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    Managing Quality

    Introduction to Managing Quality

    It can be evaluated that it is essential for health care workers to provide better facilities to care users for achieving and enhancing quality in HSC. However, the organization following quality management perspective is required to undertake quality assurance and control processes so that delivered products and services can be attain consistent quality. The main aim of the report is to assess the quality standards for care home and thus enhances the quality services of care setting in order to attain satisfaction. Also, it is crucial for health and social setting to ensure that different policies and principles such as Human Rights Act, Equality Act should be followed so that best care can be rendered to individual. Furthermore, it is significant for care providers to undertake effectual tactics for achieving quality in HSC.

    The present study, overviews a case scenario that states that recently the local borough is facing the issue of spreading of infections diseases which is linked to Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) within their care home of elderly residents. Hence, being a care worker it is essential to overcome the prevailing conditions and thus provide better care faculties such as antibiotics to overcome the infection.


    1.1 The perspectives that stakeholders connected with HSC regarding quality

    There are different perspectives that connects stakeholders in regard to render the best quality services within HSC. These are discussed underneath

    Health care providers

    Care workers are the main strength of the HSC as they play the main role in delivering services to patients and fulfilling their needs. There are numerous care workers within care home such as doctors, nurses, support staff and management. Thus, all these people are required to handle and manage the quality of services within care setting so that satisfaction can be achieved. However, it is essential for them to assess the suspected infectious diseases and provide required antibiotics in order to overcome the people who suffered from such problems. For this care home management is required to provide proper training sessions so that care providers can learn to determine the requirements of patients and deliver the best quality services to overcome the infection. The living area of patients and their food should be safeguarded so that it does not come in contact with the virus.

    Care users

    The perspective of patients is that they required high class quality health care services from care home in order to improve their living conditions. Therefore, management of HSC is required to provide proper clean and healthy environment to care users so that they can prevent themselves from infection. For instance, it is essential for workers to provide safety guidelines to the care users regarding the protection measures and instruct elderly patients to avoid share eating, accommodation with anyone for certain time being.

    External governing bodies

    There are different external bodies such as Health Service Commissioners, Care Quality Commission etc. plays a main role to set the quality standards within care setting. Such governing bodies instruct care organization to undertake proper measures so that best quality services can be rendered to patients and help them to overcome diseases. It is crucial for care home to meet the possible standards as set by governing bodies of UK and render the best quality services to care users to achieve results.

    1.2 Role of external agencies in setting standards for quality in HSC

    There are different external agencies that play a main role in setting quality standards within care home. It is as follows

    Non-Departmental Public Bodies

    It is the main external agencies which involves National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Care Quality Commission (CQC) etc. However, all these bodies formulated policies for care home that they need to follow in order to provide quality services to patients. They also undertake different care home, hospitals and clinics in order to provide best practices safeguarding the interests of care users. Their main role is to implement effectual health care services and instruct patients to follow certain guidelines to avoid infections within care setting.

    Government Bodies

    It is essential for UK health care department to maintain certain policies with the aim to manage quality standards within HSC and for this they need to implement the best rules and policies to overcome infections. However, it is the duty of the care organization to enhance its service quality and provide best benefits to users. Also, the health inspector is required to monitor the implemented policies within care home that it is practiced regularly or not as it helps organization to overcome the infections. Thus, it is essential for government bodies to maintain standards such as avoid share eating, accommodation etc. so that infections can be avoided.

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    Charity organizations and NGO's

    It is the duty of charity institutions and NGO's for improving the quality measures and setting best care standards so that patients can be treated well within HSC. They keep a close watch on the principles such as Equality Act, and Discrimination Act so that no care users should be harmed by care providers. Also, it is essential for NGO and trustees to regularly visit the care home and measure the quality standards in order to overcome the infectious diseases. Different actions need to be undertaken so that service quality can be maintained within organization.

