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    Comprehensive Guide to the 7 P's of Marketing - H&M Strategy


    Marketing is the activity that is associated with a company for buying and selling activity. It is the process that involves several activities of attracting customers and enhancing sales. This report is based on, H&M which is a retail industry company founded in 1947 by Erling Persson. Products offered by them are clothes and accessories as well as they are operating in approx. 62 countries with almost 4500 stores. The below mentioned report is going to explain the marketing concept along with its current and future trends. There are several roles and responsibilities of a marketing manager within the company (Ahrens, 2011). Department of H&M is highlighted with their interrelation to each other. In the end, 7Ps of the marketing mix are explained and how they help in achieving objectives as well as marketing plan with the relation of 7Ps.

    TASK 1

    P1 Roles and responsibility of marketing function

    The marketing process consists of analysing different marketing opportunities, selecting the target market, developing a marketing mix with management and marketing functions that satisfies the customer's need and demand (Bird, 2012). The marketing process is as follows:

    • Situation analysis: Analysing or identifying the opportunities to satisfy the unfulfilled demand of the consumer. Basically the consumer needs and their purchasing powers. As the firm understand their own capabilities and the environment in which they want to operate. Firm analysis the present past and future aspects, as to disclose the gap between the consumer wants and what are offered to the customer.
    • Marketing strategy: One of the best opportunities to satisfy the demand of the customer's. By developing different strategy plans such as market survey, segmenting the market and positioning the offering with in the segment. And resulting out in the value proposition to the different target markets.
    • Implementation and control: At this stage,the marketing process need to developed and the product has been launched (Brooks and Simkin,2012). The result of the product depend on the marketing efforts made by the the firm and continuously monitoring and adaptation of change is required to fulfil the need and demand. So that the variances of the product can be adjusted on time. Often one small changes lead to dissatisfaction of the consumer.

    Marketing manager play a most important role in order to conduction marketing activities properly. They are responsible for each marketing activities as they assign duties to employees and evaluate the performance of the employees on regular basis. Such as:

    • Creates market plans: According to the nature of the marketing the managers of the marketing Manager of the H&M creates an action plan to launch the product in the market by analysing the need and demand,forecasting advertising,distribution of the product etc.. to carry out the marketing goals of the organisation and satisfy their customers.
    • Identifying the potential markets: To create demand of the good and services that is being produced by the firm (Cabrera and Williams, 2014). The Marketing managers of H &M continuously identify the new potential markets where the can maintain the customer relationship with the existing and the new customer.
    • Evaluate the products: Customers need and demand differ from time to time. H&M managers need to evaluate their produces on regular basis so that the can modify or alter their products according to the need of the customer and satisfy their customer.
    • Launch new product and services: H&M mangers attract new customer along with the exiting customer by evaluating the needs and wants of the consumer. According new goods and services are offers to the existing customer and to attract new customer as well.

    P2 Roles and Responsibility to marketing related to wider organisational context

    Marketing actives is influenced by all the department of the organisation as it encompasses the entire business of the organisation (Bellenger, Bernhardt and Goldstucker, 2011). In organisation each and every department is interrelated with each other which is important for easy and smooth flow of H&M. Moreover, it will result in generating high amount of profitability and employees satisfaction.

    • Production Department - H &M production department adequately research according to the quality of the product to satisfy the current and future trend of the customer.
    • Marketing Department - H&M marketing department closely work with the finance department to adequate the budget to meet the needs of the survey, promotion and distribution.
    • Human Resource Department - H&M marketing department works out with the human resource department to ensure effective skill staff to research and develop new ideas and creating ambitious sales team.

    TASK 2

    P3 marketing mix

    The marketing mix is the foundation model in marketing and it is set of marketing tools which is utilised by the organisation for pursuing its marketing objectives in the target. It involves mainly 7Ps of marketing. Explanation of these are as follows :-





    H&M has adopt a economic and affordable pricing strategy for its all products, which helps in attracting maximum number of customer. its main focus is to maintain affordable price and high quality products.

    ZARA has follows premium pricing strategy for all products (Coombs, 2012). Because premium price shows its high quality products.


    H&M has a wide range of cloths and accessories in its fashion brand, It offer products for Man, Woman, and children, and accessories, Its a one stop solution for all products.

    ZARA is a luxury fashion brand, It offer products for Man, Woman, and children, and in accessories Shoes, Purses etc.


    H&M has a lots of exclusive stores in major cities at major places, he is continuously boost stores across the world, It also use online platform for sell his products.

    ZARA products store are located in posh locations of the city (Friis, 2012). some stores are running with franchising partners. It also sell products through online channel .


