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    Effective Time Management Skills

    University: Anglia Ruskin university

    • Unit No: 10
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 2 / Words 598
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: MOD003325
    • Downloads: 852


    Time mangement while working in a group is related with proper allocation of authority , resposibility and duties according to the skills of the employees. The present study is based on effective time mangement while working in a group of people. The report will explain the various problems that may occur while working in team and will also provide some sutable solution for the problem.


    Problem 1

    The team leader may face various challenges wile working in a team. They may encouter several issues such as lack of trust among the team member. It is very important while the people are working in a group.The generation of trust among people starts with knowing eachother. The employees must feel familiar with each other while working in a team in both the term professionallly and personally. It is very essential while they are working on any project that at time tensions may arise at some point .if there is lack of trust among the persons of group. They will not be able to understand eachother because of poor human interaction. Lack of understanding may create delay in completion of project.


    leader must try to build strong connection among the team members before working in team. They must organise event and programmes ,activities in order to build strong relationship among the various people of the group. In that event there should be a participation of each and every member. This will help in developing understanding among the group and increase the quality of relationship between individuals. The employees share their thoughts and ideas with eachother when there is a healthy relations among them. this will assist firm in getting several ideas in order to take various strategic decisions.and ultimately this will improve the individual growth as well as organisational growth.

    Problem 2

    leader may face the problem of arising the conflicts and differences among the team members. The entity must take possible actions in rder to resolve such conflicts.conflict may create differences in thinking of the people , variations in individual knowledge and information,. But that is not big issue for the company because different tinking will offer different ideas. But resolving such conflicts is more important.because the longer duration of conflict may reduce the level of performance of individual and ultimately, this will decrease the over all productivity and growth of organisation.


    In order ro resolve conflict among the team members, the concern must try to understand the situation from each persons point of view by actively listening to all the group members for three minutes.that will bring the clearity in finding the root cause of such conflict and assist in providing possible solution to resolve the conflicting situation.

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    From the above study it can be concluded that while working in a team the company may encouter with various challenges and problem. Such as lack of trust among group memebers, arising conflicting situations. The firm should organize various events and programmes in order build healthy relations among individuals. And must actively listen to the peoples for three minutes that assist in finding the root cause of problem.

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