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    Marketing Roles And Obligations In Aldi

    University: Regent college

    • Unit No: 2
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 15 / Words 3686
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code:
    • Downloads: 1148


    Marketing is an ongoing procedure that helps in studying the management of exchange relationships between buyers and sellers. However, this element is used for satisfying the customer requirements in order to make long term connectivity with them. In simple terms, it’s a cluster of institutions, the process of creating, communicating, delivering as well as exchanging distinct offerings which is having value for users, clients, partners and society to a large extent (Dibband Simkin, 2013). ALDI is a successful organization in supermarkets by having a large number of branches in the international marketplace. Basically, the main objective is to grab the market opportunity for enhancing its performance by seeking the attention of final users. Therefore, this assignment is going to highlight the significant roles and obligations of the marketing department. Along with this, outlining the 7P’S by comparing ALDI with IKEA. Lastly, an appropriate marketing plan will be framed for understanding the factors which come under an effective plan.

    TASK 1

    P1 Roles and responsibilities of the marketing function

    The marketing department is all about promoting business and mission of an association in distinct marketplace with the help of various traditional and modern methods. Moreover, it’s their responsibility to reach out to prospectus, customers, investors or whole community in order to inform them about company’s product. ALDI is investing high range of funds in their marketing department in order to promote organizational goods across the distinct market. Their main motive is to target various types of users with the help of several modern methods of marketing in order to maximize the range of revenue (Pike, 2015).

    Current and future trends of marketing are discussed as follows-

    Current trends- Present strategy of marketing is a combination of past trends which has been enhancing more such as TV ads and print with additional new schemes which focussed on inbound practices. Therefore, some of the most common strategy of promoting products that are used today are- social media marketing, retargeting campaigns, and advertisement through text messages, targeted mails and internet video advertisements. 

    Future trends- It’s hard to forecast or assume future exciting promotional techniques but still it has been understood that there is a great improvement in technology in coming eras. 

    Overview of different market processes- It’s an appropriate method or process of conducting promotional activity in order to attain set objectives or goals in a defined time frame. Therefore, some of the essential which is followed by marketing team while process is detailed below-

    • Defining of problem or availability of opportunity for taking further initiatives.
    • Requisite to define research plan.
    • Accumulate necessary data or information.
    • Need to analyse the data and findings.

    It means, marketing team of ALDI is playing a very number of roles and responsibilities that is discussed as follows-

    • Listening to end users-As per this element, it has been understood that creating close relations with customers is a key to establishment of marketing strategy because connectivity helps an organization in understanding users need. As it helps associations while making plans, producing goods and various other things. Basically, suggestion from customer assists company to make products as per client’s requirements and needs. As a result, it will help in controlling extra cost which might incur without knowing about customer choice. Meanwhile, various methods are used by marketing team in order to understand opinions of end users such as; creating surveys, capturing information from sales executives which are close to final users and many more. On the other hand, this job of marketing team supports in maintaining positive relationship with customers which is beneficial for ALDI in future programmes.
    • Tracking current trends and monitoring competition- One of most necessary work which is accomplished by marketing department is to analyse the heights of competition and challenges that might rise at marketplace. Along with this, promotional team also track the current trends which are going at market for suggesting their production department while manufacturing process (Berkowitz, 2010).
    • Maintain professional connectivity with marketing partners- ALDI is having number of competitors in supermarket which influence their business in both manner either in negative and positive too. Therefore, marketing department of an association always tries to maintain an effective connectivity with suppliers or other competitors for running their business in smooth manner.
    • Innovate - They are responsible for coming up with creative ideas for seeking the attention of large number of customers in order to cope up with current changes that might incurred in various external and internal factors. For example; team of ALDI marketing is focussing on new promotions, affiliate programs, events, session, utilizing customer retention tools and doing enhancement in several other activities(Malhotra, Birksand Wills, 2013).
    • Manage marketing budgets- Funds is considered as most important aspect for every organization because all the business activities are accomplished with the use of sufficient amount of capital. Therefore, head of marketing team as well as other members are also liable for managing their budgets in order to reduce obstacles in their promotional process. For example; allocate resources in sufficient manner, use limited funds instead of wasting it henceforth.
    • Conduct promotional campaign- Responsibilities of marketing team is incomplete without conducting, planning or organizing various promotional campaign, programmes and events for informing customers about product quality and benefits. In fact, this action is foremost in maximization of sales performance because it will aid in influencing buying decision of customers by impressing them with creativity of presenting information.

    Hence, it has been understood that marketing department are surrounded with various roles and obligation as profitability of ALDI is somehow depend upon effective team of promoting goods across distinct marketplace.

    P2 Roles and responsibilities of marketing relate to wider organizational context

    Marketing team of ALDI is playing crucial role in their success by taking distinct measures which helps whole association in expanding their business in different market. Along with this, informing customers about company image, its position, profile, product information; its drawbacks and limitation and many other things. In fact, all the department of company is interlinked with each other and make decision by getting influenced by others. For example; change in external factor enforces an organization to make changes in their current policies, norms, rules and regulations(Perreault, 2010). It means, marketing department is connected with other section of an association also in various manner that is discussed as follows-

    Finance and marketing-Cost is indispensable for success of an organization because all the business activities are managed and controlled with the help of sufficient amount of funds. However, availability of appropriate funds is useful for conducting effective marketing activities which helps in generating maximum amount of profit level. It means, without funds an organization cannot able to reach at their final users.

