas but does not listen to the other one can seem irritating. Therefore, according to me efficient communication skills can prove beneficial enough in maintaining better relationships with the other employees, thus making the whole environment happier and healthier.


    It can be concluded from the essay that there have been various factors associated with the construction industry and along with them, there are major challenges as well. So, it is very important to focus on the challenges such as lack of risk management, improper interaction skills etc. so that with the help of preventive measures, these can be resolved as soon as possible. It will further leas to a happier culture. Different people are involved in the operations of the construction industry and everyone is acquiring some specified roles. One of the most important role can be classified as the monitoring of all the processes and operations so that if there are any risks or barriers involved, they can be resolved as soon as possible. It also helps in making a better risk assessment so that the barriers and the challenges can be replaced and modified as soon as possible. This will further help in maintaining a balance between different operations.Different skills such as communication skills, pre risk assessment etc. can be involved because these are classified as the essential aspects that are required to be maintained in the operations of the construction industry. There are various types of challenges faced by the construction industry as well such as the lack of qualified and experienced staff and employees, lack of risk assessment etc. because of which the employees and the staff sometimes have to undergo major complications and issues. For this, the construction industry needs to ensure the fact that involvement of preventive measures is important so that the replacements can be done as soon as possible. Thus, it can help in maintaining a sort of balance between all the processing undergoing in the construction industry. Proper preventive measures can be involved in order to resolve the barriers and challenging factors, therefore it can be considered that the key challenges such as lack of risk management, interaction issues can be resolved, thus making improvements in the processing of the operations of the construction industry. From the whole essay, I have analysed that proper interaction skills along with the pre risk assessment etc. can prove very helpful in making modifications and improvements for achieving a sort of effectiveness in the procedures of the construction industry.

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