    1.3 The impact of poor service quality on the stakeholders connected within HSC

    It can be evaluated that rendering poor service quality has diverse impact on the stakeholders within HSC are as follows

    Social Impacts

    The main impact of poor service quality on care users is that it can cause harm to their health which sometime leads to death. Thus, it results in social impact that states that if people dies because of ineffective service quality then it affects the health and care policies formulated by government. For instance, with the aim to perform the duties well. Hence, it leads to perform poor quality services to patients within HSC.

    Personal barriers

    Furthermore, there are different personal barriers that lead to provide poor quality services to patients. For instance, such care providers fail to take initiative in order to provide quality services to users and thus fail to overcome infectious diseases. For instance, doctors and support staff faces issues regarding gaining proper training and mentoring regarding the equipment used in treating the patients so that it affects delivering services.

    Social barriers

    There are different social barriers faced by individual while delivering quality services to patients. For instance, ineffective communication is the main problem that is faced by care providers in order to render services to patients. Thus, due to lack of understanding among patients and service providers it affects the quality of health care services. Also, sometimes the service providers lack in developing connection with patients so that best relationship could not be developed.


    2.1 Evaluating the effectiveness of systems, policies and procedures used in HSC to achieve service quality

    It is essential for HSC to undertake effective systems, policies and procedures so that best quality services can be provided to patients in order to gain satisfaction. These are as follows

    Quality standards

    It is crucial for each and every care home to undertake different policies and principles such as ISO 9001 quality standard so that best quality services can be rendered to patients. For instance, as per the case study it is essential for service providers to implement different quality standards such as share eating, separate accommodation etc. so that infection can be prevented and thus helps in overcoming the diseases. Thus, it is crucial for the care home to provide proper quality standards as per the UK legislation so that best quality services can be provided to users.


    It is another crucial approach undertaken by care home that helps them to deliver effectual services so that needs and requirements of patients can be fulfilled. For instance, as per the case the service providers need to set specific standards such as no individual is allowed to share eating, accommodation etc. so that precaution can be made in order to overcome the infections.

    2.2 Other factors influencing achievement of quality

    Following are the different factors that need to be considered by the care setting as it influences the attainment of quality. These are as discussed underneath

    Expectations of service users

    It can be evaluated that there are different needs and requirements of patients so that it needs to be fulfilled by the care providers. For instance, the service users of the care home required proper antibiotics for the prevailing infection so that it can be overcome. Thus, care providers are required to arrange similar medicine and provide it to elderly residents so that they can restrict the diseases. Also, care organization is required to provide proper training to service providers so that they can determine the needs of patients and thus improve their skills with the aim to meet the needs. Thus, it influences in achievement of quality.

    Perception of service providers

    Furthermore, the perception of service providers also influence the service quality within care setting so that they can analyze the needs of patients and render best practices attaining results. Also, HSC needs to analyze the requirement of practitioners and provide them relevant training so that improvement in services can be attained within care home. Hence, it influences in attaining service quality for both short and long term.

    2.3 Way to enhances quality

    Following are the different ways that helps in improving the service quality within HSC are as follows

    To empower service users

    It is the best way to improve the service quality by empowering the service users and fulfilling their needs. For instance, the care home is required to provide freedom to patients in order to meet their relatives and friends so that they can overcome their diseases.

    Enhancing customer service

    Further, it is crucial for care setting to render the best quality services to individuals and thus attain goals. Through improving the service quality helps in developing the popularity of the care home and attain desired targets.

    Determining the needs of care user

    For instance, it is essential for care providers to determine the needs of care users and thus ensure best services to be rendered. Therefore, it is essential for patients to assess the requirement of antibiotics so that proper treatment can be provided to them and overcome the infectious diseases.


    From the report it can be identified that managing quality is the best way through which best practices can be rendered within care home. However, it also helps in overcoming the infectious diseases faced by care users. Moreover, care organization is required to maintain quality standards so that best practices can be provided to patients. At the end, different barriers such as personal and professional need to be overcome so that poor quality services can be avoided, seeking assistance from reliable sources like assignment help Australia could also prove beneficial in this regard.


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