    H&M uses multi channel promotional strategy, it includes TV ads, Magazine, Hoardings at major places, Social media platform, and they also hire famous celebrities etc.

    ZARA spends less amount on products promotion. Its main focus to open new stores rather than spend much amount on advertisement.


    H&M has a highly professional trained employees, who maintain a better customer relationship.

    ZARA is spending more amount on employees skill development so they will deliver a better customer service


    H&M process strategy is to maintain a good customer relationship which is playing an important role for its business expend, and it always try to improve and refine.

    ZARA staff is very customer friendly who assist his customer a best item, so it is helpful for the customer to choose a item. ZARA main focus to give best quality and speedily service and easy process to their customer,


    H&M stores are well decorated and arranged, which is always appealing for customers, the staff of the store is also humble and well trained, they invite celerities on their product launch which is create a better impact on customer.

    Looking wise ZARA'S store simple compare to other competitors, but mainly they focus on product quality and service.

    TASK 3

    P4 marketing plan

    Marketing plan is part of an business plan and there is requirement of solid marketing strategy for doing planning (Hsu, 2011). H&M is also designing proper plan for brining their product and services in the target market. Below mention are the steps of marketing plan :-

    Vision – H&M Business operation aim is to operate in such a way which is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.

    Mission – H&M mission is to drive long lasting positive modification for improving living condition of peoples through investment as well as innovative ideas.

    Marketing objective: H&M marketing objective is:

    • To attract more and more trendy and fashion loving customers to increase number of its profits by 10%.
    • To improve overall sale of company’s products by 20% in coming year.


    It is the concept of segmentation, targeting and positioning which is used by H&M for identifying its market wants and to frame effective policies.

    • Segmentation- Organisation subdivide the whole population in various groups on basis of some common features i.e., demographic, behavioural and psycho-graphic segmentation.
    • Targeting- Enterprise analyse a specific groups of customers. Main target of H&M is youngsters because they are found of wearing trendy clothes.
    • Positioning - H&M wants to position itself as an good retail company that offer quality products to its target audience in order to attracting customers.

    Marketing Mix:

    • Product- Deals in clothing and accessories of men's, women's, children.
    • price- H&M is using cheap and affordable pricing strategy
    • place- Offering in stores and department which is located at popular as well as well known shopping streets (Ionitã, 2012).
    • Promotion- H&M is using advertising, direct marketing as well as campaign for promotion purpose.
    • People- men's, women's and children's
    • process- H&M maintain good relation with customers by offering quality products.
    • physical evidence- H&M have good ambiance of their stores

    SWOT analysis of H&M



    • H & M introduce new and trending collections every session or month.
    • The quality of products is good and valuable for the price.
    • H & M do advertisement in bulk through subways, television, internet etc.
    • The respective company have wide product range of men, women, children and home.
    • H & M is a globally known brand.
    • The customer service of H & M is very poor.
    • The brand is referred to as cheap.
    • The E-commerce availability of products in certain countries is poor.



    • H & M can introduce more variety on online sites.
    • The respective company can expand in the US and in the Asian market.
    • H & M can establish more distribution centres. 
    • Competitors of H & M is huge like Zara, Forever 21.
    • The decline in consumer confidence is a threat for H & M.
    • The manufacturing cost of products in Asia is increasing.

    4 P's of H & M:-

    • Product:- H & M is a retail company of clothing, it offers clothing for men, women and children. Product range includes everything from designer and trending collection to daily basics, yoga wear, shoes, bags, accessories, beauty and ready to wear.
    • Price:- H & M offers high quality products at affordable prices. The main competitors of the respective company are Zara, Forever 21 and GAP, as compare to these company the price of H & M products is relatively low. Comfortable and high quality at a reasonable price attracts youth customers.
    • Place:- H & M sells its products through stores which is in major cities globally ( 4135 stores). In some places respective company offers its products through franchising partners it is due to regulatory norms of that place or country.
    • Promotion:-  H & M use wide channels for promotional strategies like TV advertising, YouTube, social media, promo codes and discount, sponsorships etc. through which they cover a large amount of target customers.

    Marketing Budget:

    Marketing budget


    1st year

    2nd year

    3rd year

    4th year

    5th year

    Initial money


















    Marketing outlay







    sales publicity






    Direct selling












    Monitoring and control: It involves different measures which is applied by the marketing manager for examining the results after implementation of marketing strategies (Langer and Heil, 2015).

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    From the above discussion, it has been concluded that marketing is important to process for every organisation because it helps in attracting customers and increasing sales. H&M is expanding their business in other countries also so in this procedure there is a requirement of marketing. There is a requirement of a professional for the entire procedure who is known as a marketing manager.

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