    Production and marketing- As per this element, manufacturing department can only design products which are demanded by promotional team because they have direct relationship with end users. However, marketing team of an organization understand the views and opinions of various customers which are belong from distinct background in order to design products as per their choice or preferences. Therefore, team of marketing assist production department while designing goods in order to make corrective goods by considering necessary elements such as; current trends, choice, rivalries products and so on.

    HR and marketing- Personnel department is liable for hiring best or suitable employees for certain post of an association. However, ALDI is a large enterprise by having its branches in various regions due to which they need to follow an appropriate procedure of hiring employees. On the other hand, marketing team of an organization helps HR members in selection process by adverting the post through various media such as; social media, television, pamphlet, brochure, internet henceforth. All these strategies of marketing team help in seeking attention of eligible candidates for fulfilling the vacant position of an organization(Joshi, 2012).

    IT and marketing- IT is all about facilitating ALDI in protecting confidential data or information from getting misused as well as help in performing various business activities in better manner. Along with this, support marketing team of firm for safeguarding the customer data from getting misused by other in order to gain trust of clients. Moreover, usage of IT tools helps promotional team in gaining competitive advantage by grabbing current market opportunities.

    Throughout the analysis, it has been understood that marketing department of an organization is playing crucial role in the success of ALDI by supporting in various manner. For example; assist staff members towards their set objectives and goals which help in attaining set target in a defined time (Jonesand Rowley, 2011).

    TASK 2

    P3Comparison between 7P’s of ALDI and IKEA

    Marketing mix is all about cluster of various promotional factors which are used by an organization for attaining their sales targets in a minimum time period. Along with this, easily understand the opinions of desired users for continuing long term connection with domestic as well as foreign customers. However, 7P’S of marketing is used by ALDI and their competitors for managing their promotional activities in smooth manner. But, somehow there is a major difference between usage of 7p’s by ALDI and IKEA that is discussed as follows-

    Basis of comparison




    ALDI always claim to offer affordable food goods which are of similar quality as compared to other branded products. However, items which are sold by ALDI are sourced from few selected suppliers and then make it branded on their own in order to have full control over manufacturing process. Hence, this is a single reason which makes the cost of products lower than other competitors(Papasolomouand Melanthiou, 2012).

    On the other hand, IKEA is another leading global retail chain organization across international marketplace. However, goods which are offered by this organization covered high range of offerings. Mainly, this is classified into outdoor furniture, baby and children’s products, eating and many more goods. Instead of this, IKEA also keep kitchen cabinets as well as appliances henceforth.


    This organization is having a very strong base amongst customer because of cheap or minimum price and quality which is offered by company is of its own brand. Apart from this, there are some other policies which are utilized by ALDI are -Unit pricing strategy used for groceries, market penetration charges minimum prices for newly arrived products in order to enter into market for gaining share instantly henceforth.

    This association is competing with various global retail supermarkets as well as local also. Minimum price shows the vision of an organization and its business idea. As, this organization believes in designing furniture of low prices in order to use of furniture and household. Main objective of IKEA is to control the cost due to which company can easily minimize the price of its product(Lane, 2015).


    When it comes about location then, it has been analysed that ALDI group have more than 8000 stores in almost 18 countries. In fact, rough assumption is that in every week there is a new store in Britain. However, this organization believes in storing very simple layout for having minimum expense. On the other hand, ALDI make sure that minimum waste will incurred during transportation of products and prefer environmentally friendly equipment’s in its store.

    IKEA is having an outstanding place as well as distribution strategy as a part of its promotional scheme. However, product distribution of an organization is based on principles. Mainly, this association is having global networks such as; almost 25 plus distribution centres and having business operations in more than around 50 nations. Meanwhile, products are directly transferred from suppliers to IKEA.


    Promotional strategy of company is comprehensive and claim to be a cost-saving strategy. In few markets such as US, UK and Australian markets makes extensive use of print, electronic and display media for promoting its stores. Additionally, company is also making extensive use of e-mail service or marketing through which they want to inform its users about some special buys as well as launching of new products. Apart from this, some other mix is also used by company such as ATL (above the line)and BTL (Below the line) as a promotional strategy(Purvis, 2015).

    Marketing team of IKEA fully concentrated on its promotional activities. IKEA utilized promotional techniques such as TV, print, online advertisement, billboards and so on. However, company have launched wide advertising campaigns across UK.


    ALDI is having very lower customer service as compared to its competitors because staff members of an association is not supporting customer during selection process. Because, ALDI has very thoughtfully designed their stores in which everything is classified into appropriate sections that reduces number of employees requisite at every floor.

    On the other hand, IKEA is having utmost significance towards people such as its customers and employees. In fact, staff members believe in straightforward idea with full passion for home furnishing. Basically, togetherness is a major culture of employees as well as full of enthusiasm and fun.


    ALDI maintained very minimal number of high quality, nominally priced brands for preventing clients from getting confused. As a result, reduces selection duration.

    IKEA is having number of businesses processes in place from which almost 44 production units scattered across almost more 10 nations. However, this organization is having very much unique supply chain and stock management tools. Their slogan is based on clean environment and their designs get differentiated in terms of price.

    Physical evidence

    ALDI is internationally renowned for simplest business processes, standardization as well as global pricing. However, 85% of stock are almost home brand whereas rest are from well recognized brands.

    IKEA is having around 350 plus stores in closely nearly 50 countries. Physical evidence for this organization is its large store layouts that offer more than shopping experience. Additionally, their interior is just mind blowing and stores are packed with restaurants for refreshments as well as baby handling regions are also separately designed.

    TASK 3

    P4 Marketing plan

    ALDI is a top most brand in supermarkets which are famous for their unique policies and plans that make them from totally distinct from their competitors. However, this organization was originated in almost 1946 in Germany by 2 brothers Karl Albrecht and Theo Albrecht. Basically, company have initiated there operations mainly on limited assortment concept wherein qualitative products is going to sold but stock is limited in store. Marketing team of an organization have spent large amount of funds in their product promotions. Therefore, it is essential for making an effective marketing plan for attaining set objectives or goals in defined time frame (Bakerand Magnini, 2016).

    Marketing plan is a blueprint which consists of necessary roles and responsibilities of staff members in order to assist them towards their set objectives or goals. Some of the essential factors which fall under marketing plan are discussed as follows-

    Executive summary- This plan is going to describe the necessary information related with company as well as their direction towards which they are going. Therefore, some of the necessary factors which falls under marketing plan are; overview of an organization for understanding company market, another its vision and mission for directing employees towards corrective path, situational analysis for determining changes incurred, budget for setting funds for marketing activities and last controlling the negativity. Hence, all these elements will help in forming an effective plan free from maximum number of errors as well as aids an enterprise in attaining their set objectives or goals.

    Company overview -ALDI is a successful supermarket which offers grocery items to their desired customers and believes in satisfying customer needs or demand by putting single or unique piece of any item. Basically, this organization is expanded across number of countries for gaining maximum amount of advantages in order to set their top most position in retail sector (Moons and et. Al., 2010).

    Vision - They just wanted to enable Australian shoppers to live richer lives for less. Along with this, company wanted to offer opportunity to every individual that they must have groceries of top most quality in minimum price.

    Mission - They believe in “spending little, but living a lot”. Main or foremost mission of company begins when they are going to offer low quality products to poor who are not able to afford to shop. Basically, SMART objective of an organization is to improve their sales performance by 10% in coming 6 months by conducting promotional programmes in various other markets.

    Situational analysis- Internal and external factors are interlinked with each other due to which company needs to assess the changes or fluctuation in internal element and external too.

    • Internal-employees are playing major part because all the business activities are managed and regulated by them only. Therefore, company needs to understand their opinions also before making any final decisions. Along with this, suppliers are another factor whose understanding is requisite for company during material acquisition. It means mutual understanding of suppliers needs to available by informing them about necessary changes whatever is done in the plan (Nguyenand Simkin, 2012).

    Strength -

    • discounting chain and offer minimum price in supermarket as compared to other organization.
    • this company is having high level of consumer support because customers are enjoying discounting offers.

    Weakness -

    • Low margins for organization which create problem for them while attaining profit level.
    • lack of employee satisfaction level because employees are working in multiple shifts and paid less for their job.

    Threats -

    • high level of competition due to the availability of large number of players in supermarket.

    Opportunities -

    • customers are preferring this company due to minimum price.
    • External- These fluctuation are not control by organization due to which manager of marketing team needs to design their policies as per governmental demand and need for controlling probabilities of fraudulent activities.

    Budget- Funds are very indispensable for the success of marketing plan because all the business activities are accomplished by the help of sufficient amount of funds. For example; almost 50000 GBP is allotted for selected project in order to accomplish all the necessary promotional activities.

    Marketing expense






    Training and development


    Designing process


    Create videos, pamphlets etc.




    Control- After analysing the overall factor, an organization monitors the things for controlling the probabilities of mistakes and errors that might be incurred while accomplishing business activities.

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    From the above report, it has been summarized that the marketing team plays a very crucial role in the success of an organization because it helps in seeking the attention of a large number of customers. In fact, an entire team of promotion is having major responsibilities towards the success of an association because they are having direct connectivity with end users. Hence, they are liable for understanding the opinions and viewpoints of several users which helps other departments and organizations in performing their assigned job in a corrective manner. Apart from this, marketing mix is another strategy that is used by the top most players in the retail sector in order to promote their products across distinct regions. Therefore, for implementing all the necessary activities, an effective marketing plan is beneficial for controlling major probabilities of mistakes and errors